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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.746 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Mord, Michael Jackson, Verurteilung ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

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08.06.2012 um 08:25
Cam25 ‏@Dangerous_Inc

La Toya Jackson Reacts To Paris Jackson's Oprah Winfrey Interview (Video: La Toya Jackson Reacts To Paris Jackson's Oprah Winfrey Interview)

1:26 AM - 8 Jun 12


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08.06.2012 um 08:39
ϟ ℳUZIKƒαctoryTωσ ϟ ‏@MUZIKfactoryTWO
u'll remember that not long ago Katherine herself said MJ would NOT want Paris acting. They are KNOWINGLY going against his wishes!

3:10 AM - 8 Jun 12
5h Dr & Pretty Privleg
Dr & Pretty Privleg ‏@PrettyPrivleged

@MUZIKfactoryTWO the family literally hounded MJ to death. And they are still not satisfied.
3:11 AM - 8 Jun 12
ϟ ℳUZIKƒαctoryTωσ ϟ ‏@MUZIKfactoryTWO
"Michael would've kept them secluded still but my mother felt..." said @latoyajackson re: Oprah interview *

3:09 AM - 8 Jun 12
* das gleiche Video, wie im vorherigen Bericht ...


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08.06.2012 um 09:04 ‏@Kingofpopkids Blanket & Paris ♥
4:01 AM - 8 Jun 12





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08.06.2012 um 09:10 ‏@Kingofpopkids Paris Jackson speaks about her dad and her bro.
10:13 PM - 7 Jun 12 ‏@Kingofpopkids

This new vid will be in few minutes on our Youtube account ;)
10:15 PM - 7 Jun 12

Paris Jackson speaks about her father Michael Jackson and her bro : Prince & Blanket (Video: Paris Jackson speaks about her father Michael Jackson and her bro : Prince & Blanket)


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08.06.2012 um 09:21


Datum 08.06.2012 - 07:42 Uhr

Jacksons Tochter: Er wollte uns normale Kindheit ermöglichen

Los Angeles (AFP) Popstar Michael Jackson hat seine Kinder nach Überzeugung seiner Tochter Paris bei öffentlichen Auftritten immer wieder Masken tragen lassen, damit sie bei Ausflügen ohne ihn nicht erkannt werden und eine möglichst normale Kindheit haben konnten. Sie habe früher nicht verstanden, warum sie und ihre Brüder Prince und Blanket ihre Gesichter mit Masken oder Schleiern bedecken mussten, sagte die 13-Jährige der US-Talkdiva Oprah Winfrey in einem Interview, das am Sonntag ausgestrahlt werden soll.


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08.06.2012 um 09:32

Tochter des King of Pop

Paris Jackson und das Geheimnis der Masken

8. Juni 2012, 08:16 Uhr

Michael Jacksons Tochter Paris spricht erstmals darüber, warum ihr Vater sie und ihre Geschwister in der Öffentlichkeit hinter Masken versteckt hielt. Von Frank Siering, Los Angeles


Das Image ist bis heute bestens bekannt. Immer, wenn Michael Jackson seine drei Kinder in der Öffentlichkeit präsentierte, waren die Gesichter hinter kuriosen Karnvealsmasken oder halbdurchsichtigen Seidentüchern verborgen.

In einem Interview mit Amerikas Talk-Queen Oprah Winfrey für deren Sender OWN sprach Paris Jackson jetzt erstmals über das Geheimnis der Masken. "Ich war zeitweise schon sehr durcheinander", so die heute 14-Jährige gegenüber Winfrey. "Ich habe nicht verstanden, warum wir jedes Mal, wenn wir nach draußen gingen, Masken anlegen mussten", berichtet Paris weiter.

Heute erahnt die Tochter des verstorbenen Popstars, warum ihr Vater vor jedem Spaziergang diese dubiose Zirkusnummer abzog. "Ich weiß, warum er unsere Gesichter nicht zeigen wollte. Er wollte einfach, dass wir unerkannt bleiben, wenn wir mal ohne ihn nach draußen gehen wollten", so Paris.

Vermummungstaktik geht auf

Tatsächlich wollte Jackson, dass seine Kinder eine "normale Kindheit" führen können. Ein Luxus, der dem Popidol verwehrt geblieben war. Schon in frühester Kindheit musste Jacko zusammen mit seinen älteren Geschwistern die Tage in Plattenstudios oder in Konzerthallen verbringen, um die Jackson 5 zu promoten. Zeit zum Kindsein blieb da nicht.

