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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.746 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Mord, Michael Jackson, Verurteilung ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

17.10.2011 um 22:49
Dr. Conrad Murray Trial Pushed Back to Wednesday
October 17th, 2011 2:11 PM by Free Britney

Dr. Conrad Murray's involuntary manslaughter trial in connection with Michael Jackson's 2009 death will resume on Wednesday after a series of delays.

Los Angeles Judge Michael Pastor made the announcement Monday morning at a hearing attended by lawyers for both sides; the jury wasn't present.

Today's session was canceled after the father of the prosecution's final witness died, but Judge Pastor ordered the delay of one more day additionally.

dr-conrad-murray-image 389x600

Murray's defense team will be able to gather more details from the L.A. County Coroner's Office test results of Lorazepam levels in Michael Jackson's body.

His lawyers may be readying to mount a defense on the theory that Lorazepam killed MJ, and that acute Propofol intoxication was NOT a cause of death.

Says a source close to the case:

"This case isn't about Propofol, Michael Jackson didn't die from that. He died because of an extremely high level of Lorazepam found in his body."

"The defense wholeheartedly disagrees with the findings of the coroner that Michael Jackson died of acute Propofol intoxication. Michael Jackson's death certificate lists acute Propofol intoxication as the official cause of death."

"However, other contributing factors of death include: benzodiazepine effect. The benzodiazepine in his system was Lorazepam," the source adds.

Murray has pleaded not guilty to involuntary manslaughter.

It seems as though the doc is throwing everything he can at the wall in hopes that something sticks. With his medical practices and timeline of events called into question already, he may have little choice left but to do so.

Just last week, the defense was full-on pushing the Propofol theory, arguing that Jackson had plenty of time to do himself in June 25, 2009.

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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

18.10.2011 um 08:46
Paris Jackson:
Girls Can Play Football Too
... and I'll Prove It!

10/17/2011 4:57 PM PDT BY TMZ STAFF


Michael Jackson's only daughter wants to be a football star -- and TMZ has learned, she's joined her school's pigskin squad to prove girls CAN dominate on the gridiron.

Sure, its only flag football ... but 13-year-old Paris Jackson has become the VERY FIRST female in the history of her exclusive L.A. private school to join the team. Pretty bad ass.

Her father would be proud ... don't forget MJ performed that LEGENDARY halftime show at Super Bowl XVII back in 1993.

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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

18.10.2011 um 08:50
Jackson Family Members
We're Back in the U.S.A.

10/17/2011 12:20 PM PDT BY TMZ STAFF


The Jackson family has officially returned to America ... impressive, considering their travel agents CANCELLED their return tickets from the U.K. at the last minute because they hadn't been paid.

TMZ has confirmed ... Tito Jackson's sons, TJ and Taryll, who performed at the MJ Tribute show with their group 3T ... returned to the U.S. yesterday after a bitter stand-off with their travel agents.

We broke the story ... Entertainment Travel claims they warned the company behind the MJ Tribute show about a $200k debt ... and eventually cancelled the flights claiming they still haven't been paid.

Sources close to the Jacksons tell TMZ ... the family found another agency ... who agreed to take on their business and booked them on new flights home. It's unclear who agreed to foot the bill for the new tix.

As we previously reported, Entertainment Travel has vowed to sue the crap out of Global Live if they don't pay up soon.

A rep for Global Live had told us the company intends to pay up ... noting, "all bills are being reconciled."


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

18.10.2011 um 09:05
na, ganz so ist es ja nicht, dass keiner diese Hüte haben wollte ... nur der Preis passte den Anbietern nicht, da das Mindestgebot nicht erreicht wurde ... es lag jeweils nur 500 Euro unter diesem ... hmm

Montag, 17. Oktober 2011

Erfolglose Auktion Keiner will Jacksons Filzhüte

Für ein Andenken an ihr totes Idol haben Michael Jackson-Fans bisher tief in die Tasche gegriffen. Als aber bei einer Pariser Auktion zwei Filzhüte unter den Hammer kommen, verweigern sie einfach ihre Gebote.

O 1000 680 680 RTXSUUS
Dieser Hut von Michael Jackson erzielte im vergangenen Jahr noch einen Preis von 14.000 Euro.
(Foto: Reuters)

Das Pariser Auktionshaus Drouot ist auf zwei Filzhüten von Michael Jackson sitzengeblieben. Obwohl es sich bei den beiden Fedora-Filzhüten um garantierte ehemalige Besitzstücke des am 25. Juni 2009 gestorbenen Popstars in klassischem Fedora-Zuschnitt handelte, seien die Mindestgebote nicht erreicht worden, teilte das Auktionshaus mit.

