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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.746 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Mord, Michael Jackson, Verurteilung ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

26.10.2011 um 00:17
People vs. Dr. Conrad Murray
AEG Live Prez Testifies

AEG Live President and CEO -- Randy Phillips Testifies

Updated 10/25/11 at 11:20 AM


Randy Phillips -- the concert promoter who bankrolled Michael Jackson's "This Is It Tour" -- told the jury, when AEG Live announced MJ's first 10 shows ... sales were through the roof.

Phillips said when he asked MJ to add 40 more shows because of the unprecedented demand... MJ had 2 conditions: #1 -- a 16 acre country house outside of London with streaming rivers and horses for the kids... and #2 -- that Phillips made sure it MJ would be immortalized in the Guinness Book of World Records for the artist with the highest number of shows at the famous O2 Arena. The artist formerly and currently known as Prince currently holds the record with 21 shows).

Randy's testimony could prove Michael Jackson was under extreme pressure to perform at the time of his death -- which eventually pushed the singer over the edge.

* Phillips said he was first heard Jackson wanted his personal doctor in May of 2009. He said he tried to convince Jackson to hire a cheaper, London-based physician but said MJ insisted on his own doctor.
* Phillips told jurors he met Murray at a meeting at MJ's house when they discussed his treatment. Murray talked about nutritious shakes he was planning for MJ.
* It wasn't until June when, Phillips said, he got a call from tour director Kenny Ortega saying he had some concerns because MJ wasn't focused. He also mentioned MJ was missing rehearsals.
* Phillips said he got an email from Ortega saying MJ wasn't taking the show seriously enough and suggesting pulling the plug on the show.
* Phillips also got a call from MJ's manager, Frank DiLeo, asking for a meeting to discuss MJ's health. This is the June 20th emergency meeting held at the MJ's home after MJ was sent home from rehearsal.
* During the meeting Ortega said he was worried that MJ wasn't focused enough. MJ explained he was working with the lead choreographer at home. Kenny said he thought maybe MJ was having health issued. He did not mention anything about drugs during the meeting.
* Phillips said he


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

26.10.2011 um 00:31
kurze Unterbrechung von 15 Minuten ...


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

26.10.2011 um 00:34
abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Court taking a 15 minute break
vor 2 Minuten


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

26.10.2011 um 00:53
es geht weiter


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

26.10.2011 um 01:02
Michael Jackson shed tears of joy over London concerts and wanted his children settled, jury hears, as experts say he knew dangers of hospital anaesthetic

By David Gardner

Last updated at 11:05 PM on 25th October 2011

Michael Jackson wept as he told how he wanted to make a triumphant record-breaking comeback in England so that he and his children could 'stop living like vagabonds,' jurors were told today.

The King of Pop also demanded a country estate with a running stream and horses outside London where he could escape the pressure of the planned O2 Arena concerts.

Randy Phillips, president of AEG Live, the company promoting the concerts, said one of the main reasons Jackson agreed to the tour was because he was tired of moving around all the time.

article-2053100-0B1241F5000005DC-590 468
Performance high: Michael Jackson, pictured ahead of his planned O2 Arena shows in London, was said to ache for sleep and rest before his tour

'The primary reason was that he wanted to finally settle down and get a really, really good home for the kids so they weren't living like vagabonds. He was tired of living like that,' said Mr Phillips.

Prince, Paris and Blanket, Jackson's three children, were all at the meeting on Halloween in 2008, all wearing dress-up costumes.

The boss of AEG Live - which owns the O2 - said demand for tickets was so huge that Jackson agreed to increase the number of shows to 50.

He was initially going to do 31 shows - ten more than Prince performed at the same venue - but then put a maximum of 50 because 'he didn't want to live in London and have to get a new passport,' said Mr Phillips.

article-2053489-0E880CF000000578-314 468
Randy Phillips, president of AEG Live, the company promoting Jackson's concerts, said one of the main reasons Jackson agreed to the tour was because he was tired of moving around

He said the singer would only agree to the extra concerts if he could live in a country estate with more than 16 acres, a running stream and horses. 'He didn't want to be trapped in a hotel suite, no matter how beautiful. He wanted to give the children a pastoral, country living vibe,' added the promoter.

