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23.746 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Mord, Michael Jackson, Verurteilung ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

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31.10.2011 um 23:57
abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Dr. White: It'd be hard to hide IV bag. You'd have liquid all over pocket #conradmurraytrial
vor 1 Minute


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01.11.2011 um 00:03
eine kurze Besprechung ... :D wird bestimmt gleich enden ... :D


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

01.11.2011 um 00:06
Murray packt schon mal sein Täschchen ... :D :D

Zse7Qy murray case 31.10.2011A4

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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

01.11.2011 um 00:07
abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Here's video of Dr. White's statement today that led Judge Pastor to fine him $!,000 for contempt of court - VIDEO (Archiv-Version vom 04.11.2011)
vor 2 Minuten


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01.11.2011 um 00:08
morgen geht es um 9:30 AM/PT weiter ... Verhandlung ist beendet ..
abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Court adjourns for evening recess. Trial will resume tomorrow at 9:30 am PT #conradmurraytrial
vor 1 Minute


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01.11.2011 um 00:15
Zitat von FaIrIeFlOwErFaIrIeFlOwEr schrieb:Murray packt schon mal sein Täschchen ... :D
Ja, da ist dann sein Abendgebet drin. :D

Puh, endlich Schluss...

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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

01.11.2011 um 00:20
People vs. Dr. Conrad Murray
Propofol Expert:
Michael Jackson Killed Himself

Propofol Expert -- Dr. Paul White Testifies

Updated 10/31/11 at 8:45 AM


Anesthesiologist and Propofol expert Dr. Paul White -- the defense team's final witness -- told the jury today, he believes Michael Jackson killed himself by self-injecting Propofol.

The prosecution has argued ... Murray had MJ on a Propofol IV drip the day he died, resulting in an accidental overdose that killed the singer.

But Dr. White testified, there was no evidence -- either on the scene or in Murray's police interview -- that Murray hooked MJ up to a Propofol IV drip the day he died.

It's worth noting -- Murray admitted during his police interview that he had previously administered Propofol to Michael using an IV drip in the weeks before the singer's death.

According to White, the evidence on scene suggests Murray was only responsible for a small, non-fatal Propofol injection -- and he believes MJ was the one who injected the final and fatal dose.

Other highlights:
* Yesterday, defense attorney J. Michael Flanagan addressed what he called the "elephant in room," asking Dr. White whether he could justify administering Propofol, and then leaving the patient. White answered, "Absolutely not."
* White said he wouldn't expect Jackson to have died from the amount of Propofol Murray claims he gave the singer.
* White told jurors the amount of Propofol that Murray said he gave MJ the day he died was barely enough to reduce anxiety and cause a bit of sleepiness.
* White challenged Dr. Shafer's conclusion that Murray gave Jackson at least nine 4 mg injections of Lorazepam throughout the morning of June 25 ... saying those amounts are "enormous" and would have put anyone to sleep ... or even killed them.
* White said a more reasonable scenario would be: MJ took 8 pills of Lorazepam -- two or three at a time -- throughout the night.
* He explained the reason there were only traces of Lorazepam found in MJ's stomach, is because it's absorbed quickly by the digestive system. Had the Lorazepam been given IV -- as Shafer argued -- NO Lorazepam would have been found in MJ stomach.


* Not to be upstaged by the prosecution ... White did his own Propofol demonstration, showing it was not only easy but "perfectly safe" to administer Propofol via injection.
* White said if Murray had used an IV bag to administer Propofol, there would have been traces of the drug in the bags recovered at the scene ... and there weren't any.
* White said he believed Jackson gave himself a dose of Propofol around 11:30 am -- and that, combined with the Lorazepam and the 25 mg Murray gave him earlier, is what killed him.
* During an aggressive cross examination, prosecutor David Walgren got Dr. White to acknowledge that Murray deviated from the standard of care when he gave MJ Propofol.
* White told prosecutors he's never heard of anyone administering Propofol at a home setting.
* White said it's "desirable" to keep medical records but did not think Murray's failure to keep records was an "extreme" deviation from the standard of care.
* White told Walgren he's been paid $11,000 for his testimony so far. He said his usual fee is $3,500 a day.
* White said he had no problem leaving a patient's bedside 15-30 minutes after giving them a small dose of Propofol.
* White agreed he would not leave the room if he were treating a patient who had indicated he liked to inject himself with Propofol.
* White said he would have called 911 sooner but he didn't it would have made any difference in this case.
* During a particularly contentious moment, Walgren asked White whether Murray had an obligation to report all the drugs he administered to MJ. White said sometimes, in cases of emergency, details are "overlooked." Walgren then asked whether Propofol was "a detail that was overlooked?" White answered, "Obviously it was overlooked"... Walgren shot back, "Not obviously... It could also be a lie." White acknowledged that yes, It's was possible.

