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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.746 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Mord, Michael Jackson, Verurteilung ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

17.07.2012 um 20:52
Paris Jacksoη ‏@ParisJackson
On the road again, I'm on the road again<3
3:46 PM - 17 Jul 12

und wieder hat Paris einen Songtext getweetet ... :D (Archiv-Version vom 04.06.2012)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

17.07.2012 um 21:14
das Bild hat Paris vor 5 Std. bei Instagram gepostet ...

Paris: rockin the beatles(:

83e98dded01811e1bfc622000a1cde39 7



tumblr m7af8nm0AK1qk7xvbo1 500Original anzeigen (0,5 MB)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

17.07.2012 um 21:27
Broadway musical launches online auditions to play Michael Jackson, Stevie Wonder and Berry Gordy

Search for multi talented young African-American to portray three roles in upcoming production

By Joe Dziemianowicz / NEW YORK DAILY NEWS
Tuesday, July 17, 2012, 3:09 PM

Music mogul Barry Gordy in looking for a young star to portray a young Michael Jackson as well as a little Stevie Wonder and a pre-teen Gordy.

If you look, sound and move like a young Michael Jackson, your shot to star in the upcoming Broadway musical “Motown” is a click away.

The show’s producer, music mogul Berry Gordy, is looking for a multi talented African-American youth to play three roles, They include a young Michael Jackson, little Stevie Wonder and a pre-teen Gordy in the show coming to Broadway in 2013.

The nation-wide search begins today with the launch of an audition website at

The actor with the right stuff will be age 8-11. Candidates will perform one of the following songs — “I Want You Back,” “I’ll Be There” or “Who’s Loving You.”

“I’m not looking for imitators,” says Gordy. “What I’m looking for is people that are smart, and can be themselves in the role.”

The actor who wins the role, he adds, “has to give me the same chills that I got when I saw Michael Jackson in the first place.”

Gordy says that the qualities he’s looking for in the actor who plays him as a kid include being “funny, a scamp, a little bit of a hustler.”

“Motown” tells the story of Gordy protégés who went on to become some of the greatest superstars of all time.

The show will feature a book by Berry Gordy and hits from the Motown catalogue, including songs made famous by Smokey Robinson and The Miracles, Diana Ross and The Supremes, Marvin Gaye, Stevie Wonder, The Temptations, Michael Jackson and The Jackson Five. (Archiv-Version vom 21.07.2012)

ähnliche Berichte: (Archiv-Version vom 18.07.2012)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

17.07.2012 um 21:41
die Chance ... hier kann man sich zum Casting bewerben ... :)

Updated July 17, 2012, 3:02 p.m. ET

Producers seek young man to play Michael Jackson

Associated Press

NEW YORK — Producers of a musical based on the life of Motown Records founder Berry Gordy are seeking an exceptionally talented young actor — one who can play a preteen Gordy, a young Michael Jackson and a precocious Stevie Wonder.

Gordy launched an audition website on Tuesday to help find the young man between the ages of 8 and 11 who can sing, dance and act like the King of Pop in his Jackson 5 days and Wonder at about age 11.

"Motown" will open on Broadway next spring.

Gordy says he's not looking for imitators, but someone who "can be themselves in the role" and give him "the same chills" he experienced when he first saw Jackson at age 10 in 1968.


Online: (Archiv-Version vom 18.07.2012)

ein ähnlicher Bericht: (Archiv-Version vom 22.07.2012)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

17.07.2012 um 23:38
MJ OnlineTeam ‏@MJonlineteam

Recently, there was an item on an international Pepsi affiliate’s social media page regarding a “Michael (cont)
10:04 PM - 16 Jul 12

Recently, there was an item on an international Pepsi affiliate’s social media page regarding a “Michael Jackson Hologram Concert.” This item is not accurate and there are no such plans in place by Pepsi, the Estate of Michael Jackson or anyone else.

We regret any confusion that may have been caused in the MJ fan community by this incorrect post, which has been removed.
freie Übersetzung:
der Estate von MJ gibt bekannt, dass es kein "Michael Jackson Hologramm Konzert" geben wird ... vor kurzem gab es einen Bericht, auf einer Social Media Seite einer internationalen Pepsi Tochtergesellschaft ... dieser Artikel ist nicht richtig und es gibt keine solchen Pläne in der Sache von Pepsi, dem Estate von Michael Jackson oder sonst jemandem.

