Bürgerkrieg in Syrien
29.10.2014 um 01:14Du hast ne Trotzreaktion bei ihm hervorgerufen habe ich schon befürchtet bei ihm. Er wird dadurch jetzt eher zu der anderen Seite halten..
On October 21, ISIS attacked the al-Sina'a industrial quarter of the city. Opposition sources claimed it managed to break through Army defences, but a military source stated that the attack was repulsed and resulted in the death of 23 militants, including Zakaria al-Aboush, a former Free Syrian Army commander of the Ansar al-Islam. Government troops also continuted their offensive against Sakr Island in an attempt to create a buffer zone between ISIS-held areas and the old military airport.[97]Wikipedia: Deir ez-Zor clashes (2011–present)
On 24 October, ISIS again failed to storm the al-Sina'a industrial zone, suffering about 50 casualties and dozens of wounded. By that point, the 104th was clashing with militants in the north of the island and was controlling most of it.[98] The 104th reached the Al Anafat bridge between Saqr island and the city while remnants of IS on Northeasthern part of the island still clashed with government forces on October 26.[99] Two days later, ISIS detonated a car bomb in a residential area on Sakr island, killing 3 civilians and wounding 11 others. The bombing was followed by intense clashes which left 44 jihadists dead while another 22 were captured.[100]
Between 27 and 28 October, the al-Nusra Front attacked the SRF and took over the towns and villages of Balyon, Kesafra, Eblin, Ebdita, Mashon, Maghara and Maghara as well as four of their checkpoints near Maarrat Al-Nu'man. "This has happened before and we came through it. But this time the mobilisation is very large," said a military official in the Syria Revolutionaries Front (SRF). He added that the SRF had taken 25 Nusra fighters prisoner. He also claimed ISIL fighters were reinforcing the Nusra Front in the assault. But the pro-opposition Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said it was another hardline group, Jund al-Aqsa, that was providing the backup.[3][1]Heftig. Möge Gott Die Syrische Armee weiterhin beschützen und das Glück Assad's mehren, amen.
On 28 October, the al-Nusra Front also attacked a checkpoint of the Hazzm Movement in western Aleppo countryside but this attack was repelled and a number of Nusra fighters were reportedly killed. At the same time the Al- Atareb area and the Regiment 46 witnessed a "tension and wait-and-see attitude" after these clashes. Another clash took place between the two parties in the area between Ma’er Debseh and Khan al- Sobo.[2]
On 28 October, the Army captured the villages of Hosh Al-Farah and Al-Mayda’a. According to a military source, 42 rebels and 13 soldiers were killed in the fighting.[38][6]
On 23 October, the Syrian Army, backed by allied militias, took back total control of Morek, nine months after it was seized by rebel forces.[38] According to Al-Masdar, over 200 Islamic Front militants, 27 Syrian Army troops and 32 NDF fighters were killed in the final week of the battle. Rebel fighters retreated from the town southwest to Tal Itmeen hill where they were confronted by more government forces and in the late afternoon the Army secured the hill.[6
...und das überall. Stadt für Stadt.HistoryAss schrieb:Sehr lustig, SAA erzielt so heftige Siege
Einige FSA Gruppen bekommen ihre Waffen fast vollständig aus dem Westen. Im Gegenzug verlangen die westlichen Kontaktleute ein vorgehen gegen die Islamisten. Die USA wollen nämlich auch nicht das Assad fällt.HistoryAss schrieb:Al Nursa Front + Jund al Aqsa gegen Syrian Revolutionary Front und die FSA reste, besser geht es doch nicht, von Idlib bis Aleppo hahahaha
Niemand muss irgendeine Seite wählen. Ich finde es völlig falsch, Religion zu politisieren und als Trennmittel zwischen Menschen zu missbrauchen. Meiner Meinung nach ist Religion Privatsache. Sie sollte nur privat ausgelebt werden. Das sollte man den Leuten noch mal klarmachen. Religion hat nichts in irgendwelchen Institutionen zu suchen, besonders nicht in staatlichen. Die Menschen in einem Staat müssen sich darauf einigen, wie sie leben möchten. Und das gilt dann auch für alle. Ich finde es pervers, wenn es so weit geht, dass wir uns auf der Straße gegenseitig nach unserem Glauben fragen.Ja, da hat er schon recht ~