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23.746 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Mord, Michael Jackson, Verurteilung ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.11.2011 um 10:32
Lawyer: Dr. Conrad Murray's 'confident' about appeal

Anwalt: Dr. Conrad Murrays 'Vertrauen' bezüglich der Berufung

By Alan Duke, CNN
November 8, 2011 -- Updated 0903 GMT (1703 HKT)


* Rulings limiting the defense case could be a basis for appeal, defense says
* The defense will ask for probation and "maybe a little bit" of jail time
* Prison overcrowding could limit Murray's time behind bars
* Murray is 'devastated' by his conviction in Jackson's death, his lawyer says

Story Highlights

* Die Entscheidungen sind beschränkend, die Verteidigung prüft, ob es eine Grundlage für Berufung sein könnte, sagt Verteidigung
* Die Verteidigung wird Fragen zur Bewährung stellen und "vielleicht auch ein wenig" zum Gefängnisaufenthalt
* Überbelegung der Gefängnisse, könnten Murrays Zeit hinter Gittern begrenzen
* Murray ist "am Boden zerstört" durch seine Verurteilung am Tod Jacksons, sagt sein Anwalt

Los Angeles (CNN) -- Dr. Conrad Murray, found guilty Monday of causing Michael Jackson's death, begins his new life as an inmate in a section of the Los Angeles County jail where high-profile prisoners are kept, a jail official said.

While it is the "medical area" that houses inmates on suicide watch, Murray is only there because it has a higher ratio of guards, Los Angeles County Sheriff's Sgt. Harry Drucker said.

Murray's defense team has vowed to appeal his involuntary manslaughter conviction, but first they must deal with his sentencing set for November 29.

While Murray was "devastated" by the guilty verdict, he is "confident" he will win an appeal, defense lawyer Nareg Gourjian said.

"What matters most right now is trying to keep Dr. Murray from taking up a prison cell in this community," lead defense lawyer Ed Chernoff said. "That's what we're focusing on right now and we'll deal with an appeal after that."

Murray served as Jackson's personal physician as Jackson prepared for his comeback concerts, with Murray giving him the surgical anesthetic propofol to help him sleep nearly every night for the last two months of his life, according to testimony.

Jackson's death on June 25, 2009, was caused by "acute propofol intoxication" in combination with two sedatives, the Los Angeles County coroner ruled.

The verdict followed about nine hours of jury deliberations, which began Friday morning in the downtown Los Angeles County courthouse.

Murray could be sentenced to as much as four years in a state prison, but his lawyers will ask for probation and "maybe a little bit" of time in the county jail, Gourjian said.

A new California law aimed at reducing state prison overcrowding and a federal court order addressing county jail overcrowding could combine to significantly reduce Murray's time behind bars.

If Murray's conviction is treated as a non-violent felony he could be kept in the county jail, where he could be eligible to serve some of his time at home under monitored house arrest.

Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge Michael Pastor, who will decide Murray's sentence, made it clear when he denied bail Monday that he considered the doctor a threat to public safety.

"This is not a crime involving a mistake of judgment," Pastor said. "This was a crime where the end result was the death of a human being."

Both Chernoff and Gourjian said the defense was not surprised by the guilty verdict.

"I think what went wrong was a lot of the pretrial rulings that were made by the court in reference to some of the evidence that we planned to offer for the jury to consider," Gourjian told CNN's Piers Morgan. "I think that's essentially what denied Dr. Murray a fair trial in this case."

The outcome may have been different had the defense been able to introduce additional evidence -- like on Jackson's past drug use and "financial condition," Gourjian said.

Pastor's rulings to limit the defense case could be the basis for an appeal, he said.

Murray appeared to show no emotion as the verdict was read by court clerk Sammi Benson Monday afternoon or even as deputies handcuffed him and led him away.

A loud celebration erupted among Jackson fans outside of the courthouse, where emotions ran so high at least one woman fainted. Passing cars honked their horns, as people nearby hugged, cried and yelled out in joy.

Jackson's family, including by his parents and several of his brothers and sisters, smiled as they left the courthouse.

An emotional La Toya Jackson on Monday thanked all those involved in the trial, calling the decision a "victory."

"Everybody was wonderful," La Toya Jackson told HLN's Jane Velez-Mitchell as she left the Los Angeles courthouse.

A statement released by Jackson's estate Monday said that "justice has been served."

Deputy District Attorney David Walgren personally expressed his sympathies to the Jackson family who he said lost "not a pop icon, but a son and brother."

Los Angeles County District Attorney Steve Cooley thanked jurors "for their hard work and thoughtful deliberation," and expressed gratitude that they recognized the "overwhelming" evidence against Murray in finding him guilty.

The seven men and five women on the jury heard 49 witnesses over 23 days, including Murray's girlfriends and patients, Jackson's former employees, investigators and medical experts for each side.

Defense lawyers contended the matter was a negligence case that should instead be heard by the state medical board.

"If it were anybody else but Michael Jackson, would this doctor be here today?" Chernoff asked in his closing.

Jurors were left to decide if the propofol overdose was infused into Jackson's blood by a steady intravenous drip, as the prosecution contended, or if Jackson injected himself using a syringe left nearby by Murray, as the defense argued.

"He was just a little fish in a big, dirty pond," Chernoff said, pointing the finger at other doctors who treated Jackson, and Jackson himself.

Prosecutor Walgren attacked the defense for trying to blame "everybody but Conrad Murray, poor Conrad Murray."

Walgren painted Murray as a selfish doctor who agreed to take $150,000 a month to give Jackson nightly infusions of propofol in his home, something prosecutors argued an ethical doctor would never do because of the dangers.

"It was a very strong and powerful message that this sort of conduct does rise to the level of criminal negligence, and to the extent someone dies as a result of them playing the role of Dr. Feel Good, they will be held accountable," Cooley said after the verdict.

Murray's license to practice medicine is now suspended, according to the Medical Board of California, which decides if a doctor can legally work in the state.

In the light of the conviction, the board now will open an investigation to determine whether or not to fully revoke Murray's right to practice medicine in the state, spokeswoman Jennifer Simoes said.

The main criteria in deciding whether to revoke, suspend or take other action against any doctor is assessing how substantial a crime is related to the practice of medicine. There is no timeline as to when the board might act regarding Murray, said Simoes.

CNN's Ted Rowlands and Adam Blaker contributed to this report.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.11.2011 um 10:50
hier erfolgte ein Update ...

Conrad Murray found guilty in Michael Jackson trial

Conrad Murray im Michael Jackson-Prozess für schuldig befunden

By Alan Duke, CNN
November 8, 2011 -- Updated 0725 GMT (1525 HKT)

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VIDEO im Bericht


* NEW: Murray's lawyer say the verdict may have been different if other evidence was allowed
* Jury finds Murray guilty of involuntary manslaughter
* He faces four years in prison on the conviction
* Murray's attorneys said case was not a criminal matter

Story Highlights

* NEU: Murrays Anwalt sagt, dass das Urteil anders gewesen sein könnte, wenn andere Beweise zugelassen worden waren
* Jury findet Murray der fahrlässigen Tötung schuldig
* Ihm drohen nach der Schuldigsprechung bis zu vier Jahre Gefängnis
* Murrays Anwälte sagen, dass der Fall keine Strafsache war

Los Angeles (CNN) -- A two-year legal battle over who was responsible for Michael Jackson's sudden death came to a dramatic close Monday as a California jury found Dr. Conrad Murray guilty of involuntary manslaughter.

Dr. Murray appeared to show no emotion as the verdict was read by court clerk Sammi Benson, but La Toya Jackson, the late pop icon's sister, let out a loud, but short, scream.

A loud celebration erupted among Jackson fans outside of the downtown Los Angeles County courthouse, where emotions ran so high at least one woman fainted.

Murray was immediately handcuffed and taken away by deputies after Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge Michael Pastor denied bail.

"This is not a crime involving a mistake of judgment. ... This was a crime where the end result was the death of a human being," Pastor said in explaining his decision to remand Murray to police custody. "That factor demonstrates rather dramatically that the public should be protected."

Sentencing was set for November 29, with Murray facing up to four years in prison on the conviction.

Defense attorney Ed Chernoff told CNN the defense team's main job right now is to prepare for sentencing and limit the amount of time that Murray spends in jail.

"What matters most right now is trying to keep Dr. Murray from taking up a prison cell in this community," Chernoff said. "That's what we're focusing on right now and we'll deal with an appeal after that."

When asked if he was shocked by the verdict, Chernoff said, "No."

Another of Murray's lawyers, Nareg Gourjian, told CNN on Monday night the outcome may have been different had the defense been able to introduce additional evidence -- like on Jackson's past drug use and "financial condition."

