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23.746 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Mord, Michael Jackson, Verurteilung ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

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01.09.2013 um 11:25
14:02 UHR | 31.08.2013 | S. KLAAS

Michael Jackson
Fans zollen ihm Tribut

Gestern wäre Michael Jackson 55 Jahre alt geworden. Diesen Anlass nutzten Fans, um dem verstorbenen „King of Pop“ Tribut zu zollen.

Vor fünf Jahren starb Michael Jackson (50) überraschend an einer Überdosis Propofol. Gestern hätte der Popsänger seinen 55. Geburtstag gefeiert. Ein Tag, den viele Fans zum Anlass nahmen, um noch einmal an den „King of Pop“ zu erinnern, der mit seiner Musik in die Popgeschichte eingegangen ist und bis heute Musiker weltweit inspiriert.

Auf der offiziellen Webseite des Ausnahmekünstlers hatten Fans sowohl die Möglichkeit, persönliche Glückwünsche an Michael Jackson zu richten als auch ein Video zu einem Thema hochzuladen, das dem verstorbenen Popsänger zeit seines Lebens besonders am Herzen lag: „Mach die Welt zu einem besseren Platz“.

In der Heimat von Michael Jackson, Gary, Ind., soll eine Party mit lokalen Bands, Cheerleadern, Sängern, Tänzern sowie einem Gospelchor gleich vor dem Haus der Familie Jackson stattgefunden haben, wie „cbs news“ berichtet. Und in Las Vegas soll zum ersten Mal die „Michael Jackson We Are One Worldwide Birthday Celebration“-Party stattgefunden haben, wie das Portal weiter schreibt. Über so viel Anteilnahme von seinen Fans hätte sich Michael Jackson sicherlich gefreut.


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01.09.2013 um 11:45
Zitat von SylvinaSylvina schrieb:Ist der Cascio immer in Italien? Wundere mich, wohnen die nicht in der Nähe von New York?
In den letzten Jahren hat er immer aus Italien getwittert.
habe dazu leider nichts finden können ... vielleicht ist er wegen seiner Buchveröffentlichung nach Europa gezogen ... :D


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

01.09.2013 um 11:50
ja könnte auch sein, daß er eh Verwandte in Italien hat und sich da niedergelassen hat. Kann mich entsinnen, daß der vor dem Prozessauftakt mal ein Interview gegeben hat hier in Europa. Da habe ich mich auch schon gefragt, was macht der hier?


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01.09.2013 um 20:35
OMG ist das süß, das Mädchen in diesem Vid. hat das eingestellt auf FB:
Ihre Erinnerung an Michael:
Happy Birthday Michael Jackson I love you and the world will never be the same without you in it.

1x zitiertmelden

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02.09.2013 um 00:40
Zitat von SylvinaSylvina schrieb:OMG ist das süß, das Mädchen in diesem Vid. hat das eingestellt auf FB:
ein wunderschönes Video ... :) :)


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02.09.2013 um 00:56
EXTRA MINUTES | 'A Mother's Pain' | Jackson Family Home Tour
Youtube: EXTRA MINUTES | 'A Mother's Pain' | Jackson Family Home Tour
EXTRA MINUTES | 'A Mother's Pain' | Jackson Family Home Tour
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60 Minutes Australia - Veröffentlicht am 01.09.2013
Take a look around the Jackson family home.
EXTRA MINUTES | Extended interview with Katherine Jackson
Youtube: EXTRA MINUTES | Extended interview with Katherine Jackson
EXTRA MINUTES | Extended interview with Katherine Jackson
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60 Minutes Australia - Veröffentlicht am 01.09.2013
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VIDEO auf der Website ** das Interview, noch nicht auf YouTube

A Mother's Pain
Friday, August 30, 2013

Reporter: Liz Hayes
Producer: Phil Goyen

Yesterday, Michael Jackson would have turned 55.

The man known as the 'king of pop' had an extraordinary career, but he was also the 'king of controversy'.

His mother Katherine Jackson takes us inside the family compound where she breaks her silence on the scandals that dogged her son; her granddaughter's attempted suicide and, now, new allegations of child molestation.

It is a heartfelt and at times difficult conversation with a mother who is still coming to terms with the loss of her son.

Story contacts

To donate to Katherine Jackson's chosen charities visit (Archiv-Version vom 06.09.2013)


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02.09.2013 um 09:56
Jackson's children made ten morgue visits to see his body, reveals star's mother in first TV interview since his death

* Michael Jackson's daughter Paris tried to commit suicide earlier this year
* His mother Katherine gave the emotional interview days after what would have been the King of Pop's 55th birthday
* The 83-year-old said all three children struggled to come to terms with their father's death

PUBLISHED: 19:38 GMT, 1 September 2013 | UPDATED: 19:56 GMT, 1 September 2013

Michael Jackson’s three children went to visit their father’s body ten times in the morgue following his death, the singer’s mother revealed in her first TV interview yesterday.

The star’s daughter, Paris – who tried to commit suicide earlier this year – was particularly traumatised by the tragedy.

‘She was screaming and crying when Michael died saying ‘I want to go with you daddy, I don’t want to live without you,’ said Katherine Jackson.

Speaking days after what would have been the King of Pop’s 55th birthday on August 29, the 83-year-old Jackson family matriarch added: ‘I was feeling so bad for her.

'Paris suffered a lot after his death. She had to have pictures of Michael all over her room. Every picture that was hanging on the wall had to be of Michael.’

Mrs Jackson, who has 26 grandchildren and 11 great grandchildren, said all three children struggled to come to terms with their father’s sudden death in June 2009.

‘Michael’s kids went back to the morgue where Michael was about ten times. When I was in the room, I couldn’t go there,' she said, adding that she asked her daughter LaToya what the children were doing at the funeral home.

‘She said the children are all kissing and hugging Michael. Even though he is dead they are still doing that,’ she explained.

The grandmother said Paris is doing ‘much better’ after cutting her wrists and swallowing an overdose of pills in her failed suicide attempt.

The emotional interview was screened on the news show ’60 Minutes’ in Australia last night.

Mrs Jackson, who was appointed guardian for Prince Michael, 16, Paris, 15 and 11-year-old Blanket after their father died, is currently suing concert promoters AEG Live in a wrongful death civil suit in Los Angeles.

