zaeld schrieb:Ich würde immer noch gerne wissen: Wieviele Fahrstunden habt ihr gebraucht, ein Auto dorthin fahren zu lassen, wo ihr hinwollt. Und wie schwierig es war, zwischen zwei Brückenpfeilern hindurch zu fahren, denn diese Lücke muß man ja erst einmal treffen.
Erste Fahrstunde.
:DDeinen Einwand kann ich als ganz generelle Kritik problemlos akzeptieren, nur steht er den zitierten Pressestimmen diametral gegenüber. Du bist zwar rein zahlenmäßig in der Unterzahl, aber ich finde Deine Logik zu bestechend um den Einwand gänzlich zu ignorieren.
Aber darüber könnten wir scheinbar noch Stunden debattieren, das führt zu nix.
Ich hab mir "zufälligerweise" mal den Spaß gemacht die Ungereimtheien des Tages anhand dieser Zeitskala abzuarbeiten. Vielleicht verstehst Du meine Skepzis nach der Lektüre. Und dabei lasse ich Pilot und Manöver jetzt einfach mal komplett außen vor.
http://www.historycommons.org/timeline.jsp?timeline=complete_911_timeline&day_of_9/11=complete_911_timeline_pentagonSeltsamerweise wußten Wolfowitz und Rumsfeld ja schon im Vorfeld bescheid.
Frappierende Ähnlichkeiten zum Manifest "Rebuilding Americas Defense" sind natürlich rein "zufälliger" Natur...
Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz, Representatives Christopher Cox (R-CA) and John Mica (R-FL), and numerous others are meeting in Rumsfeld’s private Pentagon dining room, discussing missile defense (see (8:00 a.m.-8:50 a.m.) September 11, 2001). Rumsfeld later recalls, “I had said at an eight o’clock breakfast that sometime in the next two, four, six, eight, ten, twelve months there would be an event that would occur in the world that would be sufficiently shocking that it would remind people again how important it is to have a strong healthy Defense Department that contributes to—that underpins peace and stability in our world.” [Larry King Live, 12/5/2001] Wolfowitz recalls, “And we commented to them that based on what Rumsfeld and I had both seen and worked on the Ballistic Missile Threat Commission, that we were probably in for some nasty surprises over the next ten years.” [Vanity Fair, 5/9/2003] According to Mica, “the subject of the conversation Donald Rumsfeld was interested in was, the military had been downsized during the ‘90s since the fall of the Berlin Wall. And what we were going to do about [the] situation if we had another—the word [Rumsfeld] used was ‘incident.‘… And he was trying to make certain that we were prepared for something that we might not expect.”
http://www.historycommons.org/context.jsp?item=a846rumsfeldpredict#a846rumsfeldpredict (Archiv-Version vom 27.08.2013)Nach den Anschlägen in NY konnten sich so einige Pentagon-Mitarbeiter zusammenreimen, daß sie als nächstes Ziel in Frage kämen.
Natürlich wurden die Mitarbeiter "zufälligerweise" erst nach dem Anschlag evakuiert...
Officers Conclude Pentagon Is a Likely Target - Those in the office start discussing whether there could be more attacks. Toti will recall: “We started talking about options. If [the terrorists] are hitting New York, the only other place that makes sense to hit—New York is the capital of our economy, Washington is the capital of our government—okay, they’re going to hit Washington if this is an organized attack.” LaFleur says that if the terrorists are going to attack Washington, “Then they’re going to go after the White House,” but Toti disagrees, saying, “No, there’s only one building in DC that shares the characteristics of the World Trade Center.” Toti notes that the WTC is “symbolic, it houses a lot of people, and it’s easy to hit from the air.” He will later state, “If you go through the list of buildings in DC—remember, we are doing this before the second tower is hit—we’re saying symbolic: White House, Capitol building, the Pentagon; houses a lot of people: the Pentagon; easy to hit by air: Pentagon and the Capitol, too.” Toti therefore concludes: “The only building that makes sense is the Pentagon.… At this point, if [the terrorists] hit any place, they are going to hit this building.” While those in the VCNO’s office are discussing how the Pentagon is “a likely target,” they see the second plane hitting the WTC live on television, at 9:03 a.m. [US Naval Historical Center, 10/10/2001] Despite their concerns, no steps will be taken to evacuate the Pentagon or alert workers there before the building is attacked (see Before 9:37 a.m. September 11, 2001).
http://www.historycommons.org/context.jsp?item=a848pentagonatarget#a848pentagonatarget (Archiv-Version vom 01.09.2013)Normalerweise kommunizieren die beteiligten Behörden auch ganz gut, daß das an diesem Tag "zufälligerweise" nich so ganz funzen wollte, werden wir noch mehrfach sehen.