Gourjian described his client as "devastated" by the verdict, adding Murray is trying to stay positive with more legal options ahead of him.

"We're hoping that the appeals court will have something to say about this," the lawyer said.

Murray served as Jackson's personal physician as Jackson prepared for his comeback concerts, with Murray giving him the surgical anesthetic propofol to help him sleep nearly every night for the last two months of his life, according to testimony.

Jackson's death on June 25, 2009, was caused by "acute propofol intoxication" in combination with two sedatives, the Los Angeles County coroner ruled.

The verdict followed about nine hours of jury deliberations, which began Friday morning in the downtown Los Angeles County courthouse.

Los Angeles County District Attorney Steve Cooley thanked jurors "for their hard work and thoughtful deliberation," and expressed gratitude that they recognized the "overwhelming" evidence against Murray in finding him guilty.

Prosecutor Michael Walgren personally expressed his sympathies to the Jackson family who he said lost "not a pop icon, but a son and brother."

Fans gathered outside of the courthouse ahead of the verdict with signs of support for Jackson including one banner that read, "We miss Michael." The crowd began celebrating once word of the guilty verdict reached them, chanting "Rest in peace." Passing cars honked their horns, as people nearby hugged, cried and yelled out in joy.

An emotional La Toya Jackson on Monday thanked all those involved in the trial, calling the decision a "victory."

"Everybody was wonderful," La Toya Jackson told HLN's Jane Velez-Mitchell as she left the Los Angeles courthouse.

Crowd outside erupts in jubilations

The seven men and five women on the jury heard 49 witnesses over 23 days, including Murray's girlfriends and patients, Jackson's former employees, investigators and medical experts for each side.

A statement released by Jackson's estate Monday said that "justice has been served."

Defense lawyers contended the matter was a negligence case that should instead be heard by the state medical board.

"If it were anybody else but Michael Jackson, would this doctor be here today?" lead defense lawyer Ed Chernoff asked in his closing.

Jurors were left to decide if the propofol overdose was infused into Jackson's blood by a steady intravenous drip, as the prosecution contended, or if Jackson injected himself using a syringe left nearby by Murray, as the defense argued.

"He was just a little fish in a big, dirty pond," Chernoff said, pointing the finger at other doctors who treated Jackson, and Jackson himself.

Deputy District Attorney David Walgren attacked the defense for trying to blame "everybody but Conrad Murray, poor Conrad Murray."

"If allowed more time to argue, I am sure they would find a way to blame Michael's son, Prince," Walgren said in his closing rebuttal.

Walgren painted Murray as a selfish doctor who agreed to take $150,000 a month to give Jackson nightly infusions of propofol in his home, something prosecutors argued an ethical doctor would never do because of the dangers.

Murray's license to practice medicine is now suspended, according to the Medical Board of California, which decides if a doctor can legally work in the state.

In the light of the conviction, the board now will open an investigation to determine whether or not to fully revoke Murray's right to practice medicine in the state, spokeswoman Jennifer Simoes said.

The main criteria in deciding whether to revoke, suspend or take other action against any doctor is assessing how substantial a crime is related to the practice of medicine. There is no timeline as to when the board might act regarding Murray, said Simoes.

CNN's Ted Rowlands contributed to this report.

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08.11.2011 um 11:04
Jackson fans cheer verdict: 'Oh my God, guilty!'

By the CNN Wire Staff
November 8, 2011 -- Updated 0353 GMT (1153 HKT)

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Michael Jackson fans react outside the courthouse where Conrad Murray was found guilty in the singer's death


* NEW: Michael's brother Randy says, "Michael is with us"
* NEW: Nicki Minaj tweets, "There really are no winners here"
* A jury finds Conrad Murray guilty of involuntary manslaughter in singer's death
* People yelled out, sang and danced after the decision was announced

Story Highlights

* NEU: Michaels Bruder Randy sagt: "Michael ist bei uns"
* NEU: Nicki Minaj tweetet, "Es gibt hier keine wirklichen Gewinner"
* Eine Jury befindet Conrad Murray der fahrlässigen Tötung im Tod des Sängers für schuldig
* Die Leute außerhalb schrien, sangen und tanzten nachdem die Entscheidung bekanntgegeben wurde

Los Angeles (CNN) -- When Michael Jackson died unexpectedly two years ago, his fans worldwide erupted in a torrent of grief, anguish and -- in tribute to the pop icon -- song and dance.

On Monday, there were hugs, tears and shrieks of joy among his fans packed outside a Southern California courtroom after a jury found Jackson's physician, Conrad Murray, guilty of involuntary manslaughter in the singer's death.

Jury finds Murray guilty

"Oh my God, guilty!" one woman yelled out, seconds after the verdict was announced.

Others appeared to almost break out in song; some seemed to start dancing; and a chant soon rose up of "Justice, justice, justice."

The honking horns and revelry were in contrast to the quiet scene inside Los Angeles Superior Court, where Judge Michael Pastor had earlier urged people to constrain their emotions.

But there were no such restrictions outside.

Hundreds had packed the streets and sidewalks earlier in the day anticipating a verdict. Many held signs calling for Murray's conviction, like one saying, "Murray, burn in hell." A long banner held out by several people had a simpler, more sentimental message: "We miss Michael."

They were joined by throngs of photographers and videographers. Many flanked a walkway to the courtroom, their flashbulbs popping as Jackson family members, lawyers and others hurriedly walked into the courthouse to learn Murray's fate.

The Los Angeles County Coroner's office reported in June 2009 that the entertainer had died after suffering cardiac arrest. Jackson's death on June 25, 2009, was caused by "acute propofol intoxication" in combination with two sedatives, the coroner ruled.

But Murray was eventually indicted, as prosecutors claimed he was criminally negligent in giving Jackson excess amounts of the surgical anesthetic propofol to treat the singer's insomnia.

When the jury decided in the prosecution's favor, the emotions spilled over on the streets as people yelled out, burst into tears and smiled.

"I'm so happy," one woman, who had traveled to California from Memphis, Tennessee, told HLN's Jane Velez-Mitchell outside the courthouse. "Michael deserves justice."

One of the late singer's sisters, LaToya Jackson, thanked all those involved in Murray's conviction, which she called a "victory."

"Everybody was wonderful," she said as she left the courthouse.

Her brother Randy Jackson said "justice was served," while opining that Murray should have to serve more than even the four-year maximum that he could get.

"Michael is with us," Randy Jackson said.

And Kathy Hilton, a friend of the Jackson family and mother of Paris Hilton, said while leaving the courthouse that the verdict was bittersweet, though still satisfying.

"At least they'll feel some kind of relief, some kind of closure," she told HLN, referring to Jackson's parents, Joe and Katherine.

The reaction was equally swift and emotional online and outside Los Angeles.

Melissa Fazli, a CNN iReporter and student at California State University, Fullerton, said she broke into tears on hearing the news.

"It's really sad to know that Conrad Murray, because of his negligence, took Michael Jackson away," Fazli said, expressing hope that it might dissuade "doctor-shopping" that might lead people to get more drugs than they can safely have. "That's why I cried."

On social networking sites like Twitter, the reaction was likewise fast, furious and emotional.

"Next time don't be so greedy Conrad Murray! Guilty!" wrote one such commenter on Twitter, former MTV VJ and hip-hop personality Ed Lover.

Hip-hop artist Nicki Minaj offered a restrained reaction on her Twitter feed, saying, "People are cheering, but there really are no winners here. This has been an utter tragedy from beginning to end."

John Branca and John McClain, the co-executors of Jackson's estate, released a statement on in which they lauded the verdict and remembered the singer as "the greatest entertainer that has ever lived."

"The estate of Michael Jackson and Michael himself has always believed the jury system works and despite the tragedy that brought about this trial we are in agreement with the jury's verdict," they wrote. " In this case, justice has been served."

CNN's Greg Botelho contributed to this report.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.11.2011 um 11:29
Dr Conrad Murray: The sleazy lothario who made a perfect fall-guy

Dr. Conrad Murray: Der schmierige Schürzenjäger, der einen perfekten Sündenbock darbot

By David Jones

Last updated at 9:43 AM on 8th November 2011

Shortly before noon, on June 25, 2009, Conrad Murray felt the urge to sweettalk the latest mistress to join his burgeoning harem – an alluring young waitress who had caught his eye whilst serving him in a steakhouse.

When 24-year-old Sade Anding answered the phone, however, the doctor seemed strangely distracted and soon fell silent. All she could hear was muffled coughing and what sounded like someone mumbling in the background.

