The Fort Worth Three
02.10.2015 um 15:04@MrsBarnaby
im bezug auf solche "speziellen" fälle ist das internet leider generell nicht sehr ergiebig.
im bezug auf solche "speziellen" fälle ist das internet leider generell nicht sehr ergiebig.
Danke dafür, dass du diese dinge einbringst, auch wenn die lösung des falles in weiter ferne liegt. (Wahrscheinlich nie gelöst werden wird)KleinesBu schrieb:letztens las ich, dass man einen gewissen James Mitchell DeBardeleben im Verdacht hatte, er wohnte wohl nur 2Meilen von Rachel entfernt und war ein Kidnapper u Vergewaltiger. Fir Angehörigen haben sich die Erlaubnis eingeholt mittels Radar den Keller zu untersuchen, leider Ergebnislos.
Ebenso wird vermutet, das sich die sterblichen überreste der mädchen in Autowracks befinden, die in einem umliegenden See liegen (ich meine es war von 1 truck und 2 Autos die Rede), jedoch wollen die zuständigen behörden für die Bergung kein Geld ausgeben.
Da hast Du dich verrechnet. Sie wäre 62 Jahre alt. Ein Entführer wäre nach der Rechnung an die 80.medienlover schrieb:Der Fall ist von 1974, die älteste ist/wäre heute 72 Jahre alt.
Schon ein bißchen her, aber das bedeutet in diesem Zusammenhang wohl: "Ich werde (die/meine) Strafe/Schimpfe/Mecker bekommen" ("ich werd's abbekommen"/ich bekomme einen drauf").Comtesse schrieb am 05.08.2015:"I'm going to catch it" ist sicher eine Redewendung, die man nicht verstehen kann, wenn man sie wörtlich übersetzt. Ich habe jedenfalls keine Ahnung, was damit gemeint sein könnte. Vielleicht taucht hier ja noch ein native speaker auf, der uns das übersetzen kann, was das bedeutet. Den Rest hätte ich auch so übersetzt.
[Rayanne] Moseley would later recall: "I was working for an electrical contractor, and my husband and I were separated. It was a bitter, bitter time. I remember that Julie called and wanted to go to Seminary South. I said, 'No. You don't have any money. You just stay home.' I knew Renee and her mother, but I really didn't know Rachel. But she [Julie] kept whining about how she wouldn't have anybody to play with. I finally gave in, but I told her to be home by six."[3] The older girls, specifically Renee, wanted to be back by 4:00 p.m. because Renee had a Christmas party she wanted to attend with her new boyfriend, who had given her a promise ring that morning, and she wanted plenty of time to get ready.Quelle: Wikipedia: Fort Worth missing trio
“The dads of those girls went down to that shopping center armed with shotguns, guarding that car,” Langston said. “They didn’t want anything to happen to it.”Quelle: (Archiv-Version vom 11.08.2020)
Langston said she dragged Arnold [Rachels Bruder Rusty Arnold] to the shopping center, entered every store and asked the manager to make an announcement to see if the girls were there.Quelle:
The morning after the girls disappeared, a letter arrived at Rachel and Tommy’s home in Fort Worth, addressed to Thomas A. Trlica. The name Rachel was written in the upper left corner of the envelope. No city name existed on the postmark and only a blurred ZIP code: 76083. The 10-cent stamp had been canceled the morning of Dec. 24, 1974.Quelle: (Archiv-Version vom 11.08.2020)
In subsequent decades, handwriting experts across the nation, including from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), have yielded inconclusive results as to the legitimacy of the letterQuelle: Wikipedia: Fort Worth missing trio
Investigators retrieved DNA on the letter but no match has ever been found.Quelle:
n August 1975, Swaim discovered that a 28-year-old man, who had worked for a local store where Rachel had applied for a job before her disappearance, was making a string of obscene phone calls in the area. It was discovered that the man was using his position to obtain information from young women who had either submitted job applications or been listed as references. Six female job applicants had been receiving obscene phone calls. The man also once lived in the neighborhood of Rachel's parents but moved away shortly before Rachel married. In the end, nothing came of the investigation into this suspect.1979 stab Swaim an einer Überdosis. Der Tod wurde als Suizid gewertet. Als die Familien die über die Jahre zusammengetragenen Akten an Informationen abholen wollten, mussten sie erfahren, dass diese auf den Wunsch Swaims verbrannt worden sind.