VIDEO im Bericht

* White testified he now rejects his initial theory that MJ may have died from drinking Propofol.
* White said he wrote that opinion in a preliminary report which he wrote in 2 days. Walgren asked him to find the word "preliminary" in the report. White was unable to find it.
* Walgren asked White whether he had come up with any theories that did not place the blame squarely on MJ. White said he did not.
* White acknowledged he would have never agreed to administer Propofol as a sleeping aid ... saying, "no amount of money" could persuade him to do it.
* Judge Michael Pastor warned White to refrain from bringing up details from personal conversations with Murray ... which could allow the defense to introduce statements by Murray without putting him on the stand. White hinted that Murray told him MJ had his own supply of Propofol.
* White said it was possible MJ climbed out of bed, found a syringe containing Propofol that Murray left in the bedroom and injected himself with the fatal dose.
* White told the jury, ER docs would not have been able to save MJ ... regardless of what Murray did or did not tell them.
* White said David Walgren contacted him early on to see if he could testify on the prosecution's behalf ... but White had already committed to testifying for the defense.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

01.11.2011 um 00:25
Zitat von CosmicQueenCosmicQueen schrieb:Puh, endlich Schluss...
ja, ist auch gut so ... Flanagan war heute sehr anstrengend ...

aber morgen geht es weiter ... bin ja gespannt, wie lange beide Parteien dann noch mit Dr. White "rumkaspern" ... hoffentlich hat der "Guste" morgen kein Fieber ... :)

ja, und dann noch die beiden Schlußplädoyers und dann geht der Fall an die Jury ... :D :D


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

01.11.2011 um 00:31
Ja, es wird sich noch ein wenig ziehen, hoffentlich nicht wie ein Kaugummi :D

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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

01.11.2011 um 00:33
LaToya zur Lunch Time ... das hat sie bei Twitter eingestellt ...

On our lunch break with my father & @Kathyhilton

u5Ydhx latoya jj4hq


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

01.11.2011 um 00:35
Zitat von CosmicQueenCosmicQueen schrieb:Ja, es wird sich noch ein wenig ziehen, hoffentlich nicht wie ein Kaugummi :D
na, morgen fangen sie ja etwas später an, da wird ihnen Richter Michael Pastor schon ein paar Worte mit auf den Weg geben ... sonst sitzen die noch nächste Woche da ... hahaha


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

01.11.2011 um 00:44
Murray 'deviated' from norms in medical care of Jackson

31 October 2011 Last updated at 23:08 GMT

Dr Conrad Murray deviated from accepted medical standards in his care for Michael Jackson, a medical expert said.

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Dr Paul White appeared as defence witness

Dr Paul White, witness for the defence, was forced to concede during cross-examination that he had never heard of propofol being used in a bedroom.

The expert, who began his testimony last week, had speculated that Jackson took an extra, lethal dose of the sedative without Dr Murray's knowledge.

Dr Murray denies charges of involuntary manslaughter.

If convicted, he could face up to four years in jail and lose his licence to practice medicine.

Dr Murray has said he administered propofol to Jackson, a powerful anaesthetic normally used in surgery, to help him sleep.

After lengthy cross-examination, Dr White, who has been called the "father of propofol", said that the drug was not usually used to treat insomnia, describing it as "complete off-label use of the drug".

But he said Dr Murray could have loaded a syringe with propofol and left it in a place where Jackson could access it.

Jackson could have woken up from sedation and injected additional propofol into his intravenous (IV) tube, Dr White speculated.

