Linux Talk
05.04.2016 um 07:59@Badbrain:
Mit LibreOffice oder OpenOffice kann man Texte und eingefügte Bilder in PDF-Dateien umwandeln.
Mit LibreOffice oder OpenOffice kann man Texte und eingefügte Bilder in PDF-Dateien umwandeln.
1. `cd' to the directory containing the source code.
2. `mkdir build && cd build' to create a location for building.
3. `cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr ..' to configure the sources.
There are more options you can pass to cmake, see below for details.
4. `make' to compile the plugin. This will also rerun cmake for you if
any CMakeLists.txt files have changed.
5. `make install' to install the plugin. This has to be done with root
privileges if installing to system directories, but the rest of the
build should be done with regular user privileges.
For packaging you can optionally install the plugin into a temporary
directory instead of the system directories by providing a DESTDIR
variable. For example, `make install DESTDIR=alternate/directory'
will prepend 'alternate/directory' before all installation names.