Then the line went dead, and when she tried to call her lover back and sent text messages there was no response.

Switching on the TV news two hours later, Anding realised to her horror why their conversation had ended so mysteriously.

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Michael Jackson's former doctor, Conrad Murray was found guilty of involuntary manslaughter on Monday in the star's 2009 death

Michael Jackson had died, and Murray – his personal physician – must have been speaking to her from the singer’s bedside at the very moment that he entered his death throes.

Anding has since said she regrets her fling with the 58-year-old doctor (though she was more than happy to accept the gifts he had lavished on her when Jackson was paying him £94,000 a month) and claims Jackson might have lived, but for their dalliance on the phone.

Michael Jackson's former doctor, Conrad Murray was found guilty of involuntary manslaughter on Monday in the star's 2009 death

Michael Jackson had died, and Murray – his personal physician – must have been speaking to her from the singer’s bedside at the very moment that he entered his death throes.

Anding has since said she regrets her fling with the 58-year-old doctor (though she was more than happy to accept the gifts he had lavished on her when Jackson was paying him £94,000 a month) and claims Jackson might have lived, but for their dalliance on the phone.

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Murray's current girlfriend, actress Nicole Alvarez, 29, with whom Murray shares a child

A man prepared to break every medical ethic to keep Jackson functioning for his 50 forthcoming comeback concerts in London – the role Murray had been hired, at great expense, to fulfil.

By rights, they say, Murray ought to have been convicted of first-degree murder for dosing the star with hospital anaesthetic, for as one accusatory banner proclaimed yesterday: ‘There’s nothing involuntary about a lethal injection.’

The heavily outnumbered Murray support group, including several former patients who told the court how he saved their lives by performing heart operations free of charge because they had no medical insurance, see matters very differently.

In truth, they counter, the death of the world’s most famous pop star demanded a fall-guy – and the doctor was merely the scapegoat in a murky saga whose real villains have escaped scot free.

These are the sharp-suited money-men who knew 50-year-old Jackson was a skeletal, painkiller addicted, chronically sick shadow of the genius who had performed some of pop’s greatest songs, and who pushed him beyond his limits for a slice of the £85million his concerts would have reaped, even though he was palpably incapable of performing them.

Whichever version we accept one thing is beyond doubt: the fact that Murray was on the phone to one of his youthful mistresses when Jackson breathed his last is no mere coincidence.

For Murray has long been a serial womaniser, his insatiable lust is inextricably linked to Jackson’s demise and it was this, even more than his undeniable greed or ineptitude, that precipitated the doctor’s downfall.

History will remember Conrad Robert Murray as the man who killed the King of Pop but had it not been for his voracious sexual appetite he might have achieved great things; for he took up medicine intending to help those who couldn’t afford decent healthcare.
He was born on Grenada, in February, 1953, where his parents met, but his story really begins in a shanty town in Port of Spain, capital of neighbouring Trinidad.

That was his mother, Milta’s home, and after she and his father, Rawle Murray, split up, she returned there to raise her son in a potholed street where water was pumped from a standpipe.

Tall, academically gifted and talented at sports Murray stood apart from the other children. They played bare-footed, but as his father was a doctor – he emigrated from Grenada to Texas where he ran a general practice – and his stepfather was successful in business, he at least had shoes and presentable clothes.

And though most children left school at 12, he won a scholarship to high school, and by his late teens his horizons lay far beyond the backstreets of Port of Spain.

Intending to pay his way through medical school, then return and help sick people in Trinidad, he found work as a customs broker and later in an insurance firm. But he always had an eye for the prettiest local girls and, aligned with his good looks and hulking 6ft 4in physique, his pay packet made him quite a catch.

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None of his friends could afford a car, but he bought a brown Dodge Avenger and would cruise around picking them up. ‘He called it his passion wagon,’ one former friend told me.

His oldest friend, Wallace Leslie, also recalls how he scoured marriage notices, picked out the most affluent couples and gate-crashed their parties to target female guests.

‘Conrad would impress them by saying he was a doctor, but he hadn’t even started his training,’ Mr Leslie told me. ‘He was determined to escape his background.’

It was around then that the fecklessness, financial irresponsibility and misguided aspiration that ultimately led him to work for Jackson began to take hold. Before leaving for medical school in Tennessee, he is known to have fathered one Trinidadian child, and he has since sired a further six, at least, by four women.

At his trial, judge Michael Pastor refused to let the prosecution to catalogue his chaotic private life in any detail, ruling it irrelevant. It meant that only three of his recent lovers gave evidence, and the jury never heard about the trail of misery and heartbreak his carousing has caused…a trail which led, albeit indirectly, to his involvement in Jackson’s death.

Murray married first soon after arriving in America, in October, 1984, to pharmacist Zufan Tesfai, but less than four years later they were divorced. He was having an affair with Patricia Mitchell, who bore the first of his American-born children before suing him for ‘fraudulent breach of trust’ for misappropriating her money or property.

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In 1989 he moved on to wife number two, Dr Yvette Bolick Murray. They have two children, aged 21 and 15, and are still somehow married.

He had a son, now 13, by Nenita Malibiran, a nurse at a clinic where he worked in San Diego. As the years wore on, his taste turned to young strippers.

At the time Jackson died he was still having trysts with at least three: Bridgette Morgan, an exotic dancer he met in a topless bar in Las Vegas; Sade Anding, and Nancy Alvarez, with whom he has a two-year-old son and shares an
apartment in Santa Monica.

In attempting to persuade the trial judge to hear more about his convoluted relationships, the prosecution identified a pattern. Whenever he pursued a woman since beginning work for Jackson, he had tried to impress her by saying he was the star’s physician.

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Murray's wife, Blanche, and daughter, Camille, go grocery shopping in Las Vegas in 2009. Mrs Murray was not seen by the public for the duration of the trial

But of course, running such an extensive harem was hideously expensive. And by 2006 – when Jackson was staying in Las Vegas, and he happened to be called out to treat one of the singer’s children for the flu – Murray was in debt to the tune of hundreds of thousands of pounds. It seemed only time before he would be bankrupt and behind bars.

Precisely what happened to turn him from a jobbing locum into Jackson’s favourite physician – a man who impressed him so much that the star’s friend (and fellow addict) Liz Taylor would later beat a path to his door – may never be fully known.

But it is not hard to imagine how he might have been tempted when Jackson, by his own admission a painkiller addict since being badly burnt whilst making a Pepsi ad in 1984, and also a chronic insomniac, opened his chequebook and pleaded to be plied with the most powerful narcotics on demand.

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Then, two years later, Murray hit the jackpot. Having been lured out of retirement by entertainment giants AEG for the one last big hurrah that would settle his massive debts and set him and his three children up for life, Jackson needed a ‘tame quack’.

Even Murray’s baptist pastor, Father Floyd Williams, advised the doctor to accept the job. So, telling the staff he was closing his practices to ‘accept the opportunity of a lifetime’, he went to work for Jackson.

It didn’t need a doctor to see Jackson wasn’t fit enough to perform a handful of concerts, let alone 50. His eyesight was so bad that he was clinically blind, his body was a pin-cushion of needle marks, he could never get warm, no matter how many layers of clothing he wore, and during rehearsals he complained of feeling as though ‘a giant fist is in my ear’.

Back in his rented chateau, he laid awake all night watching Disney cartoons, surrounded by all manner of medical apparatus, pills and potions, and, of course, vials of the anaesthetic propofol, which he called his ‘milk’.

On the day he died, his veins coursed with enough of it to knock him out for an appendix operation.

Of course, no responsible doctor should have given it to him. Of course Conrad Murray must accept his share of the blame.

Yet he is only one of many people who, in my view, having reported on this depressing story from the outset, should share responsibility.

What about the many other physicians who have prescribed him all manner of drugs down the years,
among them his dermatologist Dr Arnold Klein, his GP Allan Metzger, plastic surgeon Larry Koeplin, and anaesthetists Dr David Adams and Dr Randy Rosen, to name but five?

Then there is the shadowy entrepreneur Tohme Tohme, with his links to the Nation of Islam movement, who became Jackson’s business manager during his final years, and took control over almost every aspect of his affairs.

And there is AEG, owners of the O2 arena where the shows would have been staged, which cajoled Jackson into the deal; and the Jackson family, including his grasping, father Joe.

Surely they should all share the guilt for pushing Jackson over the edge. Instead, conveniently, they
found a libidinous doctor with a zero bank balance and questionable morals: he was the perfect fall-guy.

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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.11.2011 um 11:34
Dr. Murray
Tell-All Documentary
Reveals Shocking Secrets

11/8/2011 1:00 AM PST BY TMZ STAFF

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VIDEO im Bericht

TMZ has obtained an excerpt of a never-before-seen documentary starring Dr. Conrad Murray -- in which the good doc reveals some very intimate details about the singer ... some of which are not flattering.