Seine Kinder Paris, Blanket und Prince sollten es da besser haben. Und Paris bestätigte gegenüber Winfrey, dass ihr Vater mit seiner Vermummungstaktik, so skurril sie auch war, Erfolg hatte. "Wir durften eine normale Kindheit erleben", so eine lachende Paris im Interview. "Wir konnten ohne meinen Vater unerkannt in Restaurants gehen, wir verbrachten Zeit in Spielzeugläden und bei Poolpartys."

Paris vermisst ihren Vater jeden Tag

Im Gespräch mit Oprah Winfrey erinnerte sich Paris auch an Unterhaltungen, die sie mit ihrem Vater führte. "Er hat mir häufig erzählt, dass er als Kind traurig war, dass er lieber gerne draußen mit den anderen gespielt hätte, als im Studio zu sitzen." ­ Ein Leben übrigens, dass sich Paris Jackson nicht vorstellen kann. "Ich weiß nicht, ob ich in der Musikindustrie arbeiten möchte. Die Storys meines Vaters waren teilweise schon ziemlich krass", so Paris.

Die 14-Jährige interessiert sich aber sehr wohl für eine Karriere in der Schauspielerei. Demnächst ist sie in dem Phantasy-Film "Lundon's Bridge and the Three Keys" zu sehen. Es ist ihr Debüt auf der Kinoleinwand.

Michael Jackson starb im Juni 2009 im Alter von 50 Jahren. Noch heute, so beichtet die hübsche Tochter des wohl berühmtesten Musikers der modernen Zeitgeschichte, "wird es nicht leichter", wenn sie an den ominösen Tag zurückdenkt, an dem ihr Vater leblos aufgefunden worden war. "Ich vermisse meinen Daddy jeden Tag. Er war ein großartiger Vater für uns alle", so Paris Jackson.
Von Frank Siering, Los Angeles


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.06.2012 um 09:46
La Toya Jackson: Michael Masking His Children In Public Helped Make Them ‘Balanced Kids’

First Published: June 7, 2012 5:40 PM EDT

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LOS ANGELES, Calif. -- La Toya Jackson thinks Michael Jackson did a great job raising his three children before his death in 2009 and she commends his controversial decision to mask them when he took them out in public.

“That is the reason why he would mask them, because when they would go out without him, they could do whatever they [wanted] and they had a normal life, which is great,” La Toya told Access Hollywood Live’s Billy Bush and Kit Hoover as she promoted the paperback release of her memoir, “Starting Over,” on Thursday

“They got a chance to experience that,” La Toya continued, referring to Blanket, Paris and Prince Michael experiencing normalcy. “And they would go with the nanny [without the masks], nobody knew who they were. But with him, he kept the mask on so people wouldn’t recognize them or know and now they’re very balanced kids, which is great.”

La Toya said she believes had Michael lived, he would have still worked hard to keep his children sheltered.

“Truthfully, I think Michael would have kept them secluded still,” she said. “That’s just the way he was raising them… but my mother felt they needed to be unmasked and they needed to experience life for what it is.

“I just love them all,” La Toya continued. “They’re so great. He’s done a great job and my mother’s doing an incredible job with them.” (Archiv-Version vom 20.11.2023)


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08.06.2012 um 09:50

3446384 o


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.06.2012 um 09:51



MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.06.2012 um 13:36

Texting Teen to Prison For a Year; Jobless Claims Fall; Bernanke Back on the Hill; Boosting the U.S. Economy; New Claims of Government Massacre in Syria; FBI Probes Possible White House Leaks; Plane Intercepted in Obama's Airspace; Strike Averted at Belmont Track; Panetta's Tough Talk in Kabul; Paris Jackson Talks to Oprah Winfrey

Aired June 7, 2012 - 10:00 ET

CAROL COSTELLO, CNN ANCHOR: Good morning. I'm Carol Costello. Just ahead of the NEWSROOM.

[ ..... ]

Michael Jackson's daughter is telling everyone about her life. She sat down with Oprah Winfrey and Kareen Wynter is in Los Angeles to tell us all about it. She is such a poised young lady, isn't she?

