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Irak, 650 000 Tote

540 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Krieg, Islam, Irak ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

Irak, 650 000 Tote

23.05.2007 um 21:07
February 12, 2007
Goldsmith (Jeweler) Haitham H. M. Ghazala was murderedthis

Bassam Jamil Mansour Breekho was killed in Baghdad due to abomb
explosion at the Administrative and Economy College, Universityof

February 26,
Architect Walid Abd al-Ahad was killed in al-Nidhal Streetwhile on
his way towork.

Muslims in the Dora neighborhood of Iraq are forcing Assyrian
Christians(also known as Chaldeans and Syriacs) to pay the jizya (poll tax), a tax
imposed bythe Koran on non-Muslim Christians and Jews in exchange for being allowed to
live andpractice their faith as well as being entitled to 'Muslim protection' from
outsideaggression. At least two cases have been reported to a government employee --who
wishes to remain anonymous -- in which the Christian Assyrian wives wereinstructed to go
to a certain mosque and pay, which they did outof
http://www.aina.org/news/20070318132901.htm (Archiv-Version vom 29.05.2007)

Ziyad Zito was killed when a car bomb exploded as he was on hisway

Two elderly Christian women were stabbed to death in their homein
Kirkuk. Fadheela Naoum, 85, and her 79-year-old sister Margaret, were stabbedmultiple
times by intruders who raided their home Monday night near the Cathedral ofthe Virgin in
Kirkuk. They lived alone and there was no sign ofa
http://www.aina.org/news/2007032791913.htm (Archiv-Version vom 11.05.2008)
Chaldean bishopcrate of Kikruk issued a statement on March 27 stating that thetwo
sisters were not nuns as reported earlier.

April 3,2007
John Shimshon Al-Bazi (b. 1943) was kidnapped at 1:30 byunknown armed militias as he was
returning home from his office in 'Aamiriya. Al-Bazicompleted his postgraduate studies
in civil engineering in Briton. He served hiscountry for more than 39 years as an
academic in Baghdad and Al-MustansiriyaUniversities, as an executive director of one of
the main bureaus concerned withirrigation and reformation, and as deputy minister for
Iraqi Mineral Resources.According to eyewitness reports fully covered and armed
individuals riding an Opalvehicle kidnapped Al-Bazi. They also reported that he was
beaten severely before hewas taken away.
Source: Firodil Institute.Contact

e was released later after paying the ransom.

April 14,2007
unidentified Islamic group has been threatening the ChrisitanAssyrians (also known as
Chaldeans and Syriacs) in the Dora district of Baghdad, atraditionally Assyrian area.
The Islamic group issued an ultimatum yesterday toAssyrian families, telling them to
leave Christianity and convert to Islam within 24hours or they would all be killed. The
Islamic group also issued a fatwa (a religiousedict) to confiscate the property of all
Christians, to force Assyrian women to veilthemselves, to forbid genuflection (making
the sign of the Cross) and the wearing ofthe Cross. Earlier the same Islamic group
forcefully removed the Cross from thechurches of St. John and St. George. An affiliated
Islamic group in Northern Iraqoccupied the Assyrian monastery ofRaban

April 23,2007
Tellesqof (Tell
Esqof), northern Iraq
Around 10:00 a.m., a suicide car bombattack took place in
Tellesqof, 9 miles north of Mosul. The attacker detonated his carand at least 10 people
were killed and 20 wounded. The car bomb exploded in the middleof the village market, in
front of the social club near an elementary school.Tellesqof is a predominantly
Christian town. This was the first terrorist attack inthis tight-knit community since
the Iraqwar
http://www.zindamagazine.com/ThisWeek/04.25.07/index_thu.php (Archiv-Version vom 23.05.2007)

April 24,
On Tuesday, H. Nazar Maskooni was killed when a time bombexploded at
the College of Dentistry in Baghdad. Maskooni was one of the top tenstudents atthe

Northern Iraq
An Assyrian (also known as Chaldean and Syriac) mantraveling
from Kirkuk, North Iraq to Syria was abducted at noon today. The man,identified as Wesam
Khamis Sliwa, was traveling with his wife and sisters when theircar was stopped by
masked and armed men. Mr. Khamis was taken out of the car anddriven away; the women were
not harmed. The reason for the kidnapping is unknown andthe kidnappers have not made
contact yet. Mr. Khamis holds a degree in physicaleducation and was born inthe
http://www.aina.org/news/20070426153743.htm (Archiv-Version vom 30.05.2007)

