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Der 4-fach Mord von Moscow, Idaho, USA
21.12.2022 um 08:49So ist es; hier das offizielle Update der Polizei:stefan33 schrieb:Es wurde schon festgestellt, dass das Auto nichts mit dem Fall zu tun hat.
8UPDATE – 4:30 p.m.)Quelle: https://www.ci.moscow.id.us/DocumentCenter/View/24978/12-20-22-Moscow-Homicide-Update
Investigators are aware of a Hyundai Elantra located in Eugene, Oregon and have spoken with the
owner. The vehicle was involved in a collision and subsequently impounded. The vehicle is registered out
of Colorado and the female owner is not believed to have any relation to any property in Moscow, Idaho
or the ongoing murder investigations. The public is asked to stop contacting the owner.