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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.746 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Mord, Michael Jackson, Verurteilung ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

03.11.2011 um 19:16

ahhh, der Anruf von Murray bei Sade Anding ... :D

der inszenierte Anruf !!!!!

Walgren erwähnt ihn ... :D

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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

03.11.2011 um 19:16
abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Walgren: at 9:23 am #Murray was on e phone with Chanel Murray for 22 minutes, then he was checking his emails, sending text messages.
vor 1 Minute


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

03.11.2011 um 19:18
Zitat von FaIrIeFlOwErFaIrIeFlOwEr schrieb:ahhh, der Anruf von Murray bei Sade Anding ... :D
Ja, unsere Vermutung ist ja eine Inszenierung, aber man wird es nie wissen....sagt, Walgren. :D

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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

03.11.2011 um 19:26
bc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Walgren: Elissa Fleak said she removed the Propofol bottle from inside the saline bag for the purpose of photographing.
vor 1 Minute

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Walgren: #Murray hears Paris screaming daddy, he ushers children out of the room, tells Alberto Alvarez 2 grab a saline bag w/ bottle inside
vor 2 Minuten

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Walgren: we'll never know how long #MichaelJackson was left there, by himself, abandoned, not breathing. Did he call for help? Did he choke?
vor 5 Minuten

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Walgren: #Murray's activities, deceptions and lies kept him distracted. At 11:51am #Murray called Sade Anding. What was so important to talk
vor 7 Minuten


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

03.11.2011 um 19:27
Zitat von CosmicQueenCosmicQueen schrieb:Ja, unsere Vermutung ist ja eine Inszenierung, aber man wird es nie wissen....sagt, Walgren
aber er hat es erwähnt ... und das ist gut so ... das bleibt doch in den Köpfen, der Jury hängen ... :)

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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

03.11.2011 um 19:33
Zitat von FaIrIeFlOwErFaIrIeFlOwEr schrieb:aber er hat es erwähnt ... und das ist gut so ... das bleibt doch in den Köpfen, der Jury hängen ..
Ja, er erwähnt so ziemlich alles, muss ja auch, damit man ein gutes Gesamtbild bekommt. :D


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

03.11.2011 um 19:36
abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Walgren: #Murray spoke with police because he wanted to get his version out there. But it didn't match any of the evidence.
vor 3 Minuten

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Walgren: #Murray had 3 different medical bags w/ syringes at the house. Do you really think he was concerned w/ cream MJ used for vitiligo?
vor 2 Minuten

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Walgren: #Murray assumed police had found his medical bags in the closet before talking to them. He wanted to put his version out there.
vor 4 Minuten

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Walgren: at the hospital, #Murray said he wanted to go back to the house to retrieve a cream #MJ would not want the world to know.
vor 5 Minuten

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Walgren shows a picture of #ConradMurray arriving at the UCLA wearing a cargo bag with big pockets on the side. Jurors will get the pix
vor 6 Minuten

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Walgren: paramedics arrive at the scene and began basic life support care, with chin lifts, head tilt, tongue suppressor.
vor 8 Minuten

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Walgren: Paris was balled up on the floor crying, Prince was also crying. He ushered them downstairs so they wouldn't see what was happening
vor 9 Minuten


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

03.11.2011 um 19:44
abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Walgren: #Murray chose not to document the pharmaceutical experiment he was doing on #MichaelJackson. It's his consciousness of guilt.
vor 1 Minute

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Walgren: you take precautions first, that in it of itself is criminal negligence. Not charting and documenting vital signs is negligence
vor 2 Minuten

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Walgren: Propofol is a wonderful drug if used appropriately. I can cause breathing problems, death. #conradmurraytrial
vor 3 Minuten

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Walgren: if your concern is the patient's life, you do not leave him alone. That's why it's done in hospital cause bad things happen quickly
vor 4 Minuten

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Walgren: the standard of care - you heard Propofol is not to be utilized in a bedroom and no one had ever heard of it until this trial.
vor 5 Minuten


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

03.11.2011 um 19:45
iwie sieht der doc heute so aus :D :D :D :D :D

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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

03.11.2011 um 19:53
Du mal wieder :D.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

03.11.2011 um 19:55
abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Walgren: all of the character witnesses the defense presented are not currently under the care of #ConradMurray.
vor 2 Minuten

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Walgren: you heard from #ConradMurray's patients, but they were all being treated for heart issues in hospital/office scenario.