The documentary -- titled, "Michael Jackson and The Doctor: A Fatal Friendship" -- was shot while Murray awaited trial for manslaughter ... and features a shockingly candid look at the preparation of the trial, which includes intense fighting between Murray's lawyers.

The movie is being distributed by a company called Zodiac Rights ... which says it's already pre-sold the rights to air the documentary to "major broadcasters around the world."

Sources tell TMZ ... NBC is one of the broadcasters ... and will air the doc in the United States.

As for Dr. Murray -- he signed on to the project back in 2009, following MJ's death. It's unclear how much cash Murray is set to make from the movie.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.11.2011 um 11:50
ok. Murrays anwälte können in berufung gehen. aber erst nach der urtelisverkündung vom 29. november. die chancen auf eine revision des gestrigen urteils sind verschwindent gering. vorallem ist so eine berufung mit gefahren für Murray verbunden. denn die nächste instanz kann über das erst gesprochene strafmass hinaus gehen.

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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.11.2011 um 12:07
die letzten Tweets von Arnold Klein ...!/awkmd (Archiv-Version vom 08.11.2011)
awkmd Arnold Klein
@Danawilkey stay away from my hands with that car
vor 2 Stunden
@ Danawilkey bleib weg von mir, mit diesem Auto

awkmd Arnold Klein… MJ and Propofol hx never mentioned in court!
vor 2 Stunden
MJ und Propofol hx ? = (hx Diagramme) wurden nie vor Gericht erwähnt!
awkmd Arnold Klein… lies
vor 3 Stunden

awkmd Arnold Klein… with Murray in Jail what about the other criminals?
vor 3 Stunden
The Grand Conspiracy Against Michael Jackson
Youtube: The Grand Conspiracy Against Michael Jackson
The Grand Conspiracy Against Michael Jackson
Externer Inhalt
Durch das Abspielen werden Daten an Youtube übermittelt und ggf. Cookies gesetzt.

mit Murray ins Gefängnis, was ist wegen der anderen Verbrecher?

awkmd Arnold Klein… finally the truth
vor 5 Stunden
endlich die Wahrheit


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.11.2011 um 12:34
Zitat von EC145EC145 schrieb:ok. Murrays anwälte können in berufung gehen. aber erst nach der urtelisverkündung vom 29. november. die chancen auf eine revision des gestrigen urteils sind verschwindent gering. vorallem ist so eine berufung mit gefahren für Murray verbunden. denn die nächste instanz kann über das erst gesprochene strafmass hinaus gehen.
ich interpretiere die von mir eingestellten Hinweise zur Verfahrensweise etwas anders ...

denn ich bin der Meinung, dass das Berufungsgericht nicht über das Strafmaß entscheidet ... und die Berufung KANN bis zum 29.11.2011 eingereicht werden .. es geht dann hauptsächlich darum, ob bei der Urteilsfindung, die rechtlichen Bestimmungen befolgt worden sind ...

aus meinem Eintrag von heute um 09:17
MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach! (Seite 699)
In den Berufungsgerichten dagegen wird nur geprüft, ob das untergeordnete Gericht bei der Urteilsfindung die rechtlichen Bestimmungen befolgt hat. Daher finden nur selten mündliche Verhandlungen statt, die Richter beurteilen den Fall anhand des Gerichtsprotokolls und der schriftlichen Argumente beider Parteien. Die Bundesberufungsgerichte entscheiden nicht über Schuld oder Unschuld. Wenn ein Angeklagter erstinstanzlich schuldig befunden wird, so bedeutet ein Sieg vor dem Berufungsgericht nicht unbedingt, dass er nun als unschuldig gilt; vielmehr wird lediglich die angefochtene Entscheidung aufgehoben. In Strafsachen obliegt es dann der Staatsanwaltschaft, ob das Verfahren wiederholt wird (Akkusationsprinzip).


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.11.2011 um 13:12
Eintrag # 98 aus dem MJ@ackson Forum victory
Heute ging es aber um einen Freispruch ODER einen Schuldspruch bezüglich Murrays.
Das war uns von Anfang an klar und darauf haben alle gewartet.
Die entsprechende Entscheidung der Jury konnte im Sinne des Prozesses und der gegen Murray vorgebrachten Anschuldigungen/Fahrlässigkeiten nur SCHULDIG lauten !

Das Murray nur die Spitze des Eisberges und das letzte Glied einer Kette von Menschen ist, die sich mitschuldig gemacht haben, wissen wir schon lange, jedoch ging es darum im Prozess nicht.

Deshalb ist auch für mich mit der alleinigen Verurteilung Murrays, Michael noch keine Gerechtigkeit getan und sein Tod längst nicht vollständig aufgeklärt.

Eintrag # 105
Deine Enttäuschung verstehe ich nicht bzw. nicht in diesem Moment !
Was hast du/haben manche denn für ein Urteil erwartet ?
Einen Freispruch Murrays und damit Schuldspruch Michaels ???

Mir kommt es so vor, als wäre euch ein Freispruch Murrays lieber gewesen ?!

In diesem Prozess ging es leider nur darum, ob Murray oder Michael Schuld tragen. Da aber Murray der Arzt war, es besser wissen sollte und sich auf eine derartige "Behandlung" nicht hätte einlassen dürfen, zudem weiterhin sehr nachlässig, fahrlässig, risikobereit und inkompetent handelte, hätte das Urteil doch nicht anders ausfallen können/dürfen und ist einfach nur gerecht.

Mir tut dieser Mann nicht leid, er war käuflich und leichtsinnig !

Ich bedauere nur, dass andere sich auf seine Kosten zurücklehnen, in Sicherheit wiegen und vermutlich ungeschoren davonstehlen können.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.11.2011 um 13:23
auch aus dem MJ@ackson Forum

Eintrag # 120 victory

Für all die ein Trostpflaster, welche Mitleid mit CM haben.
Hier eine Schrift, welche ich gerade zugeschickt bekommen habe.
Die Gefangenen im KNAST:
Täglich Zugang zu einer Dusche, sie haben Anspruch auf ein Bad pro Woche. Arzneimitteln, regelmäßige Zahn- und medizinische Untersuchungen sowie die Möglichkeit zu gesunder Bewegung bei Spaziergängen in einer schönen Außenanlage mit Garten.
Sie haben Anspruch auf Rollstühle usw. und sie werden Geld erhalten, anstatt für ihre Unterbringung zu zahlen. Um im Notfall sofort Hilfe zu bekommen, gibt es ständige Video Überwachung. Ihre Betten werden 2 Mal pro Woche überzogen und ihre eigene Wäsche regelmäßig gewaschen und gebügelt. Sie haben alle 20 Minuten Besuch vom Wärter und bekommen Ihre Mahlzeiten direkt im Zimmer serviert. Sie haben einen speziellen Raum, um ihre Familie zu empfangen, Zugang zu Bibliothek, Gymnastikraum und Schwimmbad sowie physikalischer und psychologischer Therapie und sogar das Recht auf kostenlose Weiterbildung.
Auf Antrag wären Schlafanzüge, Schuhe, Pantoffeln und sonstige Hilfsmittel legal kostenlos beizustellen. Außerdem hätte jeder Gefangene Anspruch auf einen eigenen Rechner, einen Fernseher, ein Radio sowie auf unbeschränktes Telefonieren. Es gibt einen Direktorenrat, um etwaige Klagen anzuhören, und die Überwacher hätten einen Verhaltenskodex zu respektieren!
Die Lichter gehen um 20 Uhr aus.
OMG - ist das tatsächlich so???

Okey, es wurde ein Zeichen gesetzt, dass nicht jeder möchte-gern-Arzt machen kann was er will.