Ein schwarzer Filzhut mit dem golden eingeprägten Namen des Stars aus dem New Yorker Modehaus Worth and Worth, den Michael Jackson am 13. September 1992 im Hippodrom von Vincennes getragen hatte, war auf mindestens 7000 Euro veranschlagt worden. Trotz einer Vielzahl von Schaulustigen und Interessenten lag das Höchstgebot dann bei 6500 Euro.

Ähnlich erging es einem weißen Filzhut mit feinem schwarzem Band, der für 5000 Euro weggehen sollte, aber nur bis zu 4500 Euro Interesse fand.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

18.10.2011 um 09:25
das Video ist sehr toll ... sehr schöne Erinnerungen ... da war MJ im 35. Lebensjahr ... :D
Zitat von FaIrIeFlOwErFaIrIeFlOwEr schrieb:VIDEO im Bericht
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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

18.10.2011 um 09:33
ein gleichlautender Bericht wurde bereits eingestellt ... klatsch & tratsch hatte diesen übernommen ...

Michael Jackson: Prozess verzögert sich

Der Prozess gegen Dr. Conrad Murray, dem vorgeworfen wird, an Michael Jacksons Tod schuld zu sein, geht erst am Mittwoch, 19. Oktober, weiter.
17.10.2011 19:00


Der Prozess gegen Dr. Conrad Murray wird erst am Mittwoch, 19. Oktober, fortgeführt.

Richter Michael Pastor ordnete an, dass die Verhandlung gegen den Leibarzt des im Juni 2009 verstorbenen Popstars nicht wie geplant heute, 17. Oktober, sondern erst übermorgen weitergehen soll. Grund dafür ist ein Todesfall in der Familie von Dr. Steven Shafer, der heute seine Zeugenaussage hätte machen sollen.

Außerdem will der Richter aber auch den Anwälten ermöglichen, mehr Details der Ergebnisse eines Tests zu erhalten, die die Gerichtsmedizin kürzlich durchführte. Dabei ging es darum, wie viel Beruhigungsmittel Lorazepam sich in Jacksons Körper zum Zeitpunkt seines Todes befand. Murrays Anwälte wollen in ihrer Verteidigung nämlich anbringen, dass der King of Pop nicht an einer Überdosis des Schlafmittels Propofol, das ihm von seinem Leibarzt verabreicht wurde, sondern Lorazepem verstorben ist. "Bei diesem Fall geht es nicht um Propofol, Michael Jackson ist nicht daran gestorben", erklärte ein enger Vertrauter von Dr. Murray gegenüber 'RadarOnline'. "Er starb an einem extrem hohen Pegel von Lorazepam, das in seinem Körper festgestellt wurde."

Murray ist wegen fahrlässiger Tötung angeklagt und müsste für vier Jahre ins Gefängnis, sollte er schuldig gesprochen werden.

BANG Media International


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18.10.2011 um 09:56
October 17, 2011

Watch propofol in action - it works fast!
Posted: 08:28 PM ET

10... 9... 8... 7... as soon as Dr. Sanjay Gupta gets down to "1" the patient is asleep. His eyes close, his heart rate starts to increase and he stops breathing. Doctors have to put in a breathing tube and pump air into his lungs.

It's amazing how fast propofol works. Dr. Gupta brought cameras into the operating room to show us how the drug is supposed to be administered. Take a look and then tell us what you think: Does this look like the kind of thing you want to mess around with in a home setting?

VIDEO im Bericht (Archiv-Version vom 20.10.2011)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

18.10.2011 um 10:07
heute um 1:30PM findet eine Besprechung mit dem Richter statt ... das wäre dann bei uns 22:30 h ...

October 17, 2011

Another trial delay, testimony will resume Wednesday
Posted: 01:21 PM ET


Judge Michael Pastor granted another delay of the trial for two reasons: The defense has requested a day to review new toxicology evidence of Jackson's stomach contents recently handed over by the prosecution. The judge also wants to give the state's final witness, Dr. Steven Shafer, more time to deal with the death of his father. Testimony will now resume Wednesday morning.

There was a hearing held this morning to discuss a schedule update and other issues. After being fined $60 by the judge for being late Friday, prosecutors arrived ahead of schedule by about seven minutes, prompting Defense Attorney Flanagan to exclaim, "You're early!"