Jackson also insisted on the Guinness Book of World Records being present at the 50th concert 'because he knew it was a feat that no other entertainer could beat.'

Mr Phillips said London was chosen for the comeback because it was 'the hottest concert market in the world, bigger than New York and Toronto combined.'

He added that the original meeting to talk about the tour was initiated by a financial company that owned the 'note' on Jackson's Neverland Ranch in California.

article-2053489-0DE47C0100000578-289 468
Jackson was supposedly tired of his three children - Paris, Price and Blanket - living like 'vagabonds'

Earlier in the day the jury heard that Jackson was warned two months before he died than he might not wake up if he took a hospital anaesthetic to help him sleep, a jury in Los Angeles heard today.

But the star brushed off the fears, saying: 'I'll be okay. I will be safe as long as as I have someone to monitor me with the equipment while I sleep.'

Nurse practitioner Cherilyn Lee held back tears as she told the court how desperate Jackson was for rest as he launched his preparations for his planned comeback tour in England.

She said she rejected Jackson's pleas for her to give her the powerful anaesthetic Propofol at a meeting at his house in April, 2009.

And just four days before the 50-year-old singer's death on June 25, 2009, Miss Lee said she got a call from Jackson's bodyguard, Fareem Muhammad, who told her his boss wanted to see her.

'One half of him was hot and the other half was cold. I told him they should take Michael straight to hospital,' she said.

article-2053100-0E84E71C00000578-224 468
Alternative remedies: Cherilyn Lee, a nurse who treated Michael Jackson for sleep disorder in early 2009, testifies during Dr Conrad Murray's trial that she tried natural remedies to help him sleep

Miss Lee said she remembered that 'shivering and trembling' were among the side effects of the hospital knock-out drug.

'Another of the symptoms I discovered was memory loss. I knew I was working with a great entertainer. But he said, 'I would never forget my lines.'

Miss Lee was testifying on the second day of the defence case in the trial of Jackson's private doctor Conrad Murray, who is accused of administering the star with a lethal dose of Propofol.

Murray has pleaded not guilty to involuntary manslaughter.

Miss Lee told how she tried a series of natural remedies to try and help Jackson's chronic insomnia.

Initially, the holistic nurse said she helped by persuading him to stop drinking the highly caffeinated energy drink Red Bull, providing him with nutritional drinks and creating a calmer ambience in his bedroom where he usually went to bed with the lights on and music playing.

article-2053100-0E84E31400000578-962 468
On trial: Dr Conrad Murray, with his lawyer J. Michael Flanagan, has pleaded not guilty to involuntary manslaughter
article-0-0E88058000000578-745 468x286
Testimony: Cherilyn Lee wipes away tears as she recalls how she told Michael Jackson that he might not wake up if he took propofol

But Miss Lee said Jackson started complaining that her cures weren't working.

She said he asked if she could get her Diprivan, the commercial name for Propofol, which he first had during hospital surgery.

'Based on his experience in surgery, he said, "I know it will knock me out".'

She didn't know anything about the drug at first, but after consulting with a doctor, she warned Jackson it was too dangerous to use at home.

'It was not for use in a home setting and it was not a sleep aid,' she said. 'I told Michael, 'No-one who cares about you or has your best interests at heart is going to give you this. What if you don't wake up?''

