Danke, ihr Finanzmärkte!
13.11.2011 um 16:19Eigentlich wird hier keiner zum "American Way of Life" gezwungen, ist eben für manche hip.
Quelle des Originals?V. schrieb:Zbigniew Brzezinski: "Deutschland ist ein amerikanisches Protektorat und ein tributpflichtiger Vasallenstaat"
The problem, however, is that a truly European "Europe" as such does not exist. It is a vision, a concept, and a goal but it is not yet reality. Western Europe is already a common market, but it is still far from being a single political entity. A political Europe has yet to emerge. The crisis in Bosnia offered painful proof of Europe's continued absence, if proof were still needed. The brutal fact is that Western Europe, and increasingly also Central Europe remains largely an American protectorate, with its allied states reminiscent of ancient vassals and tributaries. This is not a healthy condition, either for America or for the European nations.