Der UFO-Video-Thread - (Sammlung)
18.01.2018 um 18:41Nee, ist es nicht.TheBarbarian schrieb:poplexia schrieb:
Ein Vogel im Gleitflug ist mit Abstand noch bekloppter als die Drohne.
wARUM Schließt du das denn aus..
Nee, ist es nicht.TheBarbarian schrieb:poplexia schrieb:
Ein Vogel im Gleitflug ist mit Abstand noch bekloppter als die Drohne.
Hmmm... ich denke es besteht aus Vollmetall, da bricht nix kaputt!Pandorum schrieb am 11.01.2018:Nachtrag, man bedenke den Ein- und wieder Austritt aus und ins Wasser?! Material....Kaputtbrech, aber vllt gib es da was.
Vllt gibts hier ein paar Ing. die davon Ahnung haben
Von einem Flugzeug oder Hubscharuber aus, sehen dahingleitenden Vögel dem in dem Video sehr ähnlich.Apoplexia schrieb:Ein Vogel im Gleitflug ist mit Abstand noch bekloppter als die Drohne.
Das ist eine Rakete eines privaten Konzerns der das gemeldet hatte.Mailo schrieb:Oh, Sorry, nach Sichtung weiterer Videos kann man wohl davon ausgehen, daß es ne Rakete ist.
War Space X die 10 Irridium Next Satelliten in den Orbit brachte.Pandorum schrieb:War glaube ich ne Testrakete oder so.
"...Witness A looked out his left window and saw a pinkish to reddish light over the ocean northwest of the airport. The light was moving towards the airport. He believed the light to be at a higher elevation than his aircraft, which was at 1600 to 2100 feet, based on the radar data and the thermal video system engaged a moment before. The pilot confirmed visual contact with the tower personnel. The tower personnel also confirmed visual contact. As the target approached shore, its light went out. The pilot then requested monitoring of the craft with the on-board surveillance equipment..."
"...Witness B stated the close presence of this unknown object caused the delay of a commercial aircraft's departure from the airport. This statement from the Witness could not be verified since the authors of this report were denied access to the airport tower logs. However, the statement's claim was supported when it was found that Fed Ex flight 58 was scheduled to depart the airport at 9:10 pm but did not actually depart until 9:26 pm..."
"...First, this target's appearance on radar occurred at the right time and location to likely have been the object visually confirmed by the control tower and the CBP aircraft. Second, although the target jumped around, its overall directional movement was from the northeast to the southwest. Third, the target strength was strong as it was detected on almost every sweep of the radar for eight of the ten minutes it was on radar. Lastly, the target was no longer detected on radar during the time that the unknown was detected on the thermal imaging video. At that point in time the object was believed to be below the Pico Del Este radar's detectable altitude of 800 feet..."