In 1979, Swaim died following a drug overdose; his death was ruled to be suicide. Upon his death, he ordered that all of his files on the case be destroyed.[Quelle: Wikipedia: Fort Worth missing trio
In early 1975, one young man claiming to be an acquaintance of Rachel's stepped forward and claimed that he saw the three girls in the record department of a store inside the mall just before they disappeared. Apparently, he and Rachel saw each other and spoke briefly. The man claimed that another person appeared to be with the girls.Eine Verkäuferin erzählte, dass eine Frau ihr erzählt hätte, dass sie die Mädchen an diesem Tag in der Mall gesehen hätte. Sie hätte gesehen, wie die Mädchen nahe Buddies Grocery Store in der Mall in einen gelben Pickup-Truck gezogen worden waren. Der Truck hätte Lichter auf dem Dach gehabt. Die Zeugin konnte nie identifiziert und die Geschichte nicht überprüft werden.
A store clerk came forward around the time of the girls' disappearance and said that a woman told her that she had seen the girls at the mall that day. The woman reported that she saw three girls being forced into a yellow pickup truck near Buddies grocery store at the mall. The truck was described as having lights on top of it. This witness could never be located by police, and the story was never verified.1981 sagte ein Mann, dass er an dem Tag am Parkplatz gewesen sei und gesehen hätte, wie ein Mann ein Mädchen in den Van gezwungen hätte. Der Mann teilte ihm mit, dass es sich um eine familiäre Streitigkeit handeln würde, und dass er sich raushalten solle.
In 1981, years after the disappearance, a man said he had been in the parking lot that day and had seen a man forcing a girl into a van. The man in the van told him it was a family dispute and to stay out of it.2001 meldete sich Bill Hutchings, der früher Polizist und zum Zeitpunkt des Verschwindens Sicherheitsbediensteter bei Sears war, dass er die Mädchen in der Nacht in der sie verschwanden mit einem weiteren Sicherheitsmitarbeiter gesehen habe.
In April 2001, Bill Hutchins, a former Fort Worth police officer and security guard at the Seminary South Sears outlet, said that he saw the three girls with a security guard on the night they disappeared.Quelle: Quelle: Wikipedia: Fort Worth missing trio
Rusty Arnold believes the letter was mailed in the Throckmorton, Texas area, which is about 127 miles northwest of Fort Worth.Quelle: (Archiv-Version vom 11.08.2020)
Debra was not only living with Tommy and Rachel in 1974. She had also been previously engaged to Tommy, though she later maintained that it was not a serious engagement. Rachel met future husband Tommy through Debra.Quelle: Quelle:
“He was very abusive to the girls,” Rusty said. “I’d seen him whip Debra so hard that she had blood running down her legs.”Quelle:
At one point, Rusty claims, Cotton put a gun to Fran Langston’s head in front of all three children and threatened to kill her.
TommyTommys Beziehungen waren ebenfalls im Rahmen der Aufarbeitung des Falls immer wieder Thema.
A closer look at Tommy’s marriage records shows an eventful timeline. On August 23, 1971, he married Shauna Ford, with whom he had a son, Shawn. On April 26, 1974, he and Ford filed for divorce. He married 17-year-old Rachel only 43 days later and was engaged to Debra before that.Quelle:
The disappearances occurred a little over six months into the marriage. Less than two years later, Tommy requested a divorce from Rachel on the grounds of abandonment. On December 15, 1976, he married Josephine Beck, who was also 17 years old. He and Beck were divorced by June of 1978. Less than three months later, he would marry 23-year-old Ruby Fox.
Tommy now lives in South Texas and has been married to his current wife, Linda Trlica, for 40 years.
