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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.746 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Mord, Michael Jackson, Verurteilung ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

13.10.2011 um 23:31

Schlaf schön ... gute Nacht ... bis dann :D :D


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

13.10.2011 um 23:34

gute-nacht-smilies-0002 .... schlaf schön ...bis denni :(


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

13.10.2011 um 23:40
Intensivmediziner belastet Dr. Murray

Leibarzt hatte für Michael Jackson nicht einmal eine Krankenakte

3.10.2011 — 22:25 Uhr

Jacksons Leibarzt erneut belastet: Intensivmediziner Dr. Nader Kamangar prangert die fehlende Krankenakte im Fall Jackson an

Tag 12 im Prozess um den Tod von Michael Jackson. Und schon wieder hat ein Mediziner schwere Vorwürfe gegen Jacksons Leibarzt Dr. Conrad Murray erhoben.

Intensivmediziner Dr. Nader Kamangar erklärte im Prozess: „Es gab keinen ordentlichen Zugang zu medizinischen Geräten, der Notruf wurde verzögert und die Wiederbelebungsmaßnahmen waren unzulänglich – das führte letztendlich zu Jacksons Tod.“

Unerhört: Der Leibarzt des King of Pop hatte für seinen prominenten Patienten nicht einmal eine Krankenakte angelegt!

Kamanger ist Mediziner an der University of Los Angeles, gab im Zeugenstand zu Protokoll: „In der Medizin ist das notwendig. Wir können uns nicht um einen Patienten kümmern, wenn wir die Informationen lediglich in unserem Kopf abspeichern. Wir müssen alles dokumentieren.“

Außerdem monierte der Intensivmediziner, dass durch die unzulängliche Behandlungsmethoden und den Medikamenten-Cocktail, den Murray Jackson regelmäßig verabreichte, „eine Katastrophe programmiert“ gewesen sei.

Seit drei Wochen steht der Leibarzt des verstorbenen Popstars wegen fahrlässiger Tötung vor Gericht. Michael Jackson war im Sommer 2009 an einer Überdosis des Narkotikums Propofol im Alter von 50 Jahren gestorben.

Bereits am Mittwoch hatte der Herzspezialist Dr. Alon Steinberg Murray grobe Fahrlässigkeit vorgeworfen und sogar behauptet, Michael Jackson könnte noch am Leben sein, wenn Dr. Murray nicht mehrere Fehler unterlaufen wären.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

13.10.2011 um 23:43

schlafen 005 ......... ich geh dann mal ... schlaf
gut und träum was tolles :D :D :D


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

13.10.2011 um 23:45
Conrad Murray didn't comfort Jackson's kids in ER, family says
By Alan Duke, CNN
October 13, 2011 -- Updated 2127 GMT (0527 HKT)

Michael Jackson's oldest son, Prince, disputed the account Dr. Conrad Murray gave police, a family member says

Los Angeles (CNN) -- Michael Jackson's oldest son disputed Dr. Conrad Murray's claim, given in his police interview, that the doctor comforted him and his siblings in the emergency room after they learned their father was dead, according to a Jackson family member who was with the children that day.

Prince Jackson told his family that Murray's account played in his involuntary manslaughter trial this week was not true, Trent Jackson, the nephew of Katherine and Joe Jackson, said Thursday.

"Perfect storm" of drugs killed Jackson, sleep expert says

Jackson family members were upset that jurors may sympathize with Murray because of perceived compassion for the children that day, Jackson told CNN.

"I hugged them all, gave comfort to Paris, comfort to Prince, comfort to Blanket, which is the last little guy, because whenever they were sick, they would always ask for Dr. Conrad," Murray told detectives two days after Jackson's death in 2009.

Trent Jackson, who drove Katherine Jackson to Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center, where doctors were trying to revive her son, said Murray did not have a conversation with Paris Jackson, the 12-year-old daughter, as he told police.

