@bredulino Dies könnte weiterhelfen. Man darf auch nicht vergessen in was für einem beschissenen Zustand das offizielle Gewehr war:
Deswegen hat es wahrscheinlich auch vor Öl getrieft wie eine fette Pommes Frites.
;)Und weil
@bredulino ihn natürlich nicht bringt, kommt von mir nun der Zusammenhang, in dem die zitierten Aussagen stehen:
The Mannlicher Carcano rifle that was discovered on the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository, however, was a “cheap old weapon” (Warren Commission Hearings, vol.4, p.29).
Dieses Zitat stammt aus der Aussage von Sebastian Latona, der die Mannlicher-Carcano auf Fingerabdrücke untersuchte. Bei diesem Verhör gab er folgendes an:
Representative BOGGS. May I ask another question in this connection. A weapon of this type, in your examination do you find a lot of other prints on it as well? You do not?
Mr. LATONA. No. First of all the weapon itself is a cheap one as you can see. It is one that-
Representative Booos. Is what?
Mr. LAWNA. A cheap old weapon. The wood is to the point where it won’t take a good print to begin with hardly. The metal isn’t of the best, and not readily susceptible to a latent print.Es geht also um die Schwierigkeiten, Fingerabdrücke auf der Waffe zu finden und nichts anderes.
Und was ist nun mit Fraziers Aussage? Nun, der sagte damals folgendes aus:
Mr. EISENBERG. Mr. Frazier, could you tell us why, in your opinion, all the shots, virtually all the shots, are grouped high and to the right of the aiming point?
Mr. FRAZIER. Yes, sir. When we attempted to sight in this rifle at Quantico, we found that the elevation adjustment in the telescopic sight was not sufficient to bring the point of impact to the aiming point. In attempting to adjust and sight-in the rifle, every time we changed the adjusting screws to move the crosshairs in the telescopic sight in one direction it also affected the movement of the impact or the point of impact in the other direction. That is, if we moved the crosshairs in the telescope to the left it would also affect the elevation setting of the telescope. And when we had sighted-in the rifle approximately, we fired several shots and found that the shots were not all landing in the same place, but were gradually moving away from the point of impact. This was apparently due to the construction of the telescope, which apparently did not stabilize itself-that is, the spring mounting in the crosshair ring did not stabilize until we had fired five or six shots.There were several comments made — particularly with respect to the amount of effort required to open the bolt. … There was also comment made about the trigger pull … in the first stage the trigger is relatively free, and it suddenly required a greater pull to actually fire the weapon. … The pressure to open the bolt was so great that that we tended to move the rifle off the target.(ibid., pp.449–51)
Das Interessanteste an diesen zusammengestellten Zitaten ist, dass
@bredulino Quelle noch nicht einmal in der Lage ist, die korrekte Stellen dieser Zitate anzugeben.
:D Jaja, Verschwörungstheoretiker und Quellenangaben, eine unendliche Geschichte!
Interessant ist auch, was Herr Simmons sonst noch zum Besten gibt:
Mr. EISENBERG. Do you think a marksman who is less than a highly skilled marksman under those conditions would be able to shoot in the range of 1.2-mil aiming error?
Mr. SIMMONS. Obviously considerable experience would have to be in one’s background to do so. And with this weapon, I think also considerable experience with this weapon, because of the amount of effort required to work the bolt.
Mr. EISENBERG. Would do what ? You mean would improve the accuracy?
Mr. SIMMONS. Yes. In our experiments, the pressure to open the bolt was so great that we tended to move the rifle off the target, whereas with greater proficiency this migbt not have occurred.
Mr. EISENBERG. Could this experience in operating the bolt be achieved in dry practice, Mr. Simmons?
Mr. SIMMONS. Yes; it could be, if sufficient practice were used. There is some indication of the magnitude of change with one of our shooters who in his second attempt fired three-tenths of a second less time than he did in the first.Die Probleme mit den Schlagbolzen können also durch Trockenübungen gemeistert werden. Schon interessant, was uns
@bredulino alles (willentlich?) verschweigt!
@nodoc Die Mannlicher-Carcano Rifle Fucile Mod.1938 hat übrigens die Kadenz 12 Schuss pro Minute. Ist das jetzt auch VT oder stimmt das so? Bedeutet theoretisch man kann alle 5 Sekunden einen Schuss abgeben.
Was sagen die Waffenexperten dazu?
Ich bin zwar kein Waffenexperte, antworte aber trotzdem.
Die Mannlicher-Carcano hatte einen Clip, mit dem die Munition zugeführt wurde. Dieser Clip hat maximal sechs Patronen gefasst, d.h. nach sechs Schüssen müsste ein neuer Clip eingeführt werden. Das begrenzt natürlich die Zahl der Schüsse pro Zeiteinheit.