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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.746 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Mord, Michael Jackson, Verurteilung ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

05.09.2013 um 21:12
ebenfalls bei LSA "entdeckt" ... :D
A photo (posted by Alejandra on IG) from Jafaar's surprise birthday dinner (July 25th), Blanket and Prince with Remi were there, besides his siblings I also see TJ, Taj, the Sco triplett and Yashi if I'm not mistaken.
6818fbba163c11e3b45222000a1f97b0 7


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.09.2013 um 08:15
Zitat von FaIrIeFlOwErFaIrIeFlOwEr schrieb am 02.09.2013:Jermaine Jackson will not be at gala tonight as he was served a court injunction and cannot leave USA
es wurde darüber spekuliert, daß der Jermaine solange nicht die USA verlassen darf, bis er die Forderungen wegen des Kindergeldes erfüllt hat. Es gab wohl auch einen Gerichtsbeschluss, Termin zur Einlösung war Ende August und er hat nicht gezahlt. Hahaha. Vielleicht sitzt er jetzt fest, seine Halima twittert ja sonst immer von Veranstaltungen, das macht sie jetzt nicht.

Heute wird der Randy in der Brian-Oxman-Radio-Show erwartet, wußte gar nicht, daß der Oxman jetzt sich als Showmaster versucht.
Brian Oxman ‏@BrianOxmanRadio 6 Sep
We're excited & honored to have @randyjackson8, brother of Michael Jackson, join us in studio this Sunday
Na wie passt denn das zusammen? Der Randy geht in den Oxman seine Show, obwohl der doch offensichtlich, für uns alle sich- und hörbar immer über Michael alles ausgeplaudert hat, was wahrscheinlich niemand wissen sollte.
randyjackson8 I instructed Oxman not to make media appearances & discuss my brother or my family.

Vielleicht will sich der Randy jetzt verteidigen für seine Aussage vor Gericht, die war bestimmt gefaket und so hat er das niemals gesagt, genau, das glaube ich. Oder er zieht über die Nachlassverwalter her, kann ja nur so sein, er leidet ja schon an Wahnvorstellungen. Aber wir werden sehen.
Hier noch ein Kommentar von LSA:


Help us all!! Two idiots on a radio show.... (hahahahaha)

Lord have mercy.

1x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.09.2013 um 08:26
huch, habe gerade entdeckt, daß Latunta auch schon bei Oxman war. Hat man gar nichts mitbekommen. Tja eine eingeschworene Sippe.

Und wieder eine Geistesgestörte:

Neue Klage eingereicht, jetzt will wieder eine "Gestörte" die Mutter von Michaels Kindern sein und verlangt das Sorgerecht.
Jaja kam schon öfter vor, aber das ist wieder neu:


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.09.2013 um 08:29
Habe den Link von Brian Oxman vergessen: (Archiv-Version vom 13.12.2013)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

08.09.2013 um 11:11
"neuer" Song von Michael, gute Qualität


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

09.09.2013 um 08:06
Michael Jackson's pain was real, doctor testifies

By Alan Duke, CNN
September 8, 2013 -- Updated 1921 GMT (0321 HKT)


*Jackson had a stash of propofol in his Neverland bedroom, doctor testifies
* Bedtime stories, Xanax couldn't put Michael to sleep, he says
* Doctor saw no signs Jackson was addicted to painkillers in 2002
* Wrongful death trial nears an end after more than four months of testimony

Los Angeles (CNN) -- Before Michael Jackson asked a doctor to treat his insomnia with propofol, he tried falling asleep to the physician reading him bedtime stories.

The pop star's desperate decades-long search for sleep ultimately led to his death when he overdosed on the surgical anesthetic on June 25, 2009.

The trial to decide if Jackson's last concert promoter is liable for his death is nearing an end after more than four months of testimony.

AEG Live's lawyers plan to rest their defense case this week, with Jackson lawyers presenting several rebuttal witnesses. Closing arguments are likely the last week of September.

Dr. Barney Van Valin, whose video testimony was shown to jurors Friday, refused Jackson's request for propofol infusions in 2003, but six years later -- in Dr. Van Valin's words -- another physician "put him to sleep like a dog."

Jackson's mother and three children contend AEG Live is liable for his death because the company hired, retained or supervised Dr. Conrad Murray, who was convicted of involuntary manslaughter for Jackson's propofol overdose. Murray told investigators he gave Jackson nightly infusions of the drug to treat his insomnia the last two months of his life.

AEG Live lawyers argue Jackson, not their executives, chose and controlled Murray and that the company had no way of knowing about the dangerous treatments in the privacy of the singer's bedroom.

The producers ignored warning signs that Jackson's health was deteriorating, and instead of finding another doctor to intervene, they kept Murray and made him responsible for getting Jackson to rehearsals for his comeback concerts, the Jacksons contend.

MJ and doctor were "best friends"

Dr. Van Valin's practice is near the Neverland Ranch in Santa Barbara County, California, where Jackson lived until his acquittal in a child molestation trial in 2005.

"We were best friends, you know," Dr. Van Valin testified. "I didn't have a better friend and I don't think he did."

Jackson "would just show up" at Van Valin's home every week or so without warning, he said. The doctor would open his door to leave for work in the morning "and he would just be standing there."

His driver told him once that Jackson had been waiting at his door for 35 minutes, not wanting to knock because he thought that was impolite.

Van Valin's children would stay home from school some days Jackson visited.

"I'd come home from work and there's Michael there at the house and they're watching cartoons or, you know, eating pizza," Van Valin said. At first it was a novelty, but after several years it was routine, he said.

The doctor was asked under cross examination if Michael Jackson a good father.

"No, he is an amazing father," he answered. "Because I'm a good father and he was better than me. He respected them and as they respected him and he would correct them gently."

Doctor: Jackson didn't fake pain to get drugs

AEG Live's defense includes the contention that Jackson cultivated friendships with doctors to gain access to drugs to feed a secretive addiction. But Van Valin denied Jackson ever used their friendship to get prescriptions to medication that were not clinically indicated.

Although he was compelled to testify as a witness for AEG Live, Van Valin's testimony boosted the Jackson case by showing that Jackson's use of painkillers was medically justified by chronic pain suffered in a 1997 stage accident, Jackson lawyers said.

The doctor said Jackson showed the "classic symptoms of lower back pain" and an MRI study confirmed a bulge in a disc in his lower spine consistent with where his pain was.

Dr. Van Valin said he never suspected Jackson was faking his pain to get painkiller shots.

"I looked for that because there are plenty of people that come in and try to scam me, so I'm always looking for that," he testified.

While the doctor said "nothing implied" that Jackson was abusing painkillers, there was one incident during house call in 2002 that caused him to suspect Jackson might be getting additional shots of the powerful opioid Demerol from another doctor. He noticed "a little blood spot" on Jackson's T-shirt after he gave him a shot, he said.

"I lifted it up and there's a little Band-Aid over it and I said, 'Michael,' I said, 'you have another doctor that gave you a shot.' I said, 'You realize what risk you put yourself and me at by doing that? Who came and gave you a shot?' 'Oh, no, I didn't -- it was not a shot.'" Van Valin said. "But it was. He was lying."

AEG Live contends Jackson kept doctors in the dark about other doctors' treatments. The argument is important to their contention that his dangerous drug use would have shortened his life even if he had not died in 2009. The shorter his life expectancy, the less money they might be ordered to pay in damages if found liable in his death.

"I told him, I said, 'You know what, I can't do this, okay, 'cause if you're doubling up, you know, I give you a shot and then you've already had one,' I said, 'I could kill you,'" Van Valin testified.

Van Valin remained close friends with Jackson even though he stopped treating him soon after that incident, he said.

Bedtime stories versus Diprivan

The doctor's testimony revealed more about Jackson's relationship with the drug that killed him -- the surgical anesthetic propofol, also known as Diprivan. AEG Live lawyers contend it was a drug Jackson knew a lot about, but that their executives had no knowledge of.

Debbie Rowe, Jackson's former wife, testified earlier that German doctors infused the singer with it in a Munich hotel on two nights to help him sleep between "HIStory" tour shows in 1997. Jackson lawyers pointed out that Paul Gongaware, who is now the AEG Live co-CEO, was Jackson's tour manager then.
Five years later, Jackson asked Van Valin to help him go to sleep.

"Sometimes, he'd say, 'Barney, do me a favor, see if I can sleep, I'm going to get under the covers on that rollout couch,' and he said, 'Just read me out of a book,'" Van Valin testified. "I'd find a book that looked interesting and I'd just start reading or I'd tell him stories. That didn't work because often times he got excited about the story and say, 'That really happened?' or something. Anyway, I'd read to him -- and when it seemed like he was asleep I'd slip out, you know, kind of hard because the door made a little noise. If I thought he was asleep I'd leave, and once in awhile he'd say, 'Good night, Barney,' and when I got to the door, he wasn't asleep at all."

Dr. Van Valin also tried to help Jackson sleep with sedatives, including Xanax, without success, he said.

Jackson, however, revealed to him in 2003 that he had a stash of propofol in a closet of his Neverland Ranch bedroom, Van Valin said.

"He said, 'Would you put me to sleep, I haven't been able to sleep for four days,' and I said, 'With what?' And he goes, 'Well, I have this stuff,' and I said, 'Mike, I don't do I.V. sedation. You need an anesthesiologist to do that.' And he said, 'Oh, it's safe, man, I used it for all those years between shows and I got put to sleep.' I said, 'I can't imagine that was good sleep." You know, he said, "No, it works really well."

He said Jackson told him that during his world tours him a doctor "would put in the I.V. and put me to sleep, and he'd stay there for eight hours and wake me up 'cause I would go -- if I had three days between shows, I would have three days I didn't sleep and, you know, that I couldn't put on the show I wanted to have, you know, I mean, I want my shows to be, you know, as high end as possible."

"Sounds like a doctor who did his job, not like this other guy, who just started the drip and left the room and basically put him to sleep like a dog," Van Valin said.

Jackson was "pretty complacent" when he rejected his request for help with propofol and he never asked for it again, Van Valin said.

Dr. Conrad Murray told CNN's Anderson Cooper in April that Jackson had "his own stash" of propofol in his home before he began treating him with it in 2009.

"I did not agree with Michael, but Michael felt that it was not an issue because he had been exposed to it for years and he knew exactly how things worked," Murray said. "And given the situation at the time, it was my approach to try to get him off of it, but Michael Jackson was not the kind of person you can just say 'Put it down' and he's going to do that."