"She asked me, 'Dr. Murray, you said you save a lot of patients. You know, you save people with heart attacks, and you couldn't save my dad," Murray told detectives. "I said, 'I tried my best.' And she said, 'I know that, Dr. Murray. At least I know. I know you tried your best. I know you tried your best, but I'm really sad. You know, I will wake up in the morning, and I won't be able to see my daddy.'"

Prince, Paris and Blanket Jackson were initially kept in an SUV outside of the emergency room after they followed the ambulance carrying their father to the hospital, Trent Jackson said. Frank Dileo, who was Michael Jackson's manager, later escorted them inside after their grandmother arrived, according to Trent Jackson.

Murray never spoke to Michael Jackson's mother at the emergency room, contrary to his statement to police, Trent Jackson said.

While the truthfulness of Murray's interview is a major issue in the trial, it is not expected that Michael Jackson's 14-year-old son Prince will be called to testify, the relative said. Katherine Jackson, who has custody of the children, is opposed to any of them being called as witnesses, he said.

Prosecutors are near a conclusion to their direct presentation in Murray's trial, but rebuttal witnesses could be called next week after the defense rests its case.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

13.10.2011 um 23:46

schlaf du auch schön ... gute Nacht ... bis morgen ... :D


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

13.10.2011 um 23:55
Michael Jackson Death Trial: Conrad Murray Prosecutors Call Final Witness

By JIM AVILA (@JimAvilaABC) , KAITLYN FOLMER (@ABCKaitlyn) and JESSICA HOPPER (@jesshop23)
Oct. 13, 2011

ap stephen shafer jef 111013 wg
Dr. Stephen Shafer gestures while speaking from the witness stand during Dr. Conrad Murray's involuntary manslaughter trial on Oct. 13, 2011. (Robyn Beck/AP Photo)

Prosecutors in the Conrad Murray trial called their final witness, an expert on anesthesiology who is expected to tell jurors that Michael Jackson's personal physician should have never given the singer propofol.

Jackson died at 50 from an overdose of the powerful anesthetic propofol. Murray has admitted to giving the singer the anesthesia on June 25, 2009 and said that the singer begged for his "milk," the nickname he'd given for the creamy drug. The doctor could face four years in prison if convicted of involuntary manslaughter.

The trial recessed early today and the testimony of anesthesiologist Dr. Steven Shafer will resume Monday.

Before court adjourned, Shafer described the importance of precisely administering propofol to a patient so they don't overdose and can wake up quickly after receiving the drug.

"You have to titrate carefully," he said.

Several experts have testified that Murray was grossly negligent in his care of Jackson and that he did not have a precise way of measuring the propofol he gave the singer.

"If you're using is imperative to have a precise method of delivering the drug as a drip. It is very hard... to know exactly how much is being infused into a patient so having an automated infusion pump is very key," Doctor Nader Kamangar told jurors Wednesday.

Kamangar is an expert in critical care and sleep medicine. He continued his testimony today and reiterated that propofol is not an appropriate treatment for insomnia and that Murray didn't have several of the safeguards on hand when a patient typically receives the anesthetic.

"Mr. Jackson was receiving very inappropriate therapy in the home setting, receiving very potent sedatives including propofol, midazolam and lorazepam without appropriate monitoring by Dr. Murray and ultimately this cocktail was a recipe for disaster in a patient that had underlying dehydration," said Kamangar.

At the time of his death, Jackson was preparing for a grueling comeback tour and was receiving frequent IVs to rehydrate from Murray.

Murray's defense team claims that Jackson gave himself a lethal dose of propofol and the sedative lorazepam on the day he died. They previously claimed the singer swallowed propofol in the two minutes Murray claims he left the singer to use the bathroom. On Wednesday, they back pedaled from that argument, saying that Jackson injected the drug into himself.

Several expert witnesses have testified how difficult it would be for an already drugged Jackson to inject himself with the anesthetic in two minutes. Even if Jackson did self-administer the drug, experts testified that Murray is still responsible for the singer's death.

In a hospital setting, propofol would be locked away from a patient so they couldn't access it, something Murray didn't do.

