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JFK - Attentataufdeckung

31.794 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Psiram, Kennedy, JFK ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

JFK - Attentataufdeckung

14.09.2015 um 21:52

Und was hat Dein letzter Beitrag mit meinem Argument zu tun? Du gehst mit keinem Wort auf die aufgezeichnete Order an Tippit, sich in die "central oak cliff area" zu begeben, ein. Stattdem bringst Du ein Zitat ohne die Quelle zu nennen, zumindest sind die Anmerkungen, die Du angibst in meiner Quelle nicht enthalten. Da kann ich nur noch sagen:
Zitat von Angelkiller2Angelkiller2 schrieb:mal ehrlich, was soll der Scheiß?


JFK - Attentataufdeckung

16.09.2015 um 16:01

Dass LHOs linkes Profil Fake war zeigt auch sein angeblicher Attentatsversuch auf den Rechtsradikalen Edwin Walker. Dabei soll die Mannlicher Carcano und dieselbe Kugelsorte verwendet worden sein wie bei JFK:
"The bullet used in the attempted shooting of Walker was probably not the same type as those used in the JFK assassination. According to various newspaper accounts (e.g. ‘Walker Escapes Assassin’s Bullet’, New York Times, 12 April 1963, p.12), the Dallas police claimed that the bullet was a 30.06 calibre; the bullet shells from the Texas School Book Depository were 6.5mm. The Walker bullet was too severely deformed to allow a conclusive analysis of its pattern of grooves. A spectrographic examination by Henry Heilberger of the FBI laboratory found that the lead alloy in the bullet was different from that of bullet fragments found in President Kennedy’s car (FBI HQ JFK Assassination File, 62–109060–22).

Dr Vincent Guinn performed neutron activation analysis on the bullet fired at General Walker, as well as several bullet fragments associated with the JFK assassination. He claimed that the Walker bullet was “extremely likely” to be a fragment from the same type of bullet as those fired at President Kennedy (HSCA Report, appendix vol.1, p.502), but his methodology and results have since been refuted (see How Reliable is the Neutron Activation Analysis Evidence in the JFK Assassination?).

The Walker bullet had been fired from a rifle powerful enough to send it through brickwork, which the Mannlicher–Carcano rifle was not. There is no evidence that Oswald ever had access to such a rifle.

Not only did the bullet and rifle have no association with Lee Harvey Oswald, but Edwin Walker was adamant that Commission Exhibit 573, the bullet offered in evidence, was not the one he had examined at the time of the shooting; see Justice Department Criminal Division File 62–117290–1473 for Walker’s correspondence with the Justice Department on this matter."


JFK - Attentataufdeckung

19.09.2015 um 15:15
Michael Paine über Oswald und Walker (interessant ist Paines Aussage, dass LHO rechte Gruppe in Dallas "ausspionieren" wollte). Das ist soweit die offizielle Version

Youtube: JFK Assassination ~ Michael Paine
JFK Assassination ~ Michael Paine
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Interessant sind in diesem Zusammenhang auch Michael Paines Aktivitäten.

1) er scheint dasselbe getan zu haben wie Oswald in New Orkeans, nämlich Castro-Sympathisanten auszuspionieren.
Besides convincing Lee to join the ACLU, Paine had a provocative streak similar to Oswald. Shortly after meeting Lee, Michael told the FBI that he began to frequent Luby's Cafeteria across from Southern Methodist University after Sunday services in April-May 1963. Paine enjoyed engaging in political conversations or debates with students, taking a pro-Castro, pro-Cuba, pro-peace-with-the-USSR viewpoint.

Ein Zeuge, der von Paine angesprochen wurde, gab eine genaue Beschreibung von Paine, dessen Erwähnung seiner Arbeit bei Bell Helicopter und der Freundschaft mit Oswald.
Attorney Ed Buck told a remarkable story about his run-in with "a tall slender man"about 6'2", 160 pounds" at Luby's Cafeteria, and how the unknown man
mentioned his friendship with Lee Oswald. The man also told Buck that he used to work with books before he went to work at Bell Helicopter. The FBI Albequerque office concluded that the unknown man could only be Michael Paine. [xi] Paine was interviewed and agreed that it was probably him. Robert Gemberling, a prominent FBI investigator of Oswald, omitted from his reports Buck's perfect physical description of Paine. [xii] (Archiv-Version vom 31.07.2015)