The Jackson’s claim the entertainment giant was negligent in hiring Conrad Murray, the private doctor now serving four years behind bars for causing Jackson’s death by giving him an overdose of the anaesthetic drug propofol.

Mrs Jackson said it was ‘the worst day of my life’ when her son died.

‘I’ve never had that feeling before and I never want to feel like that again,’ she said.

Despite her advancing years, she rejects claims that she’s too old to care for her son’s children adequately, but admits to doing some things differently.

‘I didn’t like Michael’s children wearing masks in public so after his passing I never put any on them,’ she said.

She said the vultures began circling soon after Jackson’s overdose. ‘People have been so greedy and have been taking things that don’t belong to them, and stealing things. All that happens when someone dies, especially when people think they have a lot of money,’ she added.

And she insisted she always believed in her son’s innocence in the face of claims that he molested young boys.

‘I know that Michael didn’t do it,’ she said. ‘I have no doubt.

‘I didn’t ask him but we talked about it all the time. We talked about a lot of things.’

She said it made her ‘angry’ that Jackson made a multi-million pound pay-off to the family of Jordan Chandler, one of his accusers.

Mrs Jackson also defended Jackson over claims that he abused drugs and tried to surgically change his appearance.

‘Michael was in a lot of pain so he was taking a lot of painkillers. Michael’s life changed when he was seriously burned doing the Pepsi commercial.

'It burned him so badly that his hair wouldn’t grow back at the top of his head and he didn’t like that part of it. That’s why he started wearing wigs,’ sher added.

‘People might think that Michael would over-indulge in plastic surgery but they don’t know what went on before. Michael also had a disease so the colour of his skin was changing.

‘I don’t know why people said he had too much facial surgery. He got his nose done so that being in the centre of his face would change how he looked but I don’t think he got too much done.’

She reminisced about how the singer refined some of his famous dance moves when he was still a child.

‘When he was a baby he used to dance to the sound of a washing machine. He used to dance to the rhythm of our old rickety washing machine so he started doing those rickety moves and dancing to the sounds,’ she said.

‘There will always be questions hanging in the air that I would like the answer to but I probably won’t get them,’ she said of the circumstances surrounding her son’s death.


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02.09.2013 um 10:01
Michael Jackson: Kinder Konnten Nicht Loslassen!

Am 2. September 2013


Sich vom eigenen Vater zu verabschieden ist niemals leicht! Den Kindern von Michael Jackson ist der Abschied von ihrem geliebten Vater auch sehr schwer gefallen. Prince, Paris und Blanket nahmen mehrfach von Michael Abschied, als er 2009 unerwartet verstarb. Katherine Jackson verriet gegenüber "60 Minutes": "Die Kinder gingen sicher zehn Mal in die Leichenhalle. Ich konnte gar nicht hineingehen. Die Kinder küssten und umarmten Michael dort innig."

Natürlich kann man heute über solche Dinge reden, doch ist es nicht eigentlich ein sehr privater und intimer Moment? Hier wird wieder einmal mehr die Frage aufgeworfen wie viel Öffentlichkeit man seinen Kinder zumuten sollte, zumindest in Bezug auf das Thema, welches sie eh ein Leben lang verfolgen wird.

Michael Jackson Facts:

Der King of Pop verstarb am 25. Juni 2009. Er wurde leblos in seiner Villa in L.A. aufgefunden. Jackson hatte eine Überdosis des Narkosemittels Propofol im Blut. (Archiv-Version vom 05.07.2022)

ähnlicher Bericht


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02.09.2013 um 10:09
Prince Jackson@princemjjjaxon
I missed her😘❤
8:29 PM - 1 Sep 13


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02.09.2013 um 10:36
Merrill Osmond ‏@merrillosmond 17h
Jermaine Jackson will not be at gala tonight as he was served a court injunction and cannot leave USA.
Retweetet von Ivy

5:13 PM - 1 Sep 13

1x zitiertmelden

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03.09.2013 um 07:29
Katherine Jackson- 'Paris litt und wir haben nichts gemerkt'

Jackos Mutter spricht erstmals über den Selbstmordversuch ihrer Enkelin

Es kann wohl keiner das Gefühl nachempfinden, das Katherine Jackson, 83, Mutter von Michael Jackson († 50), empfunden haben muss, als ihre Enkelin Paris im Juni versuchte, sich das Leben zu nehmen.

Nach einer stationären Behandlung geht es der 15-Jährigen mittlerweile wieder besser. Erstmals spricht nun ihre Oma über die schreckliche Verzweifllungstat. "Ich denke, sie hat gelitten und wir haben es nicht gemerkt", räumt die 83-Jährige im Interview mit "60 Minutes Ausralia" ein.

Katherine, die die Vormundschaft für die Jackson-Sprösslinge hat, sieht man im Interview deutlich an, wie nahe ihr die Auseinandersetzung mit diesem schweren Thema geht. Als sie auf Paris' Selbstmordversuch angesprochen wird, kann sie die Tränen nicht länger zurückhalten.

Paris habe schwer unter dem Tod ihres Vaters zu leiden, in ihrem Zimmer seien seine Bilder überall verteilt, verriet sie weiter. Als Paris ihren Vater nach seinem Tod in der Leichenhalle sah, soll sie ihn geküsst haben und gesagt haben, dass sie nicht ohne ihn leben wolle.

Katherine Jackson: Paris wollte nach dem Tod ihres Vaters Michael Jackson nicht mehr leben
"60 Minutes" Interview

Geschrieben am: 02.09.2013 um 22:05 Uhr


Trieb der Tod ihres Vaters Paris Jackson zum glücklicherweise missglückten Selbstmordversuch (20 Tabletten Ibuprofen + aufgeschnittener Arm) im Juni? Ihre Großmutter Katherine Jackson verbindet die Geschehnisse direkt mit dem tragischen Ableben von Michael Jackson im Jahr 2009.

Im Interview bei ’60 Minutes Australia‘ sagte Katherine, dass es sich „möglicherweise“ um einen Selbstmordversuch handelte, aber sie nicht wusste, wie sie es richtig anstellen muss. „Als Michael starb, schrie und weinte Paris und sagte, ‚Ich will mit dir gehen Daddy, ich will nicht ohne dich leben.’“

Das Familienoberhaupt des Jackson-Clans gab zu, dass Paris wohl im Stillen litt und die Familie nichts davon wusste. Sie konnte nach dem Tod ihres Vaters einfach nicht loslassen. Zusammen mit ihren Brüdern besuchte sie sogar noch etliche Male das Leichenschauhaus.