During his cross-examination Dr White conceded that Dr Murray may have lied to emergency room doctors when he did not tell them he had given propofol to Jackson in the hours before his death.

"I think it was something that he overlooked," Dr White said initially, before admitting lying was an "option".

The anaesthesiologist added that Dr Murray should have called 911 earlier.

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Dr Murray gave Jackson cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) before a bodyguard called 911

Pushing propofol'

The prosecution also asked Dr White if he thought Dr Murray had violated the doctor's oath to "do no harm" to his patient.

"I think he was providing a service to Mr Jackson that he had requested and in fact insisted on," Dr White replied.

But he told the court the would not have accepted such a job.

"It's something no amount of money could convince me to take on," Dr White testified.

The witness also said when a patient was being given a "relatively small dose" of 25ml it may be acceptable for the doctor to leave his patient's bedside after 15 to 30 minutes.

After further questioning, when the prosecution referred to a statement made by Dr Murray that Jackson used to "push the propofol" into himself, the witness said under those circumstances he would not have left the room.

It is alleged that Dr Murray left Jackson alone on a propofol drip for two minutes to use the bathroom. When he returned, the singer was unresponsive.

After Dr White delivers his testimony, the prosecution and defence are expected to deliver their closing arguments.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

01.11.2011 um 00:45
Wie viel Uhr morgen, unserer Zeit?

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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

01.11.2011 um 00:49
Defence expert admits Jackson doctor made mistakes

Updated November 01, 2011 10:22:19

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Photo: Jackson's last show rehearsal in Los Angeles on June 23, 2009. (Kevin Mazur/AEG: Getty Images)

Prosecutors have forced an expert defence witness to admit that Michael Jackson's doctor made significant errors when he gave the singer the potent anesthetic propofol for sleep.

Under aggressive cross-examination, Dr Paul White also acknowledged that he had never heard of propofol being administered in a bedroom - as happened in Jackson's case.

White is expected to be the last defence witness in the involuntary manslaughter trial of Dr Conrad Murray. The propofol expert theorised last week that the 50-year-old singer likely injected himself with a fatal dose of the drug without Murray's knowledge, causing his own death on June 25, 2009.

Propofol, normally used to sedate patients for surgery, was ruled to be the chief cause of Jackson's death.

Murray told police that he gave 25 milligrams of the drug to Jackson at the singer's Los Angeles mansion.

"Have you ever administered propofol in someone's bedroom?" prosecutor David Walgren asked White.

"No I have not," White said.

"Have you ever heard of someone doing this prior to this case?" Walgren asked.

"No," White said.

White also admitted that Murray deviated from commonly accepted medical standards on the day Jackson died and over the roughly two months earlier, when Murray was giving the singer daily doses of propofol for sleep.

For instance, White said that when he administers propofol he has a heart monitor and a blood pressure cuff at the patient's bedside.

Prior testimony has indicated that Murray did not use those pieces of equipment on the day Jackson died.

Walgren asked White if Murray had violated the physicians' oath to "do no harm" in giving Jackson propofol.

"I think he was providing a service to Mr Jackson that he had requested and in fact insisted on," White said.

Murray told police that he monitored Jackson for an unspecified amount of time after giving the singer propofol, which can stop a person from breathing.

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Photo: Dr Conrad Murray was Michael Jackson's in-house doctor. (Reuters: Mario Anzuoni)

'Relatively small dose'

White said that after administering a relatively small dose of 25 milligrams of propofol, it would be acceptable for a physician to leave a patient's bedside after 15 to 30 minutes.

But when Walgren cited Murray's statement to police that Jackson liked to "push the propofol" into himself, White said that in those circumstances he would not leave the room.

Murray told police he left Jackson alone for two minutes to use the bathroom. But phone records also reveal that he was using his cell phone for over 45 minutes after the time he says he gave Jackson propofol.

White has been paid over $11,000 by Murray's defence team. In contrast, the prosecution's propofol expert, Dr Steven Shafer, told jurors earlier this month that he took no payment for his testimony.

