Was ich in den deutschen MEdien
nicht mitbekommen habe, ist dass die israelische Navy, einen palaestinensischen FIscher den Kopf abgeschossen und so vom Koerper getrennt wurde.
Dr. Moaiya Hassanain said the Palestinian men were on land when they were fired upon.
He said that 25-year-old Muhammad Nady Al-Attar's was killed when his head was severed from his body, according to the Palestinian Ma'an News Agency.
The Israel Defense Forces had no immediate comment.
http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/1110595.html (Archiv-Version vom 30.08.2009)Wenn man gut Englisch kann, dann merkt man wie man wie krank das geschrieben wurde. Richtig kalt, medizinisch und ohne Emotion, als ob es sich nicht um Menschen handeln wuerde.
Kann mir jetzt ein Israelverteidiger erklaeren, warum man die Fischer beschossen hat?
Kann mir einer?
GIbt es einen logischen Grund?

Das ist auch kein EInzelfall, sondern ist schon oefters passiert.
Man entfuehrt Fischer und man zerstoert ihre Boote oder man klaut ihre Boote.
Das ist Zionism..ups, ich meinte Zynismus.
Eight fishermen (including two minors) from the Salateen area in the North of the Gaza strip, have been abducted, and four hassakas (small fishing boats) have been stolen this morning, at about 7am, by the Israeli navy. According to witnesses the fishermen were only about 100 meters from the coast. Initial information received regarding the fishermen's details is as follows:
- Esshaq Mohammed Zayed, 45
- Rassam Mohammed Zayed, 25
- Hafez Assad Al Sultan, 25
- Ahmed Assad Al Sultan, 17
- Safwat Zayed Zayed, 35
- Nashaat Zayed Zayed, 10
- Joma Mollok Zayed, 50
- Hammada Joma Zayed, 22
During the last month the Israeli navy has escalated its attacks against Gazan fishermen by injuring at least three of them, abducting a further 24 and stealing 10 hassakas and one shansula fishing boat.
Last week dozens of Salateen fishermen, joined by the Director of the General Syndicate of Marine Fishers, Palestinian activists from the Beit Hanoun Local Initiative and International Solidarity Movement activists, demonstrated against the Israeli attacks, demanding the release of the stolen boats.
UPDATE 9/4/2009
The correct names and age of the abducted fishermen are:
Ishaq Mohammed Zayed, 46
Rasem Ishaq Zayed, 22
Abdel Hafiz Assad Hamad Sultan, 21
Ahmed Assad Hamad Sultan, 15
Nashaat Zayed Zayed, 12
Raffat Zayed Zayed, 20
Mohammed Mohammed Joma Sultan, 21
Alaa Mohammed Joma Sultan, 15http://fishingunderfire.blogspot.com/2009/04/massive-abduction-of-gazan-fishermen-by.html