According to the FAA’s acting Deputy Administrator Monte Belger: “Prior to 9/11, FAA’s traditional communication channel with the military during a crisis had been through the National Military Command Center (NMCC). They were always included in the communication net that was used to manage a hijack incident.” He will say that, since the FAA does not have direct dedicated communication links with NORAD, in a hijack scenario the NMCC has “the responsibility to coordinate [the Defense Department]‘s response to requests from the FAA or the FBI.” [9/11 Commission, 6/17/2004 pdf file; 9/11 Commission, 6/17/2004] NEADS reportedly is not alerted to Flight 77 until significantly later: at 9:24 a.m. by some accounts (see (9:24 a.m.) September 11, 2001), or, according to other accounts, at 9:34 a.m., when it only learns that Flight 77 is missing (see 9:34 a.m. September 11, 2001).
http://www.historycommons.org/context.jsp?item=a856nmccurgentlytalking#a856nmccurgentlytalking (Archiv-Version vom 01.09.2013)"Zufälligerweise" fielen schon vor dem Anschlag weite Teile des Kommunikationsnetzes aus. Die Nation war taub, stumm und blind? Na sowas.
In the Washington, DC, area, members of the public, emergency responders, and government officials experience serious communications problems. Telephone and cell phone services around the capital remain unavailable to members of the public for most of the day. ...
A classified after-action report will later be produced, based on observations from a National Airborne Operations Center plane launched near Washington shortly before the time of the Pentagon attack (see (Shortly Before 9:37 a.m.) September 11, 2001). According to one government official, the report indicates that the nation was “deaf, dumb, and blind” for much of the day.
http://www.historycommons.org/context.jsp?item=a855poorcommunications#a855poorcommunications (Archiv-Version vom 31.08.2013)Die Kommunikation zwischen FAA und NMCC lief "zufälligerweise" auch nich so wirklich nach Plan...
An officer in the National Military Command Center (NMCC) at the Pentagon learns, during a phone call to the FAA, of the hijacking of Flight 11, but the FAA tells him it does not need any help dealing with this, as everything seems to be under control. [9/11 Commission, 4/29/2004 pdf file; 9/11 Commission, 7/24/2004, pp. 35]
NMCC Officer Calls FAA for Information - After those in the NMCC learned from television that an aircraft had crashed into the World Trade Center (see (8:48 a.m.) September 11, 2001), Lieutenant Colonel Ryan Gonsalves, the senior operations officer there, began gathering up as much information as he could on the crisis. One of the phone calls he makes is to the FAA operations center at the agency’s Washington, DC, headquarters. The employee at the operations center who answers the call tells Gonsalves that the FAA has had a report of a hijacking on a plane that departed Boston. [9/11 Commission, 4/29/2004 pdf file; 9/11 Commission, 5/5/2004]
FAA Says It Does Not Need Help - The FAA employee apparently does not connect the plane crashing into the WTC with the hijacked Flight 11, which they claim is still airborne and heading for New York’s JFK International Airport. The entry in the senior operations officer’s log about the call will state: “9:00 NMCC called FAA, briefed of explosion at WTC possibly from aircraft crash. Also, hijacking of American Flight 11 from Boston to LA, now en route to Kennedy.” [9/11 Commission, 7/24/2004, pp. 462] Furthermore, when Gonsalves asks if the FAA needs any assistance dealing with the hijacking, the operations center employee replies, “No,” and says the pilot “had called in and said everything was under control, and he was going to land at New York shortly.” [9/11 Commission, 4/29/2004 pdf file; 9/11 Commission, 5/5/2004] The possibility of scrambling fighter jets is not discussed during the phone call. Even though military instructions state that the NMCC is to be “notified by the most expeditious means by the FAA” in response to aircraft hijackings in US airspace (see June 1, 2001), this call, according to the 9/11 Commission Report, appears to be the first time the FAA informs the NMCC of the hijacking of Flight 11.
http://www.historycommons.org/context.jsp?item=a900nmcccontactsfaa#a900nmcccontactsfaaNoch kein Alarm im Pentagon, alles voll ok. "Zufälligerweise" sehen die Nachbarn das etwas weniger tiefenentspannt...
