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23.746 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Mord, Michael Jackson, Verurteilung ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

03.11.2011 um 08:15
Jackson's children cherish memories

Jacksons Kinder halten Erinnerungen aufrecht

(UKPA) – 22 hours ago

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Michael Jackson's children talk about him every day ~ Michael Jacksons Kinder reden jeden Tag über ihn

Michael Jackson's children talk about their father every day, the singer's sister has revealed.

Prince Michael, Paris and Blanket have been in the care of their grandmother since the pop superstar's death in 2009, but Michael's older sister Rebbie said their memories of him are still fresh.

"Every day, all the time when I'm around them, they say, 'Dad used to do this, Dad used to say it like that'. You hear it all the time," she said.

Rebbie revealed the children are also coping well with the current trial of Michael's doctor, Conrad Murray, who has pleaded not guilty to involuntary manslaughter over the singer's death.

"I've been around them and seen how they are and aware of it. They're dealing with it OK from what I understand, what I've seen, as best can be expected," she said.

Rebbie is in London with her brother, Jackson 5 star Tito, to mark the release of DVD documentary Michael Jackson: The Life Of An Icon.

Tito admitted he missed a lot about his brother. "Just being around him, performing, listening to music, having fun, family days. Just being a family, being my brother," he said.

"I just want people to remember the loving person he was, more than the music, how he cared. He was one of the few people that I know that I can put up in the category of some of the greats such as Dr (Martin Luther) King. He changed the world, he did it through his music, that was his thing, Dr King did it through speech. Michael did make a difference, and he's still making a difference today."

Copyright © 2011 The Press Association (Archiv-Version vom 04.11.2011)


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03.11.2011 um 08:22
Michael Jackson's children 'talk about their father every day'

Michael Jacksons Kinder "reden jeden Tag über ihren Vater"

By Andrei Harmsworth - 2nd November, 2011

Michael Jackson’s children talk about their father every day, the singer’s sister has revealed.

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Prince, Blanket and Paris Jackson talk about their father Michael every day (Picture: Getty)

Prince Michael, Paris and Blanket’s memories of their father, who died in 2009, are still fresh, said the Jacko’s older sister Rebbie.

‘Every day, all the time when I’m around them, they say: “Dad used to do this, dad used to say it like that.” You hear it all the time,’ she said.

The children are also coping well with the ongoing trial of Jackson’s physician Dr Conrad Murray, who denies involuntary manslaughter.

‘They are aware of it. They’re dealing with it OK from what I understand, what I’ve seen,’ Rebbie, 61, added.

She was in London with her brother, Jackson 5 star Tito, to mark the release of the DVD documentary Michael Jackson: The Life Of An Icon.

Tito admitted there was much he missed about his brother.

‘He was one of the few people that I know that I can put up in the category of some of the greats such as Dr Martin Luther King,’ he said. ‘He changed the world, he did it through his music, that was his thing.’ (Archiv-Version vom 05.11.2011)


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03.11.2011 um 08:32
Exclusive: Michael Jackson's siblings Tito and Rebbie speak out about his last days

By Lucy Carne
The Daily Telegraph
November 03, 2011 8:10AM

* Tito and Rebbie Jackson talk about famous brother
* Barred from seeing King of Pop by security team
* "We couldn’t get to him. He had a fortress around him"

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Tito and Rebbie Jackson arrive at the world premiere of film 'Michael Jackson: The Life Of An Icon' in Leicester Square in London. Picture: AFP PHOTO / Ki Price

TWO of Michael Jackson's siblings said they knew "something bad was going to happen" in the months before his death but could not get to their brother because of his aggressive staff.

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Michael Jackson was surrounded by security in his final says, says his brother.

Tito and Rebbie Jackson revealed in an interview with the Daily Telegraph in London that they were barred from entering the singer’s property by his security team and were unable to reach Michael by phone before he died in June 2009 from a dose of the anaesthetic propofol.