Kamangar told jurors that Murray was also negligent in his failure to properly diagnose Jackson's sleeping problems. Kamangar said it was clear the singer did have insomnia, but the cause of it was likely another health issue.

"It certainly seemed that there were issues that …may have resulted in secondary causes of insomnia such as anxiety and perhaps a dependency to certain medications," he said.

Murray should have treated those underlying issues to solve the singer's sleep problems instead of using propofol, Kamangar said.

Defense attorneys tried to counter the damning testimony by asking Kamangar about Jackson's use of demerol. Jackson reportedly received the drug on visits to his dermatologist, Arnold Klein. Defense attorneys argue that Jackson was suffering insomnia because of his demerol addiction and that Murray wasn't fully aware of the singer's addiction.

Kamangar said that demerol can lead to insomnia.

"It can actually activate someone, make them more hyper or excitable...create more stimulation," said Kamangar of demerol. "It can have hypnotic effects."

The doctor also said that Murray failed to keep records on the singer and retrieve Jackson's medical background which would have revealed the singer's use of demerol.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

14.10.2011 um 00:00
Murray 'experimented' on Jackson

Last updated 10:32 14/10/2011

CASE CONTINUES: Conrad Murray’s treatment of Michael Jackson seemed like an experiment, the jurors have been told.

Dr Conrad Murray’s treatment of Michael Jackson seemed like an experiment, the jurors heard in court today.

Dr Nader Kamangar, a pulmonologist and sleep medicine specialist, resumed his testimony on the stand today.
Jackson died in June 2009 from a Propofol drug overdose.

Dr Murray has been accused of administering a lethal injection of the drug which resulted in the singer’s death.
Murray denies the allegations of involuntary manslaughter, claiming that he used Propofol from time to time to help Jackson sleep. Murray’s defence also contends that the star ingested too much Propofol while Murray was not around.

Dr Kamangar, who acts as an advisor for the California Medical Board, said he is familiar with Propofol as he administers the drug to patients on a daily basis.

He stated that the drug must be used with extreme caution as it can be highly ''unpredictable”, especially when used with other sedatives.

Dr Kamangar claimed Dr. Murray should “never” have given Jackson any sedatives, as his blood pressure was low and the singer was dehydrated.

Dr Kamangar testified that Murray’s decision to call Jackson’s assistant before emergency services was an ''unconscionable deviation of care''.

He stated that Murray exhibited ''gross negligence'' by withholding health information from emergency personnel and that using Propofol to treat insomnia is inappropriate.

Anaesthesiologist Dr Steven Shafer, a leading Propofol expert, took to the stand after Dr Kamangar.

Dr Shafer was hired by the company who made Propofol 20 years ago.

He helped design guidelines for appropriate dosages of the drug. Shafer is expected to assist the prosecution’s case by acknowledging that Jackson had too much of the drug in his system and could not have administered that amount himself in his sedated condition.

The court is in recess until Monday due to scheduling conflicts. Dr Shafer will resume his testimony early next week.
Prosecutors are expected to rest their case after Shafer's testimony.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

14.10.2011 um 00:10
October 13, 2011

Gallery: Our most expressive witness yet

Posted: 05:14 PM ET

A witness should definitely be judged on expertise - not stage presence - but it's no big secret that some testimony can be a bit... dry. So that's why we wanted to give a special shout out to sleep expert Dr. Nader Kamangar. He might be one of the most expressive witnesses we've seen on the stand! Here are a few of our favorite faces:








weiteres unter (Archiv-Version vom 16.10.2011)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

14.10.2011 um 07:07
Sleep Medicine Expert
Dr. Murray Experimented on MJ

10/13/2011 1:47 PM PDT BY TMZ STAFF

Video im Bericht

Sleep expert Dr. Nadar Kamangar -- who called Dr. Conrad Murray's treatment of Michael Jackson "inconceivable" -- told prosecutors today ... Murray used MJ as his own personal guinea pig for dangerous medical experiments.
Schlaf-Experte Dr. Nadar Kamangar - der Dr. Conrad Murrays Behandlung von Michael Jackson "unvorstellbar" genannt hat - sagte heute den Staatsanwälten ... Murray verwendete MJ als sein persönliches Versuchskaninchen für gefährliche medizinische Experimente.