Ich denke Mitleid ist zudem etwas verfrüht
Ich schätze wir werden uns wundern, was da noch auf uns zukommt.
Chernoff wird sich ins Zeug legen.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.11.2011 um 13:27

aus dem Eintrag # 123

Wer sich bei Walgren und Brazil bedanken möchte, hier die Adressen

If you would like to thank Walgren and Brazil - emails are: and


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.11.2011 um 13:31
nochmals aus dem MJ@ackson Forum

Eintrag # 125 rose

heute nacht wurde auf cnn erklärt, wie die strafe voraussichtlich verlaufen wird.
murray wird in kein staatsgefängnis kommen, sondern in ein bezirksgefängnis.
dort sind die bedingungen weniger scharf, als in den staatsgefängnissen und die mitinsassen weniger
"aufregend". zudem ist es dann die entscheidung des sheriffs ( so wurde es gesagt ... welche postion
das genau ist, muss man dann mal rausfinden), ob es wirklich zu einem dauerhaften
aufenthalt im gefängnis kommt, oder ob er mit fußfessel in den hausarrest geschickt
wird. dies hält man wohl für durchaus wahrscheinlich.
interessanter bleibt am ende für mich, ob ihm dauerhaft die approbation entzogen wird.
gilt dies dann für die gesamten usa? oder kann ein californisches gericht nur für californien sprechen?
wenn es dauerhaft und für die gesamten usa gültig wäre, dass er nie wieder praktizieren darf,
... das mag jetzt mager klingen - aber: der mann ist hoch verschuldet und hat einen haufen unterhalts-
berechtigter kinder. DAS wäre dann in der tat ein sehr zukunftsweisender einschnitt in sein leben.
eine haftstrafe ...könnte er vielleicht unter "das waren nicht meine besten jahre" verbuchen, ein
endgültiges berufsverbot allerdings wäre einschneidend für alles, was noch auf ihn zukommt, in seinem
leben. insofern...keine unwichtige entscheidung...

und - ob das strafmaß sozusagen "den zenit" von zwei jahren überschreiten wird.
alles, was drunter bleibt, wäre für mich halbherzig.
grundsätzlich war mir klar, dass der schuldspruch weder genugtuung noch auferstehung
bedeuten konnte. und gefühlte gerechtigkeit weicht sowieso von gesprochenem recht ab.
wobei ich mir auch dabei die frage stelle: was wäre gefühlt ein gerechtes strafmaß gewesen?
auge um auge, zahn um zahn? ( dazu hätte es zudem einer anderen anklage bedurft - keine frage).
ich bin gegner der todesstrafe und dies mit aller konsequenz. insofern für mich also sowieso
kann es überhaupt eine gefühlte, gerechte strafe geben? eher nicht - denn in dem moment, in
dem man emotional dabei ist, gibt es sowieso keine gerechtigkeit mehr.

er ist schuldig gesprochen worden - dies war wichtig und richtig.
und dafür ist dem team der anklage zu danken.
alles andere ist eine sache, sie jeder mit sich selber ausmachen und abschließen muss.
und dass es sowieso beim strafmaß um maximal 4 jahre gehen kann, wussten wir alle seit anklageerhebung...

..nur meine gedanken.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.11.2011 um 13:43
Murray verurteilt - muss er wirklich ins Gefängnis?

08.11.11 - 08:04

Nach ca. neun Stunden Beratung haben sich die Geschworenen in Los Angeles im Prozess gegen Conrad Murray für einen Schuldspruch ausgesprochen. Dr Conrad Murray wird wegen fahrlässiger Tötung verurteilt. Das Strafmaß wird am 29. November verkündet. Ihm drohen 4 Jahre Haft und der Verlust seiner Arzt-Zulassung.

Es wurden im Laufe der 6 Wochen Prozess 49 Zeugen befragt, 300 Beweisstücke vorgelegt und immer wieder die Theorie der Verteidigung aufgestellt, dass sich der King of Pop die tödliche Dosis Propofol selbst verabreicht haben soll. Die Staatsanwaltschaft hat aber eher die merkwürdige Arbeitsweise des Arztes hinterfragt. Denn Murray hat den Notruf zu spät und zu schlecht abgesetzt und den Sanitätern vor Ort die Verabreichung von diversen Medikamenten verschwiegen.

Katherine Jackson, Mutter von Michael Jackson, war nun endlich erleichert und auch die Schwester LaToya ist glücklich über das Ende des Prozesses. Fans haben außerhalb des Gerichtssaales Lieder von MJ gesungen und Autofahrer hupten.

Der Richter sah bei Murray Fluchtgefahr. Deswegen wurde er gleich nach Urteilsverkündung in Handschellen gelegt und in Gewahrsam genommen. Beobachter sahen in dieser Entscheidung aber eine zu starke Maßnahme.

Allerdings wird ein neues Gesetz in Kalifornien den Arzt den endgültigen Gang ins Gefängnis ersparen können. Denn es wird immer mehr geprüft, ob Verurteilte stattdessen zu Hause ein Hausarrest bekommen und auch noch ihr Strafmaß halbiert wird. Murray ist laut Experten dafür ein prima Kandidat. Es wäre aber ein Faustschlag ins Gesicht für die Jackson-Familie.

Einen lukrativen Buchvertrag und eine Verfilmung der ganzen Geschichte wird es leider auch geben. Denn wenn der Arzt in Zukunft keinen Halt mehr findet, wird er sich durch lukrative und pietätlose Geschäfte bereichern.

Quelle: MJFC JAM (Archiv-Version vom 26.11.2011)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.11.2011 um 14:40
Conrad Murray 'on suicide watch' as he spends first night behind bars after judge brands Jacko's killer doctor a 'danger to society'

* Law enforcement source says Murray placed on watch once in custody
* Believed to be in solitary
* Denied bail and left court in handcuffs
* First meal said to be a cheese sandwich, fruit punch, carrot sticks and 'Oreo-knockoff' cookies baked in Los Angeles County jail
* Sentencing scheduled for November 29
* Murray could face up to four years behind bars
* Jackson patriarch said 'justice was done' with jury's guilty verdict
* Deliberations lasted just ten hours over the course of two days
* Trial featured 50 witnesses and 22 days of testimony

By David Gardner In Los Angeles and Jennifer Madison

Last updated at 11:11 AM on 8th November 2011

Michael Jackson's personal physician Dr Conrad Murray has been placed on suicide watch at the Los Angeles County Jail.

Hours after he was convicted of involuntary manslaughter over the death of the King of Pop in June, 2009, Murray was handcuffed and remanded without bail after a judge branded him a 'danger to society'.

A law enforcement source told the Los Angeles Times he was placed on suicide watch once in custody.

The 58-year-old cardiologist will be sentenced on November 29, and could be sent to prison for up to four years.

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A police officer leans over and handcuffs Conrad Murray immediately after the order to refuse him bail is announced at Los Angeles Superior Court

Members of the Jackson family wept quietly after the guilty verdict was read at Los Angeles Superior Court yesterday.

But outside the courtroom, cries of joy erupted among the hundreds of fans who had gathered, singing lyrics to 'Beat It'. There, they greeted Jacksons parents and siblings, who said justice had finally been served.

La Toya Jackson, holding back her tears, pointed to the sky and thanked the legion of fans who kept her brother's memory alive.

She said: 'Thank you America, thank you everyone. Everybody was wonderful. Michael loves everybody. He was in that courtroom with us - that's why justice was served.'

Older sister Rebbie said: 'I am just happy it's all over. Nothing will bring Michael back but I am just happy that he was found guilty.'

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Los Angeles County police surround Murray and his defence team as they prepare to hear the verdict
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Murray glances over to the jury of five women and seven men as he waits to hear whether they have found him guilty
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Murray keeps his emotions under control as the guilty verdict is announced after ten hours of deliberation by the jury
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An officer leans forward and grasps a stunned and motionless Murray after the guilty verdict
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Murray is handcuffed in preparatiion for being led to the cells after the judge rules that he must be remanded in custody to await sentencing
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Police fit the cuffs on Murray, who now faces up to four years in prison
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Murray is led away to the cells, where an anonymous source said he was put on suicide watch

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Leaving the court, Jermaine Jackson said: 'Justice was served, but it wasn't enough time. Michael is with us.'

Family matriarch Katherine Jackson said she was confident this would be the outcome of the trial. 'I feel better now,' she said.

Jackson's father, Joe, said as he left the courthouse with her: 'Justice was done'.

An official statement from the family read: 'The Estate of Michael Jackson and of Michael himself has always believed the jury system works and despite the tragedy that brought about this trial we are in agreement with the jury's verdict. In this case justice has been served. Michael is missed on a daily basis but his genius and his music will be with us forever.'

Murray, wearing a grey pin-striped suit and a blue tie, had looked stunned as the jury's decision was read out after two days and ten hours of deliberations.

Just as he has through most of the trial, he remained stoic as Judge Michael Pastor dismissed an appeal for him to be released on bail pending his sentencing hearing.

A sheriff's deputy leaned over and handcuffed Murray while he was still sitting at the defence table, before leading him out of the court to the cells.

Outside the court, hundreds of Jackson fans cheered when they heard the verdict, some holding signs that read 'guilty' and 'killer' as passing motorists honked their horns.

Judge Pastor said Murray's 'reckless conduct' meant he was a danger to the public.

