@Glünggi @JoschiX @cbarkyn @broilers
broilers schrieb:Wenn innerhalb des Lagers keine Kampfmittel und Rebellen waren und das Lager sichtbar aus der Luft als nicht-militärisches Ziel identifizierbar war, war es allerdings ein Kriegsverbrechen.
Flüchtlingslager sind tabu, wie Spitäler und Schulen, natürlich ist das ein Kriegsverbrechen.
Dass dort gezielt rekrutiert wird und zum Teil infiltriert, legitimiert noch keinen Beschuss, weil es wohnen Menschen da, die schon geflohen sind und nirgends sonst hin können.
"Das Flüchlings-Camp nahe der Grenze ist nun von Familien der IS-Kämpfer infiltriert worden. Einige brachten sogar Waffen mit. "
broilers schrieb:Verstehe ich das richtig? Die Al Nusra Front wird wird von ihren eigenen Verbündeten verjagt?
Ists nicht umgekehrt, AlNusra nimmt Gebiete ein von "moderaten Rebellen"?
Achill schrieb:In West-Aleppo bekämpfen sich nun einige Rebellengruppen untereinander aufs schärfste.
Man muss recherchieren, ob sie sich mitten im Kessel bekämpfen, was fataler wäre, oder außerhalb.
Langsam wirds zu Alle gegen Alle¨!
"While acknowledging Nusra’s al Qaida ties, rebel leaders have said that unlike the Islamic State, Nusra appears dedicated to the downfall of Assad. Previously, the groups have coordinated militarily with Nusra.
That appears to have changed in recent days, however. Rebel commanders said that for the past two months, Nusra has been moving forces into towns and cities held by more moderate rebels in western Syria. On Monday, Nusra fighters attacked seven villages in Jabal al Zawiya that were held by rebel forces in addition to launching a major assault on Almastuma, a regime base at the entrance to the city of Idlib.
Nusra also has attacked the U.S.-backed Hazm Movement in Aleppo this week, and it has launched assaults on major rebel-held cities such as Ma’arat al Numan.
“The (Nusra) operation in Idlib was a fake,” Hallak said, referring to the Monday attack on Almastuma, “and then they turned on the Syrian Revolutionary Front.” The revolutionary front, which last January spearheaded a highly successful assault against the Islamic State in northeastern Syria, is among a dozen rebel groups receiving U.S. aid through a covert CIA program.
Nusra on Wednesday issued a statement saying it was fighting a “war against corruption and the corrupt” and said other Islamist groups were with it.
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http://www.fresnobee.com/2014/10/29/4205467/syria-rebels-plead-for-us-help.html#storylink=cpyWie war das noch mit Allianz und Sympatie zu alNusra, von Jamal Maarouf ,Abdul Jabbar al-Okaidi etc.?
"In one propaganda video released online, Al Nusrah attempts to justify its offensive against the SRF. The 9 minute, 22 second video was posted on one of Al Nusrah's official Twitter feeds on Oct. 28. It is titled, "Testimonies on Syrian Liberation Front Attacks on Citizens."
SRF, which is part of the Free Syrian Army and has been portrayed as a "moderate" rebel force, has long fought alongside Al Nusrah in the Syrian battlefields.
In an interview published by The Independent in April, for instance, Maarouf explained that he was "not fighting against al Qaeda," because "it's not our problem." Maarouf also admitted that the SRF had shared weapons with the Al Nusrah Front.
Throughout August and September, the SRF fought alongside Al Nusrah and its other allies as the jihadists took control of the Quneitra border crossing in southern Syria and engaged in other fierce combat.
In recent days, however, this alliance has not held in Idlib.
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