Der Zodiac Killer
30.07.2021 um 17:32Ein Artikel aus 2020 über die San Diego-Morde und einen möglichen Zusammenhang mit dem Zodiac-Killer.
Bermekenswert ist u.a., daß das männliche Opfer " einen Schuss hinter das linke Ohr" erhielt. Genau wie David Farraday an der LHR.
Bermekenswert ist u.a., daß das männliche Opfer " einen Schuss hinter das linke Ohr" erhielt. Genau wie David Farraday an der LHR.
Johnny Ray Swindle was shot behind his left ear. The shot behind the ear of male victims was a clear aspect of Zodiac’s modus operandi..............................Quelle:
They were a young couple; ambushed for no apparent reason with a .22 (same caliber type long rifle.) As at Santa Barbara 6/4/63 and Benicia 12/20/69 attacks near water, there seems to be a water connection with [Zodiac], on or very near a holiday, in this case (Swindles) it was near Valentine’s Day. In 1969 [Zodiac] sent a page from an 1969 astrology magazine using paste ups which read: ‘Watch; want Zodiac, hidden magic amulet, flyt 555 birds fly south.’ I was first to publish it having obtained it from police reporter the late Dave Peterson. He told me a reporter found a United flight 555 left San Francisco — a city of meaning to Zodiac — everyday at 7:30 for San Diego. Birds can refer to planes ........So this was a [Zodiac]-like cryptic hint he claimed some victims in San Diego.”