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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.746 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Mord, Michael Jackson, Verurteilung ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

26.10.2011 um 23:11

Danke, ich wünsche dir auch eine gute Nacht ... träum was schönes ... so wieso, alles wird gut ...

natürlich läuft da ein Film^^ ab, was denn sonst ... ein Horror Thriller, oder ???? :D :D :D


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

26.10.2011 um 23:14

auch dir eine gute Nacht ... schlaf und träume schön ... bis dann :D :D


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

26.10.2011 um 23:40
Michael Jackson's doctor Conrad Murray tears up during character witness's testimony

October 26, 2011 4:33 PM

AP111026040878 244x183

(CBS/AP) LOS ANGELES - Dr. Conrad Murray, the doctor charged in Michael Jackson's death, cried Wednesday during testimony from the last of five character witnesses who told jurors he was thorough and caring and not motivated by money.

Murray teared up as one of the witnesses, Ruby Mosley, recalled the physician founding a clinic in a poor community in Houston in honor of his father.

Mosley said Murray never would have founded the clinic if he had been greedy, as prosecutors have previously suggested.

"When you went to the doctor, in his office, you did see a sign when you walked in that (said), `Pay at the time that services rendered,'" Mosley said. "You did not see a sign that said present ID or your insurance card ... You saw the doctor first."

Murray continued to wipe his eyes for several moments after Mosley left the witness stand. She was the last of five character witnesses that Murray's attorneys called Wednesday during the doctor's trial. He has pleaded not guilty to involuntary manslaughter in connection with Jackson's June 2009 death..

The trial recessed for the day after Mosley's testimony and was expected to resume Thursday with the final defense witnesses - a pair of medical experts.

Authorities contend Murray gave Jackson a fatal dose of the anesthetic propofol in the singer's bedroom, while Murray's attorneys claim the singer gave himself the lethal dose when the doctor left the room.

Prosecutors have branded the Houston-based cardiologist as inept and reckless while caring for the pop superstar. (Archiv-Version vom 27.10.2011)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

26.10.2011 um 23:50
Krankenschwester: Jacko bat mich um Narkosemittel

26.10.2011 — 21:02 Uhr

Michael Jackson bat auch seine Krankenschwester Cherilyn Lee um Narkosemittel, gab diese am Dienstag vor Gericht zu Protokoll

Michael Jackson († 50) hat nach Aussage einer Krankenschwester schon zwei Monate vor seinem Tod um das Narkosemittel Propofol gebeten.

Jackson verlangte demnach die intravenöse Behandlung mit der Propofol-Sorte „Diprivan“: „Er sagte mir, 'Das Einzige, was mir beim Einschlafen helfen kann, ist Diprivan (Anm. d. R.: Propofol). Kannst du jemanden finden, der mir beim Einschlafen helfen kann?'“, so gab es die Krankenschwester Cherilyn Lee am Dienstag vor Gericht zu Protokoll.

Lee lehnte es eigenen Angaben zufolge jedoch ab, dem Sänger das Medikament zu verabreichen, da es sich um ein Narkosemittel für Operationen handelte.

„Was, wenn du nicht aufwachst?“, will Lee den Sänger gefragt haben. Jacko antwortete angeblich: „Mir wird es gut gehen, ich brauche nur jemanden, der mich beaufsichtigt, wenn ich schlafe.“

Die Mediziner hätten ihm versichert, dass er das Mittel nehmen könne, so lange er unter Beobachtung bleibe, zitierte die Krankenschwester den „King of Pop“ vor Gericht.

Nur zwei Monate nach diesem Gespräch war Michael Jackson tot.

Al Walser, der für aus Los Angeles berichtet, meint: „Man hat gemerkt, dass sie emotional und nervös war.“

Cherilyn Lee brach vor Gericht in Tränen aus: „Mir ist ganz schwindelig. Es ist wirklich schwer für mich, darüber zu sprechen.“

Am Montag hatte bereits der Arzt Allan Metzger vor Gericht erklärt, Jackson habe schon zwei Monate vor seinem Tod im Juni 2009 um ein intravenöses Schlafmittel gebeten, aber kein spezielles Mittel angefordert. Auch Metzger erklärte, dem Popstar nie etwas gespritzt zu haben.

Die Staatsanwaltschaft wirft Jacksons Leibarzt Conrad Murray (58) fahrlässige Tötung vor – sie ist überzeugt, dass der Leibarzt Jackson die Überdosis Propofol gegeben hat, die zum Tod des King of Pop führte. Im Fall einer Verurteilung drohen ihm bis zu vier Jahre Haft.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

26.10.2011 um 23:59
Wichtiges Jacko-Video gelöscht

25.10.2011 — 15:34 Uhr

Ehemaliger Arzt Metzger: Auch ihn bettelte Michael um Medikamte an

Murrays Anwälte behaupten, die Polizei hätte bei der Dokumentation von Jackos letzten Stunden schlampig gearbeitet. Wichtige Videobänder sind gelöscht worden

Die Verteidiger von Michael Jacksons († 50) früherem Leibarzt haben ihre ersten Zeugen vor Gericht in Los Angeles vernommen.

Conrad Murrays (58) Anwälte behaupten, die Polizei hätte bei der Dokumentation von Jacksons letzten Stunden schlampig gearbeitet, wichtige Videobänder gelöscht.

Die Murray-Verteidiger zeigten bei der gerade begonnen zweiten Phase im Jackson-Prozess ein Videotape, auf dem Michael Jackson zum letzten Mal vor seine Villa fährt, wie auf der US-Webseite „“ zu sehen ist.

