Hab das hier zu dem wohl ältesten Schöpfungsmythos der Ägypter gefunden, inhaltlich gehtder Text wohl auf ca 3000 v. Chr. zurück:
"The story of Creation is told by thegod Neb-er-tcher whose name means "Lord to the uttermost limit". Neb-er-tcher wasregarded as the ultimate god whose "limit" refers to space and time in all dimensions.Another of his names was "Everlasting God of the Universe" and shows his dominantposition as the Originator of Everything. He filled all of the Universe, and after someindeterminate time he decided to create the Earth, and took upon himself the form of thegod Khepera, the Creator-god.
Before he transformed himself into Khepera, allthat existed was water, a world ocean called Nu. The transformation took place in Nu,which also contained the germ, the seed, of all living things. However, there was no lifein Nu. Everything, though in germinal state, was also in a state of total inertia andhelplessness. Khepera rose from Nu, and as he did so he made the first transition frominertia to life, from helplessness to activity.
Above Nu, the ocean, was nothing-- a vast, empty space. At the instant of transformation Neb-er-tcher, the All-Powerful,had only to address a command to his heart and it came into being. He spoke the word"Khepera" and Khepera was; when he rose from Nu and needed a place to stand, he spoke theplace's name, and it immediately came into being."
http://dspace.dial.pipex.com/ritson/quest/orion/creation.htm (Archiv-Version vom 11.12.2006)