Das Verschweigen dieses Details wird noch ergänzt durch Michael Paines

James DiEugenio, review of Larry Hancock's Someone Would Have Talked (March, 2008)
Another interesting part of the book is how it deals with the experiences of the late Dallas detective Buddy Walthers. This is based on a rare manuscript about the man by author Eric Tagg. Walthers was part of at least three major evidentiary finds in Dallas. Through his wife, he discovered the meetings at the house on Harlendale Avenue by Alpha 66 in the fall of 1963. Second, he was with FBI agent Robert Barrett when he picked up what appears to be a bullet slug in the grass at Dealey Plaza. And third, something I was unaware of until the work of John Armstrong and is also in this book, Walthers was at the house of Ruth and Michael Paine when the Dallas Police searched it on Friday afternoon. Walthers told Tagg that they "found six or seven metal filing cabinets full of letters, maps, records and index cards with names of pro-Castro sympathizers." (Hancock places this statement in his footnotes on p. 552.) This is absolutely startling of course since, combined with the work of Carol Hewett, Steve Jones, and Barbara La Monica, it essentially cinches the case that the Paines were domestic surveillance agents in the Cold War against communism. (Hancock notes how the Warren Commission and Wesley Liebeler forced Walthers to backtrack on this point and then made it disappear in the "Speculation and Rumors" part of the report.)

Michael Paine wollte offenbar zusammen mit Oswald nicht nur Aktivisten nicht nur Linke, sondern auch extreme Rechte ausspionieren:
Mr. Liebeler. Are you a member or have you ever attended any meetings of the John Birch Society?
Mr. Paine. I am not a member. I have been to one or, I guess chiefly one meeting of theirs. ...
Mr. Liebeler. Would you tell us the circumstances of your attendance at that meeting and what happened?
Mr. Paine. I had been seeking to go to a Birch meeting for some time, and then I was invited on this night [the night Stevenson spoke in Dallas, op cit] so I went It was an introductory meeting. ...
Mr. Liebeler. For the record I think the record should indicate that Mr. Stevenson was in Dallas on or about October 24, 1963. Who invited you to this meeting?
Mr. Paine. I had tried once before to go to a meeting which didn't occur. There happens to be a member of our choir, a paid soloist who is a John Birch advocate so I have been applying — so I have been telling her, that I wanted to go. I suppose, I don't remember for certain but I suppose she was the one who told me where and when. ...
Mr. Liebeler. May I ask, did you go out of curiosity rather than sympathy or rather how did you happen to go?
Mr. Paine. I am not in sympathy. —
Mr. Dulles. So I gathered.
Mr. Paine. — I have been to a number of rightist meetings and seminars in Texas. I was interested in seeing more communication between the right and the left; there isn't much liberal out there and so I wanted to be able to speak their language and know that their fears — and be familiar with their feelings and attitudes. (2H287-89)

October 1963: Oswald, Michael Paine and the ACLU

November 10, 1963, the Sunday of a long weekend, the last weekend he would in fact spend with his family, and Lee Oswald, according to Ruth Paine’s timeline, “spent the entire day ... watching television.”7 Michael Paine remembered this occasion before the Warren Commission: “ I think that weekend I remember stepping over him as he sat in front of the TV ... thinking to myself for a person who has a business to do he certainly can waste the time. By business I mean some kind of activity and keeping track of right-wing causes and left-wing causes or something. I supposed that he spent his time as I would be inclined to spend more of my time if I had it, trying to sense the pulse of various groups in the Dallas area.” (WCH II, p. 412)

Oswald, September 1963

The inquiries of Commission counsel Wesley Liebeler switched at this point to topics related to the informal driving lessons Lee was receiving from Ruth Paine, leaving aside the curious aspects to Michael Paine’s observation: Oswald had a “business to do”, he had “activity ... keeping track of right wing causes and left-wing causes”, an inclination shared by Michael Paine, “trying to sense the pulse of various groups in the Dallas area.” Was this a hobby for both or either men? Was this activity more exactly described as a “business to do”? If it was a business, monitoring political activity, which Paine was inclined to do more of but had time constraints, might his annoyance with Oswald be generated from having sub-contracted, so to speak, some of this “keeping track” to Oswald? Paine was questioned by the FBI in June 1964 over a report he had talked about Cuba and Oswald with students of Southern Methodist University at Luby’s Cafeteria in April or May 1963. Paine said he was in the habit of eating lunch on Sundays at Luby’s, and would engage in “intellectual conversations or debates concerning world affairs with various SMU students ... he did not specifically recall discussing (Oswald) with any of these SMU students ... although he could very well have since at this time he was acquainted with OSWALD and OSWALD’s background. (CD 1245, p. 196)