April 2007
Sargon Ashur, a member of theAssyrian
Democratic Movement passed away on April 26, 2007 after spending two weeks ina coma. He
was ambushed, fired upon and hit in his head while on his way to work.Sargon was married
and had a girl Oryana (4 years) and a sonMattai
http://www.zowaa.org/nws/ns7/n260407-7.htm (Archiv-Version vom 27.07.2007)

Hani Hanna Yousif Bidawid (b. 1949) was shot down on Thursdaymorning
in al-Ghadeer quarters of Baghdad as he was on his way to work. Bidawid wasmarried and
had two children, Saamirand
May 5, 2007
Baghdede, northern Iraq
Two Assyrian men were abductedon Tuesday
by unknown gunmen in Baghdede as they were heading to work at al-SalamHospital in Mosul.
The reason for their abduction and their whereabouts isstill

The NBC "Nightly News" with Brian Williams (5:40 p.m. WestCoast
Time) addressed the issue of Iraqi fleeing to Syria. The NBC correspondenceinterviewed
Najeeba, an old Christian woman, whose husband was killed when one of thechurches was
bombed in Iraq. The Islamic fundamentalists asked her to convert to Islamor face death.
She packed one suitcase, left everything behind and fled to Syria. Thecameraman
videotaped the one bedroom apartment that Najeeba shared with eight others.Najeeba pays
$300 monthly for the room and the landlord had informed her that he wasgoing to increase
the rent to $600. Najeeba stated that she has nothingleft.

May 10,
An armed Iraqi group has in recent days beguntargeting Christians in
the residential al-Doura neighbourhood of Baghdad, accordingto an interior ministry
source quoted by the pan Arab daily al-Sharq al-Awsat.Information obtained during probes
and the interrogation of various terror suspectsarrested last week indicate that this
group is linked to al-Qaeda and is made up of200 militiamen, most ofthem
http://www.aina.org/news/20070510124515.htm (Archiv-Version vom 12.05.2007)

Baquba, Central Iraq
Mr. Gabriel Khamis Khamis an Assyrian citizenliving in
the Na’eeriya district in Baghdad was kidnapped by unknown gunmen with hiswife Feryal,
his grandson Jason (4 years old) and the taxi driver on theBaghdad-Kirkuk road. Mr.
Khamis’s son in law and his daughters Lina, Nour and Sarawere in another car but they
were able to escape and report the incident at thenearest police station. Some time
later the wife and the grandson were found in theHabhab desert after they were stripped
of their jewelry while the fate of the husbandand the taxi driverremains

In the past few days alone, more than 100 Assyrian Christianfamilies
have fled the Dora district of Baghdad, which had a Christian majority as thethreats to
leave their homes, pay the jizya tax or convert to Islam continues. Manymembers of
parliament, including Mahmoud Uthman, Noor al-Deen al-Hayali, Haydaral-Abadi protested
these acts against the Christians and called upon the Iraqigovernment to protectthe
http://iraq4allnews.dk/index.php?sec=news&act=view_news&id=15405 (Archiv-Version vom 18.10.2007)

y 15, 2007
A car bomb in Ras al-Jaadda near Qabr al-Bint on May10, 2007
claimed the life of Manhal Hanna Abbo as he was returning home from work.Abbo died
immediately as he suffered severe head injuries. He was born in 1968 in theAssyrian town
of Tellesqof. He was married and had a baby daughter fivemonths

May 17,2007
An Islamic militant group burned many parts of the St. GeorgeAssyrian Church
of the East in Dora district in Baghdad. A bomb targeted this samechurch three years
ago. The group responsible reached to the Cross and destroyed itwith their bare hands at
the time when the bomb failed todo