In dem gezeigten Band ist der „King of Pop“ am Todestag um 0:45 Uhr bei der Ankunft in seinem Anwesen zu sehen.

Das Problem: Die Polizei soll keine Kopien des gesamten Überwachungsvideos (24 Sunden) gemacht haben. Nur wenige Minuten wurden aufgenommen, der Rest einfach gelöscht.

Ein Überwachungsspezialist der Polizei von Los Angeles, Alex Supall, bezeugte, dass er lediglich dieses Filmmaterial den Ermittlern überreicht habe.

Suppall habe nur diese Minuten kopiert, um das Zeitfenster festzustellen, in dem Jackson ins Haus zurückkehrte, erklärte er dem Gericht.

Die Verteidigung kritisiert: Falls das Videomaterial mit anderen Aufnahmen manipuliert worden ist, könne das nun nicht mehr festgestellt werden.

Das komplette 24-Sunden-Video kann nicht mehr erneuert werden. So könne auch nicht mehr festgestellt werden, ob eventuell noch andere Personen das Haus betraten.

Am Montag wurde auch enthüllt, dass Jacko andere Ärzte um Schlafmittel bat.

Der ehemalige Arzt des „King of Pop“, Allan Metzger, bezeugte, dass Jackson häufig starke Schlafmittel verlangt habe. Zwei Monate vor seinem Tod habe der Sänger gefragt, ob er ihm intravenöse Mittel beschaffen könne, gab Metzger zu Protokoll.

Tabletten seien Jackson zum Einschlafen nicht stark genug gewesen.

m Kreuzverhör sagte Metzger, er habe Jackson vor der intravenösen Einnahme von starken Mittel in seinem Haus gewarnt. Er selbst habe dem Sänger niemals Propofol gegeben, betonte der Arzt. Michael Jackson habe Angst vor seinem geplanten Konzert-Comeback im Juli 2009 gehabt und sich stark unter Druck gefühlt.

Murrays Anwälte versuchen zu beweisen, dass Michael Jackson ein Süchtiger war, der sich die tödliche Überdosis wahrscheinlich selbst und hinter dem Rücken seines Leibarztes verabreicht hat.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

27.10.2011 um 00:07
Patients move Murray to tears

Patienten rühren Murray zu Tränen

9:45pm UK, Wednesday October 26, 2011

The doctor accused of killing Michael Jackson has broken down in court as former patients paid tribute to him as thorough, caring and not motivated by money.

Dr Conrad Murray's eyes filled with tears as 82-year-old Ruby Mosley described how he founded a free health clinic in a poor community in Houston in honour of his father.

Ms Mosley was the last of five character witnesses called by the defence as Dr Murray's trial for involuntary manslaughter draws to a close in Los Angeles.

Dr Murray has pleaded not guilty. Prosecutors say he gave Jackson a fatal dose of the anaesthetic propofol but Dr Murray’s lawyers say the singer self-administered the drug.

Former patient Gerry Causey, who described Dr Murray as his ‘best friend’, told the jury: "I know his love, his compassion, his feelings for his patients.

"He's the best doctor I've ever been to."

Andrew Guest told the jury: "He makes sure you're OK, during the procedure, after the procedure. I'm alive today because of that man."

Lunette Sampson told the court: "I have never had a doctor who is more caring than him. Never."

All testified that Murray had never appeared to be motivated by money.

Murray agreed to become Jackson's personal physician for $150,000 (£94,000) a month but was never paid because the singer died before the contract was signed.

Prosecutors have contended that Murray was heavily in debt and initially sought $5m (£3.1m) to treat Jackson as he prepared for a series of lucrative comeback concerts.

The defence is expected to call two experts as its final witnesses on Thursday.

It has already called a doctor and nurse practitioner who treated Jackson but refused his requests to help him obtain either an intravenous sleep aid or propofol.

Murray's lawyers say Jackson was desperate for sleep so he could rehearse for his comeback shows in London.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

27.10.2011 um 00:10
Jackson doctor 'caring' - witnesses

(UKPA) – 3 hours ago

The doctor charged over Michael Jackson's death cried in court as five witnesses told jurors he was thorough and caring and not motivated by money.

Dr Conrad Murray's eyes filled with tears as witness Ruby Mosley recalled him founding a clinic in a poor community in Texas in honour of his father.

Ms Mosley was the last of five character witnesses that Murray's lawyers called during the doctor's involuntary manslaughter trial in Los Angeles. He has pleaded not guilty.

The trial is expected to resume on Thursday with Murray's final witnesses - a pair of medical experts meant to respond to prosecution experts who said Murray acted recklessly by giving the King of Pop the anaesthetic propofol as a sleep aid.

Authorities contend that Murray gave Jackson a fatal dose of propofol in the singer's bedroom on June 25 2009. Defence lawyers claim the star gave himself the fatal dose.

Witness Gerry Causey said Murray treated him for a heart attack 11 years ago and remains his best friend.

"I know his love, his compassion, his feelings for his patients," Mr Causey said. "He's the best doctor I've ever been to."

Murray agreed to become Jackson's personal doctor for 150,000 US dollars (£93,775) a month but was never paid because the singer died before the contract was signed.

Prosecutors have contended that Murray was heavily in debt and initially sought 5 million dollars (£3.1 million) to treat Jackson as he prepared for a series of lucrative comeback concerts.

The flurry of witnesses came as defence lawyers wind down their case. They have already called a doctor and nurse practitioner who treated Jackson but refused his requests to help him obtain either an intravenous sleep aid or propofol.