„Sie gingen ungefähr 10 Mal ins Leichenschauhaus zurück, in dem Michael war. Sie umarmten und küssten ihn und natürlich war er tot, aber sie machten es trotzdem immer noch.“

Als Paris Jackson bei ihrer Oma einzog, stattete sie ihr ganzes Zimmer mit Erinnerungen an ihren Vater aus. „Sie hatte überall im Zimmer Bilder“, erinnerte sich Katherine Jackson weiter. Mittlerweile soll es Paris aber schon „viel besser“ gehen.


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03.09.2013 um 07:37
Katherine Jackson: ‘Paris Was Suffering & We Didn’t Know It’

Posted on Sep 2, 2013 @ 8:20AM | By Radar Staff

For the first time since Paris Jackson‘s suicide attempt, her grandmother and guardian Katherine Jackson is opening up on the teenager’s trauma.

“I guess she was suffering and we didn’t know it,” Michael Jackson‘s mother told 60 Minutes Australia.

Her lengthy interview aired Sunday night and was heart-wrenching to watch.

Often shedding tears, the Jackson family matriarch was asked directly if Paris had attempted suicide in June.

“Yes, it is true,” Katherine responded.

ONLY ON RADAR: First Photos Of Paris Jackson Since Suicide Attempt — Her Remarkable Recovery At Boarding School Revealed (Archiv-Version vom 27.08.2013)

She also revealed that after Michael’s 2009 death, at the mortuary, Paris kissed her dad and told him, “I don’t want to live without you.”

And after moving in with her grandmother, Paris covered her room with memories of her dad.

“She had to have his pictures everywhere in her room,” Katherine said.

Fortunately, Paris is doing “much better” and is continuing her treatment at an unnamed school. Adding to her recovery, Katherine confirmed, is the much improved relationship between Paris and her biological mother, Debbie Rowe.

You can watch the entire interview here (Archiv-Version vom 06.09.2013)


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03.09.2013 um 07:44 (Archiv-Version vom 27.08.2013)

First Photos Of Paris Jackson Since Suicide Attempt — Her Remarkable Recovery At Boarding School


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04.09.2013 um 09:36
3. SEPTEMBER 2013 16:45

Wie ein Gentleman

prince jackson 6325260 original lightbox

Michael Jacksons Sohn Prince benimmt sich gegenüber seiner Freundin Remi Alfalah laut ihrer Mutter wie ein Gentleman

Prince Jackson (16) ist ein toller Freund - findet die Mutter seiner Freundin.

Der älteste Sohn von Michael Jackson (†50, 'Dangerous') ist seit zehn Monaten mit der kuwaitischen Prinzessin Remi Alfalah zusammen. Ihre Mutter kommt aus dem Schwärmen nicht heraus: "Ich vertraue Prince, was meine Tochter betrifft, und ich würde mein Leben darauf setzen, dass er sich ihr gegenüber wie ein Gentleman benimmt", betonte Alana Alfalah im Gespräch mit 'Radar Online'.

Die Beziehung der beiden Teenager wird immer inniger - vor Kurzem sah man sie knutschen, als sie in Beverly Hills zusammen zu Mittag aßen. Es wurde sogar schon behauptet, dass Prince Jackson an Heirat denkt, aber die ältere Alfalah kann da beruhigen: "Sie sind noch nicht soweit. Sie nehmen beide ihre Ausbildung ernst. Mein Mann stammt aus Kuwait und ich bin Amerikanerin. Er ist sehr streng und er würde Remi nicht den Umgang mit jemanden erlauben, der nicht die richtigen Dinge macht. Prince macht keinen Ärger, er raucht nicht und er trinkt auch nicht. Wir würden es Remi nicht erlauben, einfach mit irgendjemand auszugehen."

Die besorgte Mama ist auch begeistert, wie kreativ der Promi-Sohn ist: "Prince macht seinen eigenen Schmuck. Es sind tolle Stücke und er zeichnet viel, er interessiert sich für Kunst. Beiden liegt die Umwelt und die Tierwelt am Herzen. Prince ist sehr ordentlich - er räumt immer sein Auto auf und stellt sicher, dass es ordentlich ist."

Alfalah lobte zudem Katherine Jackson (83), die nach dem Tod ihres Sohnes die Vormundschaft für die drei Kinder übernommen hat. Die ältere Dame sei "reizend" und hätte die volle Kontrolle über ihre Enkel. Paris Jackson (15) geriet im Juni in die Schlagzeilen, als sie versuchte, sich umzubringen. Ihr älterer Bruder würde alles tun, um ihr zu helfen: "Er steht unter einer Menge Druck, bei all den Sachen, die um ihn herum passieren, aber er geht damit sehr gut um. Er spricht über niemanden ein böses Wort und er kümmert sich um alle."

Das hört sich wirklich so an, als ob Prince Jackson der ideale Schwiegersohn wäre.


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04.09.2013 um 09:43
He’s Just Like A King! Prince Jackson Is ‘Behaving Like Royalty With My Daughter,’ Kuwaiti Princess Tells Radar

Posted on Sep 3, 2013 @ 3:18AM | By Stacy Brown

Michael Jackson‘s son, Prince, is behaving like royalty with his girlfriend, real life Kuwaiti princess, Remi Alfalah.

That’s according to Remi’s proud mom, Alana Alfalah, who has told all about their relationship in an exclusive interview.

“I trust Prince with my daughter and I’d stake my life on him always being a gentleman with her,” Alana said of the 16-year-old heir of the late King of Pop, who died in 2009.

“We enjoy Prince. He’s exceptional.”

Prince and Remi have been dating for ten months and were recently seen smooching and having lunch together at Boa Steakhouse in Beverly Hills.

Alana said she felt compelled to praise the young man after Jackson family sources complained of Prince being a renegade.

“If he wasn’t such a great kid, I’d continue to keep to myself and not say anything, but if you call being in the honor society, never breaking curfew and helping others a renegade, then that’s Prince,” Alfalah gushed.

“He comes over and he usually has a curfew and he reminds his grandmother sometimes what that curfew is and he always makes sure to leave well ahead of it,” she said.