"We had premonitions. I always felt that if nobody stepped in, somebody was going to do something bad," the singer’s sister Rebbie, 61, told the Daily Telegraph.

"We tried many, many times - interventions and everything else.

"We couldn’t get to him. He had a fortress around him.

"It’s sad, ugly scene with people like that, when they see you coming they run the other way.

"People want to continue staying on that payroll. They don’t want you to rock the boat."

Michael’s elder brother Tito, 58, said he got into physical fights with his brother’s security team who blocked him from seeing the star.

"It was easier to get to Obama," Tito said.

"We couldn’t get through at all."

Michael Jackson’s private doctor, Conrad Murray, is currently on trial in Los Angeles for the involuntary manslaughter of the star who died in the bedroom of his LA mansion at the age of 50.

Tito said his brother had developed a serious drug addiction following horrific scalp burns he received during a pyro accident shooting a Pepsi commercial in 1984.

"The Pepsi commercial started it but it grew from there," he said.

The siblings were promoting a new film on the star Michael Jackson: The Life of an Icon, which premiers this morning.

Tito said the film, which follows Michael Jackson’s life from a talented child to his death, was a form of closure for the family.

"The more people know the real deal the better I feel about it," he said.

"For people to have the false story and not what happened, it bothers me."


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03.11.2011 um 08:38
Jackson documentary to premier in British capital

November 2, 2011 2:11 PM

(AP) LONDON — As the world awaits the closing arguments in the trial of Michael Jackson's doctor, a documentary celebrating the singer's life and defying his detractors premiered in Britain.

"Michael Jackson: The Life of an Icon" was shown at London's Empire Leicester Square on Wednesday, with two of Jackson's siblings, Rebbie and Tito, in attendance.

Producer David Gest said the documentary aimed to set the record straight about the late King of Pop, who died in 2009.

"I woke up one morning and said I'm going to make a movie about Michael's life because I was tired of reading ... all these tales that were so fictitious, and I thought let's set the story straight but let's give the people a movie that says something new," Gest said.

Gest said the film features interviews with family and close friends, as well as never before seen footage and photographs of the star.

Jackson's mother, Katherine, canceled a planned trip to London to attend the final days of the Los Angeles trial of Dr. Conrad Murray.

Rebbie Jackson said the singer's three children — Prince Michael, Paris and Blanket — were coping well with the trial.

"I've been around them and seen how they are and they are aware of it," she said. "They're dealing with it OK from what I understand, what I've seen, as best can be expected."

The movie was released on DVD and Blu-ray in Britain on Monday.


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03.11.2011 um 08:53
7SzvH1 hlntv headline 01.11.2011

JjxTXI janet jackson 01.11.2011

Family discussions prompted her to temporarily drop her tour last month to return stateside for the Conrad Murray trial. But now, Janet Jackson is back in Australia for more concert dates as the courtroom saga over Michael’s death continues.

Janet’s website says the singer touched down in Queensland today, and she’ll be performing shows throughout the country until November 8.

“Janet is a wonderful artist and it is great news that she has arrived back in Australia safely to perform for her fans,” Australian promoter Paul Dainty told the site.

What do you think of Janet going back on tour now? Weigh in with your comments! (Archiv-Version vom 03.11.2011)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

03.11.2011 um 09:11
Closing arguments set in trial of Michael Jackson's doctor

By Alan Duke, CNN
November 3, 2011 -- Updated 0731 GMT (1531 HKT)

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* Jurors have two theories of guilt to consider for Dr. Conrad Murray
* Prosecutors say Murray's use of propofol for Jackson's insomnia was criminally negligent
* The defense contends Jackson gave himself the fatal overdose


* Juroren haben zwei Theorien der Schuld für Dr. Conrad Murray abzuwägen
* Die Staatsanwälte sagen, dass Murrays Gebrauch von Propofol für Jacksons Schlaflosigkeit kriminell fahrlässig war
* Die Verteidigung macht geltend, Jackson gab sich selbst, die tödliche Überdosis

Los Angeles (CNN) -- Jurors in the involuntary manslaughter trial of Michael Jackson's doctor will hear closing arguments from the prosecution and defense Thursday, with deliberations on Dr. Conrad Murray's fate expected to begin late Thursday or Friday.