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Walgren: the only explanation is to have the bottle inside the cut-up saline bag, we know bottle is nearly empty, drained.
vor 5 Minuten

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Walgren is showing the jurors the 100ml bottle which has #ConradMurray's fingerprint on it. Plastic tab was not used, but bottle was spiked
vor 52 Sekunden

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Walgren: #Murray was not acting on behalf of his patient because there was a employee/employer relationship. #conradmurraytrial
vor 3 Minuten


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

03.11.2011 um 20:03
abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Walgren is playing back parts of Dr. White's testimony, including that he would not leave a patient unattended after giving Propofol.
vor 59 Sekunden

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Walgren: Dr. White said he would not administer Propofol at someone's home and thought that Murray should've called 911 sooner.
vor 1 Minute

bc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Walgren: Dr. White first said #MichaelJackson drank Propofol then self injected the drug.
vor 1 Minute

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Walgren: Dr. White would pick a new theory to blame the death on #MichaelJackson himself. #conradmurraytrial
vor 2 Minuten

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Walgren: what Dr. Paul White presented was junk science, it was garbage! #conradmurraytrial
vor 3 Minuten

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Walgren: #MichaelJackson had means and resources to get Propofol if he wanted, but never did it without a doctor. MJ was not reckless.
vor 4 Minuten


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

03.11.2011 um 20:10
abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Walgren is talking about how Dr. White and Dr. Ornelas changed the times so the theory changed too.
vor 2 Minuten

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Judge asked Walgren if he could break for lunch, prosecutor said he will be done in 10 minutes. Jurors want to hear it all.
vor 41 Sekunden

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Walgren: the science that Dr. White provided in this case is junk science. #conradmurraytrial
vor 1 Minute


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

03.11.2011 um 20:17
abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Walgren: #MichaelJackson trusted #ConradMurray and he paid it with his life. Murray's actions direct cause the death of MJ.
vor 49 Sekunden

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
By mistake, Walgren's PowerPoint presentation seemed to show his rebuttal video of Flanagan and Dr. White talking about IV line.
vor 2 Minuten

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Walgren: Dr. White reluctantly conceded that the IV line could be bunched up in one hand and easily be put in a pocket.
vor 1 Minute


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

03.11.2011 um 20:26
abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Judge recessing for lunch break a little later today. Trial to resume at 1:40 pm with defense closing arguments. #conradmurraytrial
vor 1 Minute

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Walgren: #ConradMurray gave #MichaelJackson Propofol and abandoned him, he's criminally liable, justice demands a guilty verdict!
vor 2 Minuten

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Walgren: I'll be asking you to return a verdict of guilty because #ConradMurray caused the death of #MichaelJackson.
vor 3 Minuten

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Walgren: even if you accept defense's theory, Murray is guilty of involuntary manslaughter, should've foreseen the consequences of his acts
vor 4 Minuten


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

03.11.2011 um 20:54
People vs. Conrad Murray
Closing Arguments --
Prosecution Squares Off

Prosecutor David Walgren -- Closing Arguments

Updated 11/03/11 at 9:00 AM

EpXT9w 1103-walgren-01

Prosecutor David Walgren just began his closing arguments to the jury, insisting Dr. Conrad Murray caused the death of Michael Jackson.

* For Prince, Paris and Blanket this trial will not end today because they lost their father.
* Conrad Murray violated the sacred trust between doctor and patient "each and every day."
* On June 24, 2009 MJ performed at the Staples Center and gave a great performance ... 12 hours later he was laying dead in his bed in his home.
* MJ was a creative genius striving for perfection. He was making long term plans for both himself and his children. He was excited about the tour because he knew it would give him a chance to settle down ... and his children could finally have a normal life.
* MJ wanted to open a children's hospital ... he wanted to give this to the world. He had plans and hopes and dreams.
* He was excited his kids would get to see their dad perform in London. But none of this came to be because on June 25, 2009 MJ was pronounced dead at age 50.
* Joe, Katherine, La Toya and Randy Jackson are in court -- arriving one after the other to listen to closing arguments.