Prosecutor David Walgren thanked the 'diligent' jury. 'Our sympathies go out to the Jackson family for the loss they have suffered. Not as a pop icon but as a son and a brother,' he added.

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Michael Jackson's sister La Toya Jackson (C) speaks to the media as she leaves the courthouse with friends Kathy and Rick Hilton (R) following the guilty verdict
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La Toya Jackson gestures on arrival outside the courthouse ahead of the announcement of the verdict
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Michael Jackson's mother, Katherine Jackson, is surrounded by police officers as she leaves the courthouse after the reading of the guilty verdict
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Michael Jackson's father Joe (L) and brother Jermaine Jackson leave the courthouse after the announcement
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A jubilant La Toya tweeted 'VICTORY' after the verdict was read

Prosecutors said the conviction meant Murray would automatically lose his medical licence.

La Toya later tweeted: 'VICTORY'.

The Los Angeles Police Department echoed her comments in a public statement.

A spokesman told 'Today's verdict of guilty is confirmation that the combined efforts of our investigators, criminalists, Coroner investigators and the District Attorney's Office were sound.

'The investigators have worked diligently on this case and were confident throughout the process that the investigation supported the allegation of involuntary manslaughter.'

Murray's lawyers said they weren't planning to make any official statement after the hearing, but Ed Chernoff said he was 'not shocked' at the verdict.

He said he was planning to request another bail hearing to try and get Murray released while he awaits the sentencing hearing on November 29.

District Attorney Steve Cooley said it will be difficult to achieve an appropriate sentence for Murray because of a new state prison alignment law that allows early release for people convicted of nonviolent felonies.

He said his office gave the case the same attention it would give a lower-profile case, but conceded that because of the identity of the victim, 'obviously this takes on a viral dimension'.

Murray's mother and his girlfriend, former exotic dancer Nicole Alvarez, refused to comment outside the court.

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La Toya Jackson arrived with Rick and Kathy Hilton, far right. La Toya tweeted that she was 'shaking uncontrollably!' as she made her way to the courthouse and then screamed inside once the verdict was read
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Michael Jackson's parents Joe and Katherine Jackson arrived together at the courthouse shortly before the verdict was read

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Murray nodded to them before being led off to jail. It is believed that he has been deemed a 'keep away inmate', meaning he will be assigned a single cell for his own protection. reports he will also be assigned an 'escort' in Los Angeles County jail wherever he goes, including to the showers, and will not be permitted to mingle with the general inmate population.

The verdict came after nearly 50 witnesses, 22 days of testimony and less than two days of deliberation by a jury of seven men and five women, who were escorted from the building and not available for comment after the verdict was read.

Announcing the verdict, the judge thanked the jurors for their civic duty.

He said: 'I remember way back when in September when we first met, I asked you at that time to accept responsibility of citizenship and told you that I understood that serving on this jury would be a hardship and a burden because you have your own lives and responsibility to your jobs, profession and family.
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Jackson fans and supporters have turned out every day of the trial
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Michael Jackson fans react to the guilty verdict and cry out in celebration
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Fans of Michael Jackson sombrely wait for the verdict outside the courthouse

'You have undertaken the responsibility in a remarkable fashion. You have made sacrifices and had to endures burdens, delays and a case that ran over the time I had told you you would have to serve.

'You have been remarkable in conscientiousness, patience, respect and never been late. For that we are very appreciative. I know that serving on a case of this sort interferes with everyday life and I personally thank you for your time and efforts.'

In what was billed as the most closely watched celebrity trial in history, a procession of witnesses gave starkly contrasting views of the 58-year-old doctor.

During the trial, prosecutors painted Murray as a greedy opportunist who threw his medical know-how out of the window to cater to the dangerously bizarre whims of a superstar.

The defence painted him as a caring cardiologist battling against the odds to keep his celebrity patient from self-destructing.

But after six weeks of evidence, the jurors agreed on one crucial factor - that Murray was responsible for Jackson's death.

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Michael Jackson fans wait outside the courthouse for the reading of the verdict in Dr Conrad Murray's trial in Los Angeles
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Michael Jackson fans outside the Apollo theatre in the Harlem section of New York City react to the reading of the verdict

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In the end it came down to the fact that the doctor acted with criminal negligence in administering a deadly dose of propofol to the star who was desperate to get some sleep to rehearse for his looming comeback tour at London's O2 Arena.

Murray was accused of botching any hopes of reviving the star by delaying more than 20 minutes before calling 911 for help after discovering Jackson lifeless on his bed on June 25, 2009.

Then he lied about using propofol - a powerful drug that is only supposed to be used in a hospital setting - to cover up his guilt, keeping the fact that he used the sedative from paramedics and emergency room doctors.

It was unclear whether the jury determined that Murray had administered the fatal dose of propofol while deciding he was responsible for the death of Jackson.

One medical expert outlined seventeen separate failures in the accepted standards of care in Murray's treatment of the 50-year-old singer, each of which could have possibly played a part in his death.

Los Angeles Deputy District Attorney David Walgren told the jury they needed to agree on just one life threatening blunder to find him guilty.

He said Murray's use of propofol to treat Jackson's chronic insomnia was an 'obscene experiment'.

Walgren rejected claims that Jackson was falling apart and hooked on painkiller drugs and insisted that the 50-year-old star was excited and optimistic about his future and was planning to buy a new, stable home for his family and end their nomadic 'vagabond' lifestyle.

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NOT PRESENT: Jackson's three children Prince, 14, Blanket, 9, and Paris, 13, have stayed away from the entire trial as well as staying away from the verdict
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The jury was sensationally shown this image of Jackson's dead body by the prosecution early on in Murray's trial
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The trial started sensationally with a photo of Jackson's dead body lying on a hospital gurney shown to the jury during opening arguments. A shocking tape of Jackson's slurred voice was also played in the courtroom on the first day.

Prosecutors then quizzed a series of witnesses who offered damning accounts of Murray's care for Jackson in the final months, days and hours of his life.

As it proceeded, the trial came more down to a battle of the scientists who argued over the dangers and benefits of propofol.

One of the key battles of the experts was between two anaesthesiologists.

Prosecution star witness Dr Steven Shafer was scathing about the dangers Murray exposed Jackson to by using propofol without the proper equipment or staff, but he was branded a 'cop' by the defence for his zealous testimony.

Dr Paul White, testifying for the prosecution, was lambasted by Walgren for his flimsy research and the 'junk science' he used to try and explain how Jackson could have caused his own death by self-administering propofol while Murray left the bedside to go to the toilet.

Dr Arnold Klein, Jackson's longtime dermatologist - who was an element in the trial although he wasn't charged with any wrongdoing and wasn't a witness - called out for harsher punishment after the verdict.

'The defence lawyers should be cited for misrepresenting the truth about Michael's Demerol use and the deliberate misinterpretation of my medical records which caused confusion and wrongly placed blame on me. Put simply they lied,' he said. 'Any sentencing Murray would get would be less than if he had stolen my car. It's time to find out who allowed this incompetent individual to be Michael Jackson's doctor.'

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Jackson was paying $100,000 a month to live this rented Bel Air mansion at the time of his death in one of its many upstairs bedrooms

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Reverand Al Sharpton, a friend of the Jackson family, agreed.

'Certainly I feel that more punishment could and should have been served but I am pleased that this jury didn't blame Michael for his own death,' he said. 'I feel that Dr Murray and others who benefited from Michael but didn't protect him got off relatively lightly. Michael lost his life and we lost one of the greatest entertainers that ever lived. I lost a friend and will never forget him.'

The defence insisted Murray was cast as a scapegoat by the authorities who needed someone to blame for the tragedy.

'Somebody's got to say it: If it were anybody else but Michael Jackson, if it were anybody else, would this doctor be here today?' defence lawyer Ed Chernoff said in his closing argument on Thursday.

Chernoff said Murray was under immense pressure to administer the knock-out drug from Jackson and the promoters of the lucrative sell-out comeback concerts. Jackson himself even threatened to cancel the tour if he couldn't get enough sleep to rehearse.

'He was just a little fish in a big dirty pond,' said Chernoff.

Murray chose not to go on the stand, perhaps fearing he would harm his case still further under harsh examination from the prosecution. He showed little emotion despite being excoriated by some witnesses, but his lawyers sought to show him as a sympathetic figure and summoned a number of former heart patients to vouch for his expertise and generosity.

Former Murray patient and current friend, Donna DiGiacomo, 53, of Las Vegas, sobbed as she spoke of the verdict and what she said she thought was 'overwhelming pressure to convict'.

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Murray's wife, Blanche, and daughter, Camille, go grocery shopping in Las Vegas in 2009. Mrs Murray was not seen by the public for the duration of the trial

'This man didn't deserve this. They needed a scapegoat,' she said.