Prosecutor Deborah Brazil pointed to the clock and said, "Maybe we'll get a credit."

Dr. Conrad Murray was not present in the courtroom, but he was represented by his full team of defense attorneys.

Judge Pastor asked for an update after receiving word from prosecutors that Dr. Shafer, the State's, anesthesiologist/pharmacologist, was not available today because his father passed away. Deputy District Attorney David Walgren said Shafer will be ready to testify tomorrow morning.

The judge told Walgren that he did not intend for this case to add to the stress that Shafer and his family are going through after their loss and asked Walgren if his witness needed more time.

Defense Attorney Ed Chernoff then raised an issue with the court expressing his concern over a new toxicology report they received from prosecutors.

"We don't know what it means," Chernoff said.

Chernoff also said he didn't know enough about the content of the report to properly cross-examine Shafer on the topic.

Walgren said the toxicology report is meant to counter the defense's claim that Michael Jackson ingested eight lorazepam tablets.

Judge Pastor ruled court will resume at 8:45AM on Wednesday. He also requested the attorneys to meet with him on Tuesday at 1:30PM. (Archiv-Version vom 19.10.2011)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

18.10.2011 um 10:11
October 17, 2011

Should Conrad Murray be on trial for murder?
Posted: 02:46 PM ET


Commentary by Beth Karas, In Session Correspondent on TruTV/HLN

Many have questioned why Dr. Conrad Murray is not facing a second degree murder charge. The decision to pursue the lesser homicide, involuntary manslaughter, was made by the Los Angeles County District Attorney, Steve Cooley.

So, how do the two crimes differ?

There’s a fine difference between a theory of second degree murder and involuntary manslaughter in California. That theory of second degree murder is a killing committed with implied malice. The lesser-included charge of that theory is involuntary manslaughter.

Both are unintentional killings, but there’s a big difference in the potential sentences. Second degree murder carries 15 years to life and involuntary manslaughter carries up to four years in prison.

Murder is the unlawful killing of a human being with malice aforethought. If it’s not premeditated or a capital murder, then it’s second degree murder. Malice aforethought does not mean hatred or ill will toward the victim. Malice can be express or implied. Implied malice includes the element of “conscious disregard for human life.”

When a person commits an unlawful, unintentional killing and does not act with conscious disregard for human life, then the crime is involuntary manslaughter.

Thus, the critical difference between the two crimes is that one requires “conscious disregard for human life” and the other does not. Jurors are instructed that the difference between other homicide offenses and involuntary manslaughter depends on “whether the person was aware of the risk of life that his actions created and consciously disregarded that risk.”

The facts against Murray, arguably, establish an awareness of the risk of life and a conscious disregard for that life. The evidence, thus far, has shown myriad errors by Murray. Experts have opined that administering the anesthetic propofol to treat insomnia at home, without appropriate ventilation and emergency equipment on hand, then leaving Jackson’s side for several minutes, was “inconceivable and unconscionable.”

While Michael Jackson’s fans have been very vocal in their disapproval of the decision to seek the lesser charge of involuntary manslaughter, many believe it was the appropriate charge. Yet there are some who believe this is a medical malpractice case that should only be fought in civil court.

Regardless of which crime he faces, it seems clear that Murray’s medical licenses in three states are in serious jeopardy. (Archiv-Version vom 19.10.2011)


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18.10.2011 um 10:14
October 17, 2011

Landlord: Michael Jackson was a good tenant
Posted: 03:06 PM ET

Can you imagine the King of Pop wanting to rent YOUR house? Robin Walters let Michael Jackson borrow her Leesburg, Virginia home for nine days in 2004.

"You can't beat that kind of experience!" she says. Watch part of her interview with HLN's Vinnie Politan:


VIDEO im Bericht (Archiv-Version vom 18.10.2011)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

18.10.2011 um 10:19
October 17, 2011

Will the defense have to dump another theory?
Posted: 05:45 PM ET

A new toxicology report may have blown another hole in Dr. Conrad Murray's defense. Michael Jackson's stomach contents were just tested for levels of lorazepam and the results show a much smaller amount in Jackson's system than originally believed.

Why is this important? Well the defense's theory is that Jackson swallowed eight lorazepam pills and also administered propofol to himself through a catheter in his leg (and they claim Murray wasn't in the room when all this happened). Murray's lawyers say this "perfect storm" of drugs is what lead to Jackson's death.


