Fedaykin schrieb:haben wir den Bericht nicht.
Dafür haben wir ne Presse, ich muß nich jedes Detail kennen. Sobald 3-4 gute Quellen davon berichten, sollte ich das auch ernst nehmen.
Und solange sich keine soliden Gegendarstellungen finden lassen bleibt der Einwand für meine Meinungsbildung irrelevant.
@Jedimindtricks Beitrag von kurvenkrieger (Seite 76)Die Berichte zu den Enteignungen häuften sich zu der Zeit.
Es paßt auch ins faschistoide Gehabe, hier wurde das mal ganz gut aufgedröselt:
In fact, almost immediately after Yatsenyuk became the leader of Ukraine, he sacked the existing three Deputy Defense Ministers, on March 5th, and replaced them with three rabidly anti-Russian neo-Nazis, who were committed to this bombing-policy. The person who was made the Minister of Defense, Mikhail Koval, has announced his intention to ethnically cleanse from southeastern Ukraine the “subhumans” who voted for Yanukovych, who will “be resettled in other regions,” meaning either Russia (if Russia accepts these Ukrainian refugees) or else concentration-camps inside Ukraine (and then perhaps death). “There will be a thorough filtration of people.” Their property will be confiscated, and “Land parcels will be given out for free to the servicemen of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and other military formations, as well as to the employees of Interior Ministry and the Security Service of Ukraine that are defending territorial integrity and sovereignty of the country in eastern and southeastern regions of Ukraine.” That’s the euphemism for the ethnic cleansing, and mass-theft. In other words, Obama’s rulers of Ukraine are offering their soldiers the opportunity to grab legally the property of their victims. Ukraine doesn’t have the money to pay for all the soldiers that are needed to do this ethnic cleansing; so, they’re being promised war-booty, instead. Sort of like paying them by tips: but with the bigger tips going to the killers with the most (or biggest) scalps.
When people in the area of the ethnic cleansing managed to shoot down one of the regime’s planes and its 49 soldiers who were in the process of perpetrating it, Yatsenyuk himself vowed revenge, by using similar language: ”They lost their lives … in a situation facing a threat to be killed by invaders [i.e., by the residents, not by those troops from the northwest that they shot down] and sponsored by subhumans [presumably meaning Russians],” he said. “First, we will commemorate the heroes [the exterminators] by wiping out those who killed them and then by cleaning our land from the evil.” However, of course, that’s what he was already doing (“cleaning” the land), which is the reason why that plane was shot down in the first place: those troops were invaders and killers.
A TV commercial has been running on Ukrainian TVs ever since the start of the bombing-campaign, in which the chief local agricultural pest (the Colorado beetle), which Ukraine’s far-right frequently uses in order to symbolize the country’s Russian-speakers, is portrayed destroying crops and then being exterminated as the solution to the problem in Ukraine. The symbolism used there is immediately understandable to Ukrainians, though (and this is one reason it’s used, since they are advised by our CIA) not so easily understandable to people outside that country. Propaganda like this helps to rouse the racist nationalist sentiment to make them “exterminators,” heroes to their fellow-racist-nationalist haters of people whose native language is Russian.
http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article38956.htm (Archiv-Version vom 25.02.2015)Definitiv keine Ente, nein. Warum sollte irgendjemand ausgerechnet die Grundstücke unangetastet lassen? Kaputt is eh alles, kann man gleich schön Häusle baun. Was für Sackratten...