Copyright © 2011 The Press Association.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

27.10.2011 um 00:28
Character witnesses speak on Murray's behalf

By Alan Duke, CNN
October 26, 2011 -- Updated 2051 GMT (0451 HKT)

Jurors will hear Wednesday from people who will say Dr. Conrad Murray saved lives


* NEW: Dr. Murray sheds tears as heart patient testifies
* Murray "is the best doctor I've ever seen," a former heart patient says
* Character witnesses testify for Dr. Murray's defense Wednesday
* The defense will call two medical experts before resting Thursday or Friday

Story Highlights

* NEU: Dr. Murray vergießt Tränen, als Herzpatienten aussagen
* Murray "ist der beste Arzt, den ich jemals gesehen habe", sagt eine ehemalige Herzpatienten
* Leumundszeugen sagen für Dr. Murrays Verteidigung am Mittwoch aus
* Die Verteidigung möchte zwei medizinische Experten aufrufen, Donnerstag oder Freitag vor dem

Los Angeles (CNN) -- Tears flowed from Dr. Conrad Murray's eyes Wednesday as he listened to an elderly patient tell jurors that Murray had opened a clinic in the Acres Homes community of Houston in honor of his father, who had practiced there.

After 17 days of hearing about how pop star Michael Jackson died under Murray's care, jurors began hearing Wednesday from people who say the doctor saved lives.

Ruby Mosley was one of five character witnesses called by Murray's defense lawyers Wednesday morning as his involuntary manslaughter trial nears an end.

"If this man had been greedy, he never would have come to an area, a community of Acres Homes, 75% of them poor, on welfare and Social Security," Mosley said.

Murray continued to dab tears from his eyes even after Mosley left the stand.

"He's the best doctor I've ever been to," said Gerry Causey, a 68-year-old former patient of the man accused of causing Jackson's death."And I just don't think he did what he's being accused of," Causey added, under cross-examination by the prosecution.

Much of the prosecution's case has been spent trying to demonstrate that Murray gave reckless and incompetent medical treatment as Jackson's personal doctor in the last months of his life.

Causey met Murray 11 years ago when he was rushed to a Las Vegas hospital with a heart attack, but they became friends since then, he testified.

"It's because of Dr. Murray, the way he cares for you, the way he makes you feel," Causey said.

Prosecutors contend that Murray abandoned his patients in Las Vegas and Houston for the $150,000 a month Jackson had promised him.

"There's no way, he's not greedy," Causey said. "He doesn't charge me my deductable, never has."

Las Vegas heart patient Andrew Guest, who followed Causey on the witness stand Wednesday, said Murray "makes sure you're ok during the procedure."

"That man sitting there is the best doctor I've ever seen," Guest testified.

Murray treated Dennis Hix by putting 14 stints into arteries around his heart 11 years ago, Hix testified.

"I'm 66, I've gone to a lot of doctors, a lot of doctors and I've never had one that gave me the care that he did," Hix said.

Murray never charged Hix beyond what his insurance would pay, he said. "I had a type of insurance that don't hardly pay for nothing," he said. "So he did it for me free."

Two medical experts for the defense, including anesthesiologist Dr. Paul White, are expected to follow Thursday and possibly Friday. This would set the stage for closing arguments and jury deliberations early next week, although it's possible that could come Friday.

Jackson's sisters Janet and La Toya, as well as his brother Randy, were in court for Wednesday's testimony.

The promoter of Jackson's ill-fated "This Is It" tour testified Tuesday that Jackson's fear that producers would "pull the plug" on the shows if the singer missed more rehearsals was unfounded.

"No one on our end was ever contemplating pulling the plug," said Randy Phillips, the head of AEG Live.

Murray's lawyers contend Jackson self-administered the overdose of drugs that killed him in a "desperate desire to get to sleep," because he feared without rest he would miss his next rehearsal and trigger the cancellation of his comeback concerts.

If the tour was canceled, Jackson would have to pay for all of the production and rehearsal costs, Phillips said, although the judge would not let him tell jurors how much that might have been. Defense lawyer Ed Chernoff estimated the cost to be about $40 million, leaving him "a very, very poor man," but it was not while the jury was present.

Concert director Kenny Ortega sent Phillips an e-mail five days before Jackson's death, referring to Jackson's fear the company would cancel the tour. The e-mail triggered a meeting with Jackson and Murray to address Ortega's concerns about Jackson's "lack of focus" and missed rehearsals, with the debut of his London shows just three weeks away.

He and Ortega were satisfied when Jackson told them "You build the house and I will put on the door and paint it," suggesting he would be ready, Phillips testified.

Also at the meeting, Phillips told Murray that he wanted to make sure Murray knew about Jackson's visits to another doctor, dermatologist Dr. Arnold Klein. "Because he's his principal physician, I thought he should know," he said.

Phillips said he was concerned because Jackson "seemed a little distracted and not focused" in a meeting after a visit to Klein's Beverly Hills clinic.

The defense contends Jackson became addicted to the painkiller Demerol in his frequent visits to Klein in the three months before his death. His withdrawal from the Demerol, which Murray was unaware of, would explain why Jackson could not sleep the day he died, the defense contends.

Earlier Tuesday, a nurse who tried to treat Jackson's insomnia with natural remedies testified that Jackson told her that doctors assured him using the surgical anesthetic propofol at home to induce sleep was safe as long as he was monitored.

Jackson died two months after that conversation with nurse Cherilyn Lee, from what the coroner ruled was an overdose of propofol, combined with sedatives.

Prosecutors contend Murray's use of propofol to treat Jackson's insomnia in his home was reckless, in part because he did not have proper equipment to monitor his patient and he abandoned him to make phone calls.