Last week, some members of the family complained that Prince had been keeping late hours and ignored requests of his grandmother and guardian, Katherine.

They said he wants out of the Jackson family mansion in Calabasas and is even considering marrying his Princess.

But Alana insisted, “They are not at that stage yet. I will say this, even if they were to ever part ways, I’d still have a lot of love and respect for Prince.”

Alana is married to Kuwaiti royalty — but out of respect for her husband and the family’s religion, she declined to discuss him only to say, “My husband is very strict, so Prince must be special for his approval.”

The Al-Falah family is closely connected to Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah of the famed Royal House of Al-Sabah, whose reported net worth is approaching $1 billion. The Al-Falahs travel often to Kuwait, Monaco, Dubai, Paris and various parts of Europe.

Still, Alana has remained low-key and encourages her four children about the importance of education. And she said Jackson matriarch Katherine is similar.

“She’s a lovely woman who really is on top of things,” Remi’s mom said.

Katherine and T.J. Jackson, who both serve as guardians to Prince and his two siblings, Paris and Blanket, have each visited the Alfalah family.

When Prince’s sister, Paris, 15, attempted suicide in June, it was Prince who shouldered the responsibility of making sure his little sister would be okay, Alana revealed.

“He has a lot of pressure with all that has gone on, but he handles everything well. He never speaks an ill word and he cares about everyone,” Alana said.

Remi’s mom said the kids met when her daughter first started attending the Buckley School in Sherman Oaks.

“She was alone and the kids weren’t very nice. Prince just approached her and he started showing her around and they grew close.

“They are serious about their education, the both of them. Look, my husband is from Kuwait and I’m American, he’s very strict, so there is no way he’d allow Remi to see someone who wasn’t doing the right things in life. Prince doesn’t get into trouble, he doesn’t smoke, and he doesn’t drink. We wouldn’t allow Remi to be with just anyone,” Alana said.

Alana revealed, “Prince makes his own jewelry by hand, great pieces and he draws a lot, he’s into art. Both of them are also so worried about nature and animals and Prince is meticulous, always cleaning his car and making sure things are tidy.”


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04.09.2013 um 09:59
Michael Jackson trial: Drug addiction expert testifies

Tuesday, September 03, 2013
Miriam Hernandez

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LOS ANGELES (KABC) -- A drug addiction expert testified Tuesday that Michael Jackson's use of drugs put him on a dangerous road that was likely to shorten his life.

Jackson's use of prescription drugs was secretive, according to testimony. Jurors have heard he used fake names. His use of propofol to sleep at a hotel and at his home was never recorded in medical records. Was Jackson addicted to propofol?

"I don't think there's sufficient evidence from the record reading to ascertain whether he was addicted to either propofol or benzodiazepine. There are suggestions in the record, but there's not sufficient information," Dr. Paul Earley, a defense expert on anesthesia, had said in a video deposition.

Testifying in person on Tuesday, Earley says propofol studies are scant. Documented cases of dependency are rare and that most addicts are healthcare professionals who obtain it through surgery centers. The anesthetic is not available in retail pharmacies. Earley testified that he has studied 26 propofol addicts in his 30 years of practice.

Attorneys for concert promoter AEG Live claim that Jackson's habit was so unusual, even those closest to the star were unaware that Dr. Conrad Murray was infusing Jackson with propofol as an insomnia treatment in the two months before Jackson died of an overdose.

Earley testified there was even more that put Jackson at risk of death. He said that Jackson was addicted to opioids and the mix is potentially lethal. Earley pointed to multiple incidents when Jackson stopped breathing while under sedation.

Katherine Jackson has not been in court for the last two weeks. Her attorneys claim that Michael Jackson's health declined as he prepared for his comeback tour and that AEG failed to supervise Murray, the doctor that AEG conditionally agreed to hire at Jackson's request.

Regarding Earley, the Jackson attorneys are raising questions about his credibility. Earley completed a propofol study with $53,000 provided by AEG.

Earley says he properly disclosed the funding source and that the report did not form the basis of his opinion on this case.

Meantime, an outlook for the length of the case: there's a week and a half more for the defense. The Jackson attorneys say they will then put on their rebuttal case calling as many as four more witnesses.


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04.09.2013 um 10:03
Jury hears of Jackson’s friendships with doctors

The Associated Press
Wednesday, Sept. 4, 2013 | 12:03 a.m.

For Michael Jackson, a trip to the doctor's office sometimes wasn't just paying a visit to a health care provider. It was paying a visit to a trusted friend.

A jury has been hearing for weeks about the pop superstar's close relationship with many of his medical providers _ spending Christmas with some doctors, inviting others to spend time at Neverland Ranch. His primary care doctor served as the best man at the singer's second wedding, to a woman who worked in his dermatologist's office and became a frequent companion on his medical visits.

Jackson's relationship with his final doctor, Conrad Murray, is important to the negligent hiring case, but in the process jurors are getting an inside look at celebrity health care _ after-hours visits, house calls and false names on records and prescriptions _ that are meant to preserve confidentiality but can present ethical challenges for doctors. They have also heard a detailed portrait of medical history, including painful burns and the skin conditions vitiligo and discoid lupus that led Jackson to feel he was disfigured.

Other practitioners have recounted stories of telling Jackson they wouldn't comply with his requests for painkillers or the powerful anesthetic that would kill him in his bedroom in 2009.

The parade of testimony from Jackson's doctors is central to the defense case being mounted by AEG Live LLC, the company promoting Jackson's ill-fated comeback concerts, which is being sued by the singer's mother. Katherine Jackson says the company hired Murray to help her son prepare for his "This Is It" shows. In the process, her attorneys say, AEG Live created a conflict of interest that compelled Murray to provide her son with the anesthetic propofol as a sleep aid in order to preserve his anticipated $150,000 a month payday.

AEG contends it is not liable for the superstar's death but that it was his own personal choices that led to his demise.

Stories the jurors have heard throughout the 18-week trial about Jackson and his doctors:

_ Two of Jackson's doctors, Scott Saunders and William Van Valin II, went to Jackson's Neverland Ranch near Santa Barbara, according to testimony from Saunders. Saunders recounted how Jackson occasionally showed up at his home unannounced and sent him and his family Christmas presents one year. Saunders said Jackson would sometimes invite him out to Neverland and would ask him to stay longer so they could just talk.

