und diese seite ist auch sehr aufschlussreich, denn sie zeigt auf, dass es eben doch kulturelle unterschiede gibt in der art und weise was man nach dem tod erlebt
http://anthropology.uwaterloo.ca/WNB/NearDeath.html Conclusions
Perhaps the most interesting question for an anthropologist who wishes to study the phenomenon of near-death experience is how much of the content of such experiences is culturally derived and whether these experiences have common qualities that cut across cultural differences. Obviously, three near-death experiences which occurred during deaths which were not verified by trained medical personnel, one vision, and one dream from a Melanesian society are insufficient to warrant any profound general conclusions. Nevertheless, these cases do represent a start in the collection of cross-cultural data, and they do permit some tentative observations.
First, some of the experiences that are common among the people interviewed by Moody and Osis and Haraldsson were not reported by my consultants.(3)
(1) In no case did a Kaliai look down upon his sleeping or dead body.
(2) No one reported feelings of strong emotion or of floating in space.
(3) No one said he experienced a feeling of exaltation shortly after death of before having his vision or dream.
(4) No one reported hearing a loud buzzing or ringing sound or music at the beginning of his experience,(4)
(5) There were no reports that people felt as though they were moving at great speed through a long, dark tunnel. Instead, all of my informants journeyed by foot on a wide path or road. All but Frank and Andrew specifically traveled toward the mountainous interior of New Britain, and three of my informants saw or went to Mount Andewa and the village of the dead.
(6) Only Frank, who is the most highly educated and acculturated, and the only English-speaker, reported seeing a man with white skin and long beard dressed in white robes.
(7) No one mentioned having a new body and the only unusual power mentioned was the ability to see evidence of spirit habitation on Mount Andewa. Jakob's ability to see and travel long distances was a result of the unusual nature of the spirit world and not an artifact of a new and especially powerful body.
(8) No one spoke of having feelings of love, joy and peace during his experience, and only Jakob volunteered that, as a result of his vision, he no longer fears death. Andrew did express reluctance to return to life and pointed to his withered leg, an artifact of his nearly fatal illness, as giving him reason to regret his return.
es könnte also durchaus sein, dass das "ich bin" die einzige Wahrheit ist. das was du bist, bist du. warum einige leute nun anders sind, ob es die genetik und erziehung ist (andere geistige wahrnehmung, bedürfnisse, gerechtigkeitssinn und gefühlsregungen haben) oder ob vielleicht leute doch aus verschiedenen geistigen quellen herkommen und auch in verschiedene quellen zurückgehen etc. das wäre die andere interessante frage, über die wir nachdenken müssen.
aber im laufe der nächsten jahrhunderte der globalisierung und internet wird sich diese frage wohl auflösen, da wir uns immer mehr angleichen werden.