People in the vicinity of the Pentagon, including the managers of the high USA Today building, phone the local emergency call center, with concerns about their own safety.
http://www.historycommons.org/context.jsp?item=a904usatodaybuilding#a904usatodaybuildingDespite two attacks having occurred in New York, the threat level at the Pentagon is not raised
http://www.historycommons.org/context.jsp?item=a900alpha#a900alpha (Archiv-Version vom 01.09.2013)Ein Pentagon-Mitarbeiter empfiehlt einem NBC-Korrespondenten sich lieber nich im äußeren Bereich des Gebäudes aufzuhalten. Das war ausnahmsweise mal kein "Zufall", sondern ne reine Bauchentscheidung. Wirklich!!!
After the second WTC tower is hit, NBC News correspondent Jim Miklaszewski is heading down a hall inside the Pentagon when he runs into a Defense Department official. The official says he doesn’t yet know anything specific about the attack. But, he says, it is so coordinated that “if I were you I would stay off the E-ring [the outermost corridor of the Pentagon] today, because we’re next.” According to Miklaszewski, the official had no specific information, “that was just his gut instinct.”
http://www.historycommons.org/context.jsp?item=a903werenext#a903werenext (Archiv-Version vom 01.09.2013)Es war ja auch wirklich nich abzusehen, daß "zufälligerweise" das Pentagon Ziel eines Anschlags werden könnte. Nein, das hat wirklich niemand aufm Schirm gehabt:
Despite Cambone’s concern that the Pentagon could be a target, no attempt is made to evacuate the place before it is struck (see Before 9:37 a.m. September 11, 2001), and it does not appear that any alarms are sounded either.
http://www.historycommons.org/context.jsp?item=complete_911_timeline_3227#complete_911_timeline_3227 (Archiv-Version vom 01.09.2013)Schon wieder Kommunikationsprobleme oder immer noch? Welch "Zufall" aber auch...
Officers at the National Military Command Center (NMCC) at the Pentagon have serious problems trying to connect the FAA to the conference calls they convene in response to the terrorist attacks.
http://www.historycommons.org/context.jsp?item=a929nmccstruggles#a929nmccstruggles (Archiv-Version vom 01.09.2013)"Zufälligerweise" werden jetzt die Familienangehörigen einiger Bauarbeiter etwas unruhig und bitten um sofortigen Abzug aus Sicherheitsgründen. Warum die jetzt alles stehen und liegen liessen bleibt "zufälligerweise" uns überlassen, denn da gibt es 2 Versionen:
A contract crew has been installing furniture in the southwest perimeter of the Pentagon. Construction workers are currently doing the final touching up, after more than three years of renovation work on this area of the building, and some Defense Department employees are already moving into their new office spaces. But the wife of one crew member phones her husband after seeing footage of the attacks in New York on CNN and says she feels he is in danger at the Pentagon. Hearing of the attacks, the crew leader instructs his 23 workers to abandon what they are doing and evacuate. Moments later, as they are crossing the parking lot, they see the airliner crash into the exact area of the Pentagon they had just left. [Government Executive, 5/1/2002; Freni, 2003, pp. 43-44] There is no evidence that anyone else in the Pentagon evacuates the building before it is struck (see Before 9:37 a.m. September 11, 2001). [Newsday, 9/23/2001] Another report, which appears to be describing the same incident, says the construction crew evacuates for a different reason: to discuss security with a customer in the parking lot.
http://www.historycommons.org/context.jsp?item=a935contractorsevacuate#a935contractorsevacuate (Archiv-Version vom 01.09.2013)Der Eindruck festigt sich langsam: "zufälligerweise" waren viele Stellen erstaunlich gut informiert. Nur im Pentagon gabs weder nen Alarm, noch fand ne Evakuierung statt.