Lee's testimony was briefly delayed as she was overcome with emotion. "I'm feeling really, really dizzy," Lee said. "This is just very sensitive to me."

Lee used IV drips loaded with vitamins, "sophisticated" vitamin smoothies and bedtime teas to treat Jackson's insomnia, but Jackson became frustrated when her natural remedies failed to make him sleep, she said.

"He said 'I'm telling you the only thing that's going to help me sleep right away is the Diprivan and can you find someone to help me to sleep?'" Lee said. Diprivan is a brand name for propofol.

After some quick research, the nurse warned Jackson that it was dangerous to use propofol at home, Lee testified.

Jackson was not deterred, she said, even after she asked him "but what if you don't wake up?"

Deputy District Attorney David Walgren asked her, "And he responded, 'I will be OK, I only need someone to monitor me with the equipment while I sleep'?"

"Yes, that's exactly what he said," Lee said.

Murray had already agreed to serve as Jackson's private physician and had ordered his first supplies of propofol for Jackson more than a week before Jackson asked Lee for help getting the drug.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

27.10.2011 um 02:01
abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
@Amy_Jackson_7 Judge will revisit the issue just before defense rests and will want a verbal answer from Dr. Murray. Should he testify?
vor 10 Minuten

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Tomorrow's defense witnesses are Dr. Robert Waldman and Propofol expert Dr. Paul White. Trial resumes at 8:45 am. #conradmurraytrial
vor 10 Minuten
Morgige Zeugen der Verteidigung, sind Dr. Robert Waldman and Dr. Paul White, Propofol Experte. Die Verhandlung wird um 8:45 AM wieder aufgenommen.

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
All the #MichaelJackson family present today: La Toya, Rebbie, Randy and Janet. #conradmurraytrial
vor 11 Minuten
von der Michael Jackson Familie waren heute anwesend: La Toya, Rebbie, Randy und Janet.

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Judge to Dr. #Murray: I want to advise you early because at the end of the defense case I'll re-advise you. It's your decision, no one elses
vor 12 Minuten
Richter zu Dr. Murray: Ich möchte Sie frühzeitig benachrichtigen, am Ende der Verteidiger Sache, werde ich Sie wieder ansprechen. Es ist Ihre Entscheidung, von niemandem sonst.

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Judge to Dr #Murray: you have a constitutional right not to testify. This is the right to remain silent. I'll respect that. #MurrayTrial
vor 14 Minuten
Richter zu Dr. Murray: Sie haben ein verfassungsmäßiges Recht, nicht auszusagen. Dies ist das Recht zu schweigen. Ich werde das respektieren.

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Judge to Dr #Murray: if you want, you'll testify. It is your decision/right. If you chose to testify you'll be subject to cross examination.
vor 20 Minuten
Richter zu Dr. Murray: Falls Sie es wünschen, können Sie aussagen. Es ist Ihre Entscheidung / Recht. Falls Sie entscheiden auszusagen, werden Sie dem Kreuzverhör unterworfen sein.

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Judge to Dr #Murray: I'm going to advise you that you have an absolute constitutional right that belongs to you and you only. #MurrayTrial
vor 22 Minuten
Richter zu Dr. Murray: Ich möchte Ihnen avisieren, dass Sie ein absolutes verfassungsmäßiges Recht haben, das Ihnen gehört und nur Ihnen.

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Outside of the presence of the jury, judge told Dr. #Murray he was going to speak to him eye to eye about whether he wants to testify.
vor 23 Minuten
In Abwesenheit der Jury, erzählte der Richter Dr. Murray, dass er weiterredend einer Meinung mit ihm sei, ob er aussagen möchte.

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Do you think Walgren was too abrasive toward the witnesses? #conradmurraytrial
vor 26 Minuten
Glauben Sie, dass Walgren zu aggressiv gegenüber den Zeugen war?

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Chernoff said patients feel pretty strongly and warned Walgren "I'm doing you a favor". #conradmurraytrial
vor 27 Minuten
Chernoff sagte, dass Patienten sich ziemlich stark fühlen und warnte Walgren "Ich tue dir einen Gefallen."

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Exc. tidbits: before trial began, attys met w/ judge in chambers. Chernoff alerted Walgren not to ask patients how they felt about this case
vor 32 Minuten
Exklusiver Leckerbissen: Bevor Prozess begann, trafen sich Anwälte m / Richter im Kanzleizimmer. Chernoff warnte Walgren, Patienten nicht zu fragen, wie sie bezüglich dieser Klage fühlen.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

27.10.2011 um 09:47
TMZ Live
Your Costume Might
Get You a Halloween Beatdown

10/26/2011 11:50 AM PDT BY TMZ STAFF

Also, Dr. Conrad Murray bawls in court ...


VIDEO auf der website

(7:10) Dr. Conrad Murray turns on the waterworks today during the trial -- did he gain any sympathy from the jurors?


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

27.10.2011 um 09:55
October 26, 2011

Dr. Murray fights tears as former patients testify
Dr. Murray bekämpft Tränen, als ehemalige Patienten aussagen

Posted: 01:58 PM ET


We haven't seen a lot of emotion from Dr. Conrad Murray for much of his involuntary manslaughter trial. For the most part, he's sat at the defense table with a stoic look on his face. But today he really turned on the waterworks as the defense paraded several of of his former patients on the stand. They all sang his praises.