Jackson lawyers argue that AEG Live was negligent for not checking out Murray's distressed financial situation before agreeing to pay him $150,000 a month. It created a conflict of interest that led Murray to ignore safe practices and his responsibility to Jackson's health, they contend.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

10.09.2013 um 07:40
Hier ist noch ein Artikel über die neue Klageeinreichung einer "Verwirrten", die die Mutter der MJ3 sein will. OMG, es gibt so viele Verrückte in der Welt. Mit so was mußte sich Michael auch sein ganzes Leben lang rumplagen.

Woman Makes Outrageous Court Claim — I’m Michael Jackson Children’s REAL Mom

2x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

10.09.2013 um 08:41
zu vorherigem Artikel über M3 "richtigen Mama wollte ich noch sagen:
Ich habe mich darüber sehr amüsiert, auch wenn es traurig ist!!!

zur Abwechslung, da der Prozess langsam ermündend ist!

Halbfinale des America's Got Talent am 4.September:


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

11.09.2013 um 01:04
Michael Jackson wrongful death suit will go to jury, judge rules

By Alan Duke, CNN
updated 7:11 AM EDT, Tue September 10, 2013


* AEG Live lawyers say they may call Michael Jackson's mother back to the witness stand
* Judge: Enough evidence to "reasonably infer" AEG should have known Murray was a risk
* AEG Live execs Randy Phillips and Paul Gongaware dismissed as individual defendants
* Testimony resumes September 16 with closing arguments soon after

Los Angeles (CNN) -- A judge rejected AEG Live's request that she dismiss the Michael Jackson wrongful death lawsuit, but two executives were dropped as individual defendants on Monday, a ruling that had each side claiming a measure of victory.

The trial, which is in its fifth month in a Los Angeles courtroom, is expected to conclude with closing arguments as soon as next week.

But before AEG Live lawyers rest their defense case on September 16, they may call Michael Jackson's mother back to the witness stand, attorney Marvin Putnam said.

A decision will be made on the need for more testimony from Katherine Jackson after the judge rules on several issues regarding possible damages on Wednesday, Putnam said.

The Jackson family matriarch delivered two days of dramatic testimony in July, which included a heated cross examination by Putnam.

"She was trying to answer the questions the best she could," Jackson lawyer Brian Panish said after she left the stand. "I think maybe she lost her temper a little bit and she tried to restrain herself in a very Christian-like way."

Jackson's 83-year-old mother and three children accuse AEG Live of negligently hiring, retaining or supervising Dr. Conrad Murray, the physician convicted of involuntary manslaughter in the pop icon's death. The company's executives missed several warning signs that Jackson's health was deteriorating under Murray's care, they contend.

AEG Live argues that Jackson, not its executives, chose and controlled Murray.

Judge: Jurors will decide the case

Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge Yvette Palazuelos ruled on Monday that the case against AEG Live will be sent to the jury. The company had filed a "nonsuit motion" that argued the Jacksons failed to present enough evidence to warrant jury deliberations.

"Substantial evidence has been presented at trial from which a jury can reasonably infer that defendants (AEG Live) knew or should have known that Dr. Murray presented an undue risk of harm to decedent (Jackson)," she said in her ruling.

AEG Live lawyers contend that their executives had no way of knowing about the dangerous -- and ultimately fatal -- infusions of the surgical anesthetic propofol the doctor was using to treat the singer's insomnia. The coroner ruled Jackson died of a propofol overdose on June 25, 2009 -- just days away from the premiere of his "This It It" tour in London.

The judge also ruled that the Jacksons "presented substantial evidence" that AEG Live's "conduct was a substantial factor in causing" Jackson's death.

"A jury may logically infer from the evidence that (Jackson) died because Dr. Murray, who was adversely affected by a conflict of interest created by his contractual arrangement with AEG, treated a deteriorating insomniac who was not ready to perform, causing Dr. Murray to make bad medical decisions that caused (Jackson's) death," the judge wrote.

The Jackson case contends AEG Live created a medical conflict of interest by agreeing to pay the debt-ridden Murray $150,000 a month to serve as Jackson's personal physician. Murray's agreement said he could lose his job if the tour was postponed or canceled, leading him to make unsafe medical decisions, they argue.

Murray told investigators he treated Jackson with propofol most nights for the last two months of his life. The Jacksons contend the treatments began once AEG Live co-CEO Paul Gongaware agreed in a phone call to Murray's demands for $150,000 a month.

"The timing of when Dr. Murray ordered propofol is a matter of factual dispute (as to whether that means Dr. Murray used it prior to AEG's retention of him)," the judge wrote. "The court finds that plaintiffs presented sufficient evidence that Dr. Murray's treatment of decedent was connected to Murray's employment by AEG. Therefore defendants' motion for nonsuit is denied."

AEG Live execs dropped from suit

AEG Live CEO Randy Phillips and co-CEO Paul Gongaware were dismissed as individual defendants in the case. The two executives in charge of producing and promoting Jackson's comeback concerts "did not assume personal liability" when dealing with the hiring of Murray, Palazuelos wrote. "Rather, they acted solely as an agent of AEG Live."

A Jackson lawyer downplayed the significance of the dismissal of the two men as defendants, saying the plaintiffs previously offered to drop them from the case but AEG Live lawyers refused.

Closing arguments could come as soon as September 19, after Jackson lawyers offer several witnesses next week in rebuttal to the AEG Live defense.

Testimony was suspended for this week because a female juror traveled out of the state on an emergency trip to visit a seriously ill close relative, Palazuelos said Monday.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

11.09.2013 um 01:12
Legal Setback For Katherine Jackson In Michael Jackson Wrongful Death Lawsuit – AEG Executives Dismissed

Posted on Sep 9, 2013 @ 13:51PM | By Jen Heger

Katherine Jackson suffered a major legal setback in her son’s wrongful death lawsuit, after the judge dismissed two AEG executives as defendants, but allowed the case against the concert promoter to proceed.

Los Angeles Superior Court Yvette Palazuelos said lawyers for Michael Jackson‘s mother hadn’t shown enough evidence that Randy Phillips, former CEO of AEG Live, and promoter Paul Gongaware, were responsible for the death of the King of Pop, according to the Associated Press.

However, the jury will be allowed to determine if AEG Live hired Jackson’s physician, Conrad Murray, who was convicted in the involuntary manslaughter death of Jackson.

Recently, Katherine Jackson opened up for the first time about granddaughter, Paris’ recent suicide attempt.

She revealed that after Michael’s 2009 death, at the mortuary, Paris kissed her dad and told him, “I don’t want to live without you.”

And after moving in with her grandmother, Paris covered her room with memories of her dad.

“She had to have his pictures everywhere in her room,” Katherine said.

Testimony in the trial will resume next week, because a juror is taking care of a sick family member. Closing arguments are expected to begin in the next two weeks.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

11.09.2013 um 01:17

Michael-Jackson-Prozess: AEG-Live-CEOs freigesprochen

Der Prozess der Jacksons gegen AEG Live aufgrund vermeintlicher Mitschuld am Tod Michael Jacksons läuft seit fast fünf Monaten (Foto: Sony Music)

Los Angeles - Im Prozess der Jackson-Familie gegen AEG Live aufgrund vermeintlicher Mitschuld am Tod Michael Jacksons sollen die Co-CEOs von AEG Live, Randy Phillips und Paul Gongaware von den Anschuldigungen freisprochen werden.

Wie "Pollstar" berichtet, hat Richterin Yvette Palazuelos die zwei CEOs in einem vorläufigen Urteil als Angeklagte entlassen. Das Unternehmen AEG Live sei jedoch weiterhin angeklagt. Katherine Jackson, die Mutter des verstorbenen "King Of Pop", hat AEG Live beschuldigt, Michael Jacksons Leibarzt Conrad Murray fahrlässig angeheuert zu haben und damit Mitschuld am Tod von Michael Jackson zu tragen. Murray selbst wurde bereits wegen fahrlässiger Tötung verurteilt.

Randy Phillips und Paul Gongaware haben beide mehrere Tage vor dem Gericht aussagen müssen. Gegenstand der Verhöre waren u.a. E-Mails zwischen Phillips, Gongaware und dem Music Director Kenny Ortega. Der Prozess von Katherine Jackson und der drei Kinder Michael Jacksons gegen AEG Live läuft seit mittlerweile fast fünf Monaten. Im Rahmen des laufenden Prozeses wurden zudem Unterlagen vorgelegt, die eine Comeback-Welttournee mit 186 Terminen veranschlagen, die dem "King Of Pop" 312 Millionen US-Dollar hätten einbringen sollen.

Während die Jackson-Familie von der Schuld AEG Lives überzeugt ist, argumentiert der Konzern, dass Jackson den Leibarzt selbst eingestellt habe. "Dies ist ein großer Erfolg für Phillips und Gongaware, die seit über vier Monaten einen Prozess erdulden müssen, an dem sie niemals hätten teilhaben sollen", so Marvin Putnam der Kanzlei O'Melveny & Myers LLP laut "Pollstar". "Die Jacksons haben deren guten Ruf ohne jegliche Basis durch den Dreck gezogen. Phillips und Gongaware hätten niemals angeklagt werden sollen."


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

11.09.2013 um 01:23
Quelle: MJJC ~ Eintrag #81 ~ User: Ivy

Jacksons vs AEG - Day 78 – September 3 2013 – Summary

No Jackson family members are in court today.

Dr. Paul Earley Testimony

AEG direct

In the opening minutes – he talked about scant info on propofol and propofol abuse. In the summer of 2012 he told AEG he would like to do a study. By October he had a budget of $53,000 that AEG funded. CORRECTION – The budget was presented in the summer of 2012 for 6 months work. AEG Funded the project.The final draft was ready to be published in January 2013. Dr. Early testified that AEG had no information of study conclusions. Also in January 2013 Dr. Earley’s status changed from consultant to AEG to an expert witness. Now he could review MJ’s and court records. (ABC7) One of the issues the lawyers argued about this morning was related to Dr. Earley’s testimony about a study he published on propofol. Earley published a study based on more than 20 case studies of people addicted to propofol (they were all medical professionals.) AEG Live paid to have the study completed. Earley said he compiled some of the materials before his involvement in the case. After he began testifying, AEG Live defense attorney Kathryn Cahan asked about the study and how much AEG Live paid for its completion. Earley said in all, AEG paid about $53k for the study to get completed, including money to pay for a writer, statistician. AEG wasn’t shown an advance copy of the article, which was published in March 2013 in a medical journal, Earley said. Earley said he had treated about 25 cases of propofol addiction during his 30-year career _ all were medical professionals. Earley said AEG Live agreed to pay for the study because there wasn’t a lot of literature about propofol addiction. (AP)

Earley said despite AEG payments, he was giving an independent opinion. (AP)