VIDEO im Bericht

Murray's defense already ditched one theory - that Jackson swallowed the fatal dose of propofol. Will they now have to ditch the lorazepam theory, too?

The trial has been put on hold at least until Wednesday. That's in part so lawyers will have some time to take a look at these new lab results. (Archiv-Version vom 19.10.2011)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

18.10.2011 um 11:15
entdeckt bei MJJ-777 facebook ~ vor etwa einer Stunde (Archiv-Version vom 21.09.2012)

eine kleine Anekdote ... MJ rettet ein kleines Mädchen, da es sonst überfahren worden wäre ...
und MJ ging verkleidet Eis essen ... eine ältere Dame erkannte ihn aber doch ... :D

Michael’s Armenian Driver Gokor after the Memorial, 2009

Michaels armenischer Fahrer Gokor nach dem Memorial, 2009
Michael’s driver and friend-Gokor was interviewed by a local Armenian channel shortly after the ‘memorial”(Gokor is Armenian). One day Gokor was driving Michael to an important meeting, Mike as usual was looking out of the window watching people outside and the red light went and they stopped.

There was a little girl with her mum on the pavement, she was playing with her ball while her mum was busy talking on the phone and then the girl’s ball rolled onto the motorway and the girl ran out to get it, and as she was doing so the green light for the cars turned back on and a car continued heading in the direction of the little girl.

Mike was following all of this happening and at that moment he opened the car door and ran out of his car to save the little girl. Gokor didn’t have enough time to figure out what was happening as all he could see was a car heading MJ’s way and he thought he was going to die. Luckily they both managed to make it across the street and the mother pulled her daughter away from the road.

When Michael got back into the car he and Gokor were trembling with shock and Mike was in tears over the thought that the car might have run the little girl down, but at that moment Michael hadn’t cared about his own life, he was ready to save the girl.

The driver also said that Michael used to disguise himself and take a mini cab with Gokor and they would go out to ice-crem shops and wait in queues and nobody would know that Michael Jackson was near them.

Once when they were waiting in line, Michael asked Gokor to tell the old lady who was next to them that he (Gokor) would pay for her. The lady turned Gokor down several times, finally Gokor turned around to Michael and said loudly: “You see MICHAEL JACKSON she doesn’t want me to.”

After that everyone turned to look at them and the old lady couldn’t believe it, she went down on her knees, was trembling and crying with shock. Michael helped her to stand up, held her, kissed her and then paid for ice-cream for everyone in the shop.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

18.10.2011 um 11:24
dieses Video kann man leider auch nur mit Proxy genießen ...


Michael Jackson (Making Thriller rare version)



MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

18.10.2011 um 11:30
dieses Video "klappt" ohne Proxy ... man kann zwar den Kommentator nicht verstehen, aber das ist nicht so schlimm ... :D

Michael Jackson in South Korea - Seoul 1996 (Video: Michael Jackson in South Korea - Seoul 1996)
Michael Jackson in South Korea - Seoul 1996. HIStory World Tour - Report.
This was the first time that Michael Jackson came to Korea on October 9, 1996.


October 11, 1996
October 13, 1996


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

18.10.2011 um 12:13
die Verteidigung versucht mit aller Macht, MJ zu unterstellen, er hätte sich selbst getötet ...
die Theorie, dass er das Propofol getrunken hätte, haben sie ja bereits verworfen ...

nun seien es Lorazepam Pillen, die er geschluckt hätte und natürlich steht noch die Selbst-Injizierung
des Propofils im Raum ... ohnein-1

Fatal pill dose ‘not taken by Jackson’


Published: Today

NEW tests on the contents of Michael Jackson's stomach show he did not cause his own death by popping sedatives, prosecutors claimed yesterday.


The star's doctor Conrad Murray claims that Jacko died after swallowing lorazepam pills and injecting himself with propofol without the medic's knowledge.

Initial tests commissioned by the doctor's legal team found high levels of lorazepam in the singer's stomach.

But new tests requested last week showed the earlier findings "artificially inflated" the amount of the drug found. Actual levels were much lower due to the way it breaks down in the body, prosecutors said yesterday.

And they said the new results are "totally inconsistent with the oral consumption of lorazepam".

They made their claim during a conference in open court between lawyers and judge Michael Pastor. The jury was not present, as the trial was not sitting.

Murray, 58, is accused of killing the singer, 50, by administering a lethal dose of anaesthetic propofol in June 2009. He denies manslaughter. The LA trial continues today.

