Der Prozess Oscar Pistorius und der Tod von Reeva Steenkamp
31.07.2014 um 11:49@infinitas
Carice Stander hat sogar Oscars Hilferufe von über 200m Entfernung gehört und diese dürften nicht die Lautstärke haben, wiedie eines Menschen, der um sein Leben schreit.
Hier noch ein gutes Posting zu seinen Widersprüchen:
Jeder weiss doch, dass Schüsse lauter sind als dumpfe Cricketschlägerschläge und dass das Wasser nicht den Berg rauf laufen kann.infinitas schrieb:Um Schüsse und Schreie hören zu können, waren ja alle zu weit entfernt, aber den Bat den hörten sie. Selbsverständlich! Na klar! :nerv: :nerv:
So ein Schwachfug was man zur Zeit so zu lesen bekommt. Ich glaube so langsam, das ist wirklich ansteckend.
Carice Stander hat sogar Oscars Hilferufe von über 200m Entfernung gehört und diese dürften nicht die Lautstärke haben, wiedie eines Menschen, der um sein Leben schreit.
Hier noch ein gutes Posting zu seinen Widersprüchen:
Casual next-door neighbor Mike testified that OP introduced Reeva as his “FIANCEE”.Aus meinem link oben:
“That’s correct, My Lady, I never got the opportunity to tell Reeva that I loved her.”
- Oscar Pistorius, April 10 2014 testimony
Wait, what??? Doesn’t “I love you.” usually come BEFORE “Will you marry me?”?
“We were deeply in love and I could not be happier. I know she felt the same way.”
- Oscar Pistorius, Bail Application
Wow, really?
HOW could he possibly know what she felt?
He never told her he loved her.
She never told him she loved him. (Not until her Valentine’s Day card, which he supposedly didn’t open till August 2013...when he couldn’t even get her birth date correct).
Yet, as if by magic, she was suddenly his “fiancee” - 4 days before the shooting!
(NOTE: During Mike’s testimony, OP NEVER asked Roux to correct him on “fiancee”. Ever wonder why?)
Lies upon Lies upon Lies.
There’s only one of two possible explanations:
1) Mike has a very poor grasp of the English language (not his first language?) and badly misunderstood Oscar.
2) Oscar coached/threatened/intimidated/$bribed Mike to throw in that “loving” little gem.
Problem for Oscar is, once again, credibility.
NO ONE - except for Mike - has ever mentioned “fiancee” (or engagement) - including Oscar.
Listen to Nel and Oscar here.
He also lied about his relationship with Reeva Steenkamp in an interview on January 14 last year, denying he was in a serious relationship.Und die wollten zusammenziehen? Hier die Zeitungsente. ;-)
Exactly one month before he shot and killed Steenkamp, he told the Sunday Times he was “not ready for anything serious”.
He said he was focusing on his career for now, because girls “lie” when they say they do not mind how busy a guy is.
Yet it emerged in court this week, through his own testimony, that Pistorius and Steenkamp had been in a “serious” relationship from the end of December 2012.
He also told the court he felt he was “more into her” than she was into him.
This is the house that Oscar Pistorius bought for 9m rand (£488,000) because, he claims, he and his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp had agreed to move in together.