JFK - Attentataufdeckung
15.02.2018 um 01:14Warum? Inoffiziell hat Dr. Humes auch Monate nach der Autopsie über einen Schuss von vorne spekuliertmonstra schrieb:Vom Grashügel kam die Kugel jedenfalls nicht.

Arlen Specter: Dr Humes - JFK SHOT FROM FRONT
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Dr. Perry, der Kennedys Kehlwunde sah und dann diese erweiterte um einen Luftröhrenschnitt durchzuführen, hielt diese Wunde immer für eine Eintrittswunde
In a nutshell, former University of Washington physician and professor Dr. Donald Miller Jr. says that the late Dr. Malcom Perry, the Dallas surgeon who tried to save Kennedy’s life on the Parkland Hospital operating table Nov. 22, 1963, questioned whether Lee Harvey Oswald fired all the bullets that struck Kennedy’s motorcade.
Records of Perry’s testimony and public comments, and Miller’s recollections of the private talk they had, are contained in the more than 20,000 JFK-assassination documents released by the National Archives over the past few weeks, including a fresh batch released Friday. Though some of the documents had already been released over the years, they were heavily redacted; the newest releases are, by comparison, lightly censored.
For the most part, the documents and an additional 52,387 searchable emails from the government’s Assassination Records Review Board recently posted on muckrock.com add to the widely accepted yet endlessly debated finding that Oswald acted alone.
But more than a half-century later, Miller says he, like Perry, doubts that’s true. He says Perry told him that a bullet wound in Kennedy’s neck was an entrance wound, despite having told the Warren Commission it was an exit wound.
If it was an entrance wound, that bullet would have been fired from the front of the president’s motorcade as it passed the now-infamous grassy knoll in Dealey Plaza.