It follows 22 days of testimony from several of Murray's girlfriends and patients, Jackson employees, paramedics and emergency room doctors, investigators and medical experts.

Jackson's mother will sit on one side of the courtroom, while Murray's mother is likely to be seated on the other end Thursday as the seven men and five women on the jury listen to each side sum up their case.

Jackson was preparing for a series of 50 shows in London, part of a career comeback, when he died on June 25, 2009.

Murray told detectives in an interview two days after Jackson's death that he had used the surgical anesthetic propofol to help Jackson sleep nearly every night for the previous two months, with the exception of his last three nights.

He was using the sedatives lorazepam and Midazolam in an effort to wean Jackson off of propofol the morning he died, Murray said. When those drugs weren't working after almost 10 hours of trying, he gave him a single injection of propofol, which did put Jackson to sleep, he said.

Jackson's death was caused by "acute propofol intoxication" in combination with two sedatives, the Los Angeles County coroner ruled.

The prosecution contends Dr. Murray's use of propofol to treat Jackson's insomnia was so reckless it was criminally negligent and caused the singer's death.

Murray failed to perform the legal obligation as a doctor because his treatment egregiously and extremely deviated from the required standard of medical care, the prosecution alleges.

The defense contends that Jackson, not Murray, administered the fatal doses of propofol and sedatives the coroner ruled killed the pop icon. He was so desperate for sleep, and afraid his comeback concerts would be canceled without it, that he injected himself while Murray was not watching, the defense argues.

Prosecutors say it makes no difference how the propofol got into Jackson's blood since it was Murray who brought the drugs into the bedroom and left him alone long enough to die.

Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge Michael Pastor will start Thursday's court session by instructing the jury on the law guiding the decisions they must make.

The jury must unanimously agree on one of two theories in order to convict Murray on the single count of involuntary manslaughter.

The first theory is that Murray's administration of propofol to Jackson was criminally negligent and it caused Jackson's death.

Although it was legal, as a licensed doctor, for Murray to administer propofol to Jackson, they could find he was reckless in the way he did it, which created a high risk of death.

Criminal negligence requires more than just ordinary carelessness, inattention, or mistakes in judgment, the judge will tell jurors. A reasonable person would have to have known that the action would create such a risk of death.

Prosecutors have laid out a list of acts they allege were negligent, including not having other medical staff present when propofol was used, a lack of monitoring equipment, ineffective resuscitative care when Jackson stopped breathing and a delay in calling for an ambulance.

Using propofol, which is intended to sedate surgical patients, for sleep was another egregious deviation, they argue.

The second theory that jurors could accept is that Murray, who assumed a legal obligation to care for Jackson when he became his physician, failed to perform this legal duty by deviating from standards of care required of a doctor, including, when he left him alone and unmonitored after administering propofol.

The judge asked lawyers to finish their closing arguments by the end of Thursday, so the jury could begin deliberations.

Murray, if convicted, faces up to four years in prison and the loss of his medical license.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

03.11.2011 um 09:23
Katherine Jackson statement on world premiere ‘The Life of an Icon’

Added: November 1st, 2011
Author: admin Wesley

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Katherine Jackson has cancelled her appearance at the world premiere of Michael Jackson: The Life of an Icon on November 2nd. Michael’s mother will remain in Los Angeles for the closing stages of the trial of Conrad Murray, accused of the involuntary manslaughter of her son in 2009.

The world premiere event will go-ahead with Michael’s brother Tito, sister Rebbie and producer David Gest. The trio will answer questions submitted by Michael Jackson fans in a global live Q&A to launch the movie about Michael’s life.

