@FedaykinIsrael näher als der Iran?
Du verwechselst wohl was in den gekauften Medien steht
und was das Volk denkt wenn man ihm die Wahrheit sagt.
Wieso sprichst du eigentlich von 'wir'?
Welchem Volk gehörst du eigentlich an?
Hier ein schöner Bericht:
(Englisch kannst du ja bestimmt)
'Then Allah will send Gog and Magog, and they will swarm
down from every slope. The first of them will pass by the
Lake of Tiberias, and will drink some of its water; the last of
them will pass by it and say,'"There used to be water here".
Jesus, the Prophet of Allah, and his Companions will be
besieged until a bull's head will be dearer to them than one
hundred dinars are to you nowadays.
'Then Jesus and his Companions will pray to Allah, and He
will send insects who will bite the people of Gog and Magog
on their necks, so that in the morning they will all perish as
one. Then Jesus and his Companions will come down and
will not find any nook or cranny on earth which is free from
their putrid stench. Jesus and his Companions will again
pray to Allah, Who will send birds like the necks of camels;
they will seize the bodies of Gog and Magog and throw them
wherever Allah wills.
"Daher sich auch der Herr ein einziges kleines Völklein (die Juden, d.Hg.) auf der Erde usprünglich ausgesucht hat; alles andere jedoch, unbeschadet der Freiheit, konnte dem Wunsche dieses Geistes gleich den Tieren ungestraft nachkommen."
Jakob Lorber (Schreibknecht Luzifers) {a jl.erde.056,07c}