_ Jackson occasionally lived in the garage, converted into a guest room, of Dr. Alimorad Farshcian when the Miami physician was treating the singer from 2001 until 2003. Farshchian placed an implant in Jackson's abdomen to block the euphoric effects of opioid drugs so he would stop taking them. Farshcian said he traveled with Jackson and spent Christmas with him in 2002.

_ Several witnesses who described Jackson's medical treatments said the singer required after-hours visits to avoid paparazzi scrutiny. His records were sometimes filed under the names Omar Arnold, Michael Jefferson or other aliases and prescriptions were also sometimes placed in false names to try to protect his privacy.

_ Jackson's second wife, Debbie Rowe, worked for the singer's longtime dermatologist Dr. Arnold Klein and would accompany the singer to many of his medical appointments throughout the 1980s and 1990s. Rowe said Jackson was intensely afraid of pain and required numerous procedures to treat his vitiligo and try to repair damage to his scalp after it was burned while filming a Pepsi commercial in 1984. When Rowe and Jackson married in Australia in 1996, another of the singer's physicians, Dr. Allan Metzger, served as their best man.

_ Rowe said Klein and a now-retired plastic surgeon, Dr. Steven Hoefflin, competed with each other for who could give Jackson the best painkillers. Rowe said Jackson trusted his doctors. "Michael had a very low pain tolerance and his fear of pain was incredible," she said. "I think the doctors took advantage of him that way."

_ Dental anesthesiologist Dr. Christine Quinn said in 1998 or 1999 Jackson summoned her to a Beverly Hills hotel and asked her to give him propofol to help him sleep. She said she refused.

_ Dr. Gordon Sasaki, who tried to repair damage to Jackson's scalp in 2003, said he accepted the singer's invitation to go to Neverland Ranch after they met. Sasaki however refused to prescribe any more painkillers to Jackson after the singer requested Percocet three times in a short time span. Sasaki said he turned over Jackson's pain management to Klein.

_ Dr. Stephen Gordon, a Las Vegas plastic surgeon, said Jackson requested that he give him a shot of the painkiller Demerol "for the road" after a procedure in 2003. Gordon refused and didn't see Jackson again for another four years, when he returned with Murray. Jackson acted as if he didn't know Gordon, the doctor said, and Murray took charge of the visit, driving Jackson to the office and paying for it when it was over. "There was nothing usual or customary about what he was doing," Gordon said of Murray.

Attorneys for Jackson's mother have acknowledged that Jackson struggled with painkillers throughout his life, but have said most of his prescriptions were tied to medical procedures. AEG Live's lawyers contend Jackson showed signs that he was doctor shopping, hid his addiction to painkillers and lied about his medical history.

A close relationship between a doctor and patients is not inherently wrong, said Arthur Caplan, the director of the Division of Medical Ethics at NYU Langone Medical Center. He said it often occurs in small towns, and wealthy patients can sometimes afford to hire their own doctors. The problem occurs when the doctor's judgment is clouded and their treatment is affected.

"If you can't say no or stop, you probably are too far down the friendship highway," Caplan said.


Anthony McCartney can be reached at (Archiv-Version vom 03.10.2013)


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04.09.2013 um 10:24
Quelle: Jackson.CH - Schweizer MJ Forum ---

The Jacksons vs. AEG Live — Zeugen von AEG, 16. Teil

2. September 2013

Trotz gegenteiliger Aussage ging es letzte Woche mit Zeugenaussagen doch weiter. Zunächst sagte Dr. Petros Levounis, ein Experte für Medikamentensucht, aus. Anschliessend die Krankenschwester Cherilyn Lee, die bereits im Strafprozess gegen Conrad Murray ausgesagt hatte, sowie Dr. Catherine Quinn, eine Zahnärztin.

AEG Live will bekanntlich die Geschworenen davon überzeugen, dass Michael Jacksons Suchtverhalten geheim und ihnen nicht bekannt war. Die Jackson Anwälte hatten jedoch nie bestritten, dass Michael Jackson ein Medikamtensuchtproblem hatte. Als Michael Jackson während der Dangerous Tour 1993 der Welt mitteilte, dass er unter Medikamentensucht leide und in Rehabilitation gehe, wäre das ja nicht sehr privat gewesen, nicht wahr, fragte Jackson Anwalt Dr. Levounis im Kreuzverhör. In dem Moment war er nicht verschwiegen, so Levounis. Michael Jackson als medikamentensüchtig darzustellen könnte seinem Image unter den Geschworenen zwar schaden, aber die Relevanz für AEG Live in Bezug auf deren mögliche Haftung ist fraglich, da Opiade (Schmerzmittel) im Rahmen von Michael Jacksons Tod gemäss gerichtsmedizinischem Bericht keine Rolle gespielt hatten. Wäre Dr. Levounis übrigens der Meinung gewesen, dass Michael Jackson süchtig nach Propfol gewesen war, hätte die Richterin ihn nicht aussagen lassen.

Dr. Levounis fand beim Studieren der Unterlagen keinen Beweis dafür, dass Michael Jackson nach Verlassen der Reha-Klinik 1993 bis 2001 bzw. zwischen Juli 2003 und Ende 2008 Schmerzmittel eingenommen hatte. Es komme oft vor, dass Suchtverhalten zwischendurch in Remission ginge, so Levounis.

Unter Kreuzverhör räumte Dr. Levounis ein, dass er keine Beweise dafür fand, dass Michael Jackson sich mit Beruhingungsmitteln injiziert hatte oder illegale Drogen wie Kokain, Meth oder Heroin genommen habe oder Medikamente dazu missbrauchte, um euphorisch oder high zu werden. Ebenfalls gab es keine Beweise dafür, dass Michael Jackson mehr Schmerzmittel zu sich genommen hatte, als die Ärzte ihm verschrieben hatten.

Wie bereits einschlägig bekannt war Paul Gongaware, co-CEO von AEG Live, während der Dangerous Tour als Tour Manager tätig. Dr. Levounis gestand entsprechend ein, dass es Beweise dafür gebe, dass Gongaware bereits 15 Jahre vor Michael Jacksons Tod von dessen Suchtverhalten in Bezug auf Schmerzmittel wussste.