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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

18.10.2011 um 12:18
Michael Jackson doctor's trial on hold

by: AFP
From: AFP
October 18, 2011 9:38AM

Michael Jackson's doctor Conrad Murray (right); the bed where Jackson died; the drug propofol and below Joe, LaToya and Katherine Jackson leave the court. Pictures: AP, AFP, Getty Images Supplied

THE trial of Michael Jackson's doctor Conrad Murray has been suspended for two days to allow his defence team to analyse a new report on what was in the singer's stomach when he died.

Judge Michael Pastor agreed to give Dr Murray's lawyers the time to discuss the medical examiner's report with their own experts, saying the trial will resume at 8.30am on Wednesday (2.30am on Thursday AEDT).

Murray, who has been charged with involuntary manslaughter, is accused of giving Jackson an overdose of propofol to help him sleep. If convicted, he faces up to four years in prison.

The forensic toxicology report two years ago found the cause of death to be acute intoxication of propofol, an anesthetic, but also noted the anti-anxiety drug lorazepam was in the singer's system.

Defence lawyers have portrayed Jackson as a desperate addict and at first suggested he could have given himself an extra dose of propofol while the doctor was out of the room.

But in a surprise move they later dropped that claim and focused instead on the theory that a fatal cocktail was produced when the late singer administered himself some extra lorazepam.

Prosecutor David Walgren told the judge today that the defence's theory that Jackson swallowed eight two-milligram lorazepam pills was "totally inconsistent" with evidence in the new report, which has not yet been shown at trial.

Defence lawyer Ed Chernoff, calling for the delay, insisted that Dr Murray's team "have to have the ability to address" the issue before the trial resumes.

The trial in Los Angeles Superior Court is expected to last five weeks, until the end of October.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

18.10.2011 um 12:28
aus dem mjackson Forum viele Dank rose
Eintrag #285 User: Christine3110
Wie Dr. Anderson im Zeugenstand sagte...

Sie haben Lorazepam im Blut getestet und nur wenn die dort festgestellte Menge hoch gewesen wäre, hätten sie auch Magen und Leber darauf untersucht.
Der gemessene Lorazepam-Level befand sich aber in einer therapeutischen Norm.
Eintrag #287 User: Lena
Es ist so wie Christine schrieb. "Sie haben Lorazepam im Blut getestet und nur wenn die dort festgestellte Menge hoch gewesen wäre, hätten sie auch Magen und Leber darauf untersucht. Der gemessene Lorazepam-Level befand sich aber in einer therapeutischen Norm."
Und das ist wahrscheinlich auch der sachl. korrekte Vorgang, dass wenn der Blutgehalt nicht hoch, der Mageninhalt nicht relevant ist.
Aber man hat in den Kreuzverhören von Flanagan und Co ja gehört, dass sie daraus einen Strick drehen wollten Sie haben doch behauptet, dass MJ 8 Kapseln schluckte, die todesverusachend wären. Und daraufhin hat wohl Walagran nun noch diesbezüglich einen Test machen lassen, der die Ergebnisse der Verteidigung widerlegen.

Ich würde mal behaupten, dass aus wissenschaflticher Sicht die Untersuchung nicht notwendig war, da man durch die Blutwerte eine Relevanz ausschliessen, aber die Jury-Mitglieder sind ja nicht Wissenschaftler und lassen sich dann doch auch irritieren, wenn irgendwelche nicht vorhanden sind und die Verteidigung darauf ihre Strategie aufbaut.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

18.10.2011 um 12:40
von facebook

Thank You For Dick Zimmerman
von Reflections On The Dance, An Honest Look at Michael Joseph Jackson, Freitag, 14. Oktober 2011 um 22:29

As most of you are aware, Dick Zimmerman was featured on the Dr. Drew show a few nights ago and he spoke from his heart about Michael and also stood up valiantly for Michael, making it known that the media played a huge part in Michael's downfall. Mr. Zimmerman was the photographer who shot the "Thriller" album cover and also Michael's wedding to Lisa Marie Presley. He was also a friend of Michael's and worked with him numerous times over a 15 year period.