According to a supervisor of air traffic control at Davison Airfield who is currently in the airfield’s control tower, shortly before the time when the Pentagon is hit a controller at his facility receives the call from Reagan Airport telling them to recall all their air traffic. The supervisor, who will say that the caller is “going crazy,” takes over the call. The caller then tells him to “recall all your traffic. Just make sure that everybody lands.… [H]e was like, telling us, everybody that you got outside, bring them in and land them quickly, very quickly.” The supervisor tells him, “Give me a reason and I’ll do it,” but the caller responds, “I can’t tell you the reason, but you need to do this.”
http://www.historycommons.org/context.jsp?item=a937recallaircraft#a937recallaircraft (Archiv-Version vom 01.09.2013)Sogar das USA-Today-Gebäude nebenan wurde durch nen Feueralarm evakuiert. Son "Zufall" aber auch...
Fire Chief Believes Alarm Activated to Facilitate Evacuation - Schwartz will later reflect, “I’ve always suspected that people who were evacuating [the USA Today building] decided that they would pull the fire alarm in order to get everybody out of the building, and that initiated a response on our part.
http://www.historycommons.org/context.jsp?item=a937usatodayalarm#a937usatodayalarmSeltsame Befehle zwecks absoluter Geheimhaltung? So ein "Zufall" aber auch...
Officer Finds Crowder's Order 'Peculiar' - In an interview a month later, Toti will reflect: “In retrospect, I wonder what the hell was close hold about that fact that there was a hijacked airplane coming in towards the Pentagon. If anything, it would have been nice to alert people of that.” He will add that he has not asked Crowder “why he said that,” but says Crowder’s instruction to Radi “stuck out in [my] mind at the time as kind of a peculiar thing to say.”
Officer Told Not to Go to Command Center - Toti’s life is likely saved because, just before the call about the approaching plane is received, Crowder told him not to go to the Navy Command Center—a part of the Pentagon that suffers serious damage when the building is hit.
http://www.historycommons.org/context.jsp?item=a936keepsecret#a936keepsecret (Archiv-Version vom 01.09.2013)Alles "zufälligerweise" voll normal, wirklich!
Marine Corporal Timothy Garofola reportedly receives an e-mail shortly before the Pentagon is struck, informing all Defense Department employees that the threat condition remains at Normal (see (Shortly Before 9:37 a.m.) September 11, 2001).
http://www.historycommons.org/context.jsp?item=a937jesterorders#a937jesterorders (Archiv-Version vom 01.09.2013)Zu keinem Zeitpunkt gab es einen Grund zur Evakuierung des Gebäudes. Alles andere wäre natürlich "Reiner Zufall" und blanke Späkulatius.
According to CNN, prior to the Pentagon attack, “neither the FAA, NORAD, nor any other federal government organ made any effort to evacuate the buildings in Washington.
http://www.historycommons.org/context.jsp?item=a935treasuryevacuates#a935treasuryevacuates (Archiv-Version vom 01.09.2013)Daß einige den Anschlag haargenau so vorhergesehen haben, muß dem "Zufall" geschuldet sein. Was auch sonst...
The air traffic controller and his assistant in the control tower at the Pentagon’s heliport are concerned that they are in a prime location for another terrorist attack, and discuss the possibility of a plane crashing into the Pentagon.
http://www.historycommons.org/context.jsp?item=a937heliportconcerned#a937heliportconcerned (Archiv-Version vom 01.09.2013)Der Rumsfeld hat auch nur "zufälligerweise" seine Mitarbeiter derart "beunruhigt".
Cox himself will say that after being told of that crash, “[Rumsfeld] sped off, as did I.” Cox will say he immediately headed to his car, making it impossible for him to still be in the Pentagon “just minutes before” it is hit.
http://www.historycommons.org/context.jsp?item=a937rusmfeldpredict#a937rusmfeldpredict (Archiv-Version vom 27.08.2013)Zeit für ne Imehl, ischa alles voll ok. Alle anderen Hinweise bisher waren natürlich rein "zufälliger" Natur...