May 18, 2007
The crisis for theAssyrian
community in Baghdad's Dora neighborhood is deepening. Islamists aresystematically
targeting the Christian Assyrians (also known as Chaldeans andSyriacs), forcing them to
pay the jizya (AINA 4-17-2007, 3-18-2007), a "protection"tax demanded by the Koran, or
convert within 24 hours or be killed. Dora is located 10kilometers southwest of Baghdad.
Families are abandoning their homes and seekingrefuge in Churches:
14 families have
fled to the Al-So'ud Chaldean Church.
7families have fled to Saint Odisho Assyrian
Church (3 families are in the church and 4in the Saint Adai Patriarchate, the old church
An unknown number offamilies have fled to Saint George Chaldean
Islamic groups are preventingfamilies from bringing any belongings as they
flee their homes.
Hatem Al-Razaq, thesheik of the Al-Noor mosque in Dora, has toured
Dora, visiting each Assyrian familyand instructing them to pay 250,000 Iraqi dinars
($190), saying this sum is the jizyabecause "you are not Muslims." Families that cannot
pay this sum are told to send onefamily member to the mosque on Friday to announce their
conversion to Islam. Familieswho refuse to do this must leave their homes immediately
and not take any of theirbelongings with them because "your properties belong to the
mosque." Families that donot leave and do not convert are threatened with death.
In a
report by the CatholicNews Agency (AINA 5-18-2007), Mar Addai II, the Patriarch of the
Ancient AssyrianChurch of the East, says "Only the families that agree to give a
daughter or sister inmarriage to a Muslim can remain, which means that the entire
nuclear family willprogressively become Muslim." Also, Assyrian families are forced to
turn over theirhomes as ransom for theirkidnapped

May 19, 2007
A Chaldeanpriest was kidnapped
this morning in Baghdad. He is Fr. Nawzat Potrous Hanna, parishpriest of Mar Pithion,
from the Baladiyat quarter. Confirmation of the abduction wasannounced by Msgr. Shlemon
Warduni, Chaldean auxiliary bishop in the capital, who hasinvited Catholics to “pray for
Fr. Nawzat’s immediate release”. The abductors havealready made contact with the
Chaldean Patriarchate, but as of yet there is no furthernews. The priest was leaving the
house of an ill parishioner, when he was stopped by agroup of persons who had been
waiting for him, saysthe

May 21,2007
Reverend Temathaus Eisha, pastor of the Church of St. Shimoniin the besieged1 Dora
district of Baghdad, confirmed to ankawa.com that theinformation published about the
forced displacement of Christian Assyrians from theirhomes in the district is accurate.
He added that the conditions were horrible,especially in the Al-Ta'ma, Al-iskan,
Al-mo'alimeen, Al-shurTa, Al-sitten, and Asianeighborhoods.
The three remaining
neighborhoods that are relatively calm are HaiAl-athuriyeen (Assyrian quarter),
Al-jim'iya, and Al-sihha.
The large-scalecampaign consists of expelling all
Christians, unless they convert to Islam or thejizya, or leave their homes and
belongings. He added that the majority of Assyrianshave abandoned these
http://www.aina.org/news/20070521131857.htm (Archiv-Version vom 24.05.2007)


Irak, 650 000 Tote

24.05.2007 um 14:28
WOW letzte Woche haben ein paar Schweine eine Kirche in Dora zerbombt:

WASHINGTON-- A group of armed Muslims set fire to St. George's Assyrian Church in the Doraneighborhood of Baghdad last week, completing decimating what remained of a churchalready hit by a deadly fire-bombing in October 2004.

"The bombing of St. George'sChurch should leave no doubt in anyone's mind that a process of ethnic cleansing hasbegun," the Rev. Dr. Keith Roderick of Christian Solidarity International toldNewsMax.

"Unfortunately, the United States has put very little pressure on theIraqi government to establish, as guaranteed by provisions in the Iraqi constitution, anautonomous federal unit of self governance and security for these minorities," headded.

Wednesday's attack is only the latest in a series of measures by Islamicmilitants aimed at forcing Christians to leave Iraq.

"There are estimates thatnearly 50 percent of the Christians of Iraq have been forced to flee into exile,"Roderick said." It is lamentable that the international community and the U.S. have nottreated this terrible human dilemma with an urgent response."

Peter BetBasoo ofthe Assyrian International News Agency (AINA) has been following closely the plight ofhis fellow Assyrians in Iraq.

"Over the past 30 days, al-Qaida has moved into theDora neighbood and started to collect the jizya [protection money]," he said. "They aretelling the Assyrian families who remain in the area they must pay this protection money,or leave."

The jizya, sometimes referred to as a "head tax" or a "poll tax," wasestablished by the Quran on non-Muslims as a means of enforcing their submission toMuslim rule. Those who refused to pay the jizya were to be killed.