In an unusual development, Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Michael Pastor at one point excused the jury to angrily admonish White, after the propofol expert repeatedly made passing references to two conversations he had with Murray, details of which were not entered as evidence in the trial.

Murray, who has pleaded not guilty to involuntary manslaughter, or gross negligence, faces a maximum sentence of four years in prison if convicted.



MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

01.11.2011 um 00:50
Zitat von CosmicQueenCosmicQueen schrieb:Wie viel Uhr morgen, unserer Zeit?
also um 9:30 AM/PT, das ist dann hier 17:30 h ... :D


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

01.11.2011 um 00:57
Conrad Murray trial: Expert admits Murray deviated from standard of care

Monday, October 31, 2011
Melissa MacBride

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VIDEO im Bericht

LOS ANGELES (KABC) -- Under aggressive cross examination, Dr. Paul White admitted on Monday that Conrad Murray, at the very least, deviated from the standard of care by providing Michael Jackson with propofol in a home setting, saying it could be dangerous and even deadly.

Deputy District Attorney David Walgren grilled the defense's propofol expert during day 21 of the involuntary manslaughter trial.

White testified that he has been paid $11,000, so far, by the defense for his work on the case.

There were several tense exchanges between Walgren and White when .

"Be clear, you think it was just a detail that was overlooked when Conrad Murray failed to advise paramedics he had been administering propofol, is that your testimony?" Walgren asked White.

"I don't think I used those words," White testified. "A small dose of propofol could not be reversed."

"Did you understand my question to ask you if propofol could be reversed, is that how you construed by question?" Walgren asked. "OK, then please listen to the question, and please try to answer my question."

Not long after that exchange, Superior Court Judge Michael Pastor dismissed jurors to meet with attorneys and White to ask that they minimize those types of exchanges.

Last Friday, White testified that he does not believe Murray was responsible for Jackson's death and refuted reports created by the prosecution's propofol expert, Dr. Steven Shafer.

Investigators say Jackson died from acute propofol intoxication, and that sedatives were a factor.

Prosecutors accused Murray of recklessly giving the singer the anesthetic, which caused his death, but the defense alleges the singer gave himself a fast dose into the IV port inserted in his leg, which stopped his breathing and his heart.

"So you think it was the self injection of propofol ... between 11:30 and 12 that did it?" defense attorney Michael Flanagan asked.

"In my opinion, yes," White testified.

Murray is on trial for involuntary manslaughter for Jackson's sudden death on June 25, 2009, at the age of 50. Prosecutors allege Murray tried to hide the fact that he had been giving propofol to Jackson.

Murray, 58, has pleaded not guilty and has denied any wrongdoing. If convicted, he could face up to four years in prison and lose his medical license.

Copyright ©2011 KABC-TV/DT (Archiv-Version vom 01.11.2011)


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01.11.2011 um 01:02
Conrad Murray's Star Witness Held in Contempt of Court

By Howard Breuer
Monday October 31, 2011 06:00 PM EDT

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Dr. Conrad Murray's defense endured a difficult stretch Monday as his most important expert witness in the Michael Jackson manslaughter case was held in contempt of court and fined $1,000.

Dr. Paul White, an expert in propofol – the powerful anesthesia blamed for the pop star's death – was found to have repeatedly violated the court's orders to refrain from testifying about private conversations with Murray.

"Quite frankly, this constitutes direct contempt of court," Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Michael E. Pastor told White, the defense's final witness.

White has told the jury he believes that Jackson took extra doses of two drugs while Murray's back was turned. White suggested on Monday that it wasn't a suicide attempt and that, "I don't think [Jackson] realized the potential danger."

Monday marked the second time Pastor held White in contempt – the first time was Oct. 21, after White was overheard calling a member of the prosecution team a profanity, which White denies. Pastor ordered White back Nov. 16 for a hearing.

The sanction was ordered after an intense interchange between White and lead prosecutor David Walgren in which White conceded that Murray's treatment of Michael Jackson deviated from standards of care, many of which are delineated in articles and books by White.

White conceded that it was unheard of for Murray to administer propofol in a home setting, that Murray lacked sufficient monitoring equipment for administering an anesthetic, that Murray failed to write notes about his treatment of Jackson, and that Murray should have called 911 sooner.