Kamangar -- an adviser for the CA Medical Board -- testified that Propofol was never approved for use as a sleep aid when Murray used it to treat MJ's insomnia ... claiming Murray's treatment amounted to "an experiment."
Kamangar - ein Berater für das CA Medical Board - bezeugte, dass Propofol nie für den Einsatz als Schlafmittel zugelassen war, als Murray es benutzte, um MJs Schlaflosigkeit zu behandeln ... Murray behauptet die Behandlungen beliefen sich, auf "ein Experiment."

Murray's attorney J. Michael Flanagan cited a Taiwan research study today from 2010, in which 64 patients with insomnia were successfully treated with Propofol -- but Kamangar pointed out ... the study took place after MJ's death ... in a safe hospital setting.
Murrays Anwalt J. Michael Flanagan zitierte heute eine Studie aus Taiwan von 2010, in der wurden 64 Patienten mit Insomnie (Schlaflosigkeit) erfolgreich mit Propofol behandelt - aber Kamangar wies darauf hin, ... die Studie erfolgte NACH MJs Tod ... in einem sicheren Krankenhaus.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

14.10.2011 um 07:17
Prosecutors wrapping up Michael Jackson death case
Reuters | 14 Oktober, 2011 06:39

Dr. Conrad Murray listens to testimony during his trial in the death of pop star Michael Jackson, in Los Angeles October 13, 2011.
Image by: POOL / REUTERS

Prosecutors were close to wrapping up their case in the manslaughter trial of Michael Jackson's doctor after a top state witness on Thursday slammed the physician's treatment of the late pop star.

Prosecutors, who called their last witness on Thursday, claim that Dr. Conrad Murray was negligent in caring for Jackson and is responsible for his death, which medical examiners said resulted from an overdose of the powerful anesthetic propofol and sedatives.

Murray has admitted giving Jackson propofol on June 25, 2009, the day the singer died, but maintains he is innocent, and his attorneys have said Jackson gave himself an extra, fatal dose of the drug he called his "milk" due to insomnia.

Prosecution witness Dr. Nader Kamangar, a sleep medicine expert, said Murray was reckless to give Jackson infusions of propofol and sedatives to get the singer to sleep after a strenuous rehearsal for a series of concerts in London.

"Mr. Jackson was receiving very inappropriate therapy in the home setting, receiving very potent sedatives including propofol, midazolam and lorazepam without appropriate monitoring by Dr. Murray, and ultimately this cocktail was a recipe for disaster in a patient that had underlying dehydration," Kamangar said in Los Angeles Superior Court.

Several doctors have criticized Murray's decision to give Jackson propofol, which can stop a patient from breathing, at home where there was not enough medical staff or life-saving equipment on hand.

But under cross examination, Kamangar, who was among a number of witnesses to slam Murray's treatment of Jackson, said a reliance on the painkiller Demerol could have led to insomnia, which Murray was trying to treat.

Kamangar also said his review of Jackson's records showed the singer received Demerol from Beverly Hills dermatologist Dr. Arnold Klein. The defense wants to show Jackson was dependent on drugs to help him sleep and Murray was simply dealing with problems caused by other doctors.

n opening arguments three weeks ago, lead defense attorney Ed Chernoff told jurors that in the months before his death, Jackson visited Klein's office as many as two to three times a week. "Dr Arnold Klein addicted Michael Jackson to Demerol," Chernoff said at the time.

Superior Court Judge Michael Pastor has denied a defense request to call Klein as a witness, ruling his testimony would be insufficiently relevant. Klein could not be reached for comment on Thursday.

Prosecutors said on Thursday that Dr. Steven Shafer, an expert on propofol, would be their last of more than 30 witnesses. He testified briefly on Thursday and his testimony is to resume Monday.