Despite his 2009 blog titled "Michael Jackson: Addiction in the Privileged," Earley testified Tuesday that there "was insufficient evidence that he was addicted to propofol." "He was given propofol initially for appropriate medical procedures, but at some point he began seeking out physicians who would administer propofol to him," (CNN) Earley testified.Earley said he couldn’t offer an opinion on whether Jackson was addicted to propofol, but he saw signs of abuse of the anesthetic. (AP) Dr. said there was not enough evidence that MJ was addicted to propofol but he was seeking out doctors for the medication. And, the propofol was having negative effects on his life and on a medical scale of life expectancy he said MJ condition was grave. He used a slide in court to show the 4 reasons he felt MJ was grave. 1. inappropriate use of propofol. 2. Opioid Addiction 3. Drug synergy between the propofol and other drugs he used. 4. Obstacles for a successful recovery. (ABC7)

He also talked about Propofol used properly in a medical setting. Small changes in the dose can one can go from unconscious to death. That is why there must be a medical setting with and Anesthesiologist monitoring. If breathing stops adjust dose and no harm to patient. (ABC7)

Earley said he did believe that Michael Jackson’s life expectancy was reduced, but he couldn’t estimate by how much. He said Jackson’s prognosis for survival was grave due to his drug use, including propofol and use of opioids, other medications. The doctor said with propofol, small changes in the dose can make a big difference in the impact on the person, so caution was necessary. Earley was shown a slide contrasting how people receive propofol versus how they take an opioid medication. Propofol required 13 items for safe administration, versus a glass of water or a syringe for receiving opioid drugs. Earley reiterated that as long as the doctor knows what you’re taking and you’re monitored, receiving propofol is safe. (AP)

After Lunch, Direct Examination continues. Dr. Earley is asked about his work with propofol addiction with medical professionals. Even an Anesthesiologist can’t always control the dose themselves on themselves? True. They can be found blue on the floor. (ABC7)

After the lunch break, AEG Live defense attorney Kathryn Cahan asked Dr. Earley a few more questions about his AEG-funded study. Cahan asked Earley if he thought AEG funding his study was a conflict of interest. The doctor said no. (AP) The first version of his study was ready to submit the the medical journal in October 2012. The final version was 3 revisions later. The Journal Editors questioned Dr. Earley who AEG Live was after the submission. He responded an entertainment company he was doing work for. He testified no conflict of interest because he was doing research…on medical pros who were addicted to propofol, not MJ or his case. The research and the study were done by January 2013 when he was an AEG consultant. He became an expert witness in Feb 2013. That is when AEG sent Dr. Earley evidence to read in the Jackson case. (ABC7)

Throughout his testimony, Earley was shown a large timeline showing the various times MJ asked for or received propofol in non-med settings. One of the instances noted was the time Jackson received propofol in a German hotel room in 1997. Earley said one could argue that while that wasn’t an appropriate use of the medication, it was administered properly because of the supervision, equipment used. The chart also included four times Jackson sought out propofol for sleep: in 98/99 from Dr. Christine Quinn, in 2002 from Dr. Van Valin and two instances in 2009 from nurse practitioner Cherilyn Lee and Dr. Allan Metzger. Dr. Earley said Dr. William Van Valin II testified that in 2002, Jackson brought him a box of propofol and asked him to give it to him. Earley said this was evidence that Jackson had the drug. Van Valin refused, saying propofol was dangerous, according to the slides. (AP) The next exhibit showed a Propofol Timeline 1998 or 98 – Dr. Quinn asked and refused. Dr. Van Valin in 2002 or 2003 asked and refused. Finally, Nurse Cherylin Lee the morning of 4/10/2009 asked to find an anesthesiologist for MJ and she refused. Earley says he continued to seek. (ABC7)

Earley said there were several risks to Jackson receiving propofol in his home, including his risk to stop breathing due his large tongue. Jackson’s tongue could block his airway, as it did several times when Dr. David Adams gave Jackson propofol during dental procedures. Dr. Earley also said Jackson had a high risk for blood clots because, at least on the day he died, propofol was being given in a leg vein. The doctor said there’s a higher risk of clots or embolism anytime a leg vein is used to administer a drug such as propofol. (AP ) Earley said the size of MJ’s tongue also could play a role. He had a large tongue and with Propofol the tongue could cover wind pipe. Earley saw the autopsy report. There was no sign of a breathing tube on his body or at his house. He also talked about inexperienced administrator of the propofol with the IV in his leg that is greater risk for air bubbles to the lungs. (ABC7)

Dr. Earley likened Jackson receiving propofol in his home to playing “Russian Roulette” each time he did it. (AP) Michael Jackson's drug addiction gave him "a grave prognosis" for a long life, and each dose of an anesthetic his doctor gave him to help him sleep was like playing "Russian roulette," an addiction expert hired by AEG Live testified. (CNN)

Finally Dr. Earley talked about MJ addiction to opioids from 1993 until his death. He did go to rehab in 1993 but there was no real follow up. He spoke about his own battle with addiction 30 years ago and his medical license and the legal system became more important than drug. He outlined 7 factors obstacles MJ faced – duration of addiction – no evidence of him saying no to pain medication- failed attempts - secrecy – hard for celebrities to get into treatment and then have the support after rehab – continued pain and available prescriptions. Finally it was MJ’s access to drugs with his relationships with doctors and his continued medical problems…. (ABC7) Earley was asked about Jackson’s opioid use, and he said Jackson had legitimate pain issues and that had to be considered. However, Earley said he didn’t see evidence that Jackson had appropriate follow-up treatment for his addiction. “Unfortunately because of his pain related problems, he was re-exposed to the drugs over and over again,” Earley said. Earley told the jury he wasn’t “saying that it’s Mr. Jackson’s fault that he became addicted to drugs.” (AP)

The doctor said he is himself a recovering opioid addict, and that it was a challenge to keep the disease in check. For instance, Earley said when he had surgery, he had to explain to the doctor not to give him opioid medications. Giving opioids to an addict, Earley said, turns on a switch in their brains and makes it very difficult for them to refuse the drug.(AP)

Just after the afternoon break Dr. Earley said he is surprised when someone is addicted to both opioids and propofol. The propofol is not easy to get and not easily administered. He said although about 70% of addicts have insomnia propofol is not a cure. (ABC7)

Jackson cross

Cross examination begins. Jackson Attorney Kevin Boyle asks Dr. Early about a blog he wrote on his website several weeks after MJ died. Dr. Earley titles his blog MJ: Addiction in the Priviledged. Dr. Earley claims it was not written about MJ but used to open discussion. He also wrote that because MJ was taking propofol – he wrote that they were mainlining at the Jackson home. Bad connotations. Dr. Earley claimed there were many terms in the addiction field that had bad connotations when it came to drug use. (ABC7) Boyle’s questioning was quite spirited _ he pointedly questioned Earley on AEG funding the propofol study and his writings on Jackson. Earley wrote a blog post in 2009 titled, “Michael Jackson: Addiction in the Privileged.” Boyle showed the post to the jury. Boyle questioned if Earley had already made up his mind about Jackson before AEG called him to be an expert in the case. The doctor said no . Earley said he wrote his blog in the hopes that the Jackson family would see it and use it to underscore the dangers of addiction. (AP)

Boyle also used a modified timeline that AEG used during its examination, adding the date of May 6, 2009, when AEG exec Paul Gongaware wrote that Conrad Murray’s deal was “done at $150k a month.” That was a couple weeks after Jackson asked for propofol from Lee, Metzger. Boyle asked if there was any evidence MJ asked for propofol after May 6. “No evidence,” Earley said. “Sounds like he got it.” (AP)

Boyle then asked Earley to confirm that MJ found his propofol from “the doctor hired by AEG Live.” The question was immediately stricken. Several of Boyle’s questions and comments were stricken by the judge as argumentative throughout his 45-minutes of questioning. For instance, Boyle asked if Earley was glad Mrs. Jackson wasn’t in the audience today. The question was stricken. Earley said that his blog (still just a Google search away...) doesn’t imply that Jackson was an addict. Boyle was incredulous and asked Earley if he was really saying that with a straight face. That comment was stricken. (AP)

Dr. Earley was also questioned about the propofol study he conducted. He said he did not think it was a conflict of interest. Earley was contacted by Mr. Punam at O’Melveny and Meyers because they wanted more information about Propofol addiction. Dr. Earley told him there wasn’t much written about propofol. The law firms need for information and how own curiosity got him to do study. The Law Firm agreed to fund it. He said he did not see the conflict or a disclosure problem because the subjects were in healthcare. Dr. Earley continued to stress though under tough questioning that he was doing research for the law firm, not the MJ case. (ABC7) Boyle also showed the jury Earley’s article that was paid for using AEG Live’s support. The attorney asked several questions about it. He noted that the first page states the authors didn’t have a conflict of interest. Earley re-iterated he didn’t think one exists. Boyle questioned Earley on whether he told his research partner (another doctor) that he was being paid as an expert in a lawsuit. Earley said he told his research partner that he was doing research for AEG Live and may have mentioned it was a case. The doctor said his partner didn’t express any concern about Earley’s role in the case or AEG Live’s payments to get the article done. (It's important to note that Earley's discussion with his research partner would have come before AEG designated the doc as a trial witness.) AEG apparently didn't inform Earley he would be called to testify until March 2013. Article was accepted for publication 2 months before. Boyle asked Earley how many medical journal articles are funded by concert promoters. Earley said he wasn’t aware of any others. (AP) Earley insisted in his testimony that AEG Live's funding did not influence the conclusions of his study or his testimony in the trial. But the Jackson lawyer hammered the doctor about the lack of disclosure to the scientific journal and his collaborator that he was being paid to be an expert witness in the trial. He informed them that he was doing research for the company, but the trial aspect was "irrelevant," Earley said. "It's irrelevant to health care professionals," he said. "It wouldn't affect their understanding of the paper." (CNN)

Around this time, the court recessed for the day.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

11.09.2013 um 01:29
Quelle: MJJC ~ Eintrag #82 ~ User: Ivy

Jacksons vs AEG - Day 79 – September 4 2013 – Summary

No Jackson family members are in court today.