The "IslamicState in Iraq," a Sunni insurgent governing council dominated by al-Qaida, recentlyappointed a local imam, Hatym al-Rizeq, as its "prince" for the al-Dora neighborhood. Hebegan demanding that Christian Assyrians pay the protection tax lastmonth.

According to AINA, al-Qaida elements moved into the Dora area recently fromal-Anbar povince, where they were fleeing the U.S. security sweep.

The Doraneighborhood, some six miles southwest from central Baghdad, "seems to be abandoned byboth Iraqi and Coalition" forces, AINA reported last month.

Over the past week,U.S. forces have scoured the surrounding area in search of two missing U.S. soldiers whoare believed to have survived a kidnapping by insurgents linked to al-Qaida.

"Wetalked to many people within the American Embassy and the Iraqi Government, but it seemsno body really cares, because they have done nothing" to stop the anti-Christianviolence, one al-Dora resident told AINA.

Another Dora resident, who is now arefugee in Syria, said he had spoken to a family who recently fled the neighborhood after"terrorists knocked on their door" and demanded that they pay the jizya to support theinsurgents. If they refused to pay the tax, they were told to convert to Islam, "or leavethe house within 24 hours or else be killed."

Al-Qaida is demanding thatChristians pay 250,000 dinars (around $200) for the right to remain in their own homes, asum equivalent to an average month's salary in Iraq, AINA said.

"Christians inIraq are on their way to extinction, cut off from the country's political process," saidFather Bashar Warda, newly-appointed rector of the St Peter Major Seminary, which wasrecently moved from Baghdad to Ankawa in Iraqi Kurdistan for securityreasons.

When asked why nothing had been done since the liberation to protectIraqi Christians, Father Warda blamed "the indifference of Iraqi leaders. They do notconsider us as belonging to this nation."

He said that other Iraqi groups takeadvantage of Christians "because we have no outside support or our own militia. They knowthat all we can do is make appeals and complain. [Iraqi] politicians act convinced thatour community is bound to disappear in a few years."

William J. Murray, chairmanof the conservative Religious Freedom Coalition, told NewsMax that he has called onPresident Bush to "step forward and protect the Christians that have been placed in suchgrave danger by our actions in Iraq, even if the sole solution is to grant immediateasylum to all of them."

The instability "caused in Iraq by our failed attempt toinstall a democracy has decimated the Christian community," Murray added. Dr. PatrickSookhdeo, international director of the Barnabas Fund, issued an appeal on May 11 to U.N.Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and to U.S. leaders, which is available at a Web sitededicated to supporting the Assyrian community, ChristiansOfIraq.com.

He recalledduring a recent visit to Baghdad speaking to a Christian minister who had appealed to thelocal American military commander to beg for protection for Christians. The answer he gotwas, "We are not here to protect you."

Christian Solidarity Internationalestimates that 100,000 Assyrian Christians have fled Iraq for Jordan, where thegovernment refuses to grant them refugee status and has closed church schools becausethey are "teaching Christianity." Many more have fled for Syria.

In 1987, theChristian population of Iraq was 1.4 million, Roderick said. "Today it is estimated tobet between 600,000 and 800,000."

Dora is not the only area in Iraq whereChristians are being persecuted. Over the past two years, more than 27 churches have beenattacked or firebombed throughout Iraq, priests kidnapped, and women murdered, Rodericksaid.

Last October, an Iraqi priest, Father Boulos Iskander, was kidnapped andmurdered near Mosul. His kidnappers placed his severed head on top of his chest, and hissevered arms and legs around his head.

"The U.S. military has rushed in to rebuildschools and mosques," Father Roderick said. "It remains to be seen how quickly they willrush in to assist the beleaguered Christians rebuild their losses, such as St.George's."

Iraq's Christians trace their ancestry to the ancient Assyrians andBabylonians. Those who belong to the Chaldean church are known as Assyrians or Chaldeans,while members of the Syrian Orthodox church are known as Syriacs.

Even today, theSyriac/Chaldean liturgy is in Aramaic, the language spoken byJesus.





Irak, 650 000 Tote

04.06.2007 um 13:57
Noch ein Priester der gestern ermordet wurde:


Irak, 650 000 Tote

21.06.2007 um 19:07
Link: www.ftd.de (extern) (Archiv-Version vom 25.08.2007)

Irak: 24 Kinder aus Horror-Waisenhaus gerettet
Irakische und US-Soldaten haben 24Kinder aus einem Waisenhaus des Schreckens in Bagdad gerettet. Wie das US-Militärkommando in der irakischen Hauptstadt am Mittwoch mitteilte, empfingen dieSoldaten bei der Durchsuchung des Waisenhauses unbeschreibliche Bilder des Elends undSchreckens.

