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Der UFO-Video-Thread - (Sammlung)
23.12.2023 um 21:26Nachtrag: Mick West hat bei Metabunk gepostet, was genau er der Daily Mail geschrieben hat. Und zwei Clips sind auch dabei, in denen das Bild auf das Flugzeug stabilisiert ist:
(...)Note the direction of motion in all three cases. Exactly in the opposite direction to the plane. This is a common illusion in UAP videos where there's a large magnification, and you are tracking an object. A balloon that is not moving at all, that's much closer to the camera than the plane, will appear to move in the opposite direction to the tracked object. Maybe it's coincidentally moving exactly opposite, but more likely it's not moving, and the camera motion gives the illusion of motion.Und dann kommen die Video-Clips. @Kephalopyr Was hältst du davon?
You see this when the clip is stabilized on the plane(...)