Dr. Paul Earley Testimony

Jackson cross

Boyle started out by asking Earley about his experience writing articles for medical publications and any conflicts of interest. Earley said he had written two or three peer-reviewed articles. He said some were published in European journals. Boyle then showed Earley the conflict of interest policy for the journal where the AEG-funded article ran. The policy states potential conflicts of interest should be disclosed on the cover sheet when the article is submitted. Earley said he did disclose that AEG Live paid for the research funding as spelled out in the policy. AEG’s payments were listed on the article’s seventh page. Earley said he had no control over where the disclosure was listed, that was the journal’s decision. (AP) Dr. Earley cross continued. The first item was the Propofol Study that he published at the beginning of 2013. Dr. Earley said the published report had a different format so it was not on the front page of the report. Under tough questioning, he insisted that he did not have a conflict of interest as an AEG consultant with having AEG pay for the study. He testified he was not trying to hide the AEG connection saying that was ridiculous. He was asked if the 22 medical pros in the propofol study funded by AEG are still alive? Dr. Earley did not know. Wasn’t part of study (ABC7) The journal article focused on case studies of 22 medical professionals who had propofol addiction. Boyle asked if they were all alive. Dr. Earley said didn’t know and he couldn’t contact the people in the study due to medical privacy laws. (AP)

Jackson lawyer Kevin Boyle also grilled Earley over his nondisclosure that he was working as a paid consultant in AEG Live's defense when he submitted the study for publication in a medical journal. He said the concert promoter did not try to influence his findings, which were published in March in the Journal of Addiction Medicine. (CNN)

Boyle also showed Earley the ethical guidelines of the American Society of Addiction Medicine, which state members should only provide general information about addiction and not offer diagnosis on celebrities or other public figures. Boyle questioned whether Earley’s blog posts on Michael Jackson violated those guidelines. Earley said he didn’t think they did. (AP) As yesterday, he was questioned about the blog he wrote a few weeks after MJ died. He restated he did not characterize MJ as addict. (ABC7) Boyle this morning also showed Earley a second blog post he wrote in Dec. 2011 that had the headline: “Murray Convicted -- Addiction Wins.” Earley said he wrote the post to draw attention to an article written by friend and journalist William C. Moyers (AP) Earley wrote another blog on his website 12/5/2011 titled, Murray Convicted Addiction Wins. Despite title, says not saying MJ addict. At the time on the blog, Earley was an AEG consultant. He said the title had Addiction winning not MJ and Addict. Asked about a line in the blog – another superstar going to oblivion – Earley said purpose of blog is talk about addiction. When he posted blog did he ask AEG permission? No. Consult AEG? No. After more AEG questions Earley exasperated said he was tired of this! (ABC7)

Boyle pressed Earley on his use of the term addiction, again asking whether he’d made up his mind about Jackson’s case by then. Earley said he hadn't made up his mind about Jackson and was merely trying to draw attention to the problem of addiction. Boyle: “You were referring to Michael Jackson.” “I was referring to the addiction problem, so the answer is no,” Earley said. (AP)

By this point, Earley was already doing research for AEG Live, although the company hadn’t agreed to fund his study by then. Boyle asked about Earley’s payments on the case. The doctor estimated he’d been paid $80-90k on the case, not including his testimony. (AP)

Earley had overcome a drug addiction about 30 years ago. He was asked details. He used several drugs including oxycodone and heroin. He was almost homeless and had his medical license suspended. He was in treatment for 9 months and got clean. (ABC7) Earley spoke extensively today about his own addiction to opioids and how he was able to be rehabilitated and keep his medical license. Boyle asked if Earley was relying on his own experiences as the basis for his opinions in the case. The doctor said only to a small extent. Earley was very candid about his addiction, saying he was at one point nearly homeless and had to relinquish his medical license. He was criminally charged with writing prescriptions to himself under false names and went into treatment. His work in the addiction medical field grew out of his recovery and rehabilitation. His issues were in the early 1980s, he said. Earley said his drugs of abuse were oxycodone, heroin, codeine and hydrocodone. Boyle repeatedly commended him on his recovery. The attorney asked Early whether in the depths of his addiction, his prognosis was grave. “Yes it was,” Earley responded. Earley said in response to one question about his recovery that while he survived, many of his colleagues with addiction have not. The doctor said it was a miracle, by the “grace of God” that he survived. Many of his patients have been addicted physicians. (AP)

Boyle asked the doctor whether during his addiction, he had a concert promoter involved in his life, med care. Earley said he didn’t. Boyle asked about the role of a family’s love in the recovery of an addict. Earley said it was important in his early stages of recovery. “Michael had a lot to live for,” Earley said of Jackson and his love for his children, which could have aided in a recovery. Boyle asked whether Jackson having full time access to a doctor like Conrad Murray would be a trigger for his addiction. Earley said Jackson had access to the doctor, but it was the doctor’s responsibility to be a gatekeeper to drugs and medications. (AP)

Asked about the Physician Desk Reference (PDR) Earley checked and propofol was not in the book. Can’t get drug with prescription. PDR’s are for General Practitioners not some specialized fields like Anesthesiologists or some cancer drugs. One last from the morning session, according to Jackson attorney a common name for Propofol is “Milk of Amnesia” even in wikipedia!!! (ABC7)

During morning session PDR did not have propofol in the book. In the courtroom Boyle handed a note. The page with propofol had been torn out in a dramatic moment earlier in the trial. Laughs in the courtroom (ABC7)

In general, there were a lot of delays in testimony today. Lots of sidebars and objections and some charts that had to be quickly redone. One such delay happened when Boyle asked Earley to find the entry for propofol in the 2009 edition of the Physicians’ Desk Reference. The Physicians’ Desk Reference, AKA PDR, has detailed entries on many drugs. It’s the book Cherilyn Lee used to discuss propofol with MJ. Earley couldn’t find the entry in the PDR so Boyle asked partner Brian Panish to locate it. He couldn’t find it either. It turns out another lawyer, Michael Koskoff, had ripped out the pages on propofol while questioning another witness, Dr. Levounis. (AP)

They continued about the drugs that were found at MJ house. The list of drugs found at the house but not in MJ’s body according to Coroner report was Lidocaine and Ephedrine. Used to try to help MJ. From there they moved on to Demerol. Dr. Earley said he was only aware of 3 cases that a person died of an overdose given by a doctor. Attorney Boyle tried to make the case that dying of Demerol administered by a doctor was more rare that trampled by elephant or hit by tsunami. With a graph showing MJ Demerol Injection from Dr. Klein, in the last couple months of MJ life. He went only 4 days until May 5th. (ABC7)

Attorney Boyle made the point that on May 6th AEG Exec Paul Gongaware sent Dr. Murray the email “Done” $150,000. (ABC7)

Boyle’s examination after lunch focused on the times that Jackson requested propofol over sleep _ they said in court it was four times. That wouldn't include anesthesiologist Dr. David Adams, who Jackson approached in 2009 but didn’t discuss propofol by name. Boyle showed a chart listing those requests by Jackson, adding the May 6, 2009 date that AEG exec Paul Gongaware said Murray’s deal was done. Boyle’s point was that Jackson didn’t request propofol from anyone else after Murray was working with MJ on the “This Is It” tour. (AP)

Then Earley was questioned if Propofol can mask the symptoms of Demerol withdrawal. He said it can mask some of those symptoms (ABC7)

On to MJ’s general health. No evidence heart, kidney, diabetes? No. Blood Pressure – Early says Coroner report no pressure! (ABC7)

AEG redirect

On redirect Earley says he didn’t see the Gongaware email until court Tuesday. They put back up the Propofol slide with info added. Added: Jan 2006 MJ starts to see Dr. Murray. 2/4/09 MJ tells Dr. Salvit Murray is his personal physician. 4/6/09 Dr. Murray makes the first order for propofol. 4/28 Murray orders more. 5/12 More. 6/6/09 More. (ABC7)

AEG’s lawyers point to Murray ordering propofol before that date. Boyle later noted Gongaware’s testimony about talking to Murray about working on the tour and his request for $5 million. That happened 3 to 5 weeks before the May email indicating Murray’s deal with done. Cahan showed Earley and the jury a chart that listed Murray’s first treatments of MJ in 2006, and propofol shipments from April-June ’09. (AP)

Earley said in response to a question by Cahan that before Jackson’s death, propofol addiction was virtually unknown by the public. Cahan asked him the doctor about his blog posts. He said he didn’t think they were an issue because he wasn’t making any diagnoses. (AP)

Dr. Earley checked his first Blog in 2009 that was brought up Tuesday. He wrote it 6 weeks after MJ died. He said he learned of the propofol toxic in news reports. He said he had begun seeing propofol cases in medical pros in 2008. He started cataloging cases to look at them at a later date and possibly do a study at a later date. Study funded by AEG. Asked if AEG support for the Study Dr. Earley said no. Started before lawsuit filed. AEG could have influence of if he was time traveler. (ABC7)

A second blog was brought up that Earley posted when Dr. Murray was convicted. The first line written by another addiction doctor. It was attributed him in the second line of the blog. That was read to the jury. (ABC7)

Earley was asked whether MJ should have avoided doctors. He said no _ he needed treatment _ but he needed to disclose all his conditions. (AP)

Jackson recross

On recross Dr. Earley was questioned about the Study. He is asked about a conflict of interest with AEG funding he says didn’t affect result. Findings were very uncommon addiction for medical pros. 1.6% are addicted. Half use other drugs. More women are addicted and there is a rapid decline. Addicts commonly are depressed and have had child trauma. (ABC7)

Earley told the details of his addiction. Used for about 5 years. Wrote prescriptions with other names for self and was arrested. He went to drug court and was sentenced to the program where he is now. His license was suspended but he got it back. Program is why he is alive. (ABC7)

On Re Cross Dr. Fivner was brought up. After a 5 minute sidebar in chamber Earley testified that Fivner had a suspended license at the time. (ABC7) Boyle took back over and asked some questions about Earley’s co-author on his AEG-funded propofol study. It turns out Earley’s co-author had his medical license suspended due to some addiction-related legal problems. He wasn’t working in medicine at the time the study was written. Earley said his co-author has since had his license reinstated and is working in New York (AP)

Boyle also asked Earley about whether he had any control over how AEG used his study in the case. The doctor said no. Earley said he also didn’t have control over how the plaintiff’s used his research, or any other research that’s been published. Boyle likened AEG’s payments to Earley’s research as similar to private money turning into a nuclear weapon. “This is a small study. I’m not building the atom bomb,” Earley responded. (AP)

At the end of his questioning Boyle asked Earley about his opinion that you can’t blame an addict for their addiction. “In medicine, we don’t talk about blame,” Earley said. This opinion was played earlier in the case for the jury . (AP)

AEG redirect

On direct testimony he said Finver was between jobs. Finver in the program for drug addiction and his medical license suspended. He was in between a pizza job and driving a truck for Good Will. He did not need license to work on the Study. AEG and Journal not told. Got his license back earlier this year. (ABC7)

The co-author of a study on propofol addiction funded by AEG Live and used in their defense in the Michael Jackson wrongful death trial lost his medical license for writing illegal drug prescriptions, according to testimony. Dr. Torin Finver was hired to help with the AEG Live study after he lost his job at a pizza parlor and took a job driving a Goodwill truck, said Dr. Paul Earley, who testified Wednesday as an expert witness for the concert promoter. Finver was "destitute, dead broke, and I wanted to help him," Earley, himself a recovering heroin addict, testified. Earley testified that he never disclosed to AEG Live lawyers that his co-author had lost his medical license. (CNN)

In his blog he characterized MJ prognosis as grave. Earley says he treats many grave patients. That is why he is good. Never gives up. (ABC7)

Jackson recross

Last question on recross was did Dr. Earley see Dr. Murray had ordered 4 gallons of propofol. Dr. Earley answered I did. (ABC7) Boyle ended by asking Earley if he was aware that Murray ordered more than four gallons of propofol for Jackson. The doctor said he was. (AP)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

11.09.2013 um 01:35
Quelle: MJJC ~ Eintrag #83 ~ User: Ivy

Jacksons vs AEG - Day 80 – September 6 2013 – Summary

No Jackson family members are in court today.