Gerry Causey testified that he received excellent healthcare from Dr. Murray. During cross examination, prosecutor David Walgren asked Causey if he would still testify for his "best friend" if he thought Dr. Murray acted in gross negligence and killed Michael Jackson. Causey said that he would still be sitting in the witness box supporting Dr. Murray even if he thought Dr. Murray's negligence had killed the pop star.

Andrew Guest said he was still alive because of Dr. Murray's care. He said nothing would change his mind about the man.

Lunette Sampson testified that Dr. Murray cleared blockages in her heart and she has never had a more caring doctor.

Dennis Hix testified that Dr. Murray placed around 12 stints in his heart and he was the best doctor he has ever had.

The fifth and final patient to testify was Ruby Mosley who is also Dr. Murray's friend. Dr. Murray really had to fight back tears as Mosley testified that Dr. Murray wasn't a greedy person because he opened up a clinic in a low income area of Houston in honor of his father. (Archiv-Version vom 28.10.2011)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

27.10.2011 um 10:04
October 26, 2011

Patient smooches Dr. Murray in the courtroom
Patient schmust Dr. Murray im Gerichtssaal

Posted: 06:25 PM ET


VIDEO im Bericht

Check out this tender moment our courtroom cameras captured today. One of Dr. Conrad Murray's former patients walked up to him after testifying and shook his hand, gave him a hug and kissed him on the head.

"That's not necessary" Judge Michael Pastor said.

Murray's defense team spent the morning calling his former patients up to the stand so they could sing the doc's praises. Gerry Causey (the guy caught kissing Dr. Murray) said he received excellent care. He even referred to Dr. Murray as his "best friend."

Will any of these character witnesses have an effect on the jury? Tell us what YOU think! Tweet us: @HLNtv, Facebook us: or talk to us in the comments section below. (Archiv-Version vom 28.10.2011)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

27.10.2011 um 10:09
October 26, 2011

Nurse: There's a 'virus' in the courtroom

Krankenschwester: Es gibt einen "Virus" im Gerichtssaal

Posted: 08:27 PM ET


VIDEO im Bericht

She may have been testifying for the defense, but it doesn't look Cherilyn Lee thinks too highly of Dr. Conrad Murray. Lee was Michael Jackson's former nurse practitioner and she stopped to talk to the media outside of the courthouse after testifying Tuesday.

A cameraman asked her how she was feeling (trial had to stop down for a several minutes because she said she was feeling dizzy on the witness stand).

"It was just hard being in a room with… It was like a virus in there," Lee said.

The cameraman then started to ask her about the horrendous traffic that morning, which caused her to rush in to court.

"No, I don’t mean that kind of virus… but I won’t go any further." (Archiv-Version vom 28.10.2011)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

27.10.2011 um 10:15
Jacksons Arzt bricht vor Gericht in Tränen aus

27. Oktober 2011, 09:26 Uhr

Seine Patienten nehmen ihn in Schutz: Im Prozess gegen den früheren Leibarzt Michael Jacksons haben viele Zeugen ein Loblied auf Conrad Murray gesungen. Er sei nicht profitgierig und nehme sich Zeit für die Kranken, so der Tenor. Den Mediziner rührten die Aussagen offenbar zu Tränen.

2710 murray prozess
Die Zeugin Ruby Mosley sagte zugunsten von Conrad Murray aus© Paul Buck/Pool/Reuters

Conrad Murray musste während seines Gerichtsprozesses weinen. Michael Jacksons Leibarzt wird der fahrlässigen Tötung des Popstars beschuldigt, weshalb er sich momentan vor Gericht verantworten muss. Am 26. Oktober brach er Berichten zufolge sogar in Tränen aus, als er sich einige Zeugenaussagen anhörte.

Zu den fünf Zeugen, die die Verteidigung gestern aufrief, gehörte Ruby Mosley, die sich für Murray aussprach und ihn für sein ärztliches Engagement in einer einkommsschwachen Gemeinde in Texas lobte. So sagte sie: "Wenn dieser Mann gierig wäre, dann wäre er niemals in eine Gegend oder Gemeinde in Acres Homes gekommen, wo 75 Prozent der Menschen arm sind und ohne Sozialhilfe und soziale Sicherheit auskommen."

Die Anklage beschuldigt Conrad Murray hingegen, bei der Behandlung von Jackson vor allem das Monatsgehalt von 150.000 US-Dollar (rund 107.000 Euro) im Kopf gehabt zu sein.

Patienten singen Loblied auf Murray

Andrew Guest, ein ehemaliger Patient des Mediziners, erklärte im Zeugenstand, dass Murray ihm 2002 das Leben gerettet hatte, nachdem er an einem Herzleiden erkrankt war. "Dieser Mann, der dort sitzt, ist der beste Arzt, den ich je gesehen habe", gab Guest zu Protokoll. "Durch diesen Mann bin ich heute am Leben."

Auch andere Patienten des Arztes, der sowohl eine Praxis in Texas als auch Las Vegas betreibt, sangen ein Loblied auf ihn und beschrieben ihn als fürsorglich, geduldig und großzügig. So soll er denen, die es sich nicht leisten konnten, seine Dienste sogar kostenlos angeboten haben.

Lunette Sampson beteuerte: "Dr. Murray ist nicht die Art von Arzt, die durch eine Behandlung hetzt. Wenn wir zu ihm kommen, wissen wir, dass er sich Zeit nimmt."