Yet despite what has happened in New York, Garofola has reportedly “just received an e-mail from the security manager to all Department of Defense employees that the threat condition remained ‘Normal.’” Garofola passes this information to Hogue. As Hogue is stepping into Murphy’s office to relay the message to him, there is a tremendous explosion as the Pentagon is hit.
http://www.historycommons.org/context.jsp?item=a937alertnormal#a937alertnormal (Archiv-Version vom 01.09.2013)"Zufälligerweise" kam eine Evakuierung nich in Frage: vorm Gebäude wars ja zu gefährlich und außerdem wäre das ja an den Haaren herbeigezogen, selbst wenn das NMCC seit 16min von ner weiteren Entführung erfuhr...
Für welche Version wir uns entscheiden liegt "zufälligerweise" wieder bei uns.
Pentagon spokesman Glenn Flood will later try to explain why the Pentagon is not evacuated at this time, saying: “To call for a general evacuation, at that point, it would have been just guessing. We evacuate when we know something is a real threat to us.” He says that an evacuation could have put employees at risk by moving them outside the protection provided by the building’s walls. Another Pentagon spokesman, Air Force Lt. Col. Vic Warzinski, will add, “The Pentagon was simply not aware that this aircraft was coming our way.” [Newsday, 9/23/2001] Yet, as early as 9:21, the FAA warned the military of a hijacked aircraft heading toward Washington (see 9:21 a.m. September 11, 2001 and (9:24 a.m.) September 11, 2001). The National Military Command Center (NMCC), located inside the Pentagon, was aware of this hijacked aircraft by 9:30, according to the 9/11 Commission
http://www.historycommons.org/context.jsp?item=a937nopentagonevacuation#a937nopentagonevacuation (Archiv-Version vom 01.09.2013)Wie war das noch mit NORAD? Ach ja, genau... die recht zeitnah gestarteten F16 aus Langley sind "zufälligerweise" grade irgendwo überm Ozean...
At 9:24 a.m., NORAD had ordered fighters at Langley Air Force Base in Virginia to scramble (see 9:24 a.m. September 11, 2001), though these will not arrive over the Pentagon until after it is hit
http://www.historycommons.org/context.jsp?item=a937morefighters#a937morefighters (Archiv-Version vom 01.09.2013)Kommunikationsprobleme? Schon wieder? Muß wirklich ein verdammt großer "Zufall" sein...
Despite repeated attempts, operators struggle to get the FAA connected
http://www.historycommons.org/context.jsp?item=a937airthreatconference#a937airthreatconference (Archiv-Version vom 01.09.2013)"Zufälligerweise" *räusper* trifft unser hochgradig begabter Pilot genau jenen Teil des Pentagons, der grade massiv befestigt wurde. Also genau dort, wo der zu erwartende Schaden am geringsten ausfallen würde.
Flight 77 strikes the only side of the Pentagon that had recently been renovated—it was “within days of being totally [renovated].” [US Department of Defense, 9/15/2001] “It was the only area of the Pentagon with a sprinkler system, and it had been reconstructed with a web of steel columns and bars to withstand bomb blasts. The area struck by the plane also had blast-resistant windows—two inches thick and 2,500 pounds each—that stayed intact during the crash and fire. While perhaps, 4,500 people normally would have been working in the hardest-hit areas, because of the renovation work only about 800 were there.” More than 25,000 people work at the Pentagon. [Los Angeles Times, 9/16/2001] Furthermore, the plane hits an area that has no basement. As journalist Steve Vogel later points out, “If there had been one under the first floor, its occupants could easily have been trapped by fire and killed when the upper floors collapsed.”
http://www.historycommons.org/context.jsp?item=a937flight77crashes#a937flight77crashes (Archiv-Version vom 28.08.2013)Die Anwesenheit hochrangiger Militärs im gegenüberliegenden Teil des Gebäudes muß den Terroristen entgangen sein. Warum sollte man sich auf sowas auch adäquat vorbereiten, wenn man das Ziel des Anschlags genausogut auch dem "Zufall" überlassen könnte?