The case continues.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

26.10.2011 um 01:04
abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Walgren asked Henson why People and Defense have 2 different copies of lorazepam results. Henson said he did not know #conradmurraytrial
vor 5 Minuten

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Henson: Did not email Shafer back, contacted Flanagan instead #conradmurraytrial
vor 7 Minuten

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Henson: Shafer emailed about what his standard operating procedure (SOP) was for lorazepam results #conradmurraytrial
vor 8 Minuten

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Henson provided defense testing for stomach content of lorazepam #conradmurraytrial
vor 9 Minuten

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Henson has known Flanagan since 2009, his company has worked with Flanagan for quite some time
vor 10 Minuten


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

26.10.2011 um 01:05
na, das ging doch eigentlich auch schnell über die Bühne ... :D

der Zeuge Henson ist aus dem Zeugenstand entlassen ...


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

26.10.2011 um 01:09
abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Henson is excused, subject to recall. Judge and attorneys at sidebar #conradmurraytrial
vor 4 Minuten


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

26.10.2011 um 01:10
ende für heute


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

26.10.2011 um 01:13
was sagte er wegen obama .... gestern erwähnte er auch schon obama das er wohl in der stadt wäre wenn ich es richtig verstanden habe


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

26.10.2011 um 01:13
abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Court adjourning for evening recess, will be back tomorrow at 9am PT #conradmurraytrial
vor 1 Minute
morgen dann wieder um 09:00 AM/PT ... 18:00h unserer Zeit ...


ich verabschiede mich ... schlaft und träumt schön ... bis später ... :D


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

26.10.2011 um 01:15
ja ich sage dann auch mal Gute Nacht euch beiden bis nachher träumt schön

tvyjq7r gutenachta006tuvGoKv k032tlBZIJ5 g034


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

26.10.2011 um 09:34
dieser Bericht wurde bereits heute um 00:17 eingetsellt .... es erfolgte ein Update ...

People vs. Dr. Conrad Murray
AEG Live Prez Testifies

AEG Live President and CEO -- Randy Phillips Testifies

Updated 10/25/11 at 11:20 AM


Randy Phillips -- the concert promoter who bankrolled Michael Jackson's "This Is It Tour" -- told the jury, when AEG Live announced MJ's first 10 shows ... sales were through the roof.

Phillips said the demand for tickets was so huge, he called Jackson to see if they could add more shows.

Jackson agreed ... under 2 conditions... #1 -- he wanted a 16-acre country estate outside of London with streaming rivers and horses for the kids... and #2 -- he wanted reps from the "Guinness Book of World Records" present at the last 50th concert because he knew "it was a feat that no other entertainer could beat" (Prince currently holds the record with 21 shows at the 02 Arena).

Randy's testimony could prove Michael Jackson was under extreme pressure to perform at the time of his death -- which eventually pushed the singer over the edge.

* Phillips told the jury when he first heard Jackson wanted his own personal doctor, he tried to convince the singer to hire someone in London, but MJ insisted on bringing Murray.
* Phillips said he had no idea there were issues with MJ's health until he got an email from director Kenny Ortega who told him MJ wasn't focused and was missing rehearsals.
* He then got a call from MJ's manager, Frank DiLeo, asking for a meeting to discuss MJ's health.
* During the emergency meeting -- held on June 20th -- Jackson assured Phillips he was ready to do the show ... telling him, "You build the home, and I'll put the door on it and paint it."
* Phillips said there were no discussions about any drug use and that Ortega was happy with the MJ's response.
* Defense attorney Ed Chernoff asked Phillips whether Jackson would have been responsible for any production costs had the tour been canceled ... Phillips answered, yes. But Chernoff was not allowed to get into the specifics. Earlier in the day, Judge Michael Pastor barred any discussion about the contract between AEG Live and Jackson noting, "This is not a contractual dispute. This is a homicide." Murray's lawyers were hoping to introduce the contracts to show that Jackson had more than just his reputation at stake.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

26.10.2011 um 09:45
October 25, 2011

MJ wanted to break records with his last tour

MJ wollte mit seiner letzten Tour Rekorde brechen

Posted: 05:45 PM ET


Randy Phillips from AEG gave us a behind-the-scenes look at Michael Jackson's "This Is It" tour today when he testified for the defense. He said the contract they worked out with Jackson provided for 31 shows. That number may sound a little arbitrary but Michael Jackson picked it for a reason. He said he wanted to do 10 more shows than Prince had done during his last tour.