Despite speculation to the contrary, Jackson's children, Prince, 14, Paris, 13 and nine-year-old Blanket did not give evidence and were kept away from the spectacle surrounding the trial.

But Walgren focused on the children's loss in his closing speech to the jury, blaming Murray for robbing them of their father.

'For them, this case doesn't end today or tomorrow or the next day,' he said. 'For Michael's children, this case will go on forever because they do not have a father.'

Jackson's parents, Joe and Katherine, and siblings Janet, LaToya, Jermaine and Randy were regularly in the public gallery on the ninth floor of the Los Angeles Superior Court building while Murray's mother watched from the other side of the public gallery.

Every day, Jackson fans lined the street outside the downtown court waving placards and demanding justice for their musical hero.

At Judge Michael Pastor's instigation, the jury was not allowed to hear much about Murray's tangled love life. Although he is married, he has fathered at least seven children with six different women.

His doctor wife lives in Las Vegas with their two children, but the court heard that Murray lives with mistress Nicole Alvarez, a former stripper, in Santa Monica, California.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.11.2011 um 15:14
Jackson-Arzt Murray SCHULDIG!
Bis zur nächsten Anhörung zur Höhe des Strafmasses am 29. November bleibt er in Haft

07.11.2011 — 22:24 Uhr

Gj6IW3 bild video 08.11.2011
VIDEO im Bericht

Sechs Wochen wurde verhandelt, jetzt ist das Urteil der Geschworenen im Prozess gegen Michael Jacksons früheren Leibarzt Conrad Murray (58) gefallen: SCHULDIG!
Die Geschworenen im Prozess – Murray war wegen fahrlässiger Tötung angeklagt – waren am Montag zu einem Urteil gekommen. Um 13.15 Uhr Ortszeit (22.15 Uhr MESZ) wurde es im Beisein des Angeklagten verlesen.
Murray erschien in einem hellgrauen Nadelstreifenanzug, nahm das Urteil scheinbar regungslos entgegen. Dem 58-Jährigen drohen nun bis zu vier Jahre Haft und der Verlust seiner Zulassung als Arzt. Murray wurde in Handschellen abgeführt, Richter Michael Pastor ordnete Haftverwahrung an. Das Strafmaß soll am 29. November verkündet werden.
In den Augen der zwölf Geschworenen hat der Mediziner Conrad Murray strafbar fahrlässig den Tod des Popstars Michael Jackson herbeigeführt. Gut acht Stunden hinter geschlossenen Türen brauchten die sieben Männer und fünf Frauen, um sich zu dieser Entscheidung durchzuringen. Für viele Prozessbeobachter war ihr Urteil keine Überraschung. Murray soll bis zur nächsten Anhörung zur Höhe des Strafmaßes am 29. November in Haft bleiben.
Seine Anwälte scheiterten mit dem Versuch, ihren Mandanten bis zur Verkündung des Strafmaßes in drei Wochen auf Kaution aus der Haft zu holen. Richter Michael Pastor lehnte das ab: „Es ist eine Tat, an deren Ende der Tod eines Menschen stand. Eine Freilassung kann ich deshalb nicht verantworten.”
Zahlreiche Jackson-Fans, die sich vor dem Gerichtsgebäude versammelt hatten, reagierten mit Freudenrufen auf den Urteilsspruch. Im Gerichtssaal saßen auch Jacksons Eltern Katherine und Joe sowie weitere Familienmitglieder.
Die Staatsanwaltschaft warf dem 58-jährigen Kardiologen vor, Jackson im Juni 2009 eine Überdosis des Schlafmittels Propofol gespritzt, ihn dann entgegen ärztlichen Standards unbeobachtet gelassen und damit seinen Tod verursacht zu haben.

In seinem Schlussplädoyer rief Staatsanwalt David Walgren die sieben männlichen und fünf weiblichen Geschworenen auf, Murray schuldig zu sprechen. Die Beweislage gegen den Kardiologen sei erdrückend, sagte Walgren. Murray habe „kriminell fahrlässig” gehandelt und Jacksons Tod verschuldet. Er habe dem Popsänger das starke Narkosemittel Propofol als Einschlafhilfe gespritzt, ihn allein gelassen und dann Sanitätern und Ärzten wichtige Informationen verschwiegen, um seine Taten zu verschleiern. Im Polizeiverhör habe er umfangreiche Lügengeschichten erfunden, um von seiner Verantwortung abzulenken.
Ausführlich ging der Staatsanwalt in seinem Plädoyer auf das Schicksal von Jacksons Kindern ein. Murray sei dafür verantwortlich, dass der 14-jährige Prince, seine Schwester Paris und der neunjährige Blanket keinen Vater mehr hätten. Walgren: „Für sie endet der Fall nicht heute oder morgen oder dem darauffolgenden Tag. Für Michaels Kinder wird der Fall für immer weitergehen, denn sie haben keinen Vater mehr”.
Murrays Verteidiger Ed Chernoff dagegen bekräftigte, Murrays Schuld an der Überdosis Propofol sei nicht bewiesen. Der medikamentensüchtige Popstar habe sich vermutlich das tödliche Mittel in Abwesenheit Murrays selbst verabreicht. Chernoff warf der Anklage vor, einen Schuldigen für den Tod des Popstars zu suchen. Jackson habe unter erheblichem Druck gestanden, weil er ein großes Comeback mit 50 Konzerten in London plante. Murray habe geglaubt, dem unter Schlafstörungen leidenden Sänger helfen zu können. „Er hatte Unrecht”, sagte Chernoff.

Der Anwalt zog zudem die Integrität der Hauptzeugen der Anklage, darunter Jacksons Leibwächter Alberto Alvarez, in Zweifel. Sie hätten sich darauf verständigt, dieselbe spektakuläre Geschichte zu erzählen – möglicherweise, um damit mehr Geld von den Medien zu bekommen. Auch dem Konzertveranstalter AEG Live warf Chernoff indirekt vor, sich an einem Komplott gegen Murray beteiligt zu haben, um von seiner eigenen Verantwortung für den Tod des Sängers abzulenken. Murray sei „nur ein kleiner Fisch in einem riesigen, schmutzigen Becken”, sagte Chernoff.
Jackson war im Juni 2009 an einer Überdosis des Narkosemittels Propofol im Mix mit anderen Medikamenten gestorben. In dem Ende September begonnenen Prozess hatten insgesamt 49 Zeugen ausgesagt, darunter medizinische Sachverständige, Ärzte und Sanitäter


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.11.2011 um 15:28
Zitat von FaIrIeFlOwErFaIrIeFlOwEr schrieb:* NEU: Murrays Anwalt sagt, dass das Urteil anders gewesen sein könnte, wenn andere Beweise zugelassen worden waren
Möchte mal wissen, was dass für Beweise gewesen sein sollen? Der hängt sich wieder mal ganz schön weit aus dem Fenster. Chernoff war doch total "schusselig" in seiner Befragung mit den Zeugen, und hat ständig nach irgendwas gekramt.
Da war aber die Staatsanwaltschaft besser sortiert als er. :D

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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.11.2011 um 15:32
Zitat von Benny007Benny007 schrieb:was ich mich in dem zusammenhang aber auch gefragt habe: was ist eigentlich mit Murray's übrigen SECHS kindern?.... von denen hat man nie irgendwas gesehen oder gehört..... SIE interessieren ihren vater offenbar herzlich wenig - aber das überrascht ja nicht wirklich.... ich halte es nach allem, wie sich Murray gezeigt hat, ohnehin durchaus für möglich, dass selbst seine gezeigte fürsorge für den kleinen steppke für ihn nur mittel zum zweck war.... wieder eine möglichkeit, sich der öffentlichkeit von der besten seite zu zeigen, auch wenn sich im innersten eine dunkle schwarze hölle verbirgt....
m. M. n. wurde auch nur immer über den jüngsten Sohn von Murray und dieser Nicole Alvarez berichtet. Murray ist ja immer noch verheiratet, scheint aber getrennt lebend zu sein ... Murray's Frau heißt Blanche, und seine Tochter, Camille ... geht aus dem Bericht der dailymail hervor ...
Murray hatte ja sehr hohe Unterhaltsrückstände, wegen seiner Unterhaltsverpflichtungen seinen Kindern gegenüber ... und da bin ich auch der Meinung, wenn ein Vater es nicht für nötig hält, seinen Unterhaltsverpflichtungen nachzukommen, zeugt es nicht gerade von großem Interesse dem Kind gegenüber ... da stimme ich dir zu, dass es so viele Bilder mit seinem kleinen Sohn gab, könnte auch zur damaligen Strategie gehört haben ... so wie die anderen medienwirksamen Aktionen, die da abgelaufen sind ...

aber in jedem von uns, "ruhen oft auch unbekannte Abgründe" ... :)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.11.2011 um 15:36
Zitat von CosmicQueenCosmicQueen schrieb:Möchte mal wissen, was dass für Beweise gewesen sein sollen? Der hängt sich wieder mal ganz schön weit aus dem Fenster.
na, da wird sich Chernoff auf all das beziehen, was Richter Pastor, als Beweis für den Prozess nicht zugelassen hatte ... komme aber im Moment nicht drauf, was das für einzelne Punkte waren ...