Wir bedauern die Verwirrung, die in der MJ-Fan Gemeinde verursacht wurde, durch diesen falschen Bericht, der entfernt worden ist.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

17.07.2012 um 23:46
Ivy ‏@Ivy_MJJC

It just seems to be a a concert in Pepsi summer concert series that'll be based around MJ songs especially from Bad album. that's all
9:09 PM - 16 Jul 12

Ivy ‏@Ivy_MJJC

Why is there so much confusion about the Pepsi concert? Yes a concert is planned, No it's NOT a MJ hologram or a MJ tribute.
9:08 PM - 16 Jul 12

Ivy Ivy ‏@Ivy_MJJC

@MJJStreet Pepsi concert is in partnership with MJ Estate but it's not a hologram or a tribute concert.
9:05 PM - 16 Jul 12


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

18.07.2012 um 07:13
schrieb gestern um 19.45:
was ich aber gar nicht verstehe, wenn hier Leute den Verdacht hegen, dass etwas nicht mit rechten Dingen zugeht, warum wenden die sich nicht an die Polizei und erstatten Anzeige wegen vermeintlichen Betrugs, Urkundenfälschung oder ähnlichem ????

nur ne kurze Nachfrage
WO meinst Du denn mit „hier“? WEN meinst Du denn mit „Leute“?

Tellmywhy hat hier eingestellt, was sie zufällig bei Facebook gefunden hat und das liest sich nun mal merkwürdig(für mich). Und ich habe geschrieben dass der Anbieter kopmaj auf der ebay-Seite noch einen weiteren Namen von sich angibt.

Verdacht haben, soweit ich sehe, weder Tellmewhy noch ich gehegt. Zumindest genau so wenig oder genau so viel wie hier geschehen auf den letzten 5 Seiten.
Was leider etwas untergeht durch die Zuspammerei mit Bildchen von Paris Jackson und anderen.

1x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

18.07.2012 um 08:49
Zitat von HalinaHalina schrieb:nur ne kurze Nachfrage
WO meinst Du denn mit „hier“? WEN meinst Du denn mit „Leute“?
Ganz einfach, das “hier” bezieht sich auf die bei FB eingestellte “Warnung” … und nach dieser Darstellung sind “Leute” davon überzeugt, dass da etwas nicht stimmt ….

Ich habe meine Meinung dargelegt und niemanden persönlich angesprochen ... es ist weder Tellmewhy, noch du und auch sonst jemand hier bei Allmy gemeint … da hast du meinen Beitrag wohl missverstanden bzw. ihn ein wenig anders interpretiert … ;) und sollte er so missverständlich sein, sorry, war/ist nicht beabsichtigt ...
Zitat von HalinaHalina schrieb:Was leider etwas untergeht durch die Zuspammerei mit Bildchen von Paris Jackson und anderen.
Was du als “Zuspammerei” bezeichnest, gefällt aber anderen Usern, aber auch anderen Mitlesern außerhalb dieses Forums … die wiederum haben wieder an manchen Beiträgen/Einträgen gar kein Interesse … So unterschiedlich sind halt die Meinungen zu diesem Thread … ;)

Aber eins steht fest, dieses hier ist EIN MJ Thread bei Allmystery, unter vielen anderen Threads, die man in diesem Forum in den unterschiedlichsten Themenbereichen finden kann … seit MJs Tod gab es in den letzten Jahren etliche "MJ" Threads, die leider wieder geschlossen wurden … fast immer lag der Grund darin, das es kindisch zugegangen ist und rumgezickt und gestritten wurde … dieses wurde dann mit Verlagerung in den “geschlossenen Gruppenteil” weitgehend minimiert … leider kommt es in manchen Threads trotzdem noch gehäuft vor … :)

ansonsten sind die Gruppendiskussionen dem Bereich “Unterhaltung” zugeordnet … dies bedeutet, dass auch Off-Topics (OTs) möglich sind …

Allmystery ist KEIN “Michael Jackson” Forum … denn in diesen kann zu jedem wichtigen und unwichtigen Thema ein spezieller Thread eröffnet und “benutzt” werden …


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

18.07.2012 um 08:53
vor 6 Std. hat Paris dieses Bild von sich bei Instagram gepostet ...

