Magier Jan Rouven in Las Vegas: Verurteilt - das Ende einer Karriere
16.06.2016 um 10:18Ja. Allerdings brauchst Du einen pacer account um sie einzusehen.
1) Has anyone in the jury panel work or previously worked in law enforcement? Does anyone have any close family or friends involved in law enforcement?
2) Is there any prospective juror that would give more weight to the testimony of a law enforcement officer simply because of their title or position?
3) This case involves circumstantial evidence. This means that much of the testimony will not come from eye witnesses. Knowing that fact, will any of you be more likely to accept or reject evidence that someone may not have personally observed?
4) Both sides intend to call expert witnesses in this case in the area of computers. Is there anyone who would not accept that person as an expert in that particular field?
5) The Defendant in this case was born in Germany. Is there anyone that has any bias or prejudice against immigrants that would make them unable to fair and impartial in this case?
6) The Defendant in this case identifies as a homosexual. Is there anyone that has any particular bias or prejudice towards that lifestyle that would make them unable to be fair and impartial in this case?
7) The Defendant in this case is legally married to and resides with another man. Is there anyone that has any particular bias or prejudice towards that lifestyle that would make them unable to be fair and impartial in this case?
9) The subject matter of this case involves the possession, receipt, distribution, and advertising of child pornography via computer. Is there anyone in the audience that does not know how to use a computer either at home or work?
10) At home, what do you use a computer for?
11) At work, is your computer connected to a network? Do you ever use other computers at work?
12) At home, do you download things from the internet onto your computer? Do you view pictures of friends and family that might be downloaded onto a website?
13) How many of you feel confident in your computer skills such that you would assist someone if they were having issues with their computer?
14) How reliable do you find computers to be?
15) Do you feel information that you obtain from a computer more or less reliable than information that you receive from other sources?
16) Does anyone have experience downloading or streaming movies?
a) If so, have you ever made a video clip?
b) If so, have you ever downloaded or stored a video clip onto your computer?
17) How many of you know how to find a file and then open it, after you have downloaded it?
18) How many of you believe that if you “delete” a file from your computer that it is actually gone and cannot be found on your computer?
20) What if you empty the recycle bin on your computer? Is the file gone if you then do that?
21) Have any of you heard of computer forensics? If so, what does that mean to you?
22) Would you have difficulty viewing pictures of children being sexually exploited so much that it would make it difficult for you to be a juror in this case?
23) Have you watched, read, or heard of any media reports on the sexual exploitation of children?
a) How did that information affect you?
b) Has the information that you’ve obtained changed your views on child exploitation cases or the court system as it deals with child exploitation cases?
24) Do any of you work with children as either an instructor or counselor? Do you have special training to work with children?
25) Have any of you or anyone closely associated with you been a victim of identity theft?
26) Does any member of the jury panel hold any belief that would make it impossible for them to serve as a juror in this case? For example, do you believe a defendant is guilty simply because he is sitting in court?
27) Have any of you heard anything about the facts of this case prior to coming to court today to potentially serve as a juror?
28) Have any of you seen or heard of the show Illusions at the Tropicana?
29) Do any of you have any moral beliefs about pornography? If so, what are they?
30) Have you, or someone you know, been the victim of computer hacking?
31) Have you ever used a cloud based storage site such as Dropbox or Google Drive?
32) Are you familiar with “peer to peer” networking such as BitTorrent, Gigatribe or
Limewire or have seen someone else use it?
33) Is there any reason that you cannot be a fair and impartial juror in this case?
Die Fragen werden von der Verteidigung (also JRs Anwälten Marchese & Sanft) an die bestellte Jury gestellt.Finchen schrieb:diese Fragen denken sich die Anwälte aus - oder die Staatsanwaltschaft? und legen sie der Richterin vor?
Und wenn sie das Ok gibt, werden die Fragen dem Angeklagten, also Jan, gestellt?
Es wurde ja über die aberkannten Arbeitsvisa und Aufenthaltserlaubnisse berichtet, und hier klingt das so, dass der Ehemann (deswegen) nach Deutschland zurückkehrte, zurückkehren will:Rick_Blaine schrieb am 11.06.2016:Die Rolle des Ehemanns wird vermutlich schon noch interessant werden, denn wie schon bemerkt wurde, wäre er der logische Nächstverdächtige. Dass das FBI ausser einer einzigen Vernehmung kein Interesse für ihn zeigte scheint darauf hinzudeuten, dass sie Entlastendes für ihn gefunden haben.
Attorney Jess Marchese said the revocation takes effect Friday.
Rouven and his manager-husband, Frank Alfter, both German citizens, have been selling their assets in Las Vegas, and Alfter planned to return to Germany, Marchese said.
Uff. Das bedeutet ja definitiv, dass seine Karriere in LV beendet ist. Egal, ob schuldig oder nicht.yasumi schrieb:Rouven and his manager-husband, Frank Alfter, both German citizens, have been selling their assets in Las Vegas, and Alfter planned to return to Germany, Marchese said.
Genau so würde ich Frage 8 beurteilen.yasumi schrieb:Würde mal drauf tippen, dass die achte Frage eher brisant für die Klatschpresse ist, für uns eher uninteressant, oder?
Die Frage wäre für mich eher, ob er dableiben darf, visumtechnisch. Gut er könnte ausreisen und als Tourist wieder einreisen, falls das geht.Rick_Blaine schrieb:Während dem Prozess nicht anwesend zu sein und seinem Ehemann moralische Unterstützung zukommen zu lassen wäre m.E. schon ein interessantes Verhalten, das kann ich mir nun doch nicht so vorstellen.