@nervenschock der pilot hat kein Stern oder Planet gejagt der sich ja schnell bewegte und von mehren zeugen am boden und in der luft weiter bestätigt wurde. das ufo wurde ausserdem auf versch. Radaren getrackt und sogar per satellit (siehe T. Good need to know) oder auch hier:
Lee Graham and Ron Regehr of Aero-Jet in California confirmed that the UFO sighting over Tehran was tracked by the U.S. military’s Defense Support Program (DSP) satellite.http://www.keyholepublishing.com/kp1/richard-dolan/articles-by-richard-dolan/twelve-government-documents/ (Archiv-Version vom 24.11.2012)@Dorian14 diese behauptung ist inkorrekt ufologen haben das beachtet und dunning liegt falsch.. sry
hier mal nur wiki zu dem punkt :
"The jets were scrambled from Shahrokhi AFB in Hamadan, about 175 miles (282 km) west-southwest of Tehran, and vectored to a point 40 miles (64 km) north of central Tehran. However, Jupiter was in the east. Thus the UFO was approximately
90 degrees away from Jupiter at the time. In addition, the second F-4 chased the UFO from northern to southern Tehran. Again, Jupiter would be at nearly 90 degrees to the pursuit trajectory.
Furthermore, both F-4's picked up and tracked something on their radar, impossible for an astronomical object like a star or planet. Many more details of the encounter do not match Klass' proposed explanation, such as both F-4's and the control tower losing their electronics with close approach to the UFO and a third civilian plane in the region also losing communications.
Jerome Clark commented, "Klass's theory presumes a remarkable lack of even rudimentary observing and technical skills on the parts of the Iranian participants. In some ways it would be easier to credit the notion, for which no evidence exists either, that the witnesses consciously fabricated the sighting. Both Gen. Azarbarzin and air controller Perouzi considered the incident thoroughly puzzling. So, as the documents indicate, did American analysts familiar with it."