On October 2, 1963, Oswald had resurfaced in Dallas, after seeing off Marina, June and Ruth Paine in New Orleans on September 23.8 Oswald stayed at the YMCA for two nights, and then spent the weekend of October 4-6 at the Paine home in Irving. The following week, Oswald rented a room at Mary Bledsoe’s Oak Cliff rooming house, while he searched in Dallas for a new job. Bledsoe would later tell the FBI that Oswald told her at least twice “he was attempting to obtain work at Texas Instruments and Collins Radio.”9
[On Sunday night October 13, although Ruth Paine’s timeline says “OSWALD was at the PAINE home all during this day and night,” (CE 2124) Oswald, or someone identical to him, was seen sitting at the back of the room at a meeting sponsored by the Student Directorate of Cuba (DRE) (CD 205, p. 646B][/b]). “This individual spoke to no one but merely listened and then left.” General Walker was also in attendance at this meeting. How Oswald knew of, or traveled to this meeting and then back to Irving, is not known.

Ruth Paine took Oswald into Dallas the following morning, and Oswald moved from Bledsoe’s to a rooming house at 1026 North Beckley. Two days later, Oswald began work at the Texas School Book Depository. Two days after that, Lee Oswald turned 24 years old. On Sunday night, October 20, Marina went into labour and daughter Rachel was born. This began a busy week for Oswald.

On Wednesday October 23, Oswald attended a “United States Day” right-wing political rally featuring General Walker, a response to the Adlai Stevenson United Nations Day event scheduled for the following evening. That next night, as Stevenson spoke in Dallas, the event suffered a vigorous protest by right-wing demonstrators organized in part by Larrie Schmidt. Stevenson would be struck by a placard. Michael Paine would express to the Warren Commission his understanding that Oswald was in attendance at this protest. Paine, for his part, attended a John Birch Society meeting on this same night.10 He would explain: “I have been to a number of rightist meetings and seminars in Texas.” (WCH II, p 389) Michael Paine would say of Oswald: “ I gathered he was doing more or less the same thing ... I didn’t inquire how he spent his free time but I supposed he was going around to right wing groups ... familiarizing himself for whatever his purposes were as I was.” (WCH II, p. 403

Oswalds und Paines Spitzelaktivitäten rücken auch die Fotos von Walkers Haus, die Oswald laut OT im Rahmen seiner angeblichen Attentatsplanung in ein anderes Licht- sie sind das Ergebnis von Überwachungstätigkeiten

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JFK - Attentataufdeckung

20.09.2015 um 20:13
Mehr zu den Karteien mit Namen von Castro-Sympathisanten, die im Haus der Paines gefunden wurden:
Harry Weatherford Supplementary Investigation Report

I stayed with Mrs. Oswald and Mrs. Payne while the rest of the men searched the house. They found some literature on Cuban Freedom affairs and some small files and a blanket which looked to have been wrapped around a rifle.

In his Supplementary Investigation report filed with Sheriff Decker by Deputy J. L. Oxford on 11/23/63, Oxford says that in their search of the 2515 W. Fifth St. address, "We also found about 7 metal boxes which contained pamphlets and literature from abroad. Also, there were cameras and film found".

In his Supplementary Investigation Report filed by "Buddy" Walthers on 11/22/63 19H520, Walthers wrote, "After searching 2515 W. Fifth St. in Irving, “Upon searching this house, we found stacks of hand bills concerning “Cuba for Freedom” advertising, seeking publicity and support for Cuba. Also found was a set of metal file cabinets containing records that appeared to be names and activities of Cuban sympathizers. All of this information was confiscated and turned over to Captain Fritz of the Dallas Police Department and Secret Service Officers at the City Hall".

From FBI Report 6/18/64
Gemberling Report of 7/2/64 page 40

On 6/18/64 Walthers was given a copy of his Supplementary Report of 11/22/63
He read it over and said he had no “additions, deletions, nor would he make any change to this report.”

DPD Officers Rose, Stovall and Adamcik were vague in their responses as to what was found at 1215 W. 5th and the list prepared on 11/23/63 of the property taken from that address does not contain any reference to “six or seven metal filing cabinets.”
Stoval Exhibit A in 21H596. This list was prepared by Stovall, Senkel, Potts and “2 FBI Agents.”

In his Warren Commission testimony 7H548-549, taken on July 23, 1964 Walthers testified: "then we found some little metal file cabinets---I don't know what kind you would call them---they would carry an 8 by 10 folder, all right, but with a single handle on top of it and the handle moves.
Mr. LIEBELER. About how many of them would you think there were?
Mr. WALTHERS. There were six or seven, I believe, and I put them all in the trunk of my car and we also found a box of pictures, a bunch of pictures that we taken.

