@nocheinPoet @Fedaykin ich hab mir noch mal die ganze aussage von lavrov im kontext angeschaut , gestern war sie noch nicht verfügbar . ergibt ein " ganz anderes " bild , was man so alles von der EU erwartet ....
We can see how much effort it takes these days to work out a common EU policy on migration as well as on a number of other issues. We can see how important Germany’s role as the lead nation, the locomotive of the European Union, is, as Germany strives to take into account all the EU members’ interests. Doing this is becoming harder and harder. We are not interested in seeing the EU weakened or split. We are interested in a united and strong European Union, a partner to work with comfortably on economic issues and other matters. But we cannot ignore what is happening. We can see and appreciate Germany’s efforts to ensure that the EU’s aggressive minority keeps a lower profile on a range of issues, some related to Russia, and some to the EU’s internal structure, that they temper their appetites and ambitions and follow general rules adopted by consensus just like in any other regular peer organisation such as the EU. We wish Germany success in dealing with the enormous problems caused by migrants. I hope these issues do not get swept under the rug, repeating the situation when a Russian girl's disappearance in Germany was hushed up for a long time for some reason. Now, at least, we are communicating with her lawyer, who is working with her family and with the Russian Embassy. It is clear that Lisa did not exactly decide voluntarily to disappear for 30 hours. Truth and justice must prevail here.
I truly hope that these migration problems will not lead to attempts to “gloss over” reality for political motives – that would be just wrong. Problems need to be laid out honestly and admitted to the voters, open and clear solutions need to be proposed.
We are genuinely interested in seeing this difficult period pass without significant losses, in seeing Germany find solutions to the migration problem, both within the country and in the EU, as well as for other problems the EU will need to consider in the near future, including how the UK referendum might affect the union’s future, or the referendum in the Netherlands on the Association Agreement with Ukraine. These are serious challenges for the European Union. Those who are interested in the EU remaining an integral and effective whole – the only way it can be a comfortable partner for Russia and others to deal with – must encourage the EU to find appropriate solutions based on consensus and solidarity, but not at the expense of third countries, based on a balance of national interests of the EU members, and not on positions of “Trojan horses”.
http://www.mid.ru/en/press_service/minister_speeches/-/asset_publisher/7OvQR5KJWVmR/content/id/2032328 (Archiv-Version vom 18.03.2016)also zuallererst mal les ich hier kein " unsere lisa " - möglicherweise abgewandelt . wäre nicht das erste mal bei offiziellen übersetzungen " .
dann redet man deutschland stark , motor von europa & bla .
Those who are interested in the EU remaining an integral and effective whole – the only way it can be a comfortable partner for Russia
und genau die unterstützt man eben nicht .... oder wie ist das nun mit den rechten parteien ?
also es brauch hier kein blindenhund um zu sehen das genau das gegenteil gemeint ist was gesagt wird .
für lavrov ist definitiv klar das
did not exactly decide voluntarily to disappear
.also lisa wurde entführt ...