When Flight 77 hits the Pentagon, it misses the parts of the building known to house the military’s most senior leaders. Journalist and author Steve Vogel later says, “The hijackers had not hit the River or Mall sides” of the building, “where the senior military leadership had been concentrated since 1942.” At the time of the attack, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld is “sitting in the same third-floor office above the River entrance as every secretary of defense since Louis Johnson in 1949, a location that had been a matter of public record all that time. The joint chiefs and all the service secretaries were arrayed in various prime E-Ring offices on the River and Mall sides.” Furthermore, “All the command centers save the Navy’s were on the River or Mall sides; the National Military Command Center could have been decimated as the Navy Command Center was, a disaster that could have effectively shut down the Pentagon as the first American war of the twenty-first century began.” Instead, the area hit comprises Army accounting offices, the Navy Command Center, and the Defense Intelligence Agency’s comptroller’s office. [Vogel, 2007, pp. 431 and 449-450] Due to recent renovation work, many offices in that section of the Pentagon are currently empty
http://www.historycommons.org/context.jsp?item=a937missesofficials#a937missesofficials (Archiv-Version vom 01.09.2013)Alle anderen Einschläge führten zu einer meßbaren seismischen Aktivität, "zufälligerweise" blieb die beim Pentagon aus.
The strike on the Pentagon does not generate a clear seismic signal. A study by the Maryland Geological Survey will state, “We analyzed seismic records from five stations in the northeastern United States, ranging from 63 to 350 km from the Pentagon. Despite detailed analysis of the data, we could not find a clear seismic signal. Even the closest station… did not record the impact. We concluded that the plane impact to the Pentagon generated relatively weak seismic signals.” The study, which is conducted at the request of the Army, states that there are seismic signals for the two planes impacting the World Trade Center and for the Flight 93 crash in Pennsylvania, which allow times to be determined for these events.
http://www.historycommons.org/context.jsp?item=a937noseismic#a937noseismic (Archiv-Version vom 01.09.2013)Apropos Aufzeichnungen... die wurden natürlich "zufälligerweise" sofort konfisziert.
“I’ve never seen what the pictures looked like. The FBI was here within minutes and took the film.”
http://www.historycommons.org/context.jsp?item=a937filmtaken#a937filmtaken (Archiv-Version vom 01.09.2013)Bomben? Nein, das klingt sicher nur "zufälligerweise" ähnlich.
A group of Army officers at the Pentagon initially thinks that a bomb has gone off in their building when it is attacked. Army Major Craig Collier and his colleagues are in their office on the second floor of the Pentagon’s C Ring, about 200 feet from where the building is hit. Collier will later recall: “[T]he building jolted and we heard a muffled boom, then a rumble.… All of my peers in the area are experienced combat arms officers, and we quickly agreed that it sounded and felt like a bomb.” [Goldberg et al., 2007, pp. 26] Numerous other Pentagon employees also initially think a bomb has gone off, and apparently only a few guess a plane has hit the place (see (9:38 a.m.) September 11, 2001).
http://www.historycommons.org/context.jsp?item=a938combatofficers#a938combatofficers (Archiv-Version vom 01.09.2013)Die haben sich "zufälligerweise" einfach alle geirrt...
A number of witnesses hear secondary explosions inside the Pentagon in the immediate aftermath of the attack there. [Associated Press, 9/11/2001; Washington Post, 9/11/2001] Some possible explanations are later suggested for these explosions, though their exact causes are unclear.
http://www.historycommons.org/context.jsp?item=a945pentagonexplosions#a945pentagonexplosions (Archiv-Version vom 01.09.2013)Es treffen tatsächlich auch noch Abfangjäger ein. Natürlich viel zu spät, kann ja nur einer dieser "Zufälle" gewesen sein...
The three F-16s scrambled from Langley Air Force Base, Virginia, at 9:30 a.m. finally reach Washington and the burning Pentagon. The 129 mile distance could theoretically have been covered by the fighters in six minutes, but they’ve taken a wide detour over the ocean
http://www.historycommons.org/context.jsp?item=a955langleyreachers#a955langleyreachers (Archiv-Version vom 01.09.2013)