24 Jungen im Alter zwischen 3 und 15 Jahren vegetierten nackt undunterernährt, zum Teil an ihre Betten gefesselt, in dunklen, fensterlosen Räumen. Als sieaus ihrer verliesartigen Unterkunft befreit wurden, konnten viele von ihnen nicht einmalmehr auf ihren Beinen stehen. Das geschah bereits am 10. Juni.

Der Vorfall imWaisenhaus im Bagdader Bezirk Fadschr wirft noch viele Fragen auf. So fand das dasMilitär in den Nebenräumen genügend Lebensmittel und Kleider, mit denen die Jungen hättenversorgt werden können. Das Personal - drei Erzieherinnen, ein Wächter und der Direktor -waren bei der Durchsuchung des Heimes und Verlegung der Kinder in ein anderes, bessergeführtes Waisenheim anwesend. Armee- Ärzte nahmen sich der deutlich unterernährtenJungen an.

Mitglieder des Nachbarschaftsrates von Fadschr - eine ArtBezirksparlaments -, die die Soldaten begleiteten, seien beim Anblick der misshandeltenund vernachlässigten Kinder «in Tränen ausgebrochen», berichtete einUS-Offizier.

Das unsägliche Leid der Waisenkinder könnte aber zum Teil auchreligiöse Hintergründe haben. Die 24 Jungen hatten noch bis Ende Mai in einem Waisenhausim Stadtteil Atafija gelebt, in dem Jungen und Mädchen unter einem Dach untergebrachtsind. Es heißt, Islamisten hätten das Zusammenleben von Jungen und Mädchen kritisiert.Daraufhin seien die Jungen in das Schreckensheim in Fadschr gekommen. Nach ihrer Rettungund ärztlichen Behandlung sollen sie nun doch wieder in das Heim in Atafijazurückkehren.

Wieder eine humanitäre Tat der Befreier! :)


Irak, 650 000 Tote

21.06.2007 um 19:42
naja, in so einem fall ist wohl jeder human.
da hätte sicher jeder reagiert, soferner die mittel und macht hat.


Irak, 650 000 Tote

21.06.2007 um 19:48
650.000 tot irakische Zivilisten! 3.400 tote GI´s. So langsam nähert man sich wieder denZahlen von Vietnam.


Irak, 650 000 Tote

21.06.2007 um 20:09
so sehr langsam -

"Vietnam gab am 3. April 1995 Zahlen frei, wonachinsgesamt eine Million vietnamesische Kämpfer und vier Millionen Zivilisten im Krieggetötet wurden.

58.226 amerikanische Soldaten starben im Krieg oder gelten alsvermisst. Australien verlor ca. 500 der 47.000 nach Vietnam entsandten Soldaten;Neuseeland verlor 38 Soldaten."


Irak, 650 000 Tote

21.06.2007 um 20:17
@ wildsceptic

Es ist immer gut einen Militärverständigen im Netz zuhaben.

Und was ist mit denen, die den Krieg zwar physisch überlebt aberverstümmelt sind,die Ihre Heimat verloren haben? Was ist mit denen? Hast Du dafür auchZahlen?


Irak, 650 000 Tote

21.06.2007 um 20:20
die amis haben eh nie was zu tun


Irak, 650 000 Tote

21.06.2007 um 21:05
Und was ist mit denen, die den Krieg zwar physisch überlebt aber verstümmelt sind,dieIhre Heimat verloren haben? Was ist mit denen? Hast Du dafür auchZahlen?


Ihre Heimat verloren? Meinst du dieSüdvietnamesen.


Irak, 650 000 Tote

09.07.2007 um 07:46
Link: www.tagblatt.ch (extern) (Archiv-Version vom 20.08.2007)

Na endlich hat sich das ganze gelohnt.
('komisch..' hab davon nicht allzu vielmitbekommen.)