KAREEN WYNTER, HLN ENTERTAINMENT CORRESPONDENT: She really is so smart. Has a great head on her shoulders. Well, Carol, three years after her dad's death, Michael Jackson's daughter Paris, she is opening up Carol for an interview with Oprah Winfrey. Oprah's production studio announced that 14-year-old Paris Jackson will be featured on Oprah's next chapter on the O Network this Sunday. OWN released an excerpt of the interview that we want you to listen to now. Check it out.


OPRAH WINFREY, TALK SHOW HOST: Did you feel that he wanted you to have a, quote, "normal life"?


WINFREY: Yes, yes. Do you feel he thought that that was possible with him being who he was?

JACKSON: He had his doubts. Because I remember, he told us that when he was younger he didn't really have a childhood. He would always be stuck in the studio singing while other kids were out playing. And he wanted us to have that so he would allow us to get a Chuck E. Cheese and everything. That was -- Chuck E. Cheese is one of our favorite places to go.


WYNTER: So touching. Such a beautiful young lady. Paris and her brothers Prince and Blanket, they were famously sheltered during Jackson's life. But they've been more and more in the public eye since his death. Late, last year Paris -- listen to this Carol -- she scored her first role in a feature film, the fantasy flick. It's called "London's Bridge and the Three Keys". She said it was her dad to inspired her to pursue her passion for movies -- Carol.

COSTELLO: I hope things go well for her, I do. She does. She just seems like such a centered -- for a 14-year-old, that's amazing.

WYNTER: That's the way their dad raised them, you know.

COSTELLO: Kareen Wynter, thanks so much.

Daytime Emmys are coming to HLN. You can watch the Daytime Emmy awards live Saturday June 23rd 8:00 p.m. Eastern on HLN. You can actually be there in person by entering our sweepstakes and winning a trip for two to Los Angeles. You'll also get a red carpet makeover.

To enter, it's simple -- go to

For those who say Elvis has left the building, guess what; he's coming back in hologram form. The company that brought us hologram Tupac at this year's Coachella Music Festival has now announced a partnership to resurrect the king so that he can perform virtually during live shows, also in film and TV productions. The company Digital Domain Media says it will soon release hologram Elvis' first tour dates. I don't know if that's creepy or cool. I guess, we'll see.

A medical breakthrough or moral dilemma? New tests could reveal the genetic flaws of your baby before your baby is born. An expert looks at the ethical minefield that parents could face.


[ ..... ] (Archiv-Version vom 18.01.2013)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.06.2012 um 13:45
diese neuen Bilder postete Paris heute auf ihrem "Instagram" account ...
vermutlich in der Schule aufgenommen ...

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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.06.2012 um 14:03
Paris mit Oprah und auch ihrer Freundin Michaela Blanks und Oma Katherine ...

parisOprahuaOriginal anzeigen (0,2 MB)

parisoprahuaAOriginal anzeigen (0,2 MB)

parisoprahuaBOriginal anzeigen (0,2 MB)



MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.06.2012 um 14:33
nochmals vom "Instagram" Account von Paris ...

tumblr m59q6fS67O1qhbsxwo1 500
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Me and Blanket have found a lot of things in common, more things than I thought we did,
so me and him have gotten a lot closer.

Ich und Blanket haben eine Menge Gemeinsamkeiten herausgefunden, mehr Sachen, als ich dachte, dass wir sie haben,
so sind wir uns sehr viel näher gekommen.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.06.2012 um 14:49
zu meinem Eintrag von heute um 08:07h
Zitat von FaIrIeFlOwErFaIrIeFlOwEr schrieb:Ivy ‏@Ivy_MJJC

Dear @Oprah, (Archiv-Version vom 16.06.2012)
5:22 AM - 8 Jun 12
nun in einem amerikanischen Forum entdeckt, nochmals das "Dokument" und nicht als pdf.datei ...

Oprah vs Michael Jackson...It's All About Ratings

Dear Oprah,

Horatio Nelson once said, “Desperate affairs require desperate measures.” Judging by the recurring headlines detailing OWN Network’s dismal performance after a year and a half on the air, you must be looking for those “desperate measures”.
We can’t help but notice the irony of the current situation: the man you spent the better part of the last decade, bashing and stopping short of labeling a child molester, is the very man’s name and progeny, you are now using to salvage your sinking network. No doubt, at the top of OWN TV’s Rescue List would be a repeat of HIStory?