Mr. LIEBELER. I have been advised that some story has developed that at some point that when you went out there you found seven file cabinets full of cards that had the names on them of pro-Castro sympathizers or something of that kind, but you don't remember seeing any of them?
Mr. WALTHERS. Well, that could have been one, but I didn't see it.
Mr. LIEBELER. There certainly weren't any seven file cabinets with the stuff you got out there or anything like that?
Mr. WALTHERS. I picked up all of these file cabinets and what all of them contained, I don't know myself to this day.
Mr. LIEBELER. As I was sitting here listening to your story, I could see where that story might have come from--you mentioned the "Fair Play for Cuba" leaflets that were in a barrel.
Mr. WALTHERS. That's right--we got a stack of them out of that barrel, but things get all twisted around.

Why did Walthers change his tune between June 18, 1964 and July 23rd? and was Attorney Wesley Liebeler trying to deflect attention away from those files?

Jim Garrison’s interview with Playboy:

Moreover, some of Oswald's anti-Castro friends from Miami and New Orleans showed up in Dallas in October of 1963. In a "Supplementary Investigation Report" filed on November 23, 1963, by Dallas policeman Buddy Walthers, an aide to Sheriff Bill Decker, Walthers stated: "I talked to Sorrels, the head of the Dallas Secret Service, I was advised that for the past few months at a house at 3128 Harlandale, some Cubans had been having meetings on the weekends and were possibly connected with the Freedom for Cuba Party of which Oswald was a member."

No attention was paid to Walther's report, and on November 26th, he complained: "I don't know what action the Secret Service has taken, but I learned today that some time between seven days before the President was shot and the day after he was shot, these Cubans moved from this house. My informant stated that subject Oswald had been to this house before."

(Actually, in his Report, Walthers said that HE advised Sorrells and Sweatt about the house on Harlendale)

Buddy Walthers Report is at 19h534

Why did the deputies from the Dallas County Sheriff's office make mention of these filing cabinets, but the officers from the Dallas City Police Department did not?

Steve Thomas

Oswald verteilte offenbar schon im April 63, vor seinem Umzug nach New Orleans, Pro-castro-Flugblätter, zur Zeit als auch Michael Paine sich Studenten gegenüber als Castro-Fan in Szene setzte

DPD Finnegan affidavit on Pro-Castro picketer
Photo Credit: Warren Report Vol 22 CE 1409

wh vol22 0413b

Harkness affidavit on Pro-Castro picketer
Photo Credit: Warren Report, Voll 22 CE 1409

wh vol22 0413a ce1409 harkness oswald da

Oswald letter to FPCC stating he was demonstrating for Cuba in Dallas
Photo Credit: Warren Report VT Lee Exhibit #

vt lee exhibit no1Original anzeigen (0,2 MB)


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JFK - Attentataufdeckung

22.09.2015 um 18:19
Welche Auswirkungen hätte es, wenn jetzt die ganze Wahrheit, die echten Fotos, die echten Aussagen ans Licht kämen? Wer würde JETZT Konsequenzen daraus ziehen müssen?

Wer wird wodurch/durch wen und vorallem wieso daran gehindert eben diese Infos, die die Menschen seit damals beschäftigen, zu veröffentlichen? Würde das nicht einiges erklären? Oder, sollte das ganze Drama wirklich die Tat eines einzelnen Verrückten sein, die Menschheit nicht zufrieden stellen, weil die Menschen lieber an etwas "mysteriöses, verschwörerisches" glauben als an die hardfacts?

1x zitiertmelden

JFK - Attentataufdeckung

22.09.2015 um 20:26
Das LHO wirklich alleine gehandelt hat wird von Offizieller Seite seit dem Warren-Report Gebetsmühlenartig immer wieder gesagt. Aber lass Dich nicht hinters Licht führen von den Verfechtern der OV. Sondern mach Dir deine eigenen Gedanken.
Zitat von nanusiananusia schrieb: Wer würde JETZT Konsequenzen daraus ziehen müssen
Die Leute die behaupten es gab keine Verschwörung. Eine Tatsache die nicht stimmt.
Es gab eine Verschwörung. Und LHO wat Teil von dieser.

1x zitiertmelden

JFK - Attentataufdeckung

22.09.2015 um 21:03

Ja, ok, es gab eine Verschwörung vor zig Jahren. Wer würde JETZT mit Konsequenzen rechnen müssen? Ganz gleich was im WR drin steht oder nicht, ganz gleich wer was behauptet.

Welche Auswirkungen hätte denn ein Geständnis seitens der Regierung oder sonst wem betreffend dem Attentat? Ich denke, dass ein lauter Aufschrei etc. folgen würde, was noch?

