Bordo_Bereli schrieb:Der Rest fing 2001/2002 so richtig an. Das Zumindest nach meiner Subjektiven Wahrnehmung als Kind, Jugendlicher und junger Erwachsener.
Es schwappte da rum über.
"The Salafist movement, also known as the Salafi movement, is a movement within Islam that references the Salafist doctrine known as Salafism. It takes its name from the term salaf ("predecessors", "ancestors") used to identify the earliest Muslims, who, its adherents believe, provide the epitome of Islamic practice.[1][2] A hadith which quotes Muhammad saying "The people of my own generation are the best, then those who come after them, and then those of the next generation," is seen as a call to Muslims to follow the example of those first three generations, the salaf.[3]
Many Muslims in Qatar, UAE and Saudi Arabia are Salafists.[4] 46.87% of Qataris[4] and 44.8% of Emiratis are Salafis.[4] 5.7% of Bahrainis are Salafis and 2.17% of Kuwaitis are Salafis.[4]
Salafis are the "dominant minority" in Saudi Arabia.[5] There are 4 million Saudi Salafis, with that country's population being described as 22.9% Salafis while most of the rest as a separate "Wahhabi" category.[6][4] The Salafi movement is often described as synonymous with Wahhabism, but Salafists consider the term "Wahhabi" derogatory.[7] Observers differ over whether Salafi are the same as Wahhabis or not. Self-described Salafis believe they are Sunni Muslims, while the movement's critics claim that Salafis are the same as Wahhabis,[8] The basis of this criticism is the claim that Salafis do not acknowledge or follow any of the four schools of thought (Madhhab) to which most Sunni Muslims adhere. At other times, Salafism has been deemed a hybrid of Wahhabism and other post-1960s movements.[9] Salafism has become associated with literalist, strict and puritanical approaches to Islam – and, particularly in the West, with the Salafi Jihadis who espouse offensive jihad against those they deem to be enemies of Islam as a legitimate expression of Islam.[10]
Wikipedia: Salafi movementplus natürlich MB
"Die Muslimbrüder oder Muslimbruderschaft (arabisch الإخوان المسلمون, DMG al-ʾiḫwān al-muslimūn „Ikhwan“) ist eine der einflussreichsten sunnitisch-islamistischen[1] Bewegungen im Nahen Osten.
Sie wurde 1928 von Hasan al-Banna in Ägypten gegründet. Seitdem hat sich die Muslimbruderschaft in andere Länder, insbesondere Syrien und Jordanien, ausgebreitet. In den jeweiligen Ländern – mit Ausnahme Syriens – ist die Muslimbruderschaft eine wichtige politische Bewegung geworden. Sie gilt als die erste revolutionäre islamische Bewegung.
Wikipedia: MuslimbrüderSchädliche Entwicklungen im Islam, Vermischung mit Politik, Gesetz, hunderttausend überflüssigen Gebote und Regeln machen Religion zur schädlichen Hülse,
privat und spirituell ausgelebt ist Islam eine sehr soziale menschliche und lebensfrohe Religion.