(source : ABC7 unless otherwise indicated)

Dr. William B Van Valin Video Deposition

Dr. William B Van Valin’s video deposition is played for the Jury. He treated MJ in the early 2000′s when MJ lived at Neverland. In 2001, MJ came to the office and wanted a Doctor to make house calls. Dr. Van Valin did. MJ invited the Dr. to Neverland that night. He went with his son, Mason. He describes the interior of Neverland. A friendship started. He remembered one time he got up for work and opened the door to leave and there was MJ on the door step. MJ said he just got there but Dr. Van Valin asked MJ’s driver who said they had been there for 35 minutes. Dr. Van Valin invited him in, got his wife up to entertain MJ and off her would go to work. MJ would play monopoly, eat pizza, play. By the time Dr. Van Valin got home, the house would be a disaster… (ABC7) Jackson "would just show up" at Van Valin's home every week or so without warning, he said. The doctor would open his door to leave for work in the morning "and he would just be standing there." His driver told him once that Jackson had been waiting at his door for 35 minutes, not wanting to knock because he thought that was impolite.Van Valin's children would stay home from school some days Jackson visited. "I'd come home from work and there's Michael there at the house and they're watching cartoons or, you know, eating pizza," Van Valin said. At first it was a novelty, but after several years it was routine, he said. (CNN)

Dr. Van Valin said he believed MJ was an insomniac. MJ would lay down, Dr. would read him a book and when he thought MJ asleep slip out. Sometimes MJ was not asleep and would say “goodnight Barney” (nickname). Dr. gave MJ 6 zanax tablets. MJ took all 6 and didn’t have reaction. (ABC7) Before Michael Jackson asked a doctor to treat his insomnia with propofol, he tried falling asleep to the physician reading him bedtime stories.(CNN)

MJ did discuss Diprivan (propofol) with Dr. Van Valin. He said he used it between shows on his world tour. Dr. on the tour give to him. That Dr. would give to MJ and monitor him not like the guy who gave it to him and left the room! Putting him to sleep like a dog. MJ said he hadn’t slept for 4 days. Dr. told MJ he didn’t do IV. Dr. talked to anesthesiologist who said only used in a hospital. Dr. said he never heard of propofol. Dr. Van Valin went back and told MJ it was dangerous. MJ had a box of Diprivan in his bedroom. The medication was from Florida but Dr. Van Valin did not know the doctor who gave it to MJ or sent it to him. Dr. describes the box. MJ never asked Dr. Van Valin for Diprivan again. (ABC7) Dr. Barney Van Valin, whose video testimony was shown to jurors Friday, refused Jackson's request for propofol infusions in 2003, but six years later -- in Dr. Van Valin's words -- another physician "put him to sleep like a dog." (CNN)

Another incident that disturbed Van Valin was when Jackson showed him a box of the anesthetic propofol, which he said he used to sleep while on tour. (KABC) AEG Live called on Van Valin to testify that he refused Jackson’s request for propofol during one of their appointments. He said Jackson didn’t seem angry about it. “For a guy used to getting his way, he was pretty complacent about it,” van Valin said. (CBSLA)

"Sometimes, he'd say, 'Barney, do me a favor, see if I can sleep, I'm going to get under the covers on that rollout couch,' and he said, 'Just read me out of a book,'" Van Valin testified. "I'd find a book that looked interesting and I'd just start reading or I'd tell him stories. That didn't work because often times he got excited about the story and say, 'That really happened?' or something. Anyway, I'd read to him -- and when it seemed like he was asleep I'd slip out, you know, kind of hard because the door made a little noise. If I thought he was asleep I'd leave, and once in awhile he'd say, 'Good night, Barney,' and when I got to the door, he wasn't asleep at all." Dr. Van Valin also tried to help Jackson sleep with sedatives, including Xanax, without success, he said. Jackson, however, revealed to him in 2003 that he had a stash of propofol in a closet of his Neverland Ranch bedroom, Van Valin said. "He said, 'Would you put me to sleep, I haven't been able to sleep for four days,' and I said, 'With what?' And he goes, 'Well, I have this stuff,' and I said, 'Mike, I don't do I.V. sedation. You need an anesthesiologist to do that.' And he said, 'Oh, it's safe, man, I used it for all those years between shows and I got put to sleep.' I said, 'I can't imagine that was good sleep." You know, he said, "No, it works really well."
He said Jackson told him that during his world tours him a doctor "would put in the I.V. and put me to sleep, and he'd stay there for eight hours and wake me up 'cause I would go -- if I had three days between shows, I would have three days I didn't sleep and, you know, that I couldn't put on the show I wanted to have, you know, I mean, I want my shows to be, you know, as high end as possible."
"Sounds like a doctor who did his job, not like this other guy, who just started the drip and left the room and basically put him to sleep like a dog," Van Valin said. Jackson was "pretty complacent" when he rejected his request for help with propofol and he never asked for it again, Van Valin said. (CNN)

Dr did continue to treat his back pain. He remembers going to MJ house and gave Demerol that time he noticed a drop of blood on MJ’s shirt and a band aid. He asked MJ if another Dr. was giving him pain meds. MJ said no but Dr. Van Valin knew he was lying. He told MJ that more Demerol could kill him. He told MJ he couldn’t but did anyway. Dr. talked to MJ about developing a tolerance and concern for addiction in 2003. He backed off giving MJ demerol for pain. Dr. continued his concern for MJ demerol use. Several time he would give MJ dose, and MJ would wooooo, sing and dance. Then same dose fine. He was sure MJ had gotten a shot from another Doctor just did not know who. When asked MJ’s house man he said no. Dr. Van Valin used the name Phil Sanders for MJ on his chart. There was a note that he wrote a script in houseman’s name for MJ

Van Valin said he warned the King of Pop that taking too much of the painkiller Demerol would be risking death. The physician said he first began treating the pop star in 2001, often visiting the singer at his Neverland Ranch in Santa Barbara County and at the doctor’s home. Van Valin said he prescribed Demerol because Jackson complained of pain. But he became suspicious that Jackson was seeing another doctor for Demerol when he noticed the singer showed signs of receiving an injection before visiting Van Valin. “Michael, if you’re doubling up…that could kill you,” Van Valin said he told Jackson. (CBSLA)

Jackson's use of painkillers was medically justified by chronic pain suffered in a 1997 stage accident, Jackson lawyers said. The doctor said Jackson showed the "classic symptoms of lower back pain" and an MRI study confirmed a bulge in a disc in his lower spine consistent with where his pain was.
Dr. Van Valin said he never suspected Jackson was faking his pain to get painkiller shots.
"I looked for that because there are plenty of people that come in and try to scam me, so I'm always looking for that," he testified. (CNN)

It was the collapse of a stage bridge in 1999 that injured Jackson's back, according to Dr. William Van Valin, who treated him for pain two years later. In a video shown in court, Jackson kept singing as if nothing had happened, but that's not what Jackson told Van Valin. In a video deposition, Van Valin testified that Jackson's injury was real. For a year, he made house calls to Neverland Ranch to give the singer injections of the painkiller Demerol in growing amounts. But doubts began to build. Van Valin suspected Jackson was getting Demerol from someone else at the same time. Jackson appeared high. "It was a bit scary. I sat there with him until it went away," said Van Valin. One day, the doctor saw a band aid on Jackson, covering a needle mark. "I said, 'Michael, you have another doctor that gave you a shot. You realize what risk you put yourself and me at by doing that? Who came and gave you a shot?'" said Van Valin. According to Van Valin, Jackson's response was that he didn't get a shot from another doctor. "But it was. He was lying," said Van Valin. (KABC)

While the doctor said "nothing implied" that Jackson was abusing painkillers, there was one incident during house call in 2002 that caused him to suspect Jackson might be getting additional shots of the powerful opioid Demerol from another doctor. He noticed "a little blood spot" on Jackson's T-shirt after he gave him a shot, he said. "I lifted it up and there's a little Band-Aid over it and I said, 'Michael,' I said, 'you have another doctor that gave you a shot.' I said, 'You realize what risk you put yourself and me at by doing that? Who came and gave you a shot?' 'Oh, no, I didn't -- it was not a shot.'" Van Valin said. "But it was. He was lying." "I told him, I said, 'You know what, I can't do this, okay, 'cause if you're doubling up, you know, I give you a shot and then you've already had one,' I said, 'I could kill you,'" Van Valin testified. Van Valin remained close friends with Jackson even though he stopped treating him soon after that incident, he said.(CNN)

Dr. Shannon was another Doctor at Van Valin’s practice. There were notes in MJ’s file from him. Shannon notes MJ dental work and pain. Shannon injects MJ with demerol for the pain but notes that MJ brought his own medication to the office. Scripted by Van Valin. Odd

Dr. Van Valin has another talk with MJ about concern for demerol use on 10/10/01. MJ said he knew the risks. MJ never told Dr. Van Valin about his prescription drug dependence and going into treatment in 1993. Dr. Van Valin didn’t think MJ had a problem because he would get Demerol every few days or even weeks. Most addicts it is every few hours. Eventually he stopped treating MJ. They would just hang out together. No conversation he just stopped asking for treatment.

