Groucho schrieb:Soweit ich weiß, war das der Wunsch und Wille von Witwe und Bruder des Toten.
Es werden so viele Halb- und Unwahrheiten hinsichtlich der Verantwortung der Witwe und des Bruders verbreitet, da sollte man schon vorsichtig sein sein.
The House Select Committee reported that during an interview with the Commanding Officer of the Naval Medical Center, "[Admiral Calvin B.] Galloway said that he was present throughout the autopsy," and that, "no orders were being sent in from outside the autopsy room either by phone or by person." (my italics) [12]
. In a sworn affidavit executed for the HSCA on November 28, 1978, JFK's personal physician, Admiral George Burkley, claimed, "I directed the autopsy surgeon to do a complete autopsy and take the time necessary for completion." [13]
. Under oath to the ARRB, JFK's chief autopsist, Dr. James H. Humes, admitted that Dr. Burkley, the supposed conduit of the family's constrictions, seemed keen to move things along, but "as far as telling me what to do or how to do it, absolutely, irrevocably, no." [By way of explanation, Humes made the obvious point that, since Burkley was not a pathologist, "he wouldn't presume to do such a thing."] [14]
- Dr. Humes' second-in-command, Dr. J. Thornton Boswell, told the ARRB that they were "not at all" in any rush or under any compulsion to hurry. [15] "It was always an extension of the autopsy," that was encouraged, "rather than further restrictions." [16]
As an important legal matter, RFK left blank the space marked "restrictions" in the permit he signed for his brother's autopsy.
Finally, Mr. Russo never mentions that in 1978 the Select Committee explored the question of the family's role in detail, concluding that, other than (reasonably) requesting the exam be done as expeditiously as possible, the Kennedys did not interfere with the autopsy. [See full HSCA quote in the footnotes.] [17]
Es empfiehlt sich, zum Einstieg folgenden Text zu lesen: Schlussfolgerung:
Let's recall that in our long and winding discussion of Johnson's behavior in the aftermath of 11-22-63, in Chapter 1, and in this chapter, we have uncovered that Johnson almost certainly
1) lied about his reasons for wanting to fly back on Kennedy's plane;
2) lied about Kenneth O'Donnell's telling him to fly back on Kennedy's plane;
3) lied about telling Kenneth O'Donnell he would wait for Mrs. Kennedy and the body on Kennedy's plane;
4) lied about the first time he saw Mrs. Kennedy on the plane;
5) lied about his being told by Robert Kennedy on 11-22-63 that he should be sworn in on the plane;
6) lied when he indicated he only called Judge Hughes after being told he should be sworn in by Robert Kennedy;
7) lied when he indicated he'd spoken to Judge Hughes personally and asked her to drive out to the plane;
8) lied when he made out that Mrs. Kennedy could have left her husband's body at Parkland Hospital, should she have wished to; and
9) lied when he subsequently claimed the assassination of President Kennedy was thoroughly investigated by Robert Kennedy.
Groucho schrieb:Zeugen die den Fakten widersprechen, irren sich (im besten Fall) eben.
Was ist mit den Autopsie-Zeugen?
bredulino schrieb:There is a large irregular defect of the scalp and skull on the right involving chiefly the parietal bone but extending somewhat into the temporal and occipital regions
Narrenschiffer schrieb am 23.06.2019:Nach wie vor bin ich überzeugt richtig zu liegen, dass "defect" bei der Schädelverletzungsbeschreibung bedeutet, dass da kein Knochen mehr ist.
"defect" beinhaltet NICHT die Frakturen- sie gehen von diesem aus:
From the irregular margins of the above scalp defect tears extend in
stellate fashion into the more or less intact scalp as follows:
Upon reflecting the scalp multiple complete fracture lines are seen to radiate from... the large defect at the vertex...
Das entspricht aus Boswells Darstellung, "margin of
defect denoting missing bone"
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