Katherine Jackson has issued the following statement:

“I am very sorry that I cannot attend the World Premiere in London of a film I so strongly believe in, Michael Jackson: The Life of an Icon. Due to the verdict in the trial of Dr Conrad Murray possibly being at that time, I want to be present in the court room for reasons I am sure everyone in the world will understand.

David Gest, who was one of Michael’s closest life-long friends, has done a brilliant job in enlightening people to who the real Michael Jackson was. This movie is a true vindication of my son and some of the terrible things that he was put through in his life. I hope people will watch this film and understand more.”


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03.11.2011 um 09:25
Film producer David Gest promises fresh take on Michael Jackson

Added: November 2nd, 2011
Author: admin Wesley

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Reality TV star and concert promoter David Gest has promised fans a fresh insight into Michael Jackson in his documentary about the late “king of pop” which has its premiere in London on Wednesday. Gest has teamed up with Universal Pictures to make Michael Jackson: The Life of an Icon, released this week on Blu-ray and DVD with the blessing of Michael’s mother Katherine.

“This is not a rehashed story,” Gest told Reuters in a recent interview to promote the picture. “It’s totally new in what you learn.” The producer, a long-time friend of Michael, is also involved in a singing and spoken-world tribute tour to Michael which kicks off in Britain next spring. His projects are part of a series of Michael Jackson-related events that have been staged, screened or planned since Michael died in June 2009.

Asked if Gest felt such projects were merely attempts to cash in on Michael’s name, Gest replied: ”There’s a place if it tells a story that nobody knows and you enlighten the public (as) to who he is. I think if a project is interesting and new and different people are fascinated by Michael Jackson,” the American added.

“I think the Cirque du Soleil show is brilliant. I think people will be entertained by my film. This film is so different because I would say 90 percent of it is new information you have never heard. ”You see who the man was behind the music.”

The Life of an Icon features interviews with Katherine Jackson, Michael’s siblings Tito and Rebbie and friends and colleagues including Smokey Robinson, Dionne Warwick and Whitney Houston. Tito discusses what the family went through during the child molestation trial in 2005 where his brother was eventually acquitted on all counts.

The film traces Michael from his breakthrough in the Jackson 5 to his rise to fame as a solo artist through to his sudden death in Los Angeles.

“You see Katherine Jackson in a totally different light,” said Gest. “She’s very honest and she’s very open and you really feel for her, especially when you see her talking about his death and how it affected her.”

Gest promised amusing anecdotes as well as moving recollections. One, he said, involved Houston recalling a visit she made to Michael’s Neverland Ranch in California where she was involved in an embarrassing mealtime mix-up between Michael and his pet chimpanzee Bubbles.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

03.11.2011 um 09:34
auch das gab es mal ... MJ trug eine Jacke mit einem Diana Ross "Bildchen" auf dem Rücken und Diana Ross trug ein T-Shirt, mit MJ auf "ihrer Brust" ... :D

jeFTjW dianaross40yearsOriginal anzeigen (0,3 MB)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

03.11.2011 um 12:23
ob Mj hier gerade zu Mittag gegessen hatte ??? da zeichnet sich doch ein kleines "Bäuchlein" ab ... :D

26LDwS showerimdb


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

03.11.2011 um 13:25
Dr. Arnold Klein tweetet munter weiter ... dieser Mann ist voll frustriert ... uneins mit sich und der Welt/Umwelt ... Arnie zweifelt total an dem amerikanischen Rechtssystem usw. ... :)!/awkmd (Archiv-Version vom 03.11.2011)
awkmd Arnold Klein
one finds information everywhere. Michael's death is real but I know much more than i have said.
vor 3 Stunden
man findet überall Informationen. Michaels Tod ist real, aber ich weiß viel mehr, als ich gesagt habe.

awkmd Arnold Klein
@AlbertBrooks i miss Monica Johnson!
vor 4 Stunden

awkmd Arnold Klein… 65 or over protects from M. Khilji,J. Pfeiffer, R. Charnley,B. Boyer who illegally released jackson's records.
vor 4 Stunden (Archiv-Version vom 12.09.2014)
65 oder darüber, schützen M. Khilji, J. Pfeiffer, R. Charnley, B. Boyer davor, die Aufzeichnungen Jacksons illegal veröffentlicht zu haben.