Note 2/28/2002 MJ told he needed a break from his Demerol because his use was excellerating. He needed more and I couldn't give to him. 10/25/02 MJ called with an infection on his abdomen. He had a device placed under his skin about one week ago to decrease demerol use. Dr. in Florida had inserted a narcan plug that would deaden the affect of a narcotic. It had gotten infected. Dr. Van Valin cleaned out. He described Narcan as a med used in ER's when a patient comes in comatose and the doctors do not know what was used. Wakes right up. Dr. Van Valin knew MJ must have been getting demerol elsewhere because he hadn't given it to him in a while. MJ didn't come back

Asked if MJ was a good father. Dr. said he was a great father. Patience was gentle with kids. Talked about how shy Paris was as a child. She would get in MJ's lap at dinner and MJ let her eat dinner there. Very attached to her Dad. Went to MJ house for dinner with his wife. She spotted the stroller and knew there was a new baby in the house. They went up to nursery and MJ introed the to Blanket. Said that is what they call him now but he wants all his kids to be named MJ. (ABC7) "No, he is an amazing father," he answered. "Because I'm a good father and he was better than me. He respected them and as they respected him and he would correct them gently." (CNN)

Dr. Van Vilan said he thought he an MJ were best friends. He said he never had a better friend and he didn't think MJ did either. He said he really didn't know the Pop Star - he knew MJ the man, the father. He still misses him. (ABC7) "In my opinion, and I think in Michael's too, we were best friends. I didn't have a better friend, and I don't think he did," Van Valin said.(KABC) "We were best friends, you know," Dr. Van Valin testified. "I didn't have a better friend and I don't think he did." (CNN)

He said he treated MJ as he treated all his patients. He also said he did not believe MJ was his friend so he could get demerol. He said it was possible he gave MJ demerol and did not write in chart. From 10/2001 1/2002 he gave MJ Demerol on 6 days - 2 shots one day. He said possible he gave MJ demerol and did not get into chart. 10/00 to 1/01 He gave him a shot 6 days and one day twice. In 2001 6 times according to the chart. 2002 twice. Then, he never gave MJ another demerol shot. Dr. Van Valin never treated MJ again after 10/02. He realized MJ was getting medication elsewhere and he told MJ he couldn't give Demerol

MJ said no sleep was his biggest complaint. MJ told Dr. on tour he had a Dr. who gave him propofol between shows. Wake feeling refreshed.

Dr. Neil Ratner Video Deposition

Next video deposition played is Dr. Neil Ratner and anesthesiologist from New York. He no longer practices medicine...stopped in 2002. Treated MJ from about 1990 to early 2000. MJ told him to call Dr. Hoeffler Bev Hills Plastic Surgeon. He had good experience and wanted same. Ratner said he treated MJ for surgeries.

Asked if he treated for Pain? Don't recall. Sleep? Don't recall. Treat outside US? Don't recall. Said he travelled outside US twice with MJ. Treat him? don't recall. Treat at house? don't recall. Asked if he went on tour with MJ. No. Where did he go with MJ? Germany, South Africa, and Korea. Were you on the tour? No Asked if he knew MJ was on tour? Yes. Did he bring Medical equip? Don't recall. Treat MJ? didn't recall. The only time he was concerned for MJ's health was the fall in Germany. Asked if there were any other Doctors there - at ER. He said he asked for payment to travel with MJ because he had to leave his practice. Asked if he ever treated MJ for pain that was not surgery related? Didn't recall. Or Drug addiction? Not that he specifically recalls. Travelled with MJ once not on tour. They went to South Africa to give a check for charity raised at a concert to Nelson Mandela

Dr. Allan Metzger Video Deposition

Last video is Dr. Allan Metzger who was MJ's primary Doctor from about 1984 to April of 2009. MJ was referred to him by Dr. Klein. Metzger was Rheumotogist and Internist. Klein concerned MJ might have discoid Lupus but with tests he did not. He thought he was MJ's primary but MJ doctor shopped. He would go to other places in the world and have doctors there and not share info.

He also had personal relationship with MJ but Dr. Klein was closer. Called "Arnie" a mother hen with MJ. He said Klein sidewalk consult. Sidewalk consult is when the patient calls doctor who will call another doctor instead of patient told to call right doctor himself!

Primarily Metzger treated MJ for back issues over the years and sleep problems. Saw insomnia first hand when joined MJ on tour. Traveled with MJ to Australia as a pseudo-physician and companion. Were you compensated? I was not.

When he did the curbside consultation, that information never got into MJ chart. Happened a few times a year.

He was a social friend of MJ. Went to Neverland 6 to 8 times. Was invited to MJ wedding to Debbie Rowe and went.

Last time he saw MJ was April 18, 2009 where he prescribed a sleep medication. they talked about cafeine usage, no news shows before sleep

Jury will hear the remainder of the Deposition when they are back in court on Wednesday.


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11.09.2013 um 01:44
10.09.2013 . 06:18 Uhr

Pharrell Williams: Michael Jackson war ein verrücktes Genie

Los Angeles - Pharrell Williams bewundert Michael Jackson auch nach seinem Tod noch.

Der R'n'B-Star zieht den Hut vor dem musikalischen Nachlass des King of Pop. Gegenüber "GQ" sagte Pharrell: "Michael Jackson - bei ihm war es ein schmaler Grad zwischen Genialität und Wahnsinn. Und auf diesem Grad ist er ganz lange Zeit gewandelt. Solche Menschen gibt es selten. Er war etwas wirklich Besonderes. Er hatte einfach das Gesamtpaket, das man in dem Business braucht."

Pharrell Williams kann übrigens gerade mit den Songs "Blurred Lines" mit Robin Thicke und "Get Lucky" mit Daft Punk zwei große Hits feiern. (Fan-Lexikon berichtete)


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11.09.2013 um 01:49
Michael Jackson Put ‘To Sleep Like a Dog,’ Says Doctor

Posted September 9, 2013 in Personal Injury by Aaron Kase

One of Michael Jackson’s physicians testified that he felt like the pop star’s best friend during the years that he treated him, but that Jackson never abused the relationship to get extra painkillers. Dr. Barney Van Valin said he never gave Jackson propofol, an anesthetic that eventually killed him, but criticized Dr. Conrad Murray as “this other guy, who just started the drip and left the room and basically put him to sleep like a dog.”

Van Valin said in a video deposition presented to the court last week that he tried other methods to confront Jackon’s insomnia, such as reading him bedtime stories. “Sometimes, he’d say, ‘Barney, do me a favor, see if I can sleep, I’m going to get under the covers on that rollout couch,’ and he said, ‘Just read me out of a book,’” the doctor said.

When that didn’t work, Jackson tried stronger methods. Van Valin testified that Jackson once admitted that he had a personal stash of propofol and asked him to administer it, but the doctor refused.

Eventually Jackson turned to Murray, who gave him the overdose of anesthetic that killed him in 2009. Jackson’s family is suing concert promotion company AEG Live for billions, claiming that they negligently hired, retained or supervised Murray and pressured him to keep Jackson coming to tour rehearsals even as his health deteriorated drastically. AEG is arguing that Jackson hired Murray and that he was responsible for his own health care.

Jackson struggled with addiction to painkillers for decades but Van Valin testified that he thought the singer’s pain was legitimate and that he wasn’t seeking drugs for their own sake. “I looked for that because there are plenty of people that come in and try to scam me, so I’m always looking for that,” the doctor said in the deposition.

But he acknowledged that he caught Jackson doubling up on painkiller shots, which marked the end of their doctor-patient relationship but not their friendship. “‘Michael,’ I said, ‘you have another doctor that gave you a shot.’ I said, ‘You realize what risk you put yourself and me at by doing that? Who came and gave you a shot?’ ‘Oh, no, I didn’t — it was not a shot.’” Van Valin said. “But it was. He was lying.”

Addiction Causation

Meanwhile, the plaintiff attorneys hammered away at Dr. Paul Earley, who testified for the defense as an expert on propofol addiction. Because Earley classified Jackson as an addict on past blog posts, and said in a deposition, “If one dies of a propofol problem, it’s not a far stretch to assume that addiction is the causation there,” Jackson’s team accused him of improperly asserting a diagnosis when he had no personal knowledge of Jackson’s specific situation.

Furthermore, a study that Earley led about propofol addiction was funded by AEG, the lawyers pointed out, in what could be a conflict of interest.

Finally, the plaintiffs’ attorneys challenged Earley’s assessment that Jackson didn’t have long to live regardless of his overdose because he was addicted to painkillers like Demerol as well. On cross examination, the doctor acknowledged that he never heard of anyone dying from physician-administered Demerol.

The interminable trial, which was originally projected to conclude in August but is now expected to drag on at least to the end of September, picks up this week with the final pieces of AEG’s defense case.


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11.09.2013 um 02:04
Quelle: Jackson.CH ~ Schweizer MJ Forum ...

The Jacksons vs. AEG Live — Zeugen von AEG, 17. Teil

7. September 2013

Diese Woche hatte ein weiterer Expertenzeuge für AEG Live ausgesagt, Dr. Paul Earley. Kurz nachdem AEG Live ihn im 2011 als Berater in Bezug auf Propofolabhängigkeit angestellt hatte, erklärte sich AEG Live bereit, eine wissenschaftliche Recherche von Dr. Earley mit dem Titel “Süchtig nach Propofol: Eine Studie von 22 Behandlungsfällen” zu finanzieren. Dieser Studie wurde im März dieses Jahres publiziert. Dr. Earley bestand in seiner Aussage darauf, dass die Finanzierung der Studie keinen Einfluss auf seine Schlussfolgerungen in seiner Zeugenaussage hatte bzw. dass AEG Live nicht versucht hatte, die Resultate seiner Studie zu beeinflussen, als Jackson Anwalt Brian Panish ihn im Kreuzverhör zur Rede stellte.

Die Jackson Anwälte hämmerten während des Kreuzverhörs auf den Zeugen ein, dass er dem wissenschaftlichen Journal “The American Society of Addiction Medicine” und seinem Mitarbeiter nicht offengelegt hatte, dass er für diesen Prozess von AEG Live als Expertenzeugen bezahlt worden sei. Dr. Earley erwiderte, dass er sie darüber in Kenntnis gesetzt hatte, dass er für AEG Live Recherche betrieb. Dass er dafür bezahlt wurde, im Prozess für AEG Live auszusagen, erachte er als “irrelevant”, so Earley.

Während Earleys Zeugenaussage kam auch heraus, dass Dr. Torin Finver, der Co-Autor dieser von AEG Live finanzierten Studie über Propofolabhängigkeit seine Approbation verloren hatte, weil er illegal rezeptpflichtige Medikamente verschrieben hatte. Nachdem er seine Stelle bei einer Pizzeria und als Lastwagenfahrer für eine Wohltätigkeitsinstitution verloren hatte, wurde Finver von Earley angestellt, um bei der AEG Live Studie mitzuhelfen. Finver war “verzweifelt, komplett bankrott und ich wollte ihm helfen,” so Earley, der seinerseits ehemals heroinsüchtig war. Diese Enthüllung wurde von CNN als “bizarre Wendung” in diesem Prozess bezeichnet. Earley hatte gegenüber den AEG Live Anwälten nie offengelegt, dass seinem Co-Autor der Studie die Approbation entzogen worden war. Ironischerweise, so CNN, wird AEG Live im laufenden Prozess damit beschuldigt, Conrad Murray fahrlässigerweise angestellt zu haben, weil sie es u.a. unterlassen hatten, Murrays Background zu prüfen, bevor sie ihn angestellt hatten.