When pre-sales opened up, Phillips said the demand for tickets was like nothing he had ever seen. They realized right away that they needed to add more shows. So Phillips contacted Jackson who agreed to do a maximum of 50 shows, under two conditions:

1. That he would get an estate outside of London so he and his family wouldn't be cramped in a hotel (no matter how beautiful it was). Jackson had pretty specific demands, too: 16+ acres, running streams and horses.

2. He wanted Phillips to arrange to have a representative from the Guinness Book of World Records on hand for the 50th show. He told Phillips it was a feat he knew no other entertainer could ever beat: to fill that big of a venue (the O2 Arena in London) that many times.

Phillips says that in June of 2009, director Kenny Ortega expressed some concerns over Jackson's performance at rehearsals. He said Jackson wasn't as engaged or focused as he needed to be for a production of this magnitude.

Phillips asked Dr. Conrad Murray to set up a meeting so they could discuss their concerns with Jackson. Jackson told them he had been practicing at home and that he was ready.

"You build the house and I'll put the door on it and paint it," Phillips said Jackson told them. That meeting was held on June 20, 2009. Jackson died five days later. (Archiv-Version vom 28.10.2011)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

26.10.2011 um 09:56
October 25, 2011

Nurse: No one who cares will give you propofol

Krankenschwester: Niemand der sich sorgt, wird dir Propofol geben

Posted: 03:10 PM ET

VIDEO im Bericht

Nurse practitioner Cherilyn Lee testified that Michael Jackson asked her to give him propofol to help him sleep. Fighting back tears, Lee said she told Jackson that nobody who cares or has your best interests at heart will give you propofol.

When Jackson first asked Lee for the anesthetic, she says she didn’t know much about it. Lee says she researched propofol and found out pretty quickly that it wasn’t used to treat sleep disorders and it wasn’t safe for use in a home setting.

Lee says she spent the night at Jackson's house so she could observe his sleep patterns. When Jackson woke up after about three hours of sleep, she says he told her that propofol was the only thing that would get him to sleep right away.

Lee testified that she warned Jackson of the side effects the drugs including:






-Memory loss


Lee said she asked Jackson, "What happens if you don’t wake up?" Jackson replied that he would be OK and only needed a doctor to monitor him. Judge Michael Pastor then gave Lee a moment to compose herself as she was brought to tears. (Archiv-Version vom 27.10.2011)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

26.10.2011 um 10:03
October 25, 2011

Dizzy defense witness asks the judge for a break

Benommene Zeugin der Verteidigung bittet den Richter um eine Pause

Posted: 12:57 PM ET

VIDEO im Bericht

t's been a rough start to the Conrad Murray trial so far. Rain-related traffic delayed a lot of the jurors this morning. Then defense witness Cherilyn Lee has asked for a break. She didn't even get to answer the first question! Lead defense attorney Ed Chernoff had just asked her if her records indicated that she visited Michael Jackson on April 12, 2009.

"I suddenly feel very dizzy and my vision is kind of blurry," Lee said." If I could just rest a little bit, I would appreciate it very much." She then began to cry. "This is just very sensitive for me."

The judge told her that her health should be her first concern. He allowed her to leave the witness stand and take a break.

"Hopefully we’ll see you in not too long," the judge told her. (Archiv-Version vom 27.10.2011)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

26.10.2011 um 10:14
October 25, 2011

Did defense witness work in prosecution's favor?

Haben Zeugen der Verteidigung zu Gunsten der Strafverfolgung gearbeitet?

Posted: 12:31 PM ET


VIDEO im Bericht

The defense called Dr. Allan Metzger to the stand Monday to show the jury that Michael Jackson was seeking and getting drugs from other doctors at the same time Dr. Conrad Murray was working as his full-time physician.