Wer hat nach wievor Interesse an der Vertuschung bzw. Hintanhaltung sämtlicher, zur Aufklärung wichtiger, Hinweise? Was tut da, zB., Jackies wunderschönes Kostüm zur Sache, oder die Limousine, etc... Jack wurde ermordet, von wem auch immer. Oder etwa doch nicht. Doppelgänger?

Nein, da mag ich mich gar nicht auf meine Hirngespinste einlassen.


JFK - Attentataufdeckung

22.09.2015 um 22:30
Zitat von EC145EC145 schrieb:Das LHO wirklich alleine gehandelt hat wird von Offizieller Seite seit dem Warren-Report Gebetsmühlenartig immer wieder gesagt. Aber lass Dich nicht hinters Licht führen von den Verfechtern der OV. Sondern mach Dir deine eigenen Gedanken.
Zumindest damit wäre sie Dir dann voraus.

1x zitiertmelden

JFK - Attentataufdeckung

22.09.2015 um 22:49

So intensiv, wie du dich mit dem Thema Oswald In Mexico City auseinandergesetzt oder Oswald und anti-castro-gruppen auseinandergesetzt hast bist auch nicht wirklich weiter


Mehr zu diesem Haus in dem sich Kubaner trafen und Oswald gesehen wurde:

Im letzten Post wird ein Dokument zitiert:
Zitat von bredulinobredulino schrieb:"I talked to Sorrels, the head of the Dallas Secret Service, I was advised that for the past few months at a house at 3128 Harlandale, some Cubans had been having meetings on the weekends and were possibly connected with the Freedom for Cuba Party of which Oswald was a member."
Die obige Adresse enthält einen Tippfehler: Sie lautet nicht 3128, sondern 3126 Harlendale. Diese Adresse war Sitz mehrerer Anti-Castro-Gruppen- und auch des FPCC für den Bereich Dallas!

aarc-fbitkl-02 0001 0013-
3126  3Original anzeigen (0,2 MB)


Es ist wie in New Orleans- eine Hochburg der Anti-Castro-Operationen ist auch Sitz der örtlichen Abteilung FPCC. In beiden Städten wird Oswald von Anti-Castro-Gruppen auf die Straße geschickt, um FPCC-Material zu verbreiten mit dem Ziel, Sympathisanten auszuspionieren und durch inszenierte Provokationen das FPCC in Misskredit zu bringen. Sowohl in New Orleans (Banister) als auch in Dallas (Paine) finden wir Hinweise auf eine solche Tätigkeit.

Oswalds Arbeit für Castro-Gegner und seine privaten Äußerungen sowie die anderer (Thornley)


JFK - Attentataufdeckung

27.09.2015 um 19:00
Das komplette Dokument:

aarc-fbitkl-02 0001 0013
aarc-fbitkl-02 0001 0014 2
aarc-fbitkl-02 0001 0015
3126  1
The Harlandale house was used by both Alpha 66 and DRE members, many of the younger exiles belonged to both groups. It should also be noted that Antonio Veciana, a major Alpha 66 figure, was in Dallas in the fall of 63 to meet David Phillips. There has been much talk of his seeing Oswald with Phillips in Dallas, but that overshadows what else Veciana might have been doing in Dallas, as well as any contact he may have had with the local exiles. Recently there has been some information emerging that he too may have been at the house on Harlandale and that we don’t yet have the full story from him on his activities in Dallas. Interestingly enough, we have witness reports of someone looking very much like Oswald at the Harlandale house and across the border in Oklahoma, with Orcarberrio and several other Cuban exiles.

Zu Alpha 66:
Alpha 66 was established by Cuban exiles after Fidel Castro gained power in Cuba. It received considerable funding from right-wing figures such as Henry Luce and Claire Booth Luce. In 1962 Alpha 66 launched several raids on Cuba. This included attacks on port installations and foreign shipping. The authors of Deadly Secrets: The CIA-Mafia War Against Castro and the Assassination of JFK (1981) argues that Clare Boothe Luce paid for one of the boats used in these raids: "The anti-communist blonde took a maternal interest in the three-man crew she adopted... She brought them to New York three times to mother them."