Die Jackson Anwälte hoffen, dass die Kontroverse betreffend Earleys Arbeit für AEG Live die Geschworenen von dessen Schlussfolgerung ablenken wird, dass Michael Jackson medikamentenabhängig war mit einer “ernsthaften Prognose”, die seine Lebenserwartung verkürzt hätte, wenn er nicht an einer Überdosis Propofol verstorben wäre; diese Aussage wäre relevant bei einer allfälligen Berechnung der Schadenssumme durch die Geschworenen. Jede Dosierung dieses Narkosemittels, die Murray Michael Jackson verabreicht hatte, um ihm zu Schlaf zu verhelfen, war als ob er “russisches Roulette” gespielt hätte, so Earley.

Obwohl Earley sechs Wochen nach Michael Jacksons Tod einen Blog mit dem Titel “Michael Jackson: Addiction in the Privileged” geschrieben hatte, meinte Earley in seiner Aussage vor Gericht, dass “nicht genug Beweise [vorlagen], dass Michael Jackson abhängig war von Propofol. [...] Anfangs wurde ihm Propofol im Rahmen von notwendigen medizinischen Eingriffen verabreicht, aber irgendwann begann er damit, sich nach Ärzten umzusehen, die ihm Propofol verabreichen würden”, so Earley. Die letzten beiden Male, als dies vorkam, war im März und April 2009, wie zuvor ausgesagt wurde. Als Paul Gongaware, co-CEO von AEG Live, am 6. Mai 2009 eine E-Mail an einen Assistenten von Michael Jackson geschrieben hatte, in der er diesem mitteilte, dass Murray damit einverstanden war, als persönlicher Arzt von Michael auf Tour zu gehen (“Gemacht für $150’000 pro Monat”), schien es, als ob er einen willigen Arzt gefunden hatte, so Earley.


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11.09.2013 um 02:17
The Jacksons vs. AEG Live — Zeugen von AEG, 18. Teil

8. September 2013

Am Freitag wurde den Geschworenen Dr. Barney Van Valins eidesstattliche Zeugenaussage via Video gezeigt. Dr. Van Valin wurde eigentlich als Zeuge für AEG Live aufgeführt, seine Aussagen schienen aber letztlich mehr Gewicht für die Jackson Seite zu haben.

Dr. Van Valins Arztpraxis ist in der Nähe von Michael Jacksons Neverland Ranch. “Wir warten beste Freunde”, sagte Van Valin. “Ich hatte keinen besseren Freund und ich glaube, ihm ging es genauso”, so der Arzt. Michael tauchte fast jede Woche ohne Ankündigung bei Van Valin zu Hause auf. Der Arzt öffnete seine Tür, um am Morgen zur Arbeit zu gehen “und er stand einfach da”, so Van Valin. Sein Fahrer sagte ihm einmal, dass Michael 35 Minuten lang vor seiner Tür gewartet hatte, ohne die Türglocke zu klingeln, weil er dachte, dies wäre unhöflich.

Wenn Michael Van Valin besuchte, blieben dessen Kinder oft der Schule fern, damit sie den Tag mit Michael zusammen verbringen konnten. “Ich kam von der Arbeit nach Hause und Michael war da und sie schauten zusammen Trickfilme an oder assen Pizza”, sagte Van Valin. Am Anfang war das was ganz Neues, aber mit den Jahren sei es dann zu einer Routine geworden.

Die Jackson Anwälte fragten Van Valin im Kreuzverhör, ob Michael Jackson ein guter Vater war. “Nein, er war ein grossartiger Vater. Denn ich bin ein guter Vater, aber er war besser als ich. Er respektierte [meine Kinder] und sie respektierten ihn und er wies sie auf eine ganz feine, nette Art zurecht”, so Van Valin.

Van Valin bestritt, dass Michael Jackson — wie AEG Live das Bild aufzeigen will — Freundschaften mit Ärzten pflegte, um Zugang zu Medikamenten für seine geheime Sucht zu erhalten. Er habe Michael Jackson nie Rezepte für Medikamente ausgestellt, die medizinisch nicht notwendig waren, so Van Valin. Er sagte, Michael Jackson zeigte “klassische Symptome für Schmerzen im unteren Rückenbereich” und ein MRI zeigte, dass eine Schwellung in einer Bandscheibe im unteren Bereich (die von seinem Bühnenunfall 1997 in München herrührte) mit den von ihm beschriebenen und empfundenen Schmerzen übereinstimmte. Entsprechend wurden ihm Schmerzmittel dagegen verschrieben. Van Valin habe nie den Verdacht gehabt, dass Michael Schmerzen vortäuschte, um Spritzen gegen die Schmerzen zu erhalten. “Ich habe darauf geachtet, da es viele Leute gibt, die zu mir kommen und versuchen, mich zu betrügen. Deshalb schau ich immer darauf”, so Van Valin.

Es gab jedoch einen Vorfall während eines Hausbesuchs im 2002, der in Van Valin den Verdacht regte, dass Michael Jackson zusätzliche Spritzen mit dem Schmerzmittel Demerol von einem anderen Arzt verabreicht erhielt. Nachdem er Michael eine Spritze gab, bemerkte er auf Michaels T-Shirt einen kleinen Blutflecken. “Ich zog [das Shirt] hoch und da war ein kleines Pflaster und ich sagte ‘Michael, ein anderer Arzt hat Dir eine Spritze gegeben.’ Ich sagte, ‘Du weisst, welchem Risiko Du Dich und mich aussetzt, wenn Du das machst? Wer kam und gab Dir die Spritze?’ ‘Oh, nein, das hab ich nicht — es war keine Spritze.’” Van Valin sagte, “Aber es war eine. Er hatte gelogen.” ”Ich habe ihm gesagt, ich sagte, ‘Weisst Du was, ich kann das nicht tun, okay, weil wenn Du Dich zweifach versorgen lässt — ich gebe Dir eine Spritze und Du hast vorher schon eine erhalten’, sagte ich, ‘könnte ich Dich umbringen’”, so Van Valin in seiner Aussage. Obwohl Van Valin Michael Jackson kurz nach diesem Vorfall nicht mehr länger behandelte, blieben sie eng befreundet, so der Arzt.

Im 2002 hatte Michael Jackson Van Valin gebeten, ihm beim Einzuschlafen zu helfen. “Manchmal sagte er, ‘Barney, mach mir einen Gefallen; schau, ob ich schlafen kann. Ich geh unter die Bettdecke auf der ausziehbaren Couch’ und er sagte ‘Lies mir von einem Buch vor’”, sagte Van Valin aus. “Ich hab ein Buch gefunden, das interessant aussah und ich begann zu lesen oder ich erzählte ihm Geschichten. Das funktionierte nicht, weil er oft in der Geschichte aufging und sagte ‘Das ist wirklich passiert?’ oder so ähnlich. Wie auch immer, ich hab ihm vorgelesen — und als es ausschaute, als ob er schlief, ging ich leise aus dem Zimmer raus, was nicht so einfach war, weil die Türe ein kleines Geräusch machte. Als ich dachte, er schlafe, ging ich raus, und ab und zu kam es vor, dass er dann sagte, ‘Gute Nacht, Barney’, und als ich bei der Türe war, war er vollkommen wach”, so Van Valin. Van Valin hatte auch versucht, Michael Jackson mittels Beruhingsmitteln wie Xanax zum Schlafen zu verhelfen, jedoch ohne Erfolg.

Im 2003 hatte Michael Jackson Van Valin gestanden, dass er in einem Schrank in seinem Schlafzimmer auf Neverland einen Vorrat an Propofol hatte. “Er sagte, ‘Hilfst Du mir einzuschlafen; ich hab seit vier Tagen nicht mehr schlafen können’, und ich sagte, ‘Womit?’ Und er sagte, ‘Ich habe dieses Zeugs’ und ich sagte, ‘Mike, ich verabreiche keine intravenösen Beruhigungsmittel. Dafür braucht man einen Narkosearzt.’ Und er sagte, ‘Das ist sicher; ich hab es die ganzen Jahre über zwischen den Shows gebraucht, und man hat mir damit zum Schlafen verholfen’. Ich sagte, ‘Ich kann mir nicht vorstellen, dass das ein guter Schlaf war’. Er sagte, ‘Nein, es hat wirklich gut funktionert’”, erzählte Van Valin. Van Valin sagte weiter aus, dass Michael Jackson ihm erzählt hatte, dass während seiner Welttourneen ein Arzt ihn an den IV-Tropf hing, damit er schlafen konnte “und er blieb acht Stunden neben mir und weckte mich auf, wenn ich abdriftete — wenn ich zwischen Shows drei Tage hatte, waren das drei Tage, an denen ich nicht schlafen konnte, und ich hätte keine Show auf die Beine stellen können, wenn ich es gewollt hätte, weisst Du; ich meine, ich will, dass meine Shows so perfekt wie möglich sind, weisst Du.’ Es tönte, als ob es ein Arzt war, der wusste, was er machte und was sein Job war; nicht wie dieser andere Typ, der einfach eine Infusion laufen liess und dann das Zimmer verliess und ihn praktisch wie einen Hund einschläferte”, so Van Valin.

Michael Jackson sei “recht blasiert” gewesen, als Van Valin seiner Bitte nicht nachkam, ihm mit dem Propofol zu helfen und Michael habe ihn nie wieder darum gebeten, sagte Van Valin aus.


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11.09.2013 um 02:24
The Jacksons vs. AEG Live — Update

10. September 2013

Gestern hat Richterin Palazuelos ihren Entscheid zu einem Antrag von AEG Live zwecks Einstellung des Verfahrens bekannt gegeben. AEG Live war der Meinung, dass die Jacksons nicht genügend Beweise erbracht haben, die rechtfertigen würden, dass die Geschworenen in Kürze über den Fall beraten und entscheiden könnten. Diese Meinung teilte die Richterin nicht.

Richterin Palazuelos schrieb: “Es wurden während des Prozesses eindeutige Beweise erbracht, aus denen die Geschworenen begründet ableiten können, dass die Beklagten (AEG Live) wussten oder hätten wissen sollen, dass Dr. Murray ein ungewisses Schadensrisiko für den Verstorbenen (Michael Jackson) darstellte”.

Ferner entschied die Richterin, dass die Jacksons “klare Beweise” erbracht haben, dass AEG Lives Verhalten ein massgeblicher Faktor für den Tod von Michael Jackson war. “Eine Jury könnte aus den Beweisen logisch ableiten, dass (Michael Jackson) starb, weil Dr. Murray infolge eines Interessenskonflikts aufgrund seines Vertrags mit AEG, eine an Schlaflosigkeit leidende und immer schwächer werdende Person behandelte, die nicht in der Lage war zu performen, was Dr. Murray dazu führte, schlechte medizinische Entscheidungen zu treffen, die zu (Michael Jacksons) Tod führten”.