awkmd Arnold Klein
Michael death is not a hoax but the overpay of Judge Pastor and questionable history of Murray are issues
vor 12 Stunden
Michaels Tod ist kein Scherz [Hoax], allerdings sind die Geschichten vom überbezahlten Richter Pastor und dem fragwürdigen Murray Themen

awkmd Arnold Klein… oxy and all the other pills that fill pharmacist shelves
vor 12 Stunden
Oxy (= Oxycodon, Schmerzmittel, der Gruppe der Opioide) und all die anderen Pillen, die die Regale der Apotheker füllen

awkmd Arnold Klein… why are we paying our LA Judges double...this is illegal!
vor 15 Stunden
warum bezahlen wir in Los Angeles unsere Richter doppelt ... das ist illegal!


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

03.11.2011 um 13:48
ein paar Tweets von Charles Thomson, der auch zur Premiere von "Michael Jackson: The Life of an Icon" in London war ...!/CEThomson (Archiv-Version vom 03.11.2011)
CEThomson Charles Thomson
@cocobelle79 I'd love to see some of those clippings!
vor 5 Minuten

CEThomson Charles Thomson
@ArthurHale Did you like the film?
vor 5 Minuten

CEThomson Charles Thomson
@Cassie_Mollie That right in the middle of all that turmoil and heartache, he could still find it in himself to be thankful and humble.
vor 6 Minuten

CEThomson Charles Thomson
@Cassie_Mollie was the greatest thing that ever happened in his life. She said that illustrated what kind of person he truly was.
vor 7 Minuten

CEThomson Charles Thomson
@Cassie_Mollie She said that about a week before the verdict he thanked her & Tom & said his family introducing him to the pair of them...
vor 7 Minuten

CEThomson Charles Thomson
@Akkaside Thanks :)
vor 10 Stunden

Akkaside Angela Kande
von CEThomson
I finally read Charles Thomson's article "One of the Most Shameful Episodes In Journalistic History"… Brilliant! <--RT
vor 10 Stunden


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

03.11.2011 um 13:56
Tito Jackson says film shows Michael's loving nature

Tito Jackson insists fans will learn a lot about the loving nature of his late brother Michael when they watch new documentary 'Michael Jackson: The Life of an Icon'.

03 November 2011 11:30 GMT

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Tito Jackson says people will learn that Michael Jackson was a loving man who wanted to "to change the world" when they watch new documentary 'Michael Jackson: The Life of an Icon'.

The singer appears in the film - which features interviews with more than 50 of the music legend's closest friends and family members and focuses on his rise from child prodigy to the 'King of Pop' and his shock death in June 2009 - and insists it shows aspects of his brother's life the public would not be aware of.

Speaking at the film's UK premiere at the Empire Cinema in London's Leicester Square last night (02.11.11), Tito told BANG Showbiz: "The documentary made me laugh, it made me smile, cry, I went through a lot of emotions, and a lot of memories ... I think the fans will learn a little more about Michael, what he was like and who he is, what he meant and what the fans meant to him. He loved everyone and he adored his fans. In his music he tried to give messages to make the world one unit. He wanted to change the world and help those who were in need, and he did. He left some beautiful music and things and the messages in his songs are brilliant and I want them to last forever."

Jackson 5 star Tito's sister Rebbie also appears in the documentary - which was produced by Michael's close friend David Gest and directed by Andrew Eastel - and she admits her interviews for the film had a cathartic effect on her.

Speaking on the red carpet, she said: "It was emotional to be part of it, I didn't think it was going to be as emotional as it is, but I'm happy I did it, because as much as I wanted to do it for myself as a type of therapy, I really wanted to do it for Michael. I wanted people to really see what actually happened."