Noch diese Woche wird entschieden, ob Murray selbst in den Zeugenstand treten wird. Michael Jackson starb an einer Überdosis des Narkotikums Propofol, dass Murray ihm verabreicht haben soll, bevor er ihn unbeaufsichtigt ließ. Er behauptet jedoch, dass der Sänger sich das Propofol selbst verabreichte. Sollte Murray für schuldig befunden werden, drohen ihm bis zu vier Jahre Haft.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

27.10.2011 um 10:25
und wie schnell aus einem Hobby, einer Leidenschaft, dann gleich ein Traumberuf wird ... Paris
ist 13 Jahre alt -- im Bericht ist das Alter des Mädchens mit 12 Jahren angegeben --- hauptsache es hört sich "gut" an ... :D

Paris' Traumberuf: Fußball-Star!



Während ihrer Brüder Prince Michael (14) und Blanket (9) in die Fußstapfen ihres Vaters Michael Jackson († 50) treten wollen, will Paris (12) nur eins: Fußball-Star werden.

Prince Michael kam zur diesjährigem "Tribute to Bambi"-Verleihung und ließ verlauten, dass er die Mission seines Vaters, anderen Menschen zu helfen, fortsetzten möchte. Der kleine Blankett tanzt auf offener Straße auch schon mal den Moonwalk. Nur Paris hat anderes im Kopf.

Sie liebt Fußball aus vollem Herzen, etwas, dass sie mit ihrem zu Lebzeiten sehr zerbrechlichen Vater wohl nie gespielt haben dürfte. Umso mehr würde sie sich wahrscheinlich wünschen, dass er ihr stolz von der Tribüne zuwinken könnte.

Denn Paris ist nicht nur das einzige Mädchen in dem Fußball-Team ihrer Schule, sie betreibt den Sport voller Leidenschaft. So lehnte sie gemeinsam mit ihrer Großmutter Katherine Jackson eine Anfrage der "Lingerie Football League", in der Mädchen in Unterwäsche die amerikanische Version "Football" spielen, vehement ab.

Das ist gar nicht Paris' Kaliber. Die 12-Jährige kickt gerne bei den Jungs mit. Und ist, wenn man Berichten von Freunden Glauben schenken darf, auch ganz schön gut.

Hand aufs Herz und bei aller Coolnes – wenn Paris ihre langen Haare auf dem Spielfeld schüttelt, bleibt bestimmt dem einen oder anderen Spielkameraden das Herz in der Hose stecken.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

27.10.2011 um 11:07
Jackson Doctor's Defense Case Drawing To A Close

by The Associated Press
LOS ANGELES October 27, 2011, 03:45 am ET

LOS ANGELES (AP) — The defense of the doctor charged in Michael Jackson's death will shift away Thursday from personality to the science that his attorneys hope will prevent they physician from being convicted.

The final witnesses testifying for Dr. Conrad Murray will be fellow doctors, one an expert in addiction and the other in the powerful anesthetic that the Houston-based cardiologist was giving Jackson as a sleep aid.

Their testimony could make the difference in whether Murray is convicted or acquitted of involuntary manslaughter in connection with Jackson's June 2009 death. Authorities contend Murray gave Jackson a fatal dose of propofol and botched resuscitation efforts.

Murray's attorneys contend Jackson gave himself the fatal dose of propofol when his doctor left the room, but have not yet shown evidence about how that theory is even possible. Several prosecution experts have said the self-administration defense was improbable and a key expert said he ruled it out completely, arguing the more likely scenario is that Murray gave Jackson a much higher dose than he has admitted.

The scientific testimony of Dr. Robert Waldman and Dr. Paul White comes a day after jurors heard from five of Murray's one-time patients, who described the cardiologist as a caring physician who performed procedures for free and spent hours getting to know them. When Ruby Mosley described Murray's work at a clinic he founded in a poor neighborhood in Houston in memory of his father, tears welled up in the eyes of the normally stoic doctor-turned-defendant.
Die wissenschaftlichen Aussagen von Dr. Robert Waldman und Dr. Paul White kommen einen Tag nachdem Juroren gehört wurden, fünf von Murrays einmaligen Patienten beschrieben, den Kardiologen als fürsorglichen Arzt, der Behandlungen kostenlos ausführte und Stunden verbrachte, um Sie kennen zu lernen. Als Ruby Mosley Murrays Arbeit in einer Klinik beschrieb, die er in einem Armenviertel in Houston in Erinnerung an seinen Vater gegründet hat, traten Tränen in die Augen des normalerweise eher stoischen Arztes, der zum Angeklagten geworden ist.

Waldman is an addiction expert who may try to bolster the defense theory that Jackson had become dependent on propofol to sleep and was driven to self-administer it when Murray left his bedside.
Waldman ist ein Sucht-Experte, der versuchen möchte, die Theorie der Verteidigung, dass Jackson vom Propofol abhängig geworden ist, um zu schlafen und er angetrieben war, es sich selbst zu verabreichen, als Murray seine Seite am Bett verließ.

It will be up to White to explain whether that was possible. He sat in court throughout the testimony of prosecution propofol expert Dr. Steven Shafer, at times shaking his head and furiously passing notes to defense attorneys. In the courthouse, he has been seen conferring with Murray in the hallway outside the courtroom where the case is being heard.

White and Waldman do not necessarily have to convince jurors that Jackson gave himself the fatal dose, but merely provide them with enough reasonable doubt about the prosecution case against Murray.

While prosecutors have portrayed Murray, 58, as a reckless physician who repeatedly broke the rules by giving Jackson propofol as a sleep aid, jurors heard a different portrait of the doctor on Wednesday.

Several of the character witnesses called described Murray as the best doctor they had ever seen and highlighted his skills at repairing their hearts with stents and other procedures.

"I'm alive today because of that man," said Andrew Guest of Las Vegas, who looked Murray. "That man sitting there is the best doctor I've ever seen."