Dr. Levounis sagte zudem aus, dass es gefährlich sei, wenn ein Arzt mit seinem medikamentensüchtigen Patienten zu freundlich wird, was bei Murray der Fall war — eine Aussage, die letztlich der Jackson Seite hilfreich sein könnte. “Eine sehr enge Freundschaft zwischen einem medikamentensüchtigen Patienten und einem Arzt ist problematisch. Es macht es für den Patienten einfacher nach Medikamenten zu fragen und es macht es dem Arzt schwieriger nicht nachzugeben”, so Dr. Levounis.

Als nächstes war die Krankenschwester Cherilyn Lee dran. Bevor Murray Michael Jackson Propofolinfusionen verabreichte, behandelte Lee Michaels Schlaflosigkeit mit einem intravenösen Vitamincocktail. Lee begann am 1. Februar 2009 mit ihrer Behandlung. “Ich war besorgt, dass [Michael Jackson] Red Bull trank”, so Lee. Während ihres ersten Treffens hatte er mehrere Dosen Red Bull getrunken. “Ich dachte mir, dass seine Müdigkeit damit zusammen hängte”, so Lee. Nachdem Lee Michael Jackson einen Monat lang mit dem Vitamincocktail behandelt hatte, fühlte er sich grossartig und sah gesünder aus, sagte Lee. Er kam aber noch immer nicht auf mehr als fünf Stunden Schlaf pro Nacht und mit den bevorstehenden intensiveren Proben für die Tour sagte Michael Jackson ihr, er brauche “etwas Kleines mehr”, so Lee. Als sie ihm vorschlug, er solle sich an einen Schlafexperten wenden, der sein Schlafverhalten bei Michael zu Hause studieren könne oder dass er weniger Licht oder Musik im Schlafzimmer haben sollte, war Michael nicht dafür offen.

Als Lee Michael Jackson am 19. April 2009 zu Hause besucht hatte, war er angeblich immer noch auf der Suche nach einem Arzt, der ihm Propofol verabreichen würde. “Er war nicht ganz er selbst. Er schien gestresst oder so. Er sagte, er sei unter grossem Druck, die Proben zum Abschluss zu bringen und er sagte ‘ich brauche meinen Schlaf, so dass ich das schaffe’”, so Lee. Michael Jackson, so Lee, habe sie gebeten, ihm bei Propofolinfusionen behilflich zu sein und ihn nicht mehr nur mit den Vitamincocktails zu versorgen. Da Lee Propofol nicht bekannt war, schaute sie nach, was dies für ein Medikament sei. “Ich erinnere mich, wie ich ihm sagte, dass dies nicht für den Heimgebrauch war… Es war definitiv kein Medikament, um Schlaflosigkeit zu behandeln”, so Lee. Lee las ihre handschriftlichen Notizen von jenem Tag dem Gericht vor: “Ich ging soweit zu sagen, ‘ich verstehe, dass Sie gut schlafen wollen — so richtig weg sein wollen — aber was, wenn Sie nicht mehr aufwachen’. Er sagte ‘Ich werde okay sein. Ich brauche nur jemanden, der mich mit der notwendigen medizinischen Ausrüstung überwacht, während ich schlafe’”. Michael Jackson habe ihr immer wieder gesagt, dass sie es nicht begreife und dass die Ärzte ihm gesagt hatten, dass es sicher sei, solange er überwacht werde. Im Anschluss an diese Aussage brach Lee im Zeugenstand zusammen und weinte: “Ich kann nicht mehr! Ich kann nicht mehr! Es ist so unfair. Mir ist so schlecht.” Die Richterin vertagte die Befragung. AEG Live Anwältin Sabrina Strong eilte zum Zeugenstand, um ihre Zeugin zu beruhigen. Als die Geschworenen draussen waren, wendete sich Jackson Anwalt Brian Panish an die Richterin und sagte, dass dieses Verhalten der Gegenanwältin unangebracht gewesen sei und darauf abzielte, den Geschworenen gegenüber als teilnahmsvoll zu erscheinen. “Angebracht oder unangebracht, es ist passiert”, so die Richterin. Panish verlangte, dass die Richterin die Gegenanwältin vor den Geschworenen rügen sollte. Die Richterin schlug vor, dass Panish seinen Antrag schriftlich einreichen solle und sie sich das dann anschauen werde.

Letzte Woche ebenfalls ausgesagt hatte Dr. Catherine Quinn, eine Zahnärztin, die sich auf die Verabreichung von Narkosemitteln während zahnärztlichen Behandlungen spezialisiert. Dr. Quinn sagte aus, dass Michael Jackson sie 1998 darum bat, ihm Propofol zu verabreichen. “Er sagte mir, dass er unter Schlafproblemen litt”, so Dr. Quinn. “Ich sagte ihm, dass es nicht angebracht sei, dies mittels eines Narkosemittels zu behandeln. Er solle mit seinem Hausarzt sprechen und ihn fragen, welche Schlafmittel er ihm empfehlen könne. Ich sagte ihm, dass der Schlaf, den er infolge eines Narkosemittels kriegt, kein richtiger Schlaf sei. Es sei kein erholsamer Schlaf. Er sagte mir, dass er nie besser geschlafen hätte [als unter Propofolbehandlung]“, so Dr. Quinn.


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04.09.2013 um 10:32


Katherine Jacksons “60 Minutes” Interview wurde dieses Wochenende ausgestrahlt und offenbarte einige intime Einblicke in das Leben von Katherine und Michaels Kinder – vor und nach Michaels Tod.

Das “60 Minutes” Interview kann unten auf dieser Seite angesehen werden.

Auch CNN liess Katherine Jackson in einem lesenswerten Artikel anlässlich Michaels 55. Geburtstag zu Wort kommen. Katherine erinnert sich darin an die Anfänge der Jackson 5 und Michaels frühe Kindheit – wie er einmal eine Ratte in einer Tasche zu einem Besuch mitnahm, oder wie er gerne Süssigkeiten kaufte, doch diese statt alle selbst zu essen, weiterverkaufte, da er es liebte, Verkäufer zu spielen. Wie er als Kleinkind zur Waschmaschine tanzte. Oder wie Michaels sie und seinen Grossvater zu Tränen rührte, als er in einer Kindergarten-Aufführung “Climb Every Mountain” sang. Katherine: “Ich war so nervös als er auf die Bühne lief, weil er immer so schüchtern war. Er begann den Song zu singen und er sang it mit so einer Klarheit und fehlerfrei…” Michael Jacksons Grossvater väterlicherseits “weinte wie ein Baby”, und auch ihr seien die Tränen runter gelaufen. “Er bekam Standing Ovations für seinen Auftritte und er war nicht nervös. Ich war schockiert.”