Claire Booth Luce later told Gaeton Fonzi that the attacks had been organized by her friend, William Pawley: "Luce said that Pawley had gotten the idea of putting together a fleet of speedboats-sea-going Flying Tigers as it were-which would be used by the exiles to dart in and out of Cuba on intelligence gathering missions. He asked her to sponsor one of these boats and she agreed." John Newman argues in his book, Oswald and the CIA (1995) that Pawley was working for the CIA in Miami. He argues that he was involved with Haroldson L. Hunt and quotes James P. Hosty as saying: "H. L. Hunt was backing Pawley's people, and they were also getting support from Henry Luce."
Tony Cuesta and Eddie Bayo were both prominent figures in these attacks. Cuesta carried out raids on Cuba and was involved in the sinking of the Russian merchantman Baku. His activities were reported in Life Magazine in the spring of 1963.
In March 1963, the Alpha 66 group attacked Russian ships docked in Cuba. This was seen as an attempt to undermine the improving relationship between the United States and the Soviet Union that had followed the Cuban Missile Crisis. The Department of State made it clear that this attack did not have the support of President John F. Kennedy.

On 26th March 1963 Alpha 66 attacked another Soviet ship. Members of Alpha 66 held a press conference suggesting the American government supported their actions. Kennedy was furious and ordered that Veciana and other leaders of Alpha 66 should be arrested and placed in a confined area in Florida.

Veciana explained the policy: "It was my case officer, Maurice Bishop, who had the idea to attack the Soviet ships. The intention was to cause trouble between Kennedy and Russia. Bishop believed that Kennedy and Khrushchev had made a secret agreement that the USA would do nothing more to help in the fight against Castro. Bishop felt - he told me many times - that President Kennedy was a man without experience surrounded by a group of young men who were also inexperienced with mistaken ideas on how to manage this country. He said you had to put Kennedy against the wall in order to force him to make decisions that would remove Castro's regime."

Veciana war im Haus in Harlandale

Veciana gibt an, Oswald in Dallas zusammen mit "Maurice Bishop" einem CIA-AGENTEN getroffen zu haben. Der Deckname "Bishop" wurde anscheinend von David Atlee Phillips benutzt.

In Jack Rubys Notizbuch mit Namen und Nummern taucht der Name "Bishop" ebenfalls auf! Es wurde nicht geprüft, wer dieser "Bishop" war

fig18 (Archiv-Version vom 12.08.2015)

J.D. Tippit hatte Verbindungen zu den Anti-Castro-Kubanern, die ihr Hauptquartier im Haus in Harlandale 3126 hatten
J.D. Tippet – it would probably be news to most folks that in addition to his security job at the BBQ restaurant, Tippet had worked off duty security at the Stevens Park theater, owned by Manuel Avila. What makes that especially interesting is that Avila was very much connected to Cuban exile activities at the House on Harlandale. The theater was reportedly a Spanish language show, attracting Latino’s and Cuban exiles as well. Reportedly in addition to the movies downstairs, a prostitution business went on using facilities associated with the theater. Even more interesting is the apparent rumor that Tippet got into some problems involving one of the girls working that side of the business.

Avila’s activities had included serving as a translator for Cuban exiles in Dallas, apparently including visitors. Amelia Diaz, who had immigrated from Cuba in 1959, worked for Avila, was an active DRE supporter and reportedly moved into the House on Harlandale during the relatively brief period in which it was used by DRE and Alpha 66 members. Victor Murillo, another individual who did volunteer translations, he lived in a house with Domingo Benavides.

Der oben genannte Domingo Benavides war der Zeuge, der den Mord an Tippit aus nächster Nähe verfolgen konnte


JFK - Attentataufdeckung

27.09.2015 um 19:04
Mehr zu Manuel Avila, bei dem Tippit einen Nebenjob hatte:
Dallas researcher, Prof. Bill Pulte says:

"There can be little doubt that Avila knew Ruby, given the proximity of Avila's theater to downtown Dallas, where Ruby's clubs were located plus given the mutual interest in prostitution of Avila and Ruby. Tippit worked for Avila for several years. Ralph Paul owned the Miramar Restaurant, catty-corner to Avila's theater and Tippit got to know Paul.

A good friend of Paul's was Austin Cook owner of Auston's Barbeque. This may have been how Tippit took a second part-time moonlighting job, at Austins. In addition, Ralph Paul was Ruby's backer and silent partner. The Warren Commission also raised quesations about the possibility that Tippit was involved with drugs."

Little has been mentoned or known about Tippit working for Avila. The focus has been on his moonlighting as security at Austin's Barbeque.

Tippit had a close friend, Officer Billy Anglin, and both had adjoining patrol areas which included Harendale--the sreet in East Oak Cliff where a house full of violent Cuban conspirators involved in the anti-Castro movement (SNFE/Alpha 66) and arms smuggling was located.

Anglin last saw Tippit on the morning he was killed, having had coffee at "The Old Drive-In" about 11:30-11:45. The Warren Commission never called any relative, associate or police officer who worked with Tippit to testify. Even the HSCA wondered why not!

