Michael Jackson noch am Leben?
29.10.2009 um 11:22
In dem Interview mit Larry King sagt Jermain auf die Frage hin nach einem Comeback der Jackson 5 in etwa sowas:
"This is NOT it, it is NOT the final certain"
Reichlich selbstüberschaetzend, finde ich. Es sei denn, es ist ein Hinweis...
Michael Jackson noch am Leben?
29.10.2009 um 11:28
Ein Transskript des Interviews:
Jermaine Jackson interview by Larry King at the opening of THIS IS IT
What are you feeling tonight:
Jermaine: Michael would be very proud. I'm very proud. And uh I hear the movie is unbelievable. I haven't seen it, only FROM WHAT YOU SHOWED ME from WHEN YOU WE INTERVIEWED ME AT THE RANCH (slip up when he says YOU WE?)
Larry King: Yeah haha (laughs)
Larry King: Do you have any doubts that Michael would have appreciated this:
Jermaine: I think he would have loved it only because it shows there is a person in him throughout all the rehearsals, you see when he spoke,he's concentrating on the band and the dancers , you see there is a human side to him as opposed to him being on stage in the glitz and the glammer. I think he would have been very very PROUD.
Larry King: There are a lot of stories that the Jackson Brothers are going to return to the stage, is this true?
Jermaine says: Yes but theres all kinds of exciting things going on. This is called This is it, but This is really not it NOT it.
There is going to be much much more going on but this is it but This is DEFINITELY NOT the final curtain no, there's a lot going on.
Larry King: Couple other things, has your mother seen the movie
Jermaine: Excuse me, can you repeat that.
Larry King: Has your mother seen…
Jermaine: I really don't think so. It's kinda tough for her.
Larry King: I could imagine. How are the kids doing?
Jermaine: The kids are doing fine, they are um with my kids and playing and it's really just a house full of kids and animals, and RABBITS and birds and gofers and all kinds of things.
Larry King: Are you anxious to see it Jermaine, is there anything bittersweet about seeing it:
Jermaine: I know I am going to cry and just gonna make me miss him more. I am happy People get a chance to see what he was going to do. And I know knowing Michael he was going through the motions, he wasn't giving 1000% during the rehearsals cuz his concern was making sure what everybody else knew what they were going to do and once he hit that stage HE WAS GOING TO WEAR THEM OUT LARRY, THAT WAS THE WHOLE PLAN!!
http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxdeath.com/?page_id=293/hoax-death/jermaine-jackson-says-this-is-not-it-this-is-not-the-final-curtain/&value=larry king jermain&type=1&include=1&search=1&ret=all
Michael Jackson noch am Leben?
29.10.2009 um 11:34
Wer war nicht neidisch auf MJ`s Erfolge ?!
Neid ist das,was die meisten Menschen antreibt.
Das was MJ durchmachen mußte,erfährt mann ja selber mal hin und wieder im kleinen Maße.Das macht mich schon ganz krank,und hier gehts vielleicht um 5 Menschen.Er hatte die halbe Welt im Nacken !Ich glaube kaum jemand kann sich vorstellen was er durchgemacht haben muß über all die Jahre.
Michael Jackson noch am Leben?
29.10.2009 um 11:43
omg peeeeinlich...:-)
Michael Jackson noch am Leben?
29.10.2009 um 11:44
Das mit d. klein steht im buch er hat mj immer injektioen ihm gegeben wegen krankheit alpha1 is nix schlimmes. deshalb au d. einstichstellen am arm denk ich. viel interessanter find i was mj zum schluss sagte im film. ich mache pause usw.
Michael Jackson noch am Leben?
29.10.2009 um 11:45
Oh je, und nun stellt euch mal vor sowas ein paar mal am Tag.