Murray's attorneys told the judge they plan to call 22 witnesses, including two experts, and the defense could rest their case by the end of next week.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

14.10.2011 um 07:29
Nach einem Bericht --- Eintrag von gestern um 23:45h ---

Conrad Murray didn't comfort Jackson's kids in ER, family says ~~
Conrad Murray tröstete nicht Jacksons Kinder im ER, sagt Familie

hat Murray in der Befragung vom 27.06.2009 auch über Situationen im UCLA Märchen erzählt ...

ER = emergency room = Notaufnahme, Sanitätsraum, Unfallstation


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

14.10.2011 um 10:09
14. Oktober 2011, 08:30

Dr. Conray Murray: "Experimentierte" er mit Michael Jackson?

Gestern hörte die Jury bei der Verhandlung um den Tod von Popstar Michael Jackson, dass die Behandlung seines Leibarztes Dr. Conrad Murray wie ein Experiment gewirkt habe.

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Weitere Vorwürfe: Im Fall des wegen fahrlässigen Tötung angeklagten Leibarzt von Michael Jackson (†50), Dr. Conrad Murray, hat gestern Dr. Nader Kamangar, ein Lungenarzt und Schlafmittel-Spezialist, seine Aussage vor Gericht gemacht. Er agiert auch als Berater des medizinischen Behörde von Kalifornien und erklärte dem Gericht, er kenne sich mit Propofol aus, da er es täglich selbst seinen Patienten verabreiche. Er bestand darauf, dass das Medikament mit extremer Vorsicht behandeln werden müsse, da es besonders "unvorhersehbar" sein könne, besonders in Kombination mit anderen Beruhigungsmitteln. Laut Dr. Kamangars Meinung hätte Murray dem Sänger ('Black and White') ohnehin "niemals" Beruhigungsmittel geben dürfen, da sein Blutdruck so tief und der Star dehydriert war. Weiter sagte der Mediziner aus, Murrays Entscheidung, Jacksons Assistenten noch vor den Sanitätern zu informieren, wäre eine "gewissenlose Abweichung der Fürsorge" gewesen. Er befand, dass Murray "grobe Vernachlässigung" gezeigt habe, indem er dem Ärzteteam Informationen verschwieg - dass er nämlich Propofol für den Patienten verwandte.

Nach Dr. Kamangar trat Dr. Steven Shafer, ein Anästhesist, in den Zeugenstand. Dr. Shafer arbeitet seit 20 Jahren für die Firma, die Propofol herstellt. Er half dabei, Richtlinien zu entwerfen, wie dieses Medikament eingesetzt werden sollte. Es wird angenommen, dass der Mediziner den Ermittlern dabei helfen soll zu zeigen, dass Jackson eine zu hohe Dosis des Mittels im Körper hatte und sich in seinem sedierten Zustand gar nicht selbst die tödliche Dosis hätte verabreichen können.

Dr. Shafer wird seine Aussage Anfang nächster Woche fortsetzen.

Michael Jackson starb im Juni 2009 an einer Überdosis des Narkosemittels Propofol, sein Leibarzt Dr. Conrad Murray steht derzeit wegen fahrlässiger Tötung vor Gericht, bestreitet allerdings alle Vorwürfe.,1,artikel,Dr.+Conray+Murray+Experimentierte+er+mit+Michael+Jackson.html


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

14.10.2011 um 10:13
Sleep expert: Drugs caused Michael Jackson's death

LINDA DEUTSCH | October 14, 2011 04:00 AM EST | AP

LOS ANGELES — A UCLA sleep expert described Dr. Conrad Murray's use of a cocktail of drugs on Michael Jackson as "unethical, disturbing and beyond comprehension."

The combination of drugs used as Jackson struggled to fall asleep on the day he died was a "recipe for disaster" and ultimately caused his death, Dr. Nader Kamangar testified Thursday.