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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.11.2011 um 15:36
so, nachdem ich ein wenig fehlen schlaf nachgeholt, ein längeres telefonat zum urteil und über die sache überhaupt geführt und einiges nachgelesen habe, bin ich wieder halbwegs fit :).....

mein augenblickliches lieblingswort lautet noch immer KLICK.... denn das Murray auch noch in handschellen und sofort ins gefängnis gebracht wurde, das hat (für mich) dem urteil dann noch die krone aufgesetzt.... tut mir leid, aber das ist meine ganz persönliche einstellung zu dem ganzen ;)....

dann meine meinung zu dem, was jetzt folgt:

ob Murray tatsächlich nur hausarrest bekommen könnte, diese frage stellt sich für mich derzeit überhaupt nicht bzw. beunruhigt mich das derzeit kein bisschen.... m.M.n. gibt es hierfür nämlich bereits jetzt doch einige hinweise, die dagegen sprechen könnten:

1. Murray wurde nicht "nur" wegen fahrlässiger tötung für schuldig befunden, sondern er wurde der kriminellen fahrlässigen tötung verurteilt.... ich denke, DAS alleine könnte schon eine wesentliche rolle spielen....

2. richter Pastor sieht in Murray eine gefahr für die öffentlichkeit und vermutete zudem fluchtgefahr bei Murray - und aus DIESEN gründen entschied er die SOFORTIGE inhaftierung Murray's

3. meines wissens ist es für einen evtl. hausarrest auch ausschlaggebend, in welche art von gefängnis Murray letztendlich eingewiesen wird..... das gefängnis, in dem er derzeit einsitzt, muss nicht das endgültige sein.... auch hierüber entscheidet dann am 29.11. letztendlich richter Pastor und je "art" des gefängnisses gibt es zum hausarrest wohl unterschiede.....

ich kann mir nicht vorstellen, dass richter Pastor einen straftäter,

a) der wegen eines kriminellen deliktes veruteilt wurde
b) in dem ein richter eine gefahr für die öffentlichkeit UND fluchtgefahr sieht

mit einem hausarrest davon kommen lässt.... abgesehen davon, dass bereits die gestrigen entscheidungen des richters einen m.M.n. ziemlich klaren eindruck über Pastors meinung zu Murray's taten widerspiegeln..... hinzu kommt, dass schon während des gesamten prozesses immer wieder klar erkennbar war, wie sehr selbst richter Pastor - bei aller neutralität, die sein amt voraussetzt - von dem, was einige zeugenaussagen zu tage brachten, entsetzt war....

nach alledem bin ich derzeit recht gelassen und vertraue auch weiterhin (bis zur endgültigen verkündung des strafmaßes) auf richter Pastor :).....

was die evtl. berufung der verteidigung angeht

wie oft hat die verteidigung in den letzten 2 jahren schon irgendwelche "drohungen" vollmundig angekündigt und was blieb davon letztendlich übrig?.... nichts als heiße luft ;).....

nach diesem für die verteidigung vernichtenden urteil ist es doch ganz logisch, dass die erst einmal um schadensbegrenzung bemüht sind und dazu gehört, sich nicht geschlagen, sondern weiterhin angriffslustig zu geben....

ich bin ebenfalls der meinung, dass die verteidigung bestenfalls aufgrund ihrer meinung nach vorliegender verfahrensfehler in berufung gehen kann und nicht aufgrund des ihrer meinung nach "falschen" urteils.... alleine HIER sehe ich schon mal ein großes problem für die verteidigung, denn verfahrensfehler waren für mich (bin allerdings nur juristischer laie) nicht erkennbar, sondern richter Pastor hat gerade diesbezüglich seeeehr darauf geachtet, dass s etwas gar nicht erst in frage kommt..... nicht umsonst hat er so vielen anträgen der verteidigung zugestimmt, über die sich der eine oder andere von uns doch zumindest gewundert bzw. diese kritisiert hat....

viel wichtiger erscheint mir im falle einer möglichen berufung aber folgender punkt:

wenn es eine berufung geben sollte, dann würde wahrscheinlich vieles, wenn nicht sogar der gesamte prozess komplett neu aufgerollt werden.... aber was soll dabei positiveres für die verteidigung herauskommen?..... die verteidigung wird sich doch darüber im klaren sein, dass die staatsanwaltschaft DANN erst recht mit noch schwereren geschützen aufwarten wird als im bisherigen prozess.... auch die staatsanwaltschaft hätte dann einen ruf zu verlieren und dafür werden Walgren und Brazil mit sicherheit noch verbissener kämpfen als bisher schon.....

für die verteidigung (und Murray) würde ein berufungsprozess also im grunde die gefahr eines wesentlich schlechteren urteils bedeuten - und für so dumm halte ich gerade Chernoff nun wirklich nicht, dass er dieses risiko ernsthaft in erwägung zieht ;)..... gerade Chernoff war von der verurteilung Murray's persönlich mehr betroffen als jeder anderer der anwälte....wobei mit "persönlich" in dem fall Chernoff's ruf als anwalt gemeint ist.... die verurteilung Murray's ist für Chernoff's ruf eine große niederlage und eine weitere blamage bzw. eine weitere niederlage, wenn er auch mit einer berufung scheitern würde, wären wohl das letzte, woran er interessiert ist....

ich könnte mir sogar vorstellen, dass im falle einer berufung zumindest Flanagan - nach all dem persönlcihen ärger, den er mit Chernoff hatte - diesem alles vor die füße wirft und sagt: "sorry, aber ich bin raus aus der sache, mache deine berufung, aber OHNE MICH".....

so what - wir werden sehen, was am ende dabei herauskommt - spätestens am 29.11. sind wir alle schlauer als heute und bis dahin können wir zumindest schon mal durchatmen :).....

2x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.11.2011 um 15:49
Cosmicignition schrieb:
Möchte mal wissen, was dass für Beweise gewesen sein sollen? Der hängt sich wieder mal ganz schön weit aus dem Fenster.

FaIrIeFlOwEr schrieb:
na, da wird sich Chernoff auf all das beziehen, was Richter Pastor, als Beweis für den Prozess nicht zugelassen hatte ... komme aber im Moment nicht drauf, was das für einzelne Punkte waren ...
dazu fallen mir auf anhieb die folgenden punkte ein:

- MJ's finanzen
- informationen aus dem prozess 2005
- zeugenaussagen von Branca, Thome Thome, Klein (und ein paar andere)
- das, was Murray Dr. White in persönlichen gesprächen zu den vorfällen erzählt hat

viel mehr war da eigentlich nicht, und diese sachen waren nun einmal für das, um was es ging, NICHT relevant.... somit kann auch die verteidigung daraus keine verfahrensfehler "stricken", zumal ja vielen ihrer anträgen sogar stattgegeben wurde:

- ausschnitte aus TII (auf die sie dann selbst verzichtet haben, weil sie nicht das zeigten, was man sich erhofft hatte - sogar das gegenteil war der fall)

- wiederholte nachträglich prüfung von beweismitteln (fingerabdrücke, toxikologische untersuchungen von ärztlichem zubehör, mageninhalt etc.).... und hierzu hat die verteidigung MEHR als einmal falsche untersuchungsergebnisse bei gericht vorgelegt - das sollte man auf keinen fall vergessen oder unter den tisch kehren !.....

- nachträgliche benennung von zeugen, die ursprünglich nicht als solche angegeben bzw. vorgesehen waren..... z.T. nur tage oder sogar stunden vor den nächsten prozesstag......

hinzu kommen die punkte, in denen die verteidigung sich die verärgerung des richters zugezogen haben:

- ständig wechselnde verteidigungsstrategien, über die der richter erst in letzter sekunde informiert wurde

- mehrfache vorenthaltung von unterlagen, zeugenprotokollen etc.

- mehrmalige verstöße gegen die vom richter verfügte "gag order"

ooooch, und da gibbet sicher noch mehr, was mir aber jetzt auch nicht auf anhieb einfällt :).....

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