But when the prosecution began questioning Metzger, his testimony appeared to be working in their favor at certain points.

"Is there any amount of money that would have convinced you to give him intravenous propofol in his house?" prosecutor David Walgren asked.

"Absolutely not," Metzger answered.

In Session's Ryan Smith, who appeared on Dr. Drew Monday night, was quick to comment on Metzger's statements.

"It just goes to show that even with this witness being a defense witness, he [Dr. Metzger] came off like a prosecution witness because he said 'no matter what was going on here, I never would have done what Conrad Murray did,' and he said he wouldn't do it for money," Smith explained. "That really hammered home a point."
Dr. Drew then told his viewers why he wanted to make sense of some of the troubling aspects of this trial.

"First of all, Dr. Metzger giving Michael Jackson benzodiazepines ... that to me is like 'you got to be kidding me,' he said. "This guy is struggling with a serious history of addiction – clearly in drug withdrawal – [something] that everyone is calling insomnia ... it is drug withdrawal."

Dr. Drew then held up transcripts of Dr. Murray's 2009 police interview.

"Dr. Murray, with the police, says 'well, I knew Dr. Klein and Dr. Metzger were prescribing drugs, but Michael wanted to keep it quiet or keep it to himself,' Drew noted. "Why didn't he call the other doctors? That's all he had to do. If I were Dr. Metzger, I would be beside myself, angry all that stuff was going on in a patient that I was prescribing to without my knowledge.”

Ryan Smith said that sort of frustration did not come out in Dr. Metzger's testimony Monday.

"I got the sense he was trying to avoid being tied to this in any way," Smith said.

Dr. Drew agreed and proceeded to hold up a condom catheter.

"They're trying to prove negligence, but doing very little conversation about the quality of medical care ... I get so frustrated with this case," Drew said. "I have to tell you. I have a thing I keep on hand to remind me how outrageous it was, this man, Michael Jackson, went to bed every night with this because he was so sedated that he couldn't function. He couldn't get up to go to the bathroom. As an addictionologist – all the multiple prescribing doctors not communicating with each other – bad timing – Michael Jackson got the worst my profession has to offer."

Defense lawyers will use the next few days to challenge the prosecution's contention that Dr. Conrad Murray's alleged reckless use of propofol to help Jackson sleep makes him criminally responsible for the pop star's death. (Archiv-Version vom 27.10.2011)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

26.10.2011 um 10:19
Conrad Murray trial: nurse warned Michael Jackson that anesthetic was unsafe

7:00AM BST 26 Oct 2011

A nurse has testified that her efforts to save Michael Jackson from the drug he craved for sleep were rebuffed by the star who insisted he needed the powerful anesthetic that eventually killed him.

Dr Conrad Murray 2012291c

Cherilyn Lee, a nurse practitioner who tried to shift Jackson to holistic sleep aids in the months before he died, said the singer told her Dipravan, a brand name for propofol, was the only thing that would knock him out and induce the sleep he needed.

He told Ms Lee he had experienced the drug once during surgery.

Ms Lee almost didn't testify at the trial of Dr Conrad Murray. She sat down in the witness box then said she felt dizzy before starting to cry.

"This is just very sensitive for me," she explained.

After a 20 minute rest she returned but became tearful again while testifying that she had warned Jackson not to take the drug.

Lee recalled a meeting with the superstar at his rented mansion two months before his death.

"He was sitting very close to me," she said. "He looked at me and said, 'I have a lot of difficulty sleeping. I've tried a lot of things and I need something that will make me fall asleep right away. I need Dipravan."

Lee had never heard of the drug but did research and later told Jackson it was too dangerous to use in a home.

At one point she asked: "What if you didn't wake up?"

Prosecutors claim Murray abandoned Jackson after administering the fatal dose of propofol and failed to have proper life-saving and monitoring equipment on hand.

Lee was called to the stand by Murray's defence, but the impact of her testimony was mixed.

