Die Ereignisse auf der Gorman-Farm in Utah
12.05.2014 um 13:34@smokingun
Andere bzw. weitere Beispiele des seltsamen ;) :
CATTLE MUTILATION REPORTS (Initial) incl. See NIDS for scientific analysis of mutilated cattle.
Extensive Forensics Report of a Cattle Mutilation
Report on an Investigation of the unexplained death of acow in N.E. Utah, October 16, 1998
- Colm A. Kelleher, Ph.D.George E. Onet, D.V.M., Ph.D.Eric W. Davis, Ph.D
National Institute for Discovery Science1515 E. Tropicana Ave., Suite 400Las Vegas, NV 89119
Brasilianischer Autopsie-Bericht:
Year -1998 :Location -City of São Paulo :Country - Brazil.
Brazilian researcher Zapata Carcia and Dr. Rubens Goes revealed to the public the first time the information about the case.When series of photographs leaked to them from an insider within the Brazilian police. Upon inquiring with the police about the case, surprisingly the head of primary investigation offered his files on the case.
The autopsy report report was rather simple in that, there were no signs of struggle. No typical violence occurred here. No ropes or weapons were involved.The autopsy report would reveal more about what happened than what the police could produce. The autopsy report states: "We observed
the removal of the right and left orbital areas, emptying of the mouth cavity, pharynx, oropharynx, neck, right and left armpit area, abdomen, pelvic cavity, right and left groin area."
In addition to the shocking photographs, the fact that the official autopsy report blatantly states that the victim was subject to incisions & use of "sucking devices" elevates the case to the levels beyond most disturbing monstrosity to ever occur to a human being.
I am posting the external link of the pictures because the photographs are highly graphic so please view if you could handle it. Skywatcher blog not responsible for any kind of stress cause by pictures
Original Dokument:
Sheep and Dog Mutilation in 2011 / Another Cow Mutilation in 2012
http://www.ufonut.com/archives/4499 (Archiv-Version vom 12.07.2012)
Wenn ich mal ganz genau nehme, dann sind wir hier beide off Topic :D
Du verstehst mich falsch, natürlich sollte man nicht alles zwangsläufig ET in die Schuhe schieben. Bislang haben wir nicht mal einen. Nur schließe ich die These nicht zwangsläufig aus, ähnlich wie bei den UAP vorkommen ;) . Was nicht heißt des es so gewesen sein muss aber an dem ganzen Phänomen ist schon etwas verdammt seltsam und nicht wirklich plausibel.smokingun schrieb:ja gut aber es einfach Aliens in die schuhe zu schieben ist auch nicht so viel anders.
Auch das möchte ich dir nicht in Abrede stellen. natürlich gibt es bei einigen Toten Tieren ähnliche Merkmale aber wie ich schon betonte, sollte man bei dem Thema versuchen, die Spreu vom Weizen zu trennen und nicht alles in einen Topf werfen.smokingun schrieb:das experiment das ich verlinkt habe zeigt das genau solche öffnungen auf natürliche art entstehen und dies im zusammenhang mit krankheitsbilder die auch andere merkmale da erklären...
Andere bzw. weitere Beispiele des seltsamen ;) :
CATTLE MUTILATION REPORTS (Initial) incl. See NIDS for scientific analysis of mutilated cattle.
Extensive Forensics Report of a Cattle Mutilation
Report on an Investigation of the unexplained death of acow in N.E. Utah, October 16, 1998
- Colm A. Kelleher, Ph.D.George E. Onet, D.V.M., Ph.D.Eric W. Davis, Ph.D
National Institute for Discovery Science1515 E. Tropicana Ave., Suite 400Las Vegas, NV 89119
Brasilianischer Autopsie-Bericht:
Year -1998 :Location -City of São Paulo :Country - Brazil.
Brazilian researcher Zapata Carcia and Dr. Rubens Goes revealed to the public the first time the information about the case.When series of photographs leaked to them from an insider within the Brazilian police. Upon inquiring with the police about the case, surprisingly the head of primary investigation offered his files on the case.
The autopsy report report was rather simple in that, there were no signs of struggle. No typical violence occurred here. No ropes or weapons were involved.The autopsy report would reveal more about what happened than what the police could produce. The autopsy report states: "We observed
the removal of the right and left orbital areas, emptying of the mouth cavity, pharynx, oropharynx, neck, right and left armpit area, abdomen, pelvic cavity, right and left groin area."
In addition to the shocking photographs, the fact that the official autopsy report blatantly states that the victim was subject to incisions & use of "sucking devices" elevates the case to the levels beyond most disturbing monstrosity to ever occur to a human being.
I am posting the external link of the pictures because the photographs are highly graphic so please view if you could handle it. Skywatcher blog not responsible for any kind of stress cause by pictures
Original Dokument:
Sheep and Dog Mutilation in 2011 / Another Cow Mutilation in 2012
http://www.ufonut.com/archives/4499 (Archiv-Version vom 12.07.2012)
Wenn ich mal ganz genau nehme, dann sind wir hier beide off Topic :D