Under questioning by Murray's attorney, J. Michael Flanagan, the witness was asked to tell jurors what he knew about the events of June 25, 2009, the day of Jackson's death.

"To summarize, Mr. Jackson was receiving very inappropriate therapy in a home setting, receiving very potent therapies without monitoring," Kamangar said.

He said diazepam (Valium), lorazepam (Ativan) and midazolam (Versed) were given to the sleepless star during a 10-hour period throughout the night and morning.

"This cocktail was a recipe for disaster," Kamangar said.

Noting the addition of propofol (Dipravan), a powerful anesthetic used in surgeries, Flanagan asked: "Could this have caused death?'

"Absolutely," Kamangar said. "Absolutely."

Authorities say Murray gave Jackson a fatal dose of propofol. Murray has pleaded not guilty to involuntary manslaughter.

The witness, one of the experts who evaluated Murray's actions for the California Medical Board, expressed dismay about the drugs Murray gave the pop star, his failure to immediately call 911 for help, and his lack of monitoring and record-keeping.

Murray was unable to produce any written records on his treatment of Jackson, Kamangar noted.

"There were no records whatsoever," he said. "It's very easy to forget details. We do not rely on memory."

"So it's your opinion that there's no way he could have remembered what he did if he didn't write it down?" Flanagan asked.

"It is an egregious violation of the standard of care when you are using sedatives like propofol and you are not writing it down," Kamangar answered.

The defense lawyer pressed on, asking, "Because he didn't write down the pulse rate, oxygen saturation, heart rate ... that didn't kill Michael Jackson, did it?'

"It's a combination of factors," said Kamangar.

"But not the cause of death?" asked Flanagan.

"It's a contributing factor," said the witness.

Kamangar was the third prosecution expert to criticize the conduct of Murray. He said his first mistake was using propofol to treat insomnia, calling it an unacceptable application of the drug.

He said Jackson's demand for the drug – the subject of previous testimony – was not a sufficient reason to give it. He also suggested Murray should have done a physical examination, taken a history from his patient about his insomnia, and called in other medical experts if necessary to evaluate the problem.

"The most important thing he should have done is call for help," Kamangar said.

He said Murray's interview with police made it clear that he waited too long to call 911 when he found Jackson not breathing.

Flanagan suggested at one point that doctors sometimes practice "bad medicine," but their patients are unharmed. Kamangar agreed.

On redirect questioning, Deputy District Attorney David Walgren asked: "Mr. Flanagan asked if a doctor could be grossly negligent and the patient could survive?"

"Yes," said Kamangar.

"Conrad Murray was grossly negligent in many areas and he caused Michael Jackson's death, is that correct?"

"Yes," said the witness.

On Wednesday, Murray's defense team announced they were dropping a claim that was the centerpiece of their case – that Jackson swallowed additional propofol when Murray was out of the room. Flanagan did not bring up self-dosing on Thursday.

Before court recessed, the prosecution called to the stand Dr. Steven Shafer, one of the nation's leading experts on propofol. However, he did not get into his substantive testimony before trial recessed until Monday because Shafer had a schedule conflict.

Shafer was expected to be the final prosecution witness in the case. The defense has a colleague of Shafer's waiting to take the stand.

Shafer helped craft guidelines for appropriate propofol dosing for sedation that is included in the packaging of every bottle that is sold.

Murray could face up to four years behind bars and the loss of his medical license if convicted.


AP Entertainment Writer Anthony McCartney contributed to this report.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

14.10.2011 um 10:25
Dr. Conrad Murray
If He's Convicted ...
He Could End Up On House Arrest


If Dr. Conrad Murray is convicted of felony involuntary manslaughter and sentenced to the maximum -- 4 years in state prison -- he will not spend a single day in prison ... and he could end up on house arrest.

A new law went into effect in California on October 1, which says, because of overcrowding, people convicted of non-violent felonies cannot be sent to State prison. Instead, non-violent felons serve their time in county jail.