IVMUnl tmz video 03.11.2011A
VIDEO im Bericht

* The law recognizes the special relationship between doctor and patient. Doctors have a duty to their patients and the failure to act on that duty caused the death of Michael Jackson.
* Conrad Murray is criminally negligent if he could have foreseen what happened.
* By his own admission, Conrad Murray knew MJ liked to push his own Propofol. He should have never left him alone in a room full of drugs.
* Dr. Murray made misleading statements when he failed to tell doctors he administered Propofol. It proves he knew it was wrong. That is consciousness of guilt.
* Murray hit the lotto with this gig. expecting to receive 150K a month. He sent letters to his patients he was leaving his practice indefinitely because he had a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
* Murray shipped cases of Propofol to his girlfriend's apartment ... not his clinic.
* We heard MJ's slurred voice a month and half prior to his death. It is a sad recording.
* Murray can't bother to keep records but for some reason records MJ's voice and for some reason keeps it.
* Even in this vulnerable state, MJ is talking about the future, his dreams, the MJ children's hospital. When he has no reason to believe anyone would ever hear it, he is talking about what he wants to do in the future. These are his true feelings.
* For reasons completely unknown Murray decides to record it on his iPhone.
* What does Murray do 2 days later? He orders his largest shipment of Propofol, Lorazepam and Midazolam.
* At a meeting in June Murray assures everyone MJ was doing just fine.
* We learned from Kenny Ortega that on June 19th he was concerned. He saw MJ shivering. He shared his concerns with AEG Live CEO Randy Phillips. He said he tried to call Murray
* On June 20th there was a meeting. We know that Murray was upset that MJ was sent home. Murray sternly told Ortega to mind his own business, telling him "be the director and leave Michael's health to me." Unfortunately, that's what happened.
* We learned that on June 21st Michael was complaining he was half hot and half cold. We know his bodyguard called MJ's nurse who told them MJ needed to go to the hospital.
* On June 23 Michael performed at the Staples Center. By all accounts it was a great performance. There was light at the end of the tunnel.
*June 24, Mj's last rehearsal was again a success. Everyone was excited that the tour was going to finally happen. MJ was particularly excited about the "illusion" that was to be performed the next day."
* He told Ortega, "I Love you." and they hugged.
* Randy Phillips also hugged MJ.
* After MJ's death an arrangement was made to meet with Conrad Murray at Marina del Rey. Conrad Murray was there with his lawyers. At this point, investigators knew very little. The cause of the death had not yet been determined. Detectives were working in the dark. They sat down to listen to Conrad Murray to listen to what he had to say. They recorded what Murray had to say.
* What we learned is that he was MJ's doctors and that his purpose was to put MJ to sleep.
* When detectives ask how frequently did this happen? Murray tells them every day.
* He describes how he gave 50 mg injections follwed by a drip every day ... except for a couple of nights before.
* According to Murray the only time MJ slept was right before 4:00 am.
* At 4:00 am Murray tells investigators, "MJ was complaining he couldn't sleep."
* At 5:00 he gives MJ Lorazepam and then at 7:30 Midazolam.
* At 10:00 am Jackson requests Propofol.
* During his interview, Murray tells cops he was worried giving MJ Propofol at 10:00 am because MJ had to be up at noon -- 2 hours later -- suggesting he intended to to give him a drip... not a 25 mg. injection which would have put him to sleep for 5 minutes.
* After going to the bathroom, Murray sees that MJ is not breathing. He does not call 911 becasue to speak to a 911 operator would be to neglect MJ.
* What does he do? He calls Michael Amir Williams and left a message. Setting aside all the other bizarre behavior, all he needed to say was, "Call 911." But he doesn't.
* He left a voice mail message instead of using that time to call 911 ... because he was putting Conrad Murray first. Maybe he need to hide the evidence.
* We also heard about Murray's phone conversation. One conversation was 23 minutes long. does it make sense that MJ can't sleep and Conrad is on the phone? Or is it more probable MJ was ona drip.
* We know he was looking lengthy emails to an insurance company worried about MJ's health. As MJ was laying in bed hooked on to an IV, Murray tells the insurance company that tghe rumors of MJ's health was all false.
* He also made calls to Sade Anding, his office, and other people. What was so important he needed to call Sade Anding at that moment?
* We know Sade heard voices in the background at the exact time Murray drops the phone. Was Conrad Murray in another room? Did MJ call fro help? Did he gasp? Did he choke? We don't know... we'll never know. Because of Murray's neglect.
* You've heard the message he left to MJ's assistant, Michael Amir Willaims.
* Williams calls Faheem Mohammed and Alberto Alvarez.
* As Alvarez walks into the bedroom he hears Paris screaming, "Daddy!" and ushers the kids out of the room.
* Murray grabs vials of medicine and instructed Alvarez to put it in a bag. He then asks to grab a specific saline bag, not both of them.
* Only then does Murray asks Alvarez to call 911. Not when he called Amir Williams, not when when he Alvarez first came into the room.... but after hiding the evidence. 20 minutes later.
