Ja die Indizien, die noch nicht mal Nel erwähnt hat. Weder die vor dem Fenster liegende Jeans, der Gärtner Frank oder der erste Anruf an Stander war für Nel interessant, er hatte immerhin O.P für paar Tage im Kreuzverhör und sprach so viele Dinge gar nicht erst an. Vielleicht hat das auch seine Gründe und es gibt einfache Erklärungen, die aber in diversen Strängen schon als quasi Indiz/Beweis gewertet werden. So nach dem Motto, egal was im Prozess vorgekommen ist, wir fügen noch was hinzu und dann passt es.
Hab mal bisschen bei websleuth gestöbert und siehe da, so einige Beitragsschreiber können bestimmte Sachverhalte auch richtigstellen. Z.B die Behauptung von einigen Usern, dass der "O.P-Clan" am selben Tag noch Dinge aus dem Safes mitgehen hat lassen - wurde übrigens im Prozess nie zum Thema gemacht, nur in diversen Foren - aber so wie es aussieht stimmt das ja nun auch nicht...hier der Beitrag von dem User bei websleuth:
The references mentions safes… i.e. the 2 safes… but the safe in the bedroom was opened on 16 February… NOT on 14 February
I did NOT find ANY reference specifically stating that the kitchen safe was opened on 14 February.
The calling and presence of a locksmith on 14 February at around 4AM to crack open a safe before OP was even formally arrested seems very unlikely to me… I suspect that information got mixed up and misinterpreted along the way and that BOTH safes were opened on 16 February.
- OP called Carl Pistorius at 04:01:38 and the call lasted 34 seconds… can't imagine OP telling his brother : " Hi bro, I killed Reeva by mistake…I thought she was an intruder… please come over and bring a locksmith with you to crack my safe... I can't find the key and I need my USB stick that contains my offshore accounts information… I will probably be arrested and I need money to retain the services of an attorney. "
- Not easy to locate and contact a locksmith at around 4AM that can crack a safe on such short notice.
- Lt. Colonel Van Rensburg arrived at OP's house at 3:55AM… his testimony did NOT mention a locksmith on the premises cracking a safe in OP's kitchen on 14 February… Van Rensburg was specifically asked about who was present in OP's house on 14 February : no locksmith !
- Warrant officer Bennie Van Staden (police photographer) arrived at OP's house at 4:50AM… his testimony did NOT mention a locksmith on the premises cracking a safe in OP's kitchen on 14 February.
- The bedroom safe was opened by Carl Pistorius accompanied by Oldwage on 16 February with Lt. Colonel Marlien Van Der Merwe and Warrant officer Bennie Van Staden witnessing and photographing what it contained. Lt. Colonel Van Rensburg was also present at the scene on 16 February to unlock the front door.
- Absolutely NO reference, testimony or evidence at Trial of the kitchen safe or the locksmith on 14 February… the ONLY source of that information is from reporters during Hilton Botha's testimony at the bail hearing.
Here is what I believed happened :
- Carl and Oldwage were present at OP's house in the early hours of 14 February AND on 16 February to access both safes.
- Lt. Colonel Marlien Van Der Merwe and Warrant officer Bennie Van Staden were present on 16 February for the opening of both safes.
- Warrant officer Hilton Botha was NOT present on 16 February for the opening of both safes.
- A locksmith was called on 16 February to crack the kitchen safe.
- Warrant officer Hilton Botha ONLY received the information about the opening of both safes (kitchen and bedroom), the presence of Carl and Oldwage, the locksmith, the financial papers, the USB stick, etc… which Hilton Botha testified about at the bail hearing.
FadingScreams schrieb:weiß jemand ob es foto vom "handy laden" gibt?
Ich meine mal ein Bild während dem Prozess gesehen zu haben, da müsste man jetzt wissen wann das erwähnt wurde und sich alles noch mal anschauen.