Law enforcement tells TMZ ... involuntary manslaughter is a non-violent felony, which means if Murray is convicted he'd go to L.A. County Jail.

As for how much time Murray would serve ... L.A. County Sheriff's officials tell TMZ ... Murray would be jailed for half the actual sentence. So if he gets the max -- 4 years -- he would only serve 2.

But there's a twist ... Murray could actually serve way less than 2 years. Because of severe overcrowding, inmates are eligible for house arrest, based on 2 factors -- their prior criminal history, and risk to the community. Murray has a clean record and, as one law enforcement official put it, he poses no risk ... it's not like he's going to go out with a bottle of Propofol and kill people.

So if the jail is filled to the gills, the Sheriff could put him on house arrest with an electronic monitoring bracelet. But one official from the Sheriff's Department told us ... Murray wouldn't be placed on house arrest right out of the box. He would almost certainly do some time before the jailhouse doors would open.

2x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

14.10.2011 um 10:52
Zitat von ghost777ghost777 schrieb:Dr. Conrad Murray
If He's Convicted ...
He Could End Up On House Arrest
nichts wird so heiß gegessen, wie es gekocht wurde ... das gilt auch in diesem Fall ... :D
Zitat von ghost777ghost777 schrieb:If Dr. Conrad Murray is convicted of felony involuntary manslaughter and sentenced to the maximum -- 4 years in state prison -- he will not spend a single day in prison ... and he could end up on house arrest.
Falls Dr. Conrad Murray der Straftat der fahrlässigen Tötung für schuldig befunden und verurteilt wird, zum Höchstmaß -- 4 Jahre im Staatsgefängnis - wird er nicht einen einzigen Tag im Gefängnis verbringen ... und er könnte letztendlich am Ende auf Hausarrest kommen.
Zitat von ghost777ghost777 schrieb:A new law went into effect in California on October 1, which says, because of overcrowding, people convicted of non-violent felonies cannot be sent to State prison. Instead, non-violent felons serve their time in county jail.
Ein neues Gesetz, das am 1. Oktober in Kalifornien in Kraft trat, welches sagt, dass wegen Überfüllung, Menschen, die als nicht-gewalttätige Verbrechen verurteilt wurden, können nicht in Staatsgefängnisse geschickt werden. Stattdessen sitzen gewaltfreie Schwerverbrecher ihre Zeit im Bezirksgefängnis ab.
Zitat von ghost777ghost777 schrieb:But one official from the Sheriff's Department told us ... Murray wouldn't be placed on house arrest right out of the box. He would almost certainly do some time before the jailhouse doors would open.
Aber ein Beamter des Sheriff Departments sagte uns ... Murray würde nicht unter Hausarrest gestellt werden, mal über den Tellerrand geschaut. Er würde mit ziemlicher Sicherheit einige Zeit dort verbringen, bevor sich die Gefängnis Türen öffnen würden.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

14.10.2011 um 11:30
Verabreichung des Schlafmittels Propofol war unangemessen

14.10.11, 11:02 00:58 Min. / Reuters

murrayfocusOriginal anzeigen (0,2 MB)
Video im Bericht

Im Prozess gegen den ehemaligen Leibarzt von Michael Jackson, Conrad Murray, hat ein weiterer Zeuge den Angeklagten belastet. Die Verabreichung des Schlafmittels Propofol sei völlig unangemessen, so Nader Kamangar, Fachmann für die Behandlung von Schlaflosigkeit.

Im Prozess gegen den ehemaligen Leibarzt von Michael Jackson, Conrad Murray, kommt die Zeugenanhörung der Anklage langsam zu einem Ende. Am Donnerstag saß ihr vorerst letzter Experte im Zeugenstand, es war Nader Kamangar, Fachmann für die Behandlung von Schlaflosigkeit. Murrays Verteidiger wollen nachweisen, dass Jackson durch die regelmäßige Einnahme eines Schmerzmittels - verordnet von einem anderen Arzt - an Schlaflosigkeit litt, die wiederum von Murray behandelt wurde. Der angeklagte Arzt hatte eingeräumt, dem Sänger das starke Betäubungsmittel Propofol verabreicht zu haben.Völlig unangemnessen, urteilte Experte Kamangar. O-Ton Kamangar: "Gegen Schlaflosigkeit setzen wir kein Propofol ein." In der kommenden Woche beginnt Murrays Verteidigung mit der Anhörung ihrer Zeugen, 22 sollen es sein. Und sie sollen bis zum Ende der kommenden Woche alle angehört werden.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