Die Jackson Familie lebte damals in einem Haus in Gary (hier unser Artikel über die Stadt) mit nur zwei Schlafzimmern. Die Eltern schliefen in einem, die Knaben im anderen. Die Mädchen schliefen im Wohnzimmer. Katherines Aussagen, auf die sich CNN beruft, machte sie während dem Prozess gegen AEG.

Hier aber das aktuellste Interview mit der Mutter des Jackson-Clans:


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04.09.2013 um 12:38
Michael Jackson a Drug Addict, AEG Claims in Trial



Renowned performer Michael Jackson was a drug addict, a medical expert testifying for concert promotion company AEG Live claimed during his wrongful death trial last week.

“Michael Jackson’s addiction was quite extensive and I have very little doubt that his pleasure-reward pathways had been hijacked and he suffered from addiction,” Dr. Petros Levounis said during last week’s action in the trial’s 18th week.

Levounis based his assertion on Jackson’s affinity for opioid painkillers, which he reportedly began using regularly after his scalp was severely burned while filming a Pepsi commercial in 1984. Jackson put himself in rehab in 1993 to try to curb his dependence on the meds.

As hopped up as Jackson might have been, however, the drug at issue in the trial is not a painkiller but rather an anesthetic called propofol, which Levounis did not address in regard to addiction. The jury has heard from several other medical professionals who said that Jackson had asked them for propofol.

The anesthetic ultimately caused the famous singer’s death when his personal physician, Dr. Conrad Murray, administered an overdose to him in 2009. Within months, Murray will be released from prison about halfway through a four-year sentence for manslaughter, while Jackson’s family has sued AEG claiming the company negligently hired, retained or supervised the infamous doctor.

Doctor-Patient Rapport

The Jackson lawyers tried last week to argue that they should be able to tack on another negligence claim against AEG based on the company ignoring evidence of the pop star’s deterioration, but the judge nixed their request.

AEG attorneys are arguing that Jackson personally picked Murray to be his doctor and that he was responsible for his own medical care.

Testimony by medical professionals has been key to AEG’s defense. Dental anesthesiologist Christine Quinn testified last week that Jackson asked her for propofol in 1998 or 1999 so he could go to sleep. And a a nurse practitioner, Cherilyn Lee, said he asked the same of her a decade later, shortly before his death. Lee claims she tried to warn Jackson against using propofol at home, but he replied “You don’t understand. Doctors said it’s OK.”

Another issue that has come up has been the close and perhaps inappropriately friendly relationships Jackson had with Murray and other medical professionals. One doctor was best man at his wedding, others showed up at his house to socialize and one spent a Christmas holiday with the star. Murray in particular had unusual access to Jackson and even appeared to be serving as his go-between and spokesperson, a plastic surgeon testified.

Levounis addressed the close relationships during his testimony. “A very close friendship between an addicted patient and a doctor is problematic,” he told the jury. “It makes it much easier for a patient to ask for drugs and it makes it more difficult for a provider to resist.”


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05.09.2013 um 20:24
Quelle: MJJC - Eintrag #8085 - User: Ivy
Almost done.. 3-4 deposition videos this friday, we will see if AEG calls any other witness next week and then rebuttal and closing. it'll be over - while probably an appeal will continue for a few more years
der Prozess wird wohl bald beendet sein ... :)


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05.09.2013 um 20:29
Nach vier Monaten nähert sich der Michael Jackson Zivilprozess dem Ende ...

After four months, Michael Jackson wrongful death case nears end

September 5, 2013, 6:00 a.m.

After more than four months of testimony, the Michael Jackson wrongful death case could finally go to the jury later this month.

Court clerk Neli Raya said she expects the case willl be handed to the jury in about 2 1/2 weeks.

Marvin Putnam, attorney for AEG Live, has said he expects to rest his case next Friday at the latest. Then each side could call rebuttal witnesses, and attorneys could argue over the instructions the judge will give the 12 jurors who have sat through the marathon.

While jurors have heard from financial experts, AEG executives, doctors and Jackson family members, none of the celebrities on the attorneys witness lists — Prince, Spike Lee, Quincy Jones and Diana Ross among them — have been called to testify.

The case revolves around the question of who controlled Dr. Conrad Murray, the cardiologist who administered the fatal dose of the anesthetic propofol to Jackson at the singer’s rented Holmby Hills home on June 25, 2009.

Jackson was preparing for a 50-concert comeback in London that was being promoted and produced by AEG. Murray was convicted of involuntary manslaughter and is serving a jail sentence.

The Jacksons say that AEG negligently hired and supervised Murray, while AEG says the singer hired him and that any money the entertainment firm was supposed to pay him was an advance.,0,7515986.story


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05.09.2013 um 20:39
Michael Jackson death trial takes odd twist

By Alan Duke, CNN
September 5, 2013 -- Updated 1035 GMT (1835 HKT)


* NEW: Co-author of AEG Live propofol study was hired after losing pizza parlor job
* NEW: Study co-author was "destitute, dead broke," AEG Live expert testifies
* AEG Live funded the expert's propofol research paper
* The wrongful death case is nearing an end after four months

Los Angeles (CNN) -- The co-author of a study on propofol addiction funded by AEG Live and used in their defense in the Michael Jackson wrongful death trial lost his medical license for writing illegal drug prescriptions, according to testimony.

Dr. Torin Finver was hired to help with the AEG Live study after he lost his job at a pizza parlor and took a job driving a Goodwill truck, said Dr. Paul Earley, who testified Wednesday as an expert witness for the concert promoter.

Finver was "destitute, dead broke, and I wanted to help him," Earley, himself a recovering heroin addict, testified.

The revelation was a bizarre twist in the trial of the billion-dollar lawsuit filed by Jackson's mother and three children, which is being heard by a Los Angeles jury. The four-month-long trial is nearing a conclusion.

AEG Live lawyers will announce if they have any more witnesses to call before playing the video depositions of three more doctors on Friday. Jackson lawyers would then take several days to call rebuttal witnesses before closing arguments are heard, which is likely to happened around
September 23.