Many have expressed a desire to thank him, so I am creating this format where you can thank him in the comments below and next week I will send this note to him so that he can personally read all of your thank you's

302255 10150352780658726 162382483725 79
Photographer/Portrait Artist Dick Zimmerman standing next to a collage portrait that he created using some of his iconic photographs of Michael Jackson
Reflections On The Dance, An Honest Look at Michael Joseph Jackson

Michael Jackson's nurse Cherilyn Lee, administered a blood test on Michael Jackson when she came to his home because his kids all had slight colds. He had asked her what else she did and told her that he was a little tired. The results of his blood work were normal. "He was quite healthy. I didn't do medical testing because he already told me he wasn't taking anything. But, if a person had been a long term...medications, something would have shown up abnormal in the blood, and it did not." ~ Nurse Cherilyn Lee
vor 20 Stunden


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

18.10.2011 um 12:50
der Titel dieses Berichts, ist doch etwas irreführend ... gerade für die Leser, die eh nicht all zuviel über dieses Verfahren wissen ... aber auch für die, die sich mit dem Fall beschäftigen, aber leider so gut wie nix im "Kopf" behalten ... :D :D

der vorhandene Autopsibericht wurde nur um einen Befund erweitert ... untersucht wurde der Mageninhalt ...

Neuer Autopsiebericht im Prozess gegen Jacksons Leibarzt

(AFP) – Vor 53 Minuten

Jacksons Ex-Leibarzt Murray (AFP, Robyn Beck)

Los Angeles — Der Prozess gegen den früheren Leibarzt von Michael Jackson, Conrad Murray, geht frühestens am Mittwoch weiter. Zuvor wolle die Verteidigung Murrays, der wegen fahrlässiger Tötung angeklagt ist, einen neuen Autopsiebericht studieren, teilte das Gericht in Los Angeles mit. Den Bericht über den Mageninhalt des Popstars hatte die Staatsanwaltschaft angefordert. Laut Anklage widerlegt das Dokument die These der Verteidiger, wonach Jackson ohne Wissen seines Leibarztes acht Tabletten eines Schmerzmittels genommen habe. Dieses soll nach Darstellung Murrays zum Tod Jacksons beigetragen haben.

Für Dienstagnachmittag waren Verteidigung und Anklage vorgeladen, um zu entscheiden, ob das Verfahren am Mittwoch weitergehen kann oder nicht.

Die Staatsanwaltschaft wirft Murray vor, Jackson eine Überdosis des Narkosemittels Propofol gegeben und ihn dann vernachlässigt zu haben. Im Falle eines Schuldspruchs wegen fahrlässiger Tötung drohen ihm bis zu vier Jahre Haft. Murray hatte Jackson nach eigener Aussage nach einer schlaflosen Nacht am 25. Juni 2009 gegen 10.40 Uhr 25 Milligramm Propofol verabreicht. Rund 20 Minuten später ging er nach eigener Darstellung für "ungefähr zwei Minuten" auf die Toilette. Als er zurückkehrte, habe Jackson nicht mehr geatmet.

Copyright © 2011 AFP


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

18.10.2011 um 13:11
Conrad Murray
Michael Jackson-Prozess verzögert sich


Der Prozess gegen Dr. Conrad Murray wird erst am Mittwoch, 19. Oktober, fortgeführt.

Richter Michael Pastor ordnete an, dass die Verhandlung gegen den Leibarzt des im Juni 2009 verstorbenen Popstars nicht wie geplant am 17. Oktober, sondern erst zwei Tage später weitergehen soll. Grund dafür ist ein Todesfall in der Familie von Dr. Steven Shafer, der seine Zeugenaussage hätte machen sollen.

Außerdem will der Richter den Anwälten ermöglichen, mehr Details der Ergebnisse eines Tests zu erhalten, die die Gerichtsmedizin kürzlich durchführte. Dabei ging es darum, wie viel Beruhigungsmittel Lorazepam sich in Jacksons Körper zum Zeitpunkt seines Todes befand.

Murrays Anwälte wollen in ihrer Verteidigung nämlich anbringen, dass der King of Pop nicht an einer Überdosis des Schlafmittels Propofol, das ihm von seinem Leibarzt verabreicht wurde, sondern Lorazepem verstorben ist.

„Bei diesem Fall geht es nicht um Propofol, Michael Jackson ist nicht daran gestorben“, erklärte ein enger Vertrauter Murrays gegenüber „RadarOnline“. „Er starb an einem extrem hohen Pegel von Lorazepam, das in seinem Körper festgestellt wurde.“

Murray ist wegen fahrlässiger Tötung angeklagt und müsste für vier Jahre ins Gefängnis, sollte er schuldig gesprochen werden.