Another former patient, Gerry Causey, stopped to shake Murray's hand in the courtroom and said the physician was his best friend.

A prosecutor noted that none of them were being treated for sleep issues, although Causey and others said they didn't believe the allegations against Murray.

Defense attorneys have told Superior Court Judge Michael Pastor they expect their case to conclude on Thursday. Pastor has said if that happens, closing arguments would occur next week.
AP Special Correspondent Linda Deutsch contributed to this report.
McCartney can be reached at (Archiv-Version vom 19.10.2011)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

27.10.2011 um 11:31
'I am alive today because of that man': Dr Conrad Murray weeps at Jackson trial after patients rush to his defence

By David Gardner
Last updated at 8:40 AM on 27th October 2011

Conrad Murray, the doctor charged with causing Michael Jackson's death, broke down in tears today as a procession of patients painted him as a caring physician who helped save lives and offered his services for free to the poor.

The doctor has shown little emotion during the three weeks of damning testimony in which prosecutors blasted him as inept and greedy.

But he broke down as jurors at Los Angeles Superior Court finally heard about a different side of the doctor accused of mishandling the singer's care.

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Shedding tears: Dr Conrad Murray lost his composure at the LA trial for the involuntary manslaughter of Michael Jackson after jurors heard from the defence's character witnesses

Two character witnesses were scolded by Judge Michael Pastor for going over to shake Murray's hand after giving evidence.

Andrew Guest, 48, from Las Vegas, told jurors: 'I believe that Dr Murray is not getting a fair shake. I believe he needs support. I am alive today because of that man.'

The 58-year-old cardiologist wiped away tears after an elderly patient Ruby Mosley told how Murray founded a clinic in Houston, Texas in memory of his father.

Mrs Mosley said: 'If this man was greedy, he never would have come to an area where 75 per cent of the people are poor, on welfare and social security and where he was making less than where he was in Vegas.'

Defended: Dr Murray's patients moved him to tears by saying he was the 'best doctor' and often treated the poor without charge

Dr Murray, who also had a thriving clinic in Las Vegas, was following in the footsteps of his late father, who had a clinic in the same Acres Homes suburb of Houston.

The doctor struggled to contain his emotions as 82-year-old Mrs Mosley said he never turned away a patient even if they didn't have insurance or couldn't afford treatment.

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Famous patient: Dr Conrad Murray is accused of causing Michael Jackson's death

She was the last of five patients called yesterday in defence of Dr Murray, who has pleaded not guilty to involuntary manslaughter.

Prosecutors have claimed that the doctor gave Jackson a deadly dose of the powerful anaesthetic Propofol on June 25, 2009.

Gerry Causey, who was treated by Dr Murray after having a heart attack, called the defendant his 'best friend'.

He had driven from his home in Utah to attend the Los Angeles trial. Mr Causey said: 'He is the best doctor I have ever seen. He's not greedy. He doesn't even charge me any deductibles. He never has.'

After making his statement in the witness box, Mr Causey went over and shook Murray's hand and kissed him on the head.

Dennis Hix, from Banning, California, said Dr Murray carried out life-saving operations to insert 13 stents in his clogged arteries even though he had insurance that barely covered the cost.

Mr Hix said: 'When I went and told him I didn't have the sort of insurance to pay for hardly anything, he did it for me for free.

He added that the physician had carried out a similar procedure free of charge for his brother.

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Patient approval: Ruby Mosley is handed her statement supporting Dr Murray by Deputy District Attorney David Walgren

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Life-saver: Lunette Sampson (left) and Andrew Guest sang the praises of Dr Murray during his trial for the involuntary manslaughter of Michael Jackson

Lunette Sampson, from San Diego, who has suffered three heart attacks, said Murray discovered what was wrong after other doctors misdiagnosed her.

'I have never had a doctor who is more caring,' she added.

All of the witnesses said Murray never appeared to be motivated by money. Prosecutors have claimed that Murray initially claimed a $5 million fee to be Jackson's personal doctor before settling for $150,000-a-month.

The defence is set to call two medical experts as final witnesses tomorrow. It is expected that the jury will make their decision early next week.

The trial continues.

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Beyond the call of duty: Dennis Hix (left) and Gerry Causey both testified to the glowing reputation of Conrad Murray and his excellent patient care


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

27.10.2011 um 11:37
Jackson doctor's defense case drawing to a close

October 27, 2011 3:31 AM (Archiv-Version vom 30.11.2011)

ein gleichlautender Bericht wurde heute um 11:07h bereits eingestellt ... :D :D


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

27.10.2011 um 11:57
Defense in Conrad Murray trial expected to call final witnesses this week

By Alan Duke, CNN
October 27, 2011 -- Updated 0607 GMT (1407 HKT)


* The science showdown between anesthesiologists takes center stage for the trial's conclusion
* Two medical experts are the last defense witnesses
* Five character witnesses testify Dr. Conrad Murray saved their lives
* Jury deliberations in Murray's involuntary manslaughter trial could begin early next week

Story Highlights

* Der Showdown der Wissenschaft zwischen Anästhesisten steht im Mittelpunkt für Beschluss der Klage
* Zwei medizinische Experten sind die letzten Zeugen der Verteidigung
* Fünf Leumundszeugen bezeugten, dass Dr. Conrad Murray ihnen das Leben rettete
* Jury Beratungen in Murrays Klage wegen fahrlässiger Tötung könnten Anfang nächster Woche beginnen

Los Angeles (CNN) -- Dr. Conrad Murray's lawyers hope their last two witnesses will convince jurors in his involuntary manslaughter trial that Michael Jackson gave himself the overdose of drugs that killed him.