* Paramedics respond in 6 minutes. They were a mile and a half away.
* Paramedics talked about the basic life support he did right away ... unfortunately it was too late.
* EMT had equipment that could have saved MJ's life had Murray called them immediately.
* As paramedics take MJ to the ambulance, Murray is picking stuff off the floor and putting it in a trash bag. Why?
* In the hospital doctors ask Murray what drugs he had given MJ ... again Murray never mentions Propofol.
* After MJ was pronounced dead, Murray is concerned about retrieving a "cream" MJ didn't want people to know about. Murray was not concerned about a cream... he was worried about himself.
* Murray went into the interview because he assumed police had found his bags in MJ's room. He knew the toxicology report was going to come out. He went in there to do damage control. He came forward for the self preservation of Conrad Murray. He came forward to get ahead of the story. Unfortunately his story doesn't match up with the evidence.
* Every single doctor has told you they would never have done what Murray did.
* We learned Propofol is used in a highly monitored setting. This is basic common sense. No one had ever heard of anyone using Propofol in a bedroom... EVER ... until Murray did it. it's an egregious violation of medical care. It's gross criminal negligence.
* Murray conducted an experiment on MJ.
* Propofol is a wonderful drug ... if used appropriately. It requires immediate access to standard resuscitation equipment. You also need to know how to use it. Murray went straight to compressions and mouth to mouth, never using the ambu bag he had.
* Preoccupation with emails, texts and calls are an abandonment of a patient. Leaving the patient's side is even worse.
* Benzodiazepines are unpredictable. Giving MJ those powerful sedatives in an unmonitored setting was criminally negligent.
* Murrray Failed to document ... not a single vital sign was recorded, not a single dose written down. Murray was all too happy to record MJ's voice, but didn't bother taking any notes. Murray chose not to have any medical records because he didn't want his bizarre treatment to be documented.
* He deceived doctors at UCLA Medical Center, an extreme deviation of standard of care.
* Expert now have to speculate what happened to MJ... all because Murray didn't take notes.
* Dr. Steven Shafer said the most likely scenario is that Murray gave Jackson a drip. It's based on the evidence... a cut saline bag with Conrad Murray's finger prints on it found at the scene.
* The hanging tab on the Propofol bottle was unused and intact... suggesting the bottle was hanging in the saline bag.
* Murray admitted he did that every night, a 50 mg injection followed by a drip.
* MJ wasn't complaining he couldn't fall asleep .. he WAS asleep... because Conrad Murray put him on a drip.
* We'll never know what really happened. What we do know is that MJ died of Propofol intoxication as a direct result of Murray's actions.
* Murray's former patients say he was a good doctor ... but they were all treated in a hospital for things Murray was trained to do.
* The defense called Dr. Allan Metzger who told us there is no amount of money he would take to give Propofol in a bedroom.
* MJ was not reckless. He had a life ahead of him. He had 3 children he loved dearly. He had the means to get Propofol himself but he didn't do that. He wanted a doctor monitoring him at all time.
* Murray should have kept the drugs under lock and key.
* What defense expert Dr. Paul White presented was junk science. It was disappointing. It was sad for science and for truth seeking.
* Walgren suggested perhaps Dr. White needed the money since he's retired.
* We know Propofol has no effect when digested.
* He never studied anything. He had defense attorney Michael Flanagan call a researcher in Indiana to conduct a study for him.
* We also know from White that he would never have given a Propofol in a bedroom. He would also call 911 sooner. He admitted a pulse oximeter without an alarm is useless if a doctor is not in the room.
* White testified he would never walk out of a room knowing the patient liked to inject his own Propofol.
* White said he had "a conversation" with the researcher who conducted his study when they met once.
* White said the reas
* MJ trusted Conrad Murray. He trusted him with his life. He paid with his life. Conrad Murray lied, deceived, obscured. More importantly he acted with negligence, he looked out for himself. That's not what a doctor does. Conrad Murray's action caused MJ's death. But the people do not need to prove that. Even if you accept the defense's fact he is still responsible because it was entirely foreseeable.
I will ask you to find him guilty of manslaughter because Conrad Murray abandoned his patient. Justice demands a guilty verdict.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

03.11.2011 um 20:56
Na bei Joe gehn schon die Daumen hoch :D
So dann macht es mal gut ,:sleepy: schön


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

03.11.2011 um 20:58

mach es besser :sleepy: GN8


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

03.11.2011 um 21:07

Hab da wie ne blöde MJ gesucht^^ GS .......... wo isser denn nun :D ..... ick denke er kommt wieder .........oder erst Morgen ?? :D :D

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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

03.11.2011 um 21:10
Wird Dr. Murray den Court als freier Mann verlassen? (Umfrage)
Upssss ich hoffe jawohl nicht das das eintrifft

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