Der hybride Krieg Russlands gegen die Ukraine
23.02.2015 um 19:52nun , laut dem neuen bürgermeister sollen sich noch 5000 leute in debaltseve befinden , die ihn ja jetzt zum mayor gewählt haben .
der gute mann hat ein orthodoxes bataillon geführt
der gute mann hat ein orthodoxes bataillon geführt
At the first press conference Afendikov appears in a military uniform. On his left sleeve - Greek flag. It was spotted by journalists, and after the press conference the new head of the administration told LifeNews that he himself is an ethnic Greek in the sixth generation. According to Afendikov, the South of Ukraine is home to many Greeks - who live in compact settlements, one of which is located in the district of Mariupol. (Archiv-Version vom 22.02.2015)
During the conflict in Donbass Afendikov was on the side of the militia and for some time was even a commandant of Yenakiyevo. Now he has to take on a function of a peaceful state builder. According to the representatives of the interdepartmental commission, the restoration of Debaltsevo will begin on Thursday.