Earley testified that he never disclosed to AEG Live lawyers that his co-author had lost his medical license. Ironically, the company is being accused of the negligent hiring of Dr. Conrad Murray, convicted in Jackson's death because it allegedly failed to check Murray's background before hiring him.

Jackson lawyer Kevin Boyle also grilled Earley over his nondisclosure that he was working as a paid consultant in AEG Live's defense when he submitted the study for publication in a medical journal.

He said the concert promoter did not try to influence his findings, which were published in March in the Journal of Addiction Medicine.

Jackson lawyers are hoping the controversy over Earley's work for AEG Live will distract jurors from his conclusion that Michael Jackson was a drug addict with a "grave prognosis" that would have shortened his life had he not died of an overdose of the surgical anesthetic propofol on June 25, 2009.

Each dose of an anesthetic his doctor gave him to help him sleep was like playing "Russian roulette," Earley said.

Murray told investigators he gave Jackson infusions of propofol for 60 nights to treat his insomnia as the entertainer prepared for his comeback concerts.

Lawyers for the concert promoter hired Earley in their effort to downplay damages the company might have to pay if found liable in the pop icon's death. How much longer Jackson might have lived -- and earned money touring -- will be important if the jury decides AEG Live is liable for damages in Jackson's death. Jackson lawyers contend he would have earned more than $1.5 billion touring the world over the next several years.

Katherine Jackson and her three grandchildren sued Michael Jackson's last concert promoter, contending the company is liable in his death because it hired, retained or supervised the doctor convicted of involuntary manslaughter.

AEG Live lawyers contend it was Jackson, not the promoter, who chose and controlled Murray, and say AEG executives had no way of knowing about the dangerous treatments the doctor was giving Jackson in the privacy of his bedroom.

Earley: Jackson went 'doctor shopping'

Despite writing a blog six weeks after Jackson's death titled "Michael Jackson: Addiction in the Privileged," Earley testified Tuesday that there "was insufficient evidence that he was addicted to propofol."

"He was given propofol initially for appropriate medical procedures, but at some point, he began seeking out physicians who would administer propofol to him," Earley testified.

The last two instances of "doctor shopping" for propofol were late March and April of 2009, when Jackson asked an anesthesiologist to go on tour with him and then asked a nurse to help him find an anesthesiologist, he said.

Earley said there was no evidence Jackson's search for a doctor to give him propofol continued after AEG Live Co-CEO Paul Gongaware sent an e-mail to the singer's assistant on May 6, 2009, telling him Murray had agreed to take the job as his personal physician for the "This Is It" tour. "Done at $150k a month," Gongaware wrote.

"Sounds like he got it," Earley testified.

The Jackson family's lawyers contend that AEG Live executives ignored warning signs that Jackson's health began deteriorating after Murray began attending to him on a daily basis. Show workers sent e-mails describing a paranoid and frail Jackson who couldn't perform his standard dances or remember words to songs he had sung for decades.

A Harvard Medical School sleep expert, testifying in June for the Jacksons, concluded that the 60 nights of propofol infusions apparently robbed Jackson of rapid eye movement sleep, which is vital to keep the brain and body alive.

"The symptoms that Mr. Jackson was exhibiting were consistent with what someone might expect to see of someone suffering from total sleep deprivation over a chronic period," Dr. Charles Czeisler testified.

Expert's conflict?

Soon after AEG Live's lawyers hired Earley as a consultant on propofol addiction in 2011, they agreed to fund his scientific research, which resulted in his paper titled "Addiction to Propofol: A Study of 22 Treatment Cases." The American Society of Addiction Medicine published the study in March.

Earley insisted in his testimony that AEG Live's funding did not influence the conclusions of his study or his testimony in the trial. But the Jackson lawyer hammered the doctor about the lack of disclosure to the scientific journal and his collaborator that he was being paid to be an expert witness in the trial.

He informed them that he was doing research for the company, but the trial aspect was "irrelevant," Earley said.

"It's irrelevant to health care professionals," he said. "It wouldn't affect their understanding of the paper."


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05.09.2013 um 20:46
Doctor: Michael Jackson Playing ‘Russian Roulette’ When Using Propofol

September 3, 2013 7:43 PM

VIDEO auf der Website

LOS ANGELES ( — Michael Jackson put his life at risk each time he abused the anesthetic propofol for sleep, an addiction expert testified Tuesday.

Dr. Paul Earley was called to the stand by attorneys for concert promoter AEG Live in the wrongful death lawsuit filed by the late singer’s mother.

Michael Jackson died in June 2009 following an overdose of propofol administered by Dr. Conrad Murray.

Dr. Earley testified Michael Jackson’s abuse of the anesthetic, together with painkillers, put his life at extreme risk in the days leading up to his death.

“Mr. Jackson’s prognosis was grave in regard to his consequences to his life expectancy…from his poly substance abuse,” he said.

Dr. Earley said there is insufficient evidence to indicate Jackson was addicted to propofol, though evidence did show the singer abused the drug.

He characterized Jackson’s use of the anesthetic as abuse “because it was causing difficulties in his life as a result.”

Dr. Earley went on to say Jackson was warned by several doctors not to use propofol for sleep and not to use it at home, yet he sought out doctors who would do just that.

“At some point he began seeking out physicians who would administer propofol to him in a methodical fashion,” Dr. Earley testified.

Among those doctors was Conrad Murray, who was not trained in the proper use of the drug and who lacked the equipment necessary to administer the drug safely.

“Each time it’s like playing Russian roulette,” Earley testified of Jackson’s use of the drug.

In cross-examination,the first question asked by Jackson family attorney Kevin Boyle was who gave Jackson the drug that killed him. Dr. Earley answered “Conrad Murray.”

Last week, the jury heard from a nurse practitioner who testified that Jackson asked for the drug, also known as Diprivan, on the last day she treated him for fatigue and insomnia in April 2009.

The jury also heard from a psychiatrist and addiction specialist who testified the singer shopped for doctors to obtain prescription painkillers and his doctors did not maintain proper boundaries.

Jackson attorneys maintain that AEG Live executives were aware of the singer’s issues and should have better supervised Jackson’s medical care.

AEG argues Michael Jackson was personally responsible for his own health.

The case continues.


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05.09.2013 um 20:53
bei LSA "entdeckt" ...
Michael Jackson's son Blanket makes a pit stop at a gas station in Calabasas, California on September 4, 2013