After five Murray heart patients testified Wednesday that he was a good and caring doctor who has saved their lives, two medical experts remain on the defense witness list. Testimony could conclude by Friday or Monday in the trial that started a month ago.

The Los Angeles County coroner ruled Jackson's June 25, 2009 death was the result of "acute propofol intoxication" in combination with several sedatives.

The defense theory is that a desperate Jackson, fearing his comeback concerts could be canceled unless he found elusive sleep, self-administered propofol that Murray was trying to wean him off of.

Prosecutors contend Murray is responsible for his death even if he did not give him the final and fatal dose because he was criminally reckless in using the surgical anesthetic to help Jackson sleep without proper precautions.

Defense anesthesiology expert Dr. Paul White is expected to testify Thursday in an effort to counter testimony from prosecution anesthesiologist Dr. Steven Shafer.

Shafer concluded that the "only scenario" that fits the scientific evidence is that Jackson was on an IV drip of propofol for three hours before his death and Murray failed to notice when he stopped breathing.

Shafer conceded that it was possible that Jackson, not Murray, could have been the one to open the drip to a fatal pace, but prosecutors contend it would make no difference in Murray's guilt.

The other remaining defense witness is believed to be an addiction expert who would testify that Jackson could have been suffering withdrawal from Demerol, a drug he'd been getting from another doctor up until several days before his death.

Murray cried in court Wednesday as he listened to an elderly patient tell jurors that he opened a clinic in the Acres Homes community of Houston, in honor of his father, who had practiced there.

Ruby Mosley was one of five character witnesses called by Murray's lawyers Wednesday morning in an effort to counter 17 days of prosecution testimony that sometimes painted him as an incompetent and greedy doctor.

"If this man had been greedy, he never would have come to an area, a community of Acres Homes, 75% of them poor, on welfare and Social Security," Mosley said.

Murray dabbed tears from his eyes even after Mosley left the stand.

Even Randy Jackson, the late pop icon's brother, seemed touched by Mosley's testimony.

"She's sweet," he was heard saying as she left the courtroom.

"He's the best doctor I've ever been to," said Gerry Causey, a 68-year-old former patient of the man accused of causing Jackson's death. "And I just don't think he did what he's being accused of," Causey added, under cross-examination by the prosecution.

Causey met Murray 11 years ago when he was rushed to a Las Vegas hospital with a heart attack, but they became friends since then, he testified.

"It's because of Dr. Murray, the way he cares for you, the way he makes you feel," Causey said.

Prosecutors contend that Murray abandoned his patients in Las Vegas and Houston for the $150,000 a month Jackson had promised him.

"There's no way, he's not greedy," Causey said. "He doesn't charge me my deductible, never has."

Las Vegas heart patient Andrew Guest, who followed Causey on the witness stand Wednesday, said Murray "makes sure you're OK during the procedure."

"That man sitting there is the best doctor I've ever seen," Guest testified.

Murray treated Dennis Hix by putting 14 stints into arteries around his heart 11 years ago, Hix testified.

"I'm 66, I've gone to a lot of doctors, a lot of doctors and I've never had one that gave me the care that he did," Hix said.

Murray never charged Hix beyond what his insurance would pay, he said. "I had a type of insurance that don't hardly pay for nothing," he said. "So he did it for me free."


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

27.10.2011 um 12:32

ab heute wird der Verlauf der Verhandlung wieder interessanter, denn die Zeugen, die in den Zeugenstand treten werden, sind

Dr. Paul White, Experte für Anästhesiologie
Dr. Robert Waldman, Sucht-Experte

ich bin gespannt, ob die Experten-Vorträge der Staatsanwaltschaft wirklich von diesen beiden Experten widerlegt werden könnten oder ob sie doch von der "Basis" her bestätigt werden müssen ...

ob wir heute wieder so einen theatralischen Auftritt von Dr. Murray erleben werden ???

aber das wird wohl nicht im Drehbuch vorgesehen sein ^^ fuck

und bevor die Schussplädoyers der Staatsanwaltschaft und der Verteidigung abgehalten werden, kommt noch Dr. Murrays Entscheidung zum tragen ... wird er nun doch noch aussagen oder nicht ...
denn sollte er aussagen, dann muß er auch das Kreuzverhör der Staatsanwälte über sich
ergehen lassen ... na, hier dürfte doch mit Spannung Murrays Entscheidung erwartet werden ...

ist u. a. von abc7 in Tweets mitgeteilt worden und wurde bereits heute um 02:01h hier eingestellt
sagte der Richter zu Dr. Murray:

Ich möchte Sie frühzeitig benachrichtigen, am Ende der Verteidiger Sache, werde ich Sie wieder ansprechen. Es ist Ihre Entscheidung, von niemandem sonst.

Sie haben ein verfassungsmäßiges Recht, nicht auszusagen. Dies ist das Recht zu schweigen. Ich werde das respektieren.

Falls Sie es wünschen, können Sie aussagen. Es ist Ihre Entscheidung / Recht. Falls Sie entscheiden auszusagen, werden Sie dem Kreuzverhör unterworfen sein.

Richter zu Dr. Murray: Ich möchte Ihnen avisieren, dass Sie ein absolutes verfassungsmäßiges Recht haben, das Ihnen gehört und nur Ihnen.

Richter zu Dr. Murray: Sie haben ein verfassungsmäßiges Recht, nicht auszusagen. Dies ist das Recht zu schweigen. Ich werde das respektieren.

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