Remember in 1993, your Oprah show experienced record ratings, over 100 millions viewers tuned in, to watch you interview the world's biggest superstar, the King of Pop, Michael Jackson. While you were a somewhat hot commodity in the United States then, Michael Jackson introduced you to an international audience.

When a few years later, Mr. Jackson had sex abuse allegations leveled against him, we all watched in dismay you turned on him, appointed yourself judge and jury, deciding even before evidence was presented in court, that he MUST be guilty of the charges. After a jury of his peers rejected those accusations and returned a NOT GUILTY verdict on ALL counts, you continued to openly question his innocence with snide remarks, and demonized him to your audience and guests. You have made it very clear, whether by airing “Is Michael Jackson Guilty?” show during jury deliberations or molestation shows before or after interviewing members of Mr. Jackson’s family, that Lady O’s opinion is more important than those 12 jurors who sat through the grueling trial.
Randy Jackson, younger brother of Mr. Jackson confirmed in a 2010 interview, that Mr. Jackson was well aware of your smear campaign and your dubious attitude towards him. Though he never made his feelings about you public, his brother reiterated, “She [Oprah] is the last person on earth he [Michael Jackson] would want around his children."Having crowned yourself a “child defender”, we find it distasteful, disgraceful and hypocritical, that you are now using grieving children, whose father you tried to sway a jury to send behind bars, when it suits you. Few in the media have called out your shameful exploitation and hypocrisy, but we applaud the few who did.

Those Who Remember



MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.06.2012 um 23:32

Friday, Jun 08 , 2012 11:37:am

jacksonkidsOriginal anzeigen (0,4 MB)

Paris Jackson,14, didn’t understand why her father made her wear a mask in public when she was younger, but now she knows why Michael Jackson went to great lengths to keep her identity a secret. “Our dad would want our face to be covered so [when] we went out without him, we wouldn’t be recognized and we could have a normal childhood,” said Paris in an exclusive interview with Oprah Winfrey.

The Lundon’s Bridge and the Three Keys star also opened up about her late father’s parenting tactics and her favorite places to go with siblings Blanket,9, and Prince Michael,15. “Our dad was a really normal father when he was with us,” said Paris, “We would get grounded if we did something bad. He would ground us. He wouldn’t call it grounding; he’d just say, ‘You’re on punishment.’ Sometimes we’d be on punishment a lot. Mostly me and Blanket, because me and Blanket would always fight.” When not fighting, “Chuck E. Cheese and Toys ‘R’ Us were our favorite places to go.”

Although Blanket and Paris had many disagreements in their younger years, the two are closer than ever before. “Prince has started to drift off; he’s a teenager, he’s a teenage boy, he’s gonna do that. But me and Blanket have found a lot of things in common, more things than I thought we did, so me and him have gotten a lot closer,” explained the teen.

Check out Paris in her exclusive via Oprah’s OWN network on Sunday, June 10, 2012. (Archiv-Version vom 10.06.2012)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

09.06.2012 um 00:16



MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

09.06.2012 um 09:34
"Westlake Recording Studios" in Hollywood bieten in der Zeit vom 21. Juni - 29. Juni 2012 Touren für Michael Jackson Fans an ... na, wer gerade dann in LA ist, kann die "Gelegenheit" nutzen ... n yooman

MJJCommunity ‏@MJJCommunity

Westlake Recording Studios in Hollywood offering tours to Michael Jackson Fans June 21 - June 29 #MJNews
2:49 AM - 9 Jun 12
> (Archiv-Version vom 26.04.2012)

Here is a video where some MJ fans met up with Sediah Garrett in Feb at Westlake

Youtube: Fãs brasileiras de MJ conhecem a cantora Siedah Garrett
Fãs brasileiras de MJ conhecem a cantora Siedah Garrett
Externer Inhalt
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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

09.06.2012 um 09:41



MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

09.06.2012 um 09:52
von Paris auf "Instagram" gepostet ... das 8te Schuljahr an der "Buckley School" ist geschafft, jetzt sind erstmal Sommerferien ... :)

b5be128eb1b011e1ab011231381052c0 7


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

09.06.2012 um 10:05
im amerikanischen Forum diskutiert man, ob Paris einen "Nasenstecker" hat oder ob der "Punkt" an der Nase, evtl. ein Pickel sei ... 323600197

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