Irak, 650 000 Tote

09.07.2007 um 07:57

Mindestens 3 Millionen Flüchtlinge (Offiziell ca. 2, 5 Millionen; mehrKinder und Frauen) halten sich in Syrien, Jordanien, Libanon und Ägypten auf

Dasist immerhin fast 1/8 der Bevölkerung des Iraks - wenn man noch berücksichtigt, dass imSüden und Norden relative Ruhe ist, dann kommt man auf einen wahren Exodus aus denbesonders umkämpften Gebieten!


Irak, 650 000 Tote

09.07.2007 um 11:07
Die Zahl der toten Zivilisten ist fast ein Jahr alt, soviel dazu..


Irak, 650 000 Tote

09.07.2007 um 11:35

zu welchen bedingungen und in welchen verhältnissen werden muslimischeflüchtlinge von ihren islamischen brüdern und schwestern aufgenommen ?

inflüchtlingscamps zu vegetieren ?
die hoffnung, dass die flüchtlinge alsbaldzurückkehren können ?

liegt es daran, dass schiitische flüchtlinge in sunnitischegegenden fortziehen mussten ?

und wer füllt das vakuum des "exodus" ?
dieamerikaner ?



Irak, 650 000 Tote

09.07.2007 um 11:37
Mussolini sagte damals,als die Wehrmacht 1940 in Frankreich einmarschierte,das er(Mussolini) ein paar tausend Tote braucht um sich mit Hitler an denWaffenstillstandsverhandlungen zu beteiligen.

Nun King George Bush II begnügt sichnicht mit nur ein paar Tausend. Sein Vorbild ist wohl eher Pol Pott.
Wie sagten diealten Griechen: "Ein toter Feind riecht immer gut!"

So sieht das George W.auch.......


Irak, 650 000 Tote

09.07.2007 um 13:08

Man sollte den Flüchtlingen helfen aber ihnen keine neue Heimat geben,ganz einfach weil man diesen US-Kriegen nicht nachgeben darf, die Leute müssen für ihrLand kämpfen damit sie irgendwann wieder dort in Frieden leben können.
InFlüchtlingscamps diese Menschen unterzubringen ist nur ok wenn es anders nicht geht (z.B.in Syrien gibs wegen den irakischen Flüchtlingen Wohnungsknapheit und hohe Mietspreise).Ansonsten kann man den Menschen auch Wohnungen geben und wenn der Krieg vorbei istAufenhaltsgenemigung beenden.


Irak, 650 000 Tote

17.07.2007 um 13:41
Die USA haben alles alleine zu Verantworten

Sie wussten das sich das Land ineinen Bürgerkrieg stürzen würde

Denn alles ist mit Eingeplant

Inzwischenmüsste sich die Zahl der Toten auf Rund 700 000 Erhöht haben!
Und die Zahl der TotenAmerikaner Wieviel 3000 ?? Das macht aber nichts denn die USA haben Ihr Werk Vollendetund das Bedeutet den Irak als Staat Ausgelöscht von der Landkarte und das ist die Absichtgewesen um die Region zu Destabilisieren, besser kann man einen Gegner nichtAusschalten...

Dieser Krieg Ähnelt zwar ein Wenig Vietnam, aber in Warheit Spieltdas Öl
die Hauptrolle und die USA sind mitten Drin in dieser Region und Ihnen istauch völlig Scheiss Egal das sich dadurch die Geographischen Strukturen so mancher Länderin Zukunft sich Verändern könnten.....


Irak, 650 000 Tote

17.07.2007 um 13:47
"Und die Zahl der Toten Amerikaner Wieviel 3000 ?? "

wird folgendermaßengerechnet:
Die offiziell gefallenen ca. 3500 G.I.s sind auf irkaischem Boden an Ortund Stelle gestorben, jeder andere der im Medivac, Lazarett oder Krankenhaus stirbt, giltals (tödlich) verwundet.
Söldner in amerikanischen Diensten werden nichtmitgezählt.
Einwanderer, die 2 jahre in den Irak müssen wegen ihrer Greencard, vorallem Latinos, fallen meißt auch aus der Statistik.


Irak, 650 000 Tote

17.07.2007 um 13:52
Mich Interessiert die Zahl der Toten Gi's überhaupt nicht

Schau dir die Zahlder Hundert Tausenden von Toten Irakern Mal an ??


Irak, 650 000 Tote

17.07.2007 um 13:55
Aber wieviel von denen haben sich gegenseitig erledigt, statt sich um die G.I.s zu"kümmern". Da wurden ja noch ne Menge alte Rechnungen beglichen.