What was Tippit doing in the section of North Oak Cliff where Ruby and Oswald both lived--not his assigned district--when most other police were concerned with the assassination and in Dealey Plaza? Oak Cliff was Tippits district, although three miles away and primarily the downtown police officers were called to Dealey Plaza. Dispatcher, Jim Bowles (later Sheriff) said that Tippit was in his assigned district. Although he didn't seem to be, he was apparently several miles from where he was supposed to be. He was ordered to move into "Central Oak Cliff" at 12:45 p.m.This order was not in the first transcript produce by the DPD and then suddenly appeared in a later transcript. This has caused many reserchers to speculate this order was later dubbed into the tape by the police friends of Tippit.

There was no reason for Tippit to be moved to that area, which was far from his assigned area. Yet it is believed he strayed over to that area many tiimes. Many witnesses say they saw Tippit in that area quite often, and in fact some thought he even lived in that area....particularly around the area where he was killed.
It is quite possible that the Cubans were directed to rent a house in Tippit's or Anglin's district to provide them with protection and a blind eye to the arms going in and out. If perhaps as some believe, Oswald was an undercover agent reporting on illegal arms to law enforcement agents or perhaps to the Dodd Committee, then Oswald would be targeted by the Cubans, if perhaps they were on to him. There is some belief that Oswald had been to the house at 3126 Harlendale too.

A group of Mexican-Americans were involved with the Cubans and acted as translators, some provided by Manuel Avila, who most probbaly knew Jack Ruby, also involved in ilegal arms sales. Avila was a honcho in the Mexican-Americamn community, and he employed J D Tippit, in a part-time security job.

Working for Avila gave Tippit knowledge of the Latin underworld and the fringe of the Cuban undergound. The Mexican-American group moved into the 3200 block of Harlendale about the same time that the Cubans moved into 3126 Harlendale.


JFK - Attentataufdeckung

11.10.2015 um 11:39
Ehemaliger CIA Boss hält Informationen zurück.

Interessanter, erst kürzlich freigegebener CIA Bericht.

Den kompletten Bericht findet ihr hier.


JFK - Attentataufdeckung

11.10.2015 um 16:15
Dein verlinkter spricht von einem "benign cover-up", also einer gut gemeinten Vertuschung. Das scheint ein "limited hang-out" zu sein- schau mal, was als Grund genannt wird:
The information withheld could have prompted further investigations into Oswald's potential ties with Cuba, according to Politico.

McCone's predecessor, Allen Dulles, ran the CIA when the agency formed plans to assassinate Cuba's Fidel Castro.
Hier wird wieder das alte Castro-KGB- Mem verkauft, das in den letzten Jahren wieder aufkam. Phillip Shenon geht mit seinem Buch "A Cruel and shocking Act" in dieselbe Richtung.

ALLE Castro/KGB-Theorien hängen von Oswalds Reise nach Mexico City ab. Laut freigegebener Dokumente ist es äußerst zweifelhaft, ob Oswald die russischen und kubanischen Konsulate besuchte. Ein Telefonanruf, bei dem eine unbekannte Person sich als Oswald ausgab und eine Verbindung zwischen LHO und dem sowjetischen Botschaftsangestellten Kostikow herstellte. Kostikow wurde von den US-Geheimdiensten als KGB-Spion der Abteilung für Attentate angesehen.


JFK - Attentataufdeckung

11.10.2015 um 16:31
Nur um Missverständnisse zu vermeiden:

Der Dailymail-Artikel scheint spielt auf Oswalds Castro-Verbindungen anzuspielen, nicht aber der Original-CIA-Bericht.


JFK - Attentataufdeckung

11.10.2015 um 16:48
Hier das von Veciana unterschriebene Statement, dass sein CIA-Kontakt "Bishop" David Phillips war

veciana 01
veciana 02Original anzeigen (0,3 MB)
veciana 03


JFK - Attentataufdeckung

16.10.2015 um 22:55
Hier mal ein seltenes? echtes? Tatortbild:


JFK - Attentataufdeckung

16.10.2015 um 23:02
Nicht echt - ist aus einem Reenactment.


