A321 Metrojet abgestürzt
05.11.2015 um 22:24Nach Informationen des Telegraph sollen die Ermittler tatsächlich davon ausgehen, dass jemand vom Personal eine Bombe in den Frachtraum geschmuggelt hat. Dies sei eine Sicherheitslücke in Sharm el Sheikh. Daher wird bei den Rückflügen auch kein Check In Gepäck mehr erlaubt.
A baggage handler at Sharm el-Sheikh airport may have smuggled a bomb on board the downed Russian passenger jet, investigators suspect.
US officials have said intelligence suggests the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Isil) or another terrorist group may have had “an assist from someone at the airport” and the British security services have discovered evidence of a plot to carry out a major atrocity.
But unlike in the UK, airport staff have not previously been required to go through security, making them ideal candidates to smuggle bombs or other items onto aircraft.