14.10.2011 um 12:11
etwas interessantes: über Thomas Mesereau
gesehen beim mjackson Forum
Eintrag # 114 von geli2709 .. vielen Dank rose

SPECIAL EVENT: Live Recording and Chat with Tom Mesereau

PositivelyMichael is excited to announce a special event to take place on Saturday, October 15th at 9am Pacific Time/Noon Eastern Time.

Tom Mesereau, defense attorney who successfully defended Michael Jackson in 2005, will be joining fans in a live podcast recording. Mr. Mesereau will be answering questions about the Murray trial presented by a variety of leaders from the Michael Jackson fan community.

All fans are invited to listen in and chat during the live recording. There will be a livestream chat immediately after the session with Tom where everyone will have a chance to relax and enjoy themselves with other fans. Save the date! More details will follow soon.

Submit a question for us to ask Tom Mesereau here:
Listen to previous podcast with Tom Mesereau here: (Archiv-Version vom 15.04.2015) (Archiv-Version vom 15.04.2015)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

14.10.2011 um 12:23

im mjackson Forum habe ich Posts entdeckt, die auch die CPR Maßnahme von Murray als idiotisch bezeichnen ...
aus vielen Einträgen von Bernarda lässt sich schließen, dass sie vermutlich über etwas mehr medizinisches "Metier"Kenntnisse verfügt, als viele andere ... vielen Dank rose

Eintrag # 115 von Bernarda
Wenn das stimmt, was CM behauptet, nämlich, daß MJ einen Puls von 120/min. hatte und nicht geatmet hat, dann war es natürlich völlig idiotisch CPR zu machen.
MJ hätte, wie Sternberg sagte, Sauerstoff gebraucht.

Ich glaube aber der Aussage von CM nicht.
Ich vermute, daß CM lange Telefonate außerhalb des Schlafzimmers geführt hat und MJ längst gestorben war, als CM ins Schlafzimmer zurückkam. CM wird vermutlich schnell klar gewesen sein das längst alles zu spät war, weil: kein Puls, keine Atmung, weite lichtstarre Pupillen. Und besonders wichtig sind hier die weiten, lichtstarren Pupillen.
Auch die Notärztin im Krankenhaus, Richelle Cooper, sagte, das MJ schon lange tot war, als er im Krankenhaus ankam.
CM ist vermutlich völlig in Panik geraten, weil ihm klar war, das MJ unwiderruflich tot war, und hat dann eine Reanimation inszeniert, um alles zu vertuschen.

Eintrag # 116 von Bernarda
Es ist umgekehrt. Die elektrische Aktivität am Herzen ist noch vorhanden, das Herz erhält also die elektrischen Impulse um zu schlagen.
Aber der Herzmuskel ist durch den Sauerstoffmangel bereits so geschädigt, das er auf die elektrischen Impulse nicht mehr mit einer Kontraktion reagieren kann.
Ein sterbendes Herz, wie Dr. Ngujen sagte.

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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

14.10.2011 um 12:34
Hallo ihr Lieben,

ich habe eine Frage, die mir nicht mehr aus dem Kopf geht.
Und zwar, habe ich mir noch mal das letzte Bild vor seinen Tod,dass veröffentlicht worden ist angeschaut. Mir ist aufgefallen, das Michael auf dem Bild für seine Umstände"dick" ist und auf dem Bild, wo man seinen "Leichnam" sieht, ist er wieder sehr Dünn.
Wie kann das denn sein??? kann mir das bitte jemand erklären ???

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