But White repeatedly refused to concede that these were "egregious" violations.

When Walgren asked if it was true that Murray supplied propofol, White countered that he understood that Jackson procured his own propofol stash as well, and that he believed Jackson could have injected propofol from a partially-filled syringe that Murray may have left in Jackson's bedroom.

Pastor then sent the jury outside and complained that White was supposed to base such responses on Murray's statements to detectives and not any private conversations between White and Murray.

Later in the morning, White testified that he had additional information to share with the jury but the judge told him he couldn't, which Pastor interpreted as a further violation.,,20541505,00.html (Archiv-Version vom 02.11.2011)


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01.11.2011 um 01:08
October 31, 2011

Did MJ have private supply of propofol?

Hatte MJ privaten Vorrat von Propofol gehabt?

Posted: 06:16 PM ET

EKbXUL blog-white-walgren

Defense expert Dr. Paul White testified that Jackson may have had his own stash of propofol. Dr. White also said the fatal dose of anesthetic may have come from a prepared syringe that was sitting near Jackson's bedside.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

01.11.2011 um 01:16
ja, Dr. White erwartet schon ein "Sondertermin" wegen seiner Äußerung "Dreckskerl" ... :D :D :D

October 31, 2011

Defense expert in trouble with the judge... again

Experte der Verteidigung Ärger mit dem Richter ... erneut

Posted: 06:00 PM ET

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Looks like defense expert Dr. Paul White is back in trouble with the judge. This isn't the first time, either. He's already facing a contempt hearing in November for comments he made after his friend testified for the prosecution. Check out for more on why the judge is now threatening him with a $1,000 fine.

Complete courtroom coverage of the Conrad Murray trial airs live on HLN from gavel to gavel. It’s also on In Session on truTV from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. ET every weekday. (Archiv-Version vom 02.11.2011)


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01.11.2011 um 01:26
October 31, 2011

Defense expert: What is 'standard of care?'

Experte der Verteidigung: Was ist "Standard of Care?"

Posted: 02:58 PM ET

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Defense expert Dr. Paul White seemed confused on the stand Monday about what precisely 'standard of care' means. However, he did admit he thinks Dr. Conrad Murray did deviate from the standard of care while treating Michael Jackson. ** Click here to read about prosecutor David Walgren's intense cross examination of Dr. White. (Archiv-Version vom 02.11.2011)

** Click here (Archiv-Version vom 01.11.2011)

Murray defense expert: What is 'standard of care?'

By Graham Winch, October 31, 2011

* Propofol expert is 'unsure' of what legal standard means
* Dr. White says if he had a patient in trouble, he'd call 911
* Agrees Murray deviated from standard the day Jackson died

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Monday in court, defense witness Dr. Paul White testified multiple times he was unsure exactly what the term "standard of care" means.

However, he did say he would have done things differently if he had treated Michael Jackson, and he did believe Dr. Conrad Murray deviated from the standard of care the day Michael Jackson died.

Prosecutor David Walgren asked Dr. White if he agreed with the ways that state's witness, Dr. Steven Shafer, said Dr. Murray deviated from the standard of care. On several occasions Dr. White disagreed with Dr. Shafer’s assessments saying less precautions are needed.

Dr. White testified that all the airway and suction equipment Dr. Shafer requires to administer the anesthetic propofol is not necessary for safe administration.

Walgren asked Dr. White if he has ever given a patient propofol in a bedroom. Dr. White replied that he has never administered the anesthetic in a home setting and has never heard of it happening before Michael Jackson’s death.

Dr. Murray told detectives that he left Michael Jackson alone the day he died for two minutes to use the restroom, and when he came back, Jackson was in cardiac arrest. Dr. Shafer testified that if he gave a patient a 25mg dose of propofol that it would be appropriate to leave the patients bedside if they were no signs of trouble after 15 to 30 minutes.

But Dr. White admitted that he wouldn’t leave the room if he thought the patient could give himself medication.

In a statement two days after Jackson's death, Dr. Murray told police instead of calling 911 when he noticed trouble, he called Jackson’s assistant. Dr. White testified that he would have called 911 right away in that situation.
