24.06.2015 um 23:46Lässt sich ja auch als JPG posten.
Naja, die Fachwelt unterscheidet da noch zwischen theoretischer Vernunft, und praktischer Vernunft. Ich sehe bei beiden keine große Schnittmenge.Die Schnittmenge von den Rosch- Verantwortlichen und uns Schreibern hier im Forum herauszustellen, erscheint mir wichtig genug um noch mal darauf zurückzukommen.
Wikipedia: Vernunft
Soweit sich die Vernunft auf Prinzipien des Erkennens und der Wissenschaften richtet, spricht man von theoretischer Vernunft. Ist die Vernunft auf das Handeln oder die Lebenshaltung ausgerichtet, folgt sie den Prinzipien praktischer Vernunft, die sich in moralischen Fragen an Werten oder zur Erreichung von Effizienz am ökonomischen Prinzip orientieren kann.
Dear Sterling,
Thank you for your information about your public response. Although I would have appreciated a little more heads up. We would have been able to avoid several mistakes and purely wrong allegations in your text. But well, at least I got promoted from „fake“ physicist to real physicist with hidden, devilish agenda.
The worst statement is that I work for E.ON. I don’t do now and I have never done before. As you could have figured out from the web address, the Energy Research Center is part of the RWTH Aachen University. It is true that the utility company sponsored the center. But this is not uncommon in science. Nevertheless most of our funding is public, mainly the BMWi and BMBF (both federal ministries). Personally I have never been paid any money by E.ON and I’ve always worked on public funded projects. None of them had any relation to E.ON or any other utility company. Fun fact: I originally declined to do the interview for WDR because I assumed that there would be somebody claiming that I was just paid by a utility company to speak badly about an competitor. So I disclosed the information to WDR and they said that they don’t see any conflict of interest. So I finally went to visit Rosch.
But well, if you like, let us assume that I am an agent of E.ON. Why in the world should any utility company object to the KPP. If it works, it would be a cheap technology with low fuel prices. Any utility company would just replace their old power plants by KPPs and do business as usual. In Germany many people live in rented houses. They would not be allowed to set up a KPP on their balcony. Furthermore, at my visit at Rosch, Detlef D. told me that he dislikes to build the small 5 kW Power Plants for Gaia, he prefers the larger ones around 1 MW, because they just generate more revenue. If I remember correctly it was because some magic magnets were necessary to build the Power Plants, but availability of them is limited (I personally assume that he also needs a bit of grinded pink unicorn powder which is even harder to get…). So if Mr. D. prefers higher revenue, and I am pretty sure he does, he’ll work together with utility companies instead of fighting them. If the KPP is real, it is not a threat to utility companies but a means to generate higher revenue.
Me being not open minded. Well, let it put me this way: I believe I can’t fly by flapping my arms, although I never tried it (I’m just that sure of my assumption that I really never tried it, and 300 years old people told me that it is impossible). And now, if somebody says he can fly by flapping his arms, I expect him to prove it. In front of my eyes, in the open (so no strings attached…). If he answers: No, you have to believe me. Here, I have a picture, I won’t believe him. Because I know what Photoshop can do. If you call this narrow minded, Never mind. I would call this the ability to use your knowledge to distinguish between bullshit and ideas worth pursuing. And by turning down things that I consider bullshit, I have more time to attend to things that I consider worth it.
I also think that there is a bit of irony calling me non independent and self profiting from sales of the KPP generated by PESN. But I appreciate that you disclose this information.
But I think the best we can do is having a look how things will turn out. I stand to my word that the KPP will never ever generate more power than it consumes. And if Rosch and you prove me wrong, I’d be glad to give an eulogy when you are receiving the noble price (and admitting that I’m the biggest moron on earth).
This will be my last mail on this issue. I just wanted to make sure you can’t say: „I didn’t know that it was different, nobody told me.“ I told you.
Kind regards from Aachen
Would you please supply me with a copy of his Passport and I will verify it with the University which he presumably no longer works at since he now works for E.On.
It was purported he was working for the university, now he doesn't. Or is working 2 jobs perhaps ?
Why did he not even mention the fact in the video that he works for E.On. Or did he not want that know ?
rosaKeks schrieb:grinded pink unicorn powder which is even harder to get…Da sieht man's mal wieder, EINMAL richtig investiert und schon läuft der Laden. Da wir hier aus dem Thread alle in Balthasars rosa-Einhorn-Zucht investiert haben, bekommen wir natürlich als Dividende rosa-Einhorn-Staub und unsere AuKW laufen wie geschmiert ähhh gepudert. ROSCH hat vermutlich in RWE investiert und bekommt somit vermutlich den rosa-Einhorn-Staub aus der Steckdose.
I have a qualification from that University too. Maybe I am real too. (Archiv-Version vom 28.06.2015)Oh man, Stuart wird immer blöder.
Poipoi schrieb:DDD hat dann in seinem ausgewiesen miserablen Englisch daraus gemacht "works for Eon". Stuart hat das sofort verinnerlicht und schreibt das jetzt in jedem zweiten Kommentar.Ich tippe ja eher darauf, dass ROSCH das ganz bewußt an Stuart/Sterling weiter gegeben hat, um Michael als voreingenommen, so-called expert oder "Experten" zu diskreditieren. Mein Eindruck ist, dass DD so was aus reinem Kalkül macht.
Poipoi schrieb:DDD hat dann in seinem ausgewiesen miserablen EnglischSo miserabel, dass es grad noch zu einem Doktorat an der renommierten Rice-University gereicht hat.