“Das Gericht ist der Meinung, dass die Kläger ausreichend beweisen konnten, dass Dr. Murrays Behandlungen des Verstorbenen mit Murrays Anstellung durch AEG verbunden waren. Folglich ist der Antrag der Beklagten auf Einstellung des Verfahrens abgelehnt”, so die Richterin.

Hingegen entschied Richterin Palazuelos, dass das Verfahren gegen AEG Live CEO Randy Phillips und co-CEO Paul Gongaware als individuelle Mitbeklagte in diesem Fall eingestellt wird. Die beiden Manager hätten keine persönliche Haftung übernommen, was die Anstellung von Conrad Murray anbelangt, sondern sie handelten lediglich als Hilfspersonen (Angestellte) von AEG Live. Ein Anwalt für die Jacksons meinte im Anschluss, dass diese zweite Entscheidung für sie keine grosse Bedeutung habe, da die Jacksons AEG Live zuvor bereits angeboten hatten, das Verfahren gegen die beiden CEOs als Einzelbeklagte einzustellen. AEG Lives Anwälte hatten dieses Angebot jedoch damals nicht angenommen.

Diese Woche finden keine Zeugenaussagen statt, da eine der Geschworenen aus dringenden persönlichen Gründen verreisen musste. Der Prozess wird somit nächste Woche fortgesetzt. Das Ende ist in Sicht…


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11.09.2013 um 02:28
Hintergründe zum Song “I Am A Loser”

8. September 2013

Über den soeben komplett im Internet aufgetauchten Song “I Am A Loser” können auf Hintergrundinformationen nachgelesen werden. So habe Michael den Song im Januar 2003 mit seinem Musiker Brad Buxer aufgenommen, der damals ein schmerzhaftes Ende einer Beziehung hinter sich hatte. Bei der aufgetauchte Version handle es sich um eine Demo-Version, nicht die neuste Fassung des Songs. Michael änderte den Refrain später in “”I Was The Loser”, gemäss Toningenieur Michael Prince.


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11.09.2013 um 02:47
Zitat von SylvinaSylvina schrieb:Hier ist noch ein Artikel über die neue Klageeinreichung einer "Verwirrten", die die Mutter der MJ3 sein will. OMG, es gibt so viele Verrückte in der Welt.
das übernehmen die deutschsprachigen Medien natürlich gern ... :D

Rätselraten um die Mutter
Andere Mama? Verwirrung um Michael Jacksons Kinder

Dienstag, 10. September 2013 | 21:31 Uhr | Sophie

Prince (16), Paris (15) und Blanket (11) haben seit dem Tod ihres Vaters Michael Jackson (✝50) sehr viel durchmachen müssen. Von den Medien beobachtet, mussten sie in aller Öffentlichkeit lernen mit dem Verlust umzugehen. Die ganze Welt sah dabei zu, wie Paris an der Trauer zerbrach.

Als wäre das alles nicht schon genug, wird nun erneut Staub um die Frage aufgewirbelt, wer die Mutter der Kinder ist. Bisher kam diese Rolle Debbie Rowe (54) zu, die seit Michael Jacksons Tod versucht ein Teil im Leben der drei Kinder zu sein. Wie Radar Online berichtet, wagt Christine Leroux nun die kühne Behauptung, sie hätte die betreffenden Eizellen gespendet und will deswegen Besuchsrecht und die Vormundschaft einklagen. Damit kommt sie jetzt? Angeblich wollte sie immer Kontakt zu den Kindern, der ihr aber verwehrt worden sei. "Ich möchte eine Beziehung zu ihnen aufbauen und sie bei ihrer religiösen und akademischen Ausbildung beaufsichtigen dürfen und über die Disziplinarmaßnahmen in ihrer Erziehung entscheiden und wissen mit wem sie Umgang pflegen", so lauten Christines Ansprüche.

Viel Glauben wird der Frau nicht geschenkt, auch, wenn sie behauptet, sie hätte die Namen Paris und Blanket ausgesucht und Michael darum gebeten, die Gesichter der Kinder zu verhüllen. Außerdem kritisiert sie Debbie Rowe und wirft ihr vor, sie hätte sich dafür bezahlen lassen den Kindern die Brust zu geben. Michael hätte Christine seit seiner Kindheit gekannt, mit ihm gemeinsam sein Bühnenimage kreiert und sei sogar an der Entstehung der Songs "Heal the World" und "Thriller" maßgeblich beteiligt gewesen.

Was diese Frau unter Eid berichtete, klingt beinahe ein wenig größenwahnsinnig, doch sie stimmte einem DNA-Test und einem Lügendetektortest zu, die zeigen werden, ob Paris, Prince und Blanket wieder einen neuen Schock verkraften müssen.
zu vorherigem Artikel über M3 "richtigen Mama wollte ich noch sagen:
Ich habe mich darüber sehr amüsiert, auch wenn es traurig ist!!!
ja, man kann gar nicht glauben, dass es so viele "Verwirrte" gibt, die gleichzeitig zur Belustigung beitragen ... :)


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11.09.2013 um 09:26
Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ 2h
Michael's handwritten notes from Jackson vs. AEG trial -
6:47 AM - 11 Sep 13

Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ 3h
Parts are redacted but it looks like AEG uncovered an email at Dileo's computer from Karen which is contradictory to what she says now

Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ 3h
In one motion AEG is claiming Karen Faye selectively withheld documents so she could present a one sided story to the jurors

Kerry Hennigan ‏@kerryhennigan 5h
@Ivy_4MJ Thank you so much, Ivy. Confirms MJ's grand plans, disses Tohmey, but shows he wanted Murray and induced sleep. :_(
Retweetet von Ivy

heather ‏@tfang2002 5h
Those notes are beautiful, tragic, and heart breaking (and a hot grammatical mess) all rolled into one.
Retweetet von Ivy
3:52 AM - 11 Sep 13

Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ 5h
During discovery. Both sides need to share what they have. AEG gave their emails and got MJ's notes RT @MJCB_Junky: How did AEG get these?

Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ 5h
I posted 12 handwritten notes from Michael. Note 9 is pretty tragic if you ask me.

Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ 5h
First time ever : Michael's handwritten notes from Jackson vs. AEG trial
3:34 AM - 11 Sep 13


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11.09.2013 um 09:39
zu dem vorherigen Eintrag ...
Quelle: MJJC ~ Eintrag #1 ~ User: Ivy

The following are Michael's handwritten notes previously mentioned by Taj Jackson. Currently there's an AEG motion stating that Jacksons want to use these notes during their closing statements and AEG is arguing these notes are hearsay and should not be allowed to be used. Some notes were added as exhibits to the motion.

I'm starting this thread so that everyone can see these handwritten notes easily.

disclaimer: I also typed the notes, there might be mistakes and at times I corrected for Michael's typos so please refer to the actual handwritten notes.

Here are the pictures of the notes

Note 1

No AEG unless films are involved
Develop [undecipherable] 2 a year for 6 years
a movie a year for next 5 years
meeting Peter Lopez Simon Fuller AEG now
Call Fuller myself
MJ musical now
Should be in Tut [undecipherable] musical
[undecipherable] family [undecipherable]
boxed in note : call Turkle, Marcel Marceau Marcell Marceau Interview get [undecipherable]


Note 2

Tohmey away from my $ now
no contact
where's my house
Phillips is conflict
Where's money for 50 shows


Note 3

Mother do you need $


Note 4

Negotiate 40 more shows
movies when?
Randy Phillips
Halloween special
Ken Eurlikman
Delio Peter Jackson
Randy Phillips
MJ Radio London
MJ Soda Can London Deal Now
MJ Cookies Deal Now
games activision now


Note 5

jack the giant killer
sinbad = oman
AEG - > demand development of these movies
Aladin Cameron 3D Film 2 hour movie <-- start franchise now
Sinbad's Seventh Voyage
101 nights part 2
alibaba and 40 thieves like Indiana Jones [undecipherable]
mysterious isla
[undecipherable] Diamond
More than human
Cab Callaway [undecipherable]
20,000 leagues under the
AEG develop Now


Note 6

Randy Phillips
need representation accountant, lawyer, manager
invest with Phil



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11.09.2013 um 09:47
Note 7

MJ announce "last tour"
the next movies if I don't concentrate film no immortalization
40 movies classics
boxed in note: film class [undecipherable] [undecipherable] during tour


Note 8

Conrad on plane
Drip Rim sleep
No Tohmey near me, No Tohmey on plane or in my house
Vegetarian cook now fresh produce


Note 9

Conrad must practice now I can't be tired after procedure to important Rim sleep
for plane also with bed
Hire Conrad exclusive


Note 10

Cirque Du Soleil 10,000,000
AEG 250,000,000
Nike Deal
Blue City
prince FADIA
Hire accountant I trust now and lawyer I want to meet him <-- caution caution
Hire merchandising guy
I want to sign all checks over 5,000 now
Auction I want inventory now on all auction items or no auction
all keys given to Taj
[undecipherable] house
I want inventory list now
Why trust Darrien if you don't know him


Note 11

MJ Radio Day London Randy Phillips Organize


Note 12

Weekly in come 20 Million a week
First multi billionair entertainer actor director
100 billion
Better than Kelly & Astair
the greatest ever
in the likes of Chaplin Michelangelo Disney - these men demanded perfection innovation always



MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

12.09.2013 um 08:24
Zitat von SylvinaSylvina schrieb am 08.09.2013:es wurde darüber spekuliert, daß der Jermaine solange nicht die USA verlassen darf, bis er die Forderungen wegen des Kindergeldes erfüllt hat
Ja ist mir auch aufgefallen, daß diese Halima sich gerade sehr zurückhält. Wird wohl so sein.
Ja und außerdem rechnet ja Jermaine mit viel viel mehr Geld dank seiner Mutter, er hat ja noch "Großes" vor, wie wir gelesen haben. OMG.

So jetzt ist es offizell, die Kathrine muß nochmal in den Zeugenstand. Also ich persönlich glaube nicht, daß der Prozess in der nächsten Woche beendet wird. Es gibt ja immer noch Ungereimtheiten und die Anwälte geben ja noch ihr Schlussplädoyer, dann die Jury-Beratung, na ja Oktober lässt grüßen.

Was mich auch interessieren würde, woher hat Ivy diese Notizen? Es wurde spekuliert, daß die der Taj Jackson in Besitz hat, wieso eigentlich? Wollen AEG diese als Beweis vor Gericht nutzen? Oder wer will diese Notizen nutzen? Als Beweis wofür? Daß Michael noch viele Filme drehen wollte und die jetzt als Maß des Schadens berechnet werden??? Ungläubig staun!
Da können sie auch gleich den Murray seine Telefonauskunft, die er als Letztes von sich gegeben hat, als Beweis abspielen.

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