JFK - Attentataufdeckung

17.10.2015 um 20:17
Hier das EC-Dokument, in dem die Namenslisten von Castro-Sympathisanten erwähnt werden, die bei Ruth Paine gefunden wurden

Gerald McKnights "Breach of Trust" beleuchtet mit Hilfe mit vom ARRB freigegebenen Dokumenten die internen Abläufe der Warren-Kommission- zum Aspekt Mexico City schreibt er:

Another major aspect of Breach of Trust are McKnight's sections dealing with Oswald's activities that intersected with the CIA and FBI. The author rightly discounts the remarkably feeble Warren Commission report on Oswald in Mexico City. This rather brief essay by David Slawson and William Coleman shrivels like a crushed grape in comparison to the volume prepared by Dan Hardway and Ed Lopez for the House Select Committee. As McKnight notes, the Warren Commission's given itinerary for Oswald -- Mexico City to Cuba to Russia -- made little sense. Prior to this, "He had shown no interest in returning to Russia, and by all indications the Soviet state had no interest in allowing the anti-Soviet Oswald back into the country. (p. 61)

Oswald's attention and activities had now turned from Russia to Cuba, and he now actually denigrated the Soviet system when asked about it. Also, Oswald had no funds to stay in Cuba for any extended period of time, let alone go on to Russia. He had been out of work for nearly two months prior to going south of the border. As the author notes, the Slawson-Coleman report was based almost exclusively on information originating with the CIA. (p. 63) Because of this reliance, all the intelligence tradecraft in Mexico City -- later revealed in the Hardway-Lopez Report -- went unnoticed in its predecessor: the false phone calls attributed to Oswald, the missing photos and audiotape recordings, the survey of the infallible surveillance system the CIA had in place, the human sources inside the Cuban consulate, the key but questionable roles played by David Phillips and Ann Goodpasture. And, above all, the question of an imposter posing as Oswald.n relation to all this, the author writes of the Slawson-Coleman Report:

The Commission must be credited, at least, for correctly reporting that Oswald was in Mexico City from September 27 to October 2, 1963. Much of the rest of the Warren Report's treatment of Oswald in Mexico City cannot be safely assumed to be an accurate account. (p. 64)

From here, the book goes on to note all the inconsistencies and oddities in the documentary record that should have indicated to any honest inquiry that something was wrong with the CIA's story. A story which on 11/23 the CIA was pushing on President Johnson, particularly, "his alleged contact with the Soviet consular official Valery V. Kostikov" who the CIA reported "was a sabotage and assassination expert." (p. 66)

At this point the author shrewdly and forcefully points out that there was one person in Washington who had reservations about this tale as early as the 23rd. He was J. Edgar Hoover. McKnight summarizes a phone conversation the president had with the director on that day about Oswald in Mexico City:

...Hoover admitted that the evidence so far was "not very strong." Hoover then related some news that must have captured the president's attention -- there was evidence that someone in Mexico City had been impersonating Lee Harvey Oswald, the charged assassin of President Kennedy. (p. 67)

The Commission's main investigating arm was on the verge of uncovering an ersatz trail, with all the ramifications that unmasking could entail, including who Oswald was and what his purpose in Mexico really concerned. (Hoover's doubts about this part of the story grew as time went on. He later scribbled in his famous marginalia that the CIA had handed them a "snowjob" about Oswald in Mexico City.) The CIA now realized it was on thin ice about this aspect and it began to forcefully crowd out the Bureau with the Commission on Mexico City. Director of Plans Richard Helms actually wrote the Bureau and the Commission letters making this clear. Eventually the CIA would drop the pretense of any Oswald-Kostikov connection when the White House unmistakably signaled that it was not interested in any "Red plot", real or manufactured. In July...Richard Helms...disclosed to Rankin that...Oswald met with Pavel A. Yatskov not Kostikov. (p. 70)

Eventually the CIA would drop the pretense of any Oswald-Kostikov connection when the White House unmistakably signaled that it was not interested in any "Red plot", real or manufactured. In July...Richard Helms...disclosed to Rankin that...Oswald met with Pavel A. Yatskov not Kostikov. (p. 70)

President Johnson was so against the "Oswald as a Red agent" line that he removed a diplomat who was pushing it from office, Thomas Mann, the American ambassador to Mexico. Needless to say, none of this extraordinarily relevant and compelling information made it into the Warren Report. (Archiv-Version vom 22.04.2014)


JFK - Attentataufdeckung

17.10.2015 um 23:01
Möge sich jeder selber seine Meinung bilden.

Lee Harvey Oswald:
Geboren: 18. Oktober 1939, New Orleans, Louisiana, Vereinigte Staaten

Ich lauf jedenfalls morgen mit meinem "PATSY" Shirt rum.

Happy Birthday passt wohl eher nicht.


JFK - Attentataufdeckung

18.10.2015 um 09:48
Zitat von AfricanusAfricanus schrieb am 22.09.2015: Zumindest damit wäre sie Dir dann voraus.
Stimmt. Dann währe Sie mir voraus. Wenn man zu den Believern der Offiziellen Version der Warren - Commission und dem Märchenbuch Warren - Report gehört.

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