Bürgerkrieg in Syrien
06.11.2014 um 20:27http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/syrien-krieg-usa-bombardieren-nusra-front-a-1001380.html
BB, "Rebels"
BB, "Rebels"
When Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) militants retreated from the embattled town of Jurf al-Sakher last week, the Iraqi military was quick to flaunt a rare victory against the extremist group, with state television showing tanks and Humvees parading through the town and soldiers touring government buildings that had been occupied by the militants since August.
However, photos soon emerged on independent Iraqi news websites revealing a more discrete presence - the powerful Iranian general Qassem Suleimani - whose name has become synonymous with the handful of victories attributed to Iraqi ground forces. Local commanders said Lebanon's powerful Shiite Hezbollah group was also on the front lines.
Die sollten sich da auf jeden Fall raushalten, ich denke nicht dass die da ohne Weiteres mit durchkommen würden.HistoryAss schrieb:Ich habe heute gelesen, dass der Französiche Minister die Anti-ISIS-Koalition dazu aufruft, nach der Befreiung Kobanes auch die Syrische Opposition in Aleppo mit Luftschlägen zu "befreien" da die armen da ja von der SAA und ISIS aufgerieben werden würden...
Glaube die SAA sollte dort Gas geben um sowas zu vermeiden..
Militia commanders, who spoke on condition of anonymity because they are not authorized to talk to the media, describe Suleimani as "fearless" - one pointing out that the Iranian general never wears a flak jacket, even on the front lines.Da sieht man das sich dieser Mann wirklich überall befindet. Nur leider bildet er das Militär genauso religiös-fanatisch aus wie andere militante Gruppen das auch tun. Könnte in der Zukunft Probleme geben aber anscheinend kämpfen auf seiner Seite Christen, Schiiten und... eine dritte religiöse Gruppe nebeneinander.
"Suleimani has taught us that death is the beginning of life, not the end of life," one militia commander said.
"The message said that whenever they catch any Peshmerga women, they will marry them,” the commanding officer explained.
“Even if they are disgusted by her, they will marry her,” she said. “Even if they don’t want to use them. Still, marriage.”
Die Terrormiliz "Islamischer Staat" gilt als reich - doch sie verdient weit weniger durch Erdöl-Verkauf als bisher angenommen.
Dem BND zufolge sind bisherige Einnahmeschätzungen "wenig realistisch" und "weit übertrieben".
Mehr als 50 Prozent der IS-Ölverarbeitungskapazitäten könnten demnach durch die US-Luftangriffe zerstört worden sein. Zudem fehlen allerorten ausländische Experten, die für die Ölproduktion nötig sind.
A former member of ISIS has revealed the extent to which the cooperation of the Turkish military and border forces allows the terrorist group, who now control large parts of Iraq and Syria, to travel through Turkish territory to reinforce fighters battling Kurdish forces.
A reluctant former communications technician working for Islamic State, going by the pseudonym ‘Sherko Omer’, who managed to escape the group, told Newsweek that he travelled in a convoy of trucks as part of an ISIS unit from their stronghold in Raqqa, across Turkish border, through Turkey and then back across the border to attack Syrian Kurds in the city of Serekaniye in northern Syria in February, in order to bypass their defences.
On 6 November, the Army retook the Shaer gas field and Syriatel Hill from ISIL.[5][23]Al Nusra gegen SRF:
On 7 November, al-Nusra Front with the support of Jund al-Aqsa seized the villages of Sfohen, al- Fterah and Hzarin in the southern countryside, and initial information also reported that they controlled the village of Flayfel in Shahshabo Mountain and that they have arrested a commander of a rebel battalion and some of fighters in one of these villages.[23]Ein Kommandeur der Rebellen wurde gefangengenommen und einige Dörfer geseized. :D
On 6 November, government troops captured the farm area Balaa Al-Jadeeda [42]Und..... Zerstörten noch einen großen Tunnel in Jobar. Diese Ratten.....
On 7 November, goverment troops laid a big ambush on rebels from Jaysh Al-Islam inside Jobar, killing over 30 rebels after destroying a large tunnel inside the Jobar district.[43]
Was hat das Eine mit dem Anderen zu tun?istiklal schrieb:Warum sollte man sanktionieren? Den Regimechange hat man 2013 versucht: