Bürgerkrieg in Syrien
06.06.2014 um 23:47@yasss90
Völlig unnötiger Terror.
Das Thema war eigentlich das Problem Regime und Regimegewalt. Skrupellose Einsätze von Fassbomben, Scharfschützen etc., Bedrohung, Festnahmen, Verhinderung jeglicher Oppositionsbildung.
Aber hier bekämpfen Fanatiker das Volk und Dschihadgruppen töten sich gegenseitig, untereinander und mit katastrophalen Folgen.
Mai "Radikale Islamisten sollen im Norden Syriens drei kurdische Dörfer überfallen haben. Sie töteten laut Augenzeugen mehrere Menschen - darunter auch Kinder."
"About 150 Kurdish students were kidnapped last week by the radical Islamist group the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, and they remain in a prison in the ISIS-held town of Manjib in northern Syria, adding to what's quickly becoming one of the worst mass kidnapping incidents of the Syrian civil war.
According to local journalists, activists and Kurdish news accounts, the students were taken in a series of kidnappings as they travelled from their villages to the city of Aleppo for their final exams.
"Seven children were among 15 civilians killed by jihadist rebels in a feud with Kurds in the north-east of Syria
Officials from the YPG militia and its political affiliate, the Democratic Union Party (PYD), say they have lost more than 500 fighters repelling ISIS, al-Nusra and allied Islamist groups."
Es ist zum weinen,
anstatt ein land von einer Diktatur befreien, zerstören sie es.
Es gibt eh schon zuwenig Wasser, Felder werden verbrannt.
Unbeteiligte vertrieben und getötet.
"Der-Ezzor province: ISIS took control on al-Besera town and its mount in the eastern countryside of Der-Ezzor after yesterday's midnight, after violent clashes against Jabhat al-Nusra and Islamic battalions lasted for few days using all kinds of weapons,
what caused material damages and burned wide areas of the farmlands
and killed 10 civilians ( including 1 child ) in addition to migration of civilians from al-Besera and its surroundings into nearby areas since the beginning of May. "
Völlig unnötiger Terror.
Das Thema war eigentlich das Problem Regime und Regimegewalt. Skrupellose Einsätze von Fassbomben, Scharfschützen etc., Bedrohung, Festnahmen, Verhinderung jeglicher Oppositionsbildung.
Aber hier bekämpfen Fanatiker das Volk und Dschihadgruppen töten sich gegenseitig, untereinander und mit katastrophalen Folgen.
Mai "Radikale Islamisten sollen im Norden Syriens drei kurdische Dörfer überfallen haben. Sie töteten laut Augenzeugen mehrere Menschen - darunter auch Kinder."
"About 150 Kurdish students were kidnapped last week by the radical Islamist group the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, and they remain in a prison in the ISIS-held town of Manjib in northern Syria, adding to what's quickly becoming one of the worst mass kidnapping incidents of the Syrian civil war.
According to local journalists, activists and Kurdish news accounts, the students were taken in a series of kidnappings as they travelled from their villages to the city of Aleppo for their final exams.
"Seven children were among 15 civilians killed by jihadist rebels in a feud with Kurds in the north-east of Syria
Officials from the YPG militia and its political affiliate, the Democratic Union Party (PYD), say they have lost more than 500 fighters repelling ISIS, al-Nusra and allied Islamist groups."
Es ist zum weinen,
anstatt ein land von einer Diktatur befreien, zerstören sie es.
ISIL zählen nur etwa 5000-8000 Kämpfer, sind aber abgehärtet durch Irak , Libyen, Afghanistan etc. und skrupellos, resp. noch skrupelloser als Nusra und co.Achill schrieb:Ich weiss bei'm Besten Willen nicht, wie die ISIL das hingekriegt, den anderen noch Städte abzunehmen!
Es gibt eh schon zuwenig Wasser, Felder werden verbrannt.
Unbeteiligte vertrieben und getötet.
"Der-Ezzor province: ISIS took control on al-Besera town and its mount in the eastern countryside of Der-Ezzor after yesterday's midnight, after violent clashes against Jabhat al-Nusra and Islamic battalions lasted for few days using all kinds of weapons,
what caused material damages and burned wide areas of the farmlands
and killed 10 civilians ( including 1 child ) in addition to migration of civilians from al-Besera and its surroundings into nearby areas since the beginning of May. "