While she supported a defence theory that Jackson was doctor shopping in a desperate search for someone to give him propofol, a prosecutor seized on her warning to show Murray should have known the dangers too and refused the request by Jackson.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

26.10.2011 um 10:23
Krankenschwester sagt aus
Michael Jackson fragte gezielt nach Propofol

26.10.2011 09:37 Uhr

Einer Krankenschwester zufolge wusste Popstar Michael Jackson genau, welches Narkosemittel er haben wollte. Zwei Monate vor seinem Tod habe er gezielt nach der Propofol-Sorte Diprivan verlangt.

US-Popstar Michael Jackson hat nach Aussage einer Krankenschwester schon zwei Monate vor seinem Tod um das Narkosemittel Propofol gebeten und sich dabei auf die Empfehlung von Ärzten berufen. Die Mediziner hätten ihm versichert, dass er das Mittel nehmen könne, solange er unter Beobachtung bleibe, zitierte die Krankenschwester Cherilyn Lee den King of Pop bei ihrer Aussage vor Gericht.

Jackson habe konkret um die intravenöse Behandlung mit der Propofol-Sorte Diprivan gebeten und erklärt, dies sei das einzige Mittel, das ihm beim Einschlafen helfe. Lee lehnte es eigenen Angaben zufolge jedoch ab, dem Sänger das Medikament zu verabreichen, da es sich um ein Narkosemittel für Operationen handelte.

Am Montag hatte bereits der Arzt Allan Metzger vor Gericht erklärt, Jackson habe schon zwei Monate vor seinem Tod im Juni 2009 um ein intravenöses Schlafmittel gebeten, aber kein spezielles Mittel angefordert. Auch Metzger erklärte, dem Popstar nie etwas gespritzt zu haben. Die Staatsanwaltschaft wirft Jacksons Leibarzt Conrad Murray fahrlässige Tötung vor - sie ist überzeugt, dass der Leibarzt Jackson die Überdosis Propofol gegeben hat, die zum Tod des King of Pop führte. Im Fall einer Verurteilung drohen dem 58-Jährigen bis zu vier Jahre Haft.

(AFP, N24)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

26.10.2011 um 10:27
Jackson bat auch Krankenschwester um Narkosemittel

(AFP) – Vor einer Stunde

Jacksons Ex-Krankenschwester Lee im Gerichtssaal (AFP, Paul Buck)

Los Angeles — US-Popstar Michael Jackson hat nach Aussage einer Krankenschwester schon zwei Monate vor seinem Tod um das Narkosemittel Propofol gebeten und sich dabei auf die Empfehlung von Ärzten berufen. Die Mediziner hätten ihm versichert, dass er das Mittel nehmen könne, solange er unter Beobachtung bleibe, zitierte die Krankenschwester Cherilyn Lee den King of Pop bei ihrer Aussage vor Gericht.

Jackson habe konkret um die intravenöse Behandlung mit der Propofol-Sorte Diprivan gebeten und erklärt, dies sei das einzige Mittel, das ihm beim Einschlafen helfe. Lee lehnte es eigenen Angaben zufolge jedoch ab, dem Sänger das Medikament zu verabreichen, da es sich um ein Narkosemittel für Operationen handelte.

Am Montag hatte bereits der Arzt Allan Metzger vor Gericht erklärt, Jackson habe schon zwei Monate vor seinem Tod im Juni 2009 um ein intravenöses Schlafmittel gebeten, aber kein spezielles Mittel angefordert. Auch Metzger erklärte, dem Popstar nie etwas gespritzt zu haben. Die Staatsanwaltschaft wirft Jacksons Leibarzt Conrad Murray fahrlässige Tötung vor - sie ist überzeugt, dass der Leibarzt Jackson die Überdosis Propofol gegeben hat, die zum Tod des King of Pop führte. Im Fall einer Verurteilung drohen dem 58-Jährigen bis zu vier Jahre Haft.

Copyright © 2011 AFP.