A host stars attended the premiere, including producer David, Alexandra Burke, Peabo Bryson, 'EastEnders' actress Patsy Palmer, 'Jimmy Mack' singer Martha Reeves and Jodie Marsh.

'Michael Jackson: The Life of an Icon' - released by Universal Pictures - is available to buy on DVD and Blu Ray now.

Copyright (C) 2011. (Archiv-Version vom 04.11.2011)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

03.11.2011 um 16:41
geht es heute weiter ????


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

03.11.2011 um 16:43!/abc7MurrayTrial (Archiv-Version vom 03.11.2011)
abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
@SantaBarbaraPR @posmike You're correct! To find Dr. #Murray guilty, or to acquit him, all 12 jurors must agree on the verdict. #MurrayTrial
vor 2 Minuten

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
@r2dturk It's very unlikely there will be a verdict today, since we have lots of steps to complete before jury finally gets the case.
vor 4 Minuten

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
#MichaelJackson family present today: mother Katherine, father Joe, sister La Toya and brother Randy Jackson. #conradmurraytrial
vor 3 Minuten

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Big demand 4 public lottery today. 61 people showed up hoping to get inside the courtroom. Many of these people are media members, though.
vor 5 Minuten

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
We'll be inside the courtroom during deliberation so we can tell u everything that's happening. We'll alert everyone when we hear the buzzes
vor 8 Minuten

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
There's no way of knowing how long the jury will be out deliberating. When we hear 3 buzzes in the courtroom it means there's a verdict.
vor 10 Minuten

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Here's the plan: trial resumes at 9 am, judge will read jury instructions, both sides will do their closing, more instructions, deliberation
vor 11 Minuten

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
@kysisson Today we enter the final phase of the trial, with jury instructions and closing arguments. After that jury will deliberate.
vor 15 Minuten

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Crowd gathering outside the courthouse. #ConradMurraytrial
vor 20 Minuten

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Dr. #ConradMurray's supporters also present outside the courthouse. #MichaelJackson
vor 21 Minuten

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
More fans on standby. #ConradMurraytrial
vor 22 Minuten

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
#MichaelJackson's fans waiting for family to arrive outside the courthouse.
vor 23 Minuten

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Good morning from the courthouse in downtown LA. Last phase of #ConradMurraytrial to begin in about an hour.
vor 38 Minuten


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

03.11.2011 um 16:44

ja, um 9:00 AM/PT ... bei uns dann 17:00 H

heute kommen die Schlussplädoyers ... :D


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

03.11.2011 um 16:49
Conrad Murray
Manslaughter Trial Is a Beach


The day after Conrad Murray's defense team rested their case in his manslaughter trial, the doc enjoyed a day at the beach with his girlfriend Nicole Alvarez and their son in Santa Monica on Wednesday.

Closing arguments are scheduled to begin this morning -- and some experts believe there is a good chance the jury could return a verdict by the end of the week.

This is how he rolls ... his jeans.

Last night, Conrad went to Gladstones in Malibu with some of his former patients for a fancy pre-closing arguments dinner.

We asked Murray if he regrets not testifying on his behalf ... but it was obvious what his biggest regret was ... no leftovers wrapped in those awesome tinfoil swans.

Video im Bericht .....


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

03.11.2011 um 16:50

Conrad Murray Trial
It's Closing Argument Time!

4 minutes ago BY TMZ STAFF

It's now or never ... bottom of the 9th ... both sides in the Conrad Murray manslaughter trial have one last shot to sway the jury ... when closing arguments begin this morning.

After that, the judge will give final instructions to the jury ... and then it's off to the races!!

Some experts believe there's a good chance they could return a verdict before the weekend.

Stay tuned. (Archiv-Version vom 04.11.2011)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

03.11.2011 um 16:55

Danke 066 .... :D :D :D


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

03.11.2011 um 16:55
ein Bild vom Video aus dem TMZ Bericht ... Beitrag von heute um 16:49h

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