Paris: sup sup!
b6880ad8d06611e1ba8122000a1e878c 7


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

18.07.2012 um 09:13
der Gesprächsverlauf ist sehr umfangreich ... (Archiv-Version vom 08.09.2011)

Ivy ‏@Ivy_MJJC
@MUZIKfactoryTWO In probate notes I have seen the judge to ask for more receipts and more schedules. he does look over it in detail.
7:02 AM - 18 Jul 12
Ivy ‏@Ivy_MJJC
@MUZIKfactoryTWO … , (Archiv-Version vom 17.08.2012) and you can find millions more
7:09 AM - 18 Jul 12
Ivy ‏@Ivy_MJJC
@MUZIKfactoryTWO they do show detailed accounting but most of it is sealed. Only a min report is available to public. the judge is auditing
6:59 AM - 18 Jul 12
Ivy ‏@Ivy_MJJC
@MUZIKfactoryTWO In probate notes I have seen the judge to ask for more receipts and more schedules. he does look over it in detail.
7:02 AM - 18 Jul 12
Ivy ‏@Ivy_MJJC
@MUZIKfactoryTWO Katherine can compel accounting and then get it audited by any firm she pleases.
7:05 AM - 18 Jul 12


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

18.07.2012 um 09:31
MJJCommunity ‏@MJJCommunity
BREAKING NEWS Michael Jackson’s Family Demands Estate’s Executors Resignation / Estate Responds ‪#MJNews‬
5:51 AM - 18 Jul 12


MJJCommunity ‏@MJJCommunity
LIVE HOLOGRAM CONCERT? August 29 [Verified Fake by MJ Estate] ‪#MJNews‬
3:24 PM - 17 Jul 12


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

18.07.2012 um 09:37
Cam25 ‏@Dangerous_Inc

Letter From MJ Family to John Branca & John McClain to STEP DOWN!!
6:39 AM - 18 Jul 12

Letter From MJ Family to John Branca &amp; John McClain to STEP DOWN!!<iframe class="scribd_iframe_embed" src="" data-auto-height="true" data-aspect-ratio="0.749082007343941" scrolling="no" id="doc_73738" width="100%" height="600" frameborder="0"></iframe>


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

18.07.2012 um 09:48
MJ OnlineTeam ‏@MJonlineteam

STATEMENT FROM MICHAEL JACKSON ESTATE ATTORNEYS: Recently, a letter was posted online from some of Michael (cont)
4:42 AM - 18 Jul 12


Recently, a letter was posted online from some of Michael Jackson's siblings, whom Michael chose not to name in his will, questioning the document’s validity and the naming of John Branca and John McClain as his Executors. Here is a statement from attorneys for the Estate in response to the online posting:

Any doubts about the validity of Michael’s will and his selection of Executors were thoroughly and completely debunked two years ago when a challenge was rejected by the Los Angeles County Superior Court, the California Court of Appeals and, finally, the California Supreme Court.

Under the supervision of Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge Mitchell Beckloff, Co-Executors John Branca and John McClain have diligently carried out their fiduciary duties as well as their obligation to Michael to make sure that his Estate benefits the only family members he named in his will – his mother and his three children.

We are saddened that false and defamatory accusations grounded in stale Internet conspiracy theories are now being made by certain members of Michael’s family, whom he chose to leave out of his will. We are especially disheartened that they come at a time when remarkable progress has been made to secure the financial future of his children by turning around the Estate’s finances as well as during a time when so many of Michael’s fans, old and new, are enjoying his artistry through exciting new projects.

1x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

18.07.2012 um 10:47
auf der original Seite, steht in dem Bild CLICK TO READ OFFICIAL LETTER FROM JACKSON FAMILY = anklicken, um den offiziellen Brief von der Jackson Familyzu lesen ...
es passiert aber nix ... da öffnet sich keine neue Seite ...

Michael Jackson’s Family Demands Estate Executors Resign, Effective Immediately: ‘Fake, Flawed and Fraudulent’ (EXCLUSIVE)

7 hours ago


Michael Jackson‘s family has demanded the executors of their late brother’s estate resign effective immediately, Celebuzz has exclusively learned.

In a scathing letter — obtained exclusively by Celebuzz and signed by Michael’s sisters Janet, Rebbie and brothers Tito, Randy and Jermaine Jackson — the family maintains that executors John Branca and John McClain faked the King of Pop’s last Will and Testament prior to his untimely death on June 25, 2009.

“At the time we couldn’t possibly fathom what is so obvious to us now: that the Will, without question, it’s Fake, Flawed and Fraudulent,” states the legal letter.

Read on for more details.

Received by Branca and McClain Tuesday, the Jackson family accuses the executors of falsifying a legal document in order to gain control of Michael’s estate against his wishes and using the court to seal any documents that might prove otherwise.