Tommy’s marriage applications to Beck and Fox were both conducted in the same city: Weatherford, Texas, 76088. Both applications requested that the marriage licenses be sent to the same address in Throckmorton, Texas, 76083. A recovered deed has Tommy buying a house in Throckmorton, which currently has a population of 828, and including Rachel’s name in the deed. The document was dated in May of 1976, nearly 17 months after Rachel disappeared.
These are many connections in a saga of connections, some real, many imagined. Tommy categorically denies any involvement in the disappearance of the girls and rejects any accusations that he may be involved.
In an email, he said, “If you are writing things Rusty has said, then you could be opening up to legal repercussions. Rusty Arnold has done nothing but lie and put money is his pocket from this. To answer your question, I had nothing to do with the disappearance of my wife. I have done everything that law enforcement has ask me to do.”
Over the course of my years reporting the case, I did not come across any implication that Tommy did not cooperate with law enforcement or any evidence that he obstructed the investigation in any way. The connections between him and the marriage applications in Weatherford and him and Rachel’s letter and the city of Throckmorton are simply part of the same twisting story, a tale littered with abundant, apparent leads that do not go anywhere but that form the fabric of the knotty, paranoid narrative, that form what we consider a “true crime” yarn.
“There has been so much information to come to light that you may want to do more investigation into it before you run the story,” he ended.
A year later, three skeletons were found in a field in Brazoria County by an oil drilling crew. Swaim had the bones compared to x-rays and dental records of the girls, but it turned out that the bones belonged to a teenage boy about 15 to 17 years of age and two other females who were not identified as being any of the girls.Quelle: Wikipedia: Fort Worth missing trio
2018 berichtet Terry Moseley, Julies Bruder und Renees fester Freund, Dateline gegenüber, dass Renee die Jeans abholen wollte.Schneewi77chen schrieb:[In einigen Artikel, darunter auch der Wikipedia-Eintrag, wird berichtet, Renee wollte die Jeans abholen. Die meisten Artikel und auch die Familie von Rachel bestätigt in Interviews mehrfach, dass Rachel die Jeans holen wollte. Zudem wollte Renee ja ursprünglich gar nicht los.]
Before Terry left Renee that morning, he says she told him she wanted to go to the store to pick up some jeans she had on layaway.Quelle:
Dass die Weihnachtsfeier von der High School organisiert wurde, ist womöglich kein verifizierter Fakt, deshalb bitte vorsichtshalber ignorieren. Aber auch das ist (wahrscheinlich) irrelevant.Schneewi77chen schrieb:auf eine Weihnachtsfeier der örtlichen High School wollte
das Verdeck war wohl beige, das Auto braun (siehe auch spanischer Link zu Fotos weiter unten)Schneewi77chen schrieb:Oldsmobile 98 (Baujahr 1972, Farbe beige)
Und dann hab ich noch ein paar Ergänzungen:in anderen Berichten ist vom Rücksitz die RedeSchneewi77chen schrieb:lediglich ein Päckchen im Auto gewesen. Es sei unter dem Beifahrersitz gewesen.
and the letter was written in pen, while the address was in pencil.Quelle:
“I don’t understand the letter at all,” Terry told Dateline. “The letter seems to me like it almost points to someone who knew them. People say it’s to throw us off the track. Throw us off of what track? There has never been any track. I don’t know if we will ever know what happened.”Quelle:
@Silberstreif.Silberstreif. schrieb:@frauZimt Du meinst also die Verabredung von Lisa Renee zeigte sich dann als Entführer? Hmm, das ist eine Möglichkeit. Aber der hatte dann wahrscheinlich nicht damit gerechnet, dass die Mädels zu dritt daherkamen. Aber zwei Männer reichen wahrscheinlich auch. Wenn der Überfall geplant war, dann könnten sie den Girls am Ende eines Gangs zum Parkdeck Chloroform an die Nase gehalten haben, oder so etwas...
Das habe ich nicht mehr so genau in Erinnerung.Silberstreif. schrieb:Aber Renee war doch diejenige, welche gar nicht so recht Lust auf das Shopping hatte, weil sie morgens einen Ring von ihrem festen Freund bekommen hatte und abends auf eine Party mit ihm wollte. Und der war auch erst 15.