“Since the passing of Michael, our beloved brother, you have failed to perform your duties as executors of his estate, but what you have not failed at is taking advantage of a grieving mother, father and a grieving family,” says the Jackson’s letter. ”Our brother told us, in no uncertain terms and without hesitation in the months prior to his death, that he despised both of you and that he did not want either of you to have anything to do with his life or estate for that matter.”

The letter from the family also goes on to point out numerous inconsistencies, as well as alleged missing pages of Michael Jackson’s will.

“John Branca, when we called you regarding the Will you didn’t want to interrupt your vacation,” the family contends.”You said you wouldn’t return for four days, at which time you presented to our family an incomplete Will.”

“The Will that you presented did not have our brother’s signature on it, nor did it have a signature page attached to it. When asked about the missing signature page, John Branca replied, ‘it was on its way, and you were having just a little problem finding it.’”

“Amongst many other inconsistencies in the Will, there is also a conflict around Michael’s location on the day he supposedly signed the Will, July 7, 2002. We have evidence that undoubtedly supports and proves that Michael was absolutely not in Los Angeles, California, on the date of his signature reflected in the Will at-hand.”

The Jacksons also threaten to escalate their claims to police for investigation of “potential criminal misconduct,” as well as having law firm Baker Hosteller launch legal action against the pair.

“We are going to take every appropriate action to seek justice and to see to it that the truth be known,” the letter states.

“You’ve dishonored everything that our brother Michael stood for. Your greed and hasty business decisions have shown that you have no regard for the preservation of his legacy, nor the quality of work that he exemplified.”

The Jacksons accuse the executors of robbing Michael’s children, Prince Michael Jr, 15, Paris, 14 and Prince Michael II “Blanket,“ 10, and his mother, Katherine Jenkins, of rightful inheritances by increasing the percentage of the gross income the executors receive from the estate, as well as mismanaging projects the estate undertakes.

“Tragically your deceitful actions abrogate our brother’s hopes and dreams for the lives of his children, family and legacy,” the letter states.

Additionally, the family accuses executors Branca and McCalin of manipulating the court system during Michael’s mother’s wrongful death lawsuit against AEG, the entertainment company behind the star’s final tour.

The Jacksons say the company is using “heinous and heartless threats” against Jackson’s 82-year-old mother — who they reveal recently had a “mini-stroke” — to call off the suit.

“AEG has been very vocal about how they are going to destroy her and her family publicly and blame her for Michael’s death,” the family says.

“However, you did not hesitate writing a letter to Judge Palazuelos presiding over the AEG wrongful death case, wherein, you asked the judge to keep ALL documents handed over by AEG for discovery under court seal, clearly protecting AEG, but not protecting our mother nor our niece and nephews Paris, Prince and Blanket,” the letter contends.

“Who are you working for? What is it that you don’t want to be known?”

“We know there is most certainly a conspiracy surrounding our brother’s death and now coarse manipulation and fear are being used to cover it up.”

The family state in no uncertain terms they will stand united to ensure the executors step down:

“THIS HAS TO STOP NOW; NO MORE!! You will not succeed. John Branca, after our brother passed, you said to our mother, ‘I AM MICHAEL JACKSON NOW.’ How dare you. Make no mistake, Mr. Branca, before we hit the stage, were a family and still to this day we are a family.”

Noticeably missing from the group of signatures, however, are Michael’s other siblings Jackie, Marlon and his outspoken sister LaToya Jackson. (Archiv-Version vom 19.07.2012)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

18.07.2012 um 10:52
zu dem vorgenannten Bericht gibt es Kommentare, die diesen Brief als Fake ansehen ... :)
Toni Bolivar


6 hours ago

Fake Fake!!! I think they Should asked Taaj Malik
where the letter came from???? Hum Tajj ;0)
6 hours ago

Randy Jackson just tweeted from his verified account that the letter is authentic. Its about time. This “coup d’etat” will end. Good Job on breaking this story, Celebuzz!
5 hours ago
und das sind die Tweets von Randy Jackson >>

Randy Jackson ‏@randyjackson8
We ask that everyone respects that this is a serious matter that will be handled by the proper authorities.
4:49 AM - 18 Jul 12
Randy Jackson ‏@randyjackson8
Yes, the letter is authentic.
4:38 AM - 18 Jul 12
weiteren/weitergehender Gesprächsverlauf unter (Archiv-Version vom 16.04.2012) verfolgen ...

aber es wurde auch auf das Statement der Anwälte vom Michael Jackson Estate hingewiesen bzw. es wurde gepostet ... :)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

18.07.2012 um 11:47
X17 EXCLUSIVE - Jackson Family Demand John Branca and John McClain Resign As Executors Of Michael Jackson’s Estate

Posted on Tue Jul 17, 2012 06:00 PM PDT


Janet, Tito, Jermaine, Rebbie and Randy Jackson have fired off a letter to the current executors of Michael Jackson's estate, John Branca and John McClain, demanding they resign from their positions because they've "failed to perform" their duties.

In the three page letter, the Jackson family claim that the two attorneys have not only failed at their executor duties, but have also "taken advantage of a grieving mother and family."

The letter states that after Michael passed, Mr. Branca told 82-year-old Katherine Jackson: "I am Michael Jackson now."

The family's letter goes on to accuse the two lawyers of knowing that Michael's signature on the will is fraudulent. The Jacksons say Michael was not in California at the time the will was signed ... which was on July 7, 2002. Furthermore, the letter says Michael's siblings have evidence to back up their claims.

Branca and McClain have yet to respond. Click thru to read the entire letter.

The Jackson family's letter to John Branca and John McClain can be read here</aqua>.



MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

18.07.2012 um 12:35
jacksons-unity-tour-2012-meet-and-greetOriginal anzeigen (0,2 MB)

heute, am 18.07.2012, findet das "The Jacksons Unity Tour 2012" konzert im Comerica Theatre, in Phoenix, AZ/Arizona, statt ... :)

Jacksi Jackson twittert:

Jackie Jackson ‏@JackieJackson5
Okay lovely ones I'll see you when it's Show Time!!!
1:14 AM - 18 Jul 12
Jackie Jackson ‏@JackieJackson5
Be sure to check out the pictures on our official site … And follow us @Jacksons
1:04 AM - 18 Jul 12
Jackie Jackson ‏@JackieJackson5
Plenty left! See you Sunday at the Greek! "@sunseeker16: @JackieJackson5 Save some Energy for LA!!! ;) ‪#UnityTour2012‬"
9:11 PM - 17 Jul 12
Jackie Jackson ‏@JackieJackson5
It's going to be a very special evening here at the Hard Rock Albuquerque! ‪#nostalgia‬
cfbb279cd03911e1a38712313820476f 7
8:07 PM - 17 Jul 12


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

18.07.2012 um 13:14
und auch Jackie Jackson postet Bilder bei Instagram ...

Look at Janet styling! This is one of my favorite pictures of my sister and I
Schaut auf Janets styling! Dies ist eines meiner Lieblingsbilder von meiner Schwester und mir

ba2e81d49f7a11e19dc71231380fe523 7
Here's another magic moment with my brothers. Can you find "May peace prevail on earth" in the picture?
Hier ist ein weiterer magischer Moment mit meinen Brüdern. Kannst du "Möge Friede auf Erden herrschen" in dem Bild feststellen?

5325e8388d9611e18cf91231380fd29b 7
Love it when fans send me photos from the Jackson Five days! Thank you guys so much for sharing the memories
Liebe es, wenn Fans mir Fotos aus der Jackson5 Zeit senden! Danke Euch so sehr, Leute, für das Teilen der gemeinsamen Erinnerungen

fa045a968d9511e19dc71231380fe523 7
Flashback: wonderful memories going to the beach with my kids! That's my son Siggy @OfficialDealz & my daughter Brandi @BJackson82
Rückblick: wunderbare Erinnerungen, an das zum Strand gehen mit meinen Kindern! Das sind mein Sohn Siggy @OfficialDealz & meine Tochter Brandi @BJackson82

c4e5b072510811e1abb01231381b65e3 7


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

18.07.2012 um 13:42
die Frau von Jermaine Jackson hat heute viele Bilder vom Konzert oder den Proben bei Twitter
gepostet ...

Halima Rashid ‏@halimarashid
Go Baby!!
4:57 AM - 18 Jul 12

aber es gibt auch diese Tweets
> Gesprächsverlauf >

Miss Celie ‏@MyDJMakesMeWet
@halimarashid since your so busy snapping pics of your husband on stage, do you care to explain this?
5:58 AM - 18 Jul 12
Script: Letter From MJ Family to John Branca & John McClain to STEP DOWN!!
Halima Rashid ‏@halimarashid
@MyDJMakesMeWet why don't you go and mind your own business. Go solve the problems in your own family, stay out of other ppls business!
6:53 AM - 18 Jul 12
You Want This? ‏@ForMJLovers
I got a ? Why yo husband sign this letter @halimarashid @mydjmakesmewet
6:55 AM - 18 Jul 12
