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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.746 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Mord, Michael Jackson, Verurteilung ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

15.03.2013 um 13:45
na da sind wir doch mal sehr gespannt, ob es tatsächlich zu einer Verhandlung kommt oder ob sie sich vorher einigen, so hätten es ja die Jacksons gern, eine vorherige Einigung über einen Geldbetrag. Ha von mir würde keiner was bekommen, wenn ich zu Unrecht für irgendetwas beschuldigt würde.
Die müssen sich schon sehr sicher sein, daß AEG den Murray unter Vertrag hatte!
Wie ich es verstanden habe, entscheidet dann eine Jury, ob der Murray bei AEG unter Vertrag war oder nicht und danach wird dann die Schadensersatzforderung verhandelt.
Also sind jetzt alle auf die Aussage Murrays angewiesen??? Weil der doch so "ehrlich" ist.

Na ob der Friseur von der Paris einfach so Bilder ins Net setzen darf?
Sind aber trotzdem nette Aufnahmen.

ja, die Jacksons haben durch ihr Verhalten in den fast letzten vier Jahren sich selbst der Lächerlichkeit und dem Angriff preisgegeben, ist zumindest auch meine Meinung.
Das begann mit der Äußerung von Joe gleich 2 Tage nach Michaels Tod und ging weiter mit dem Verhalten während der gesamten Trauerphase, die ganzen Auftritte im Fernsehen und in der Öffentlichkeit, diese hinterhältigen Aktionen, um an das Geld heranzukommen, ja eigentlich wirklich das gesamte Verhalten von allen Familienmitgliedern.
Es gibt auch andere Familien, in denen große Stars gestorben sind, aber keine Familie hat sich je so verhalten und ist hinter allem, was vermarktet werden kann, so hergewesen wie die Jacksons.
Dafür verachte ich sie.
Ich kann auch alles einzeln aufzählen, was sie als Leichenfledderer getan haben, aber muß das jetzt sein?

2x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

15.03.2013 um 18:59
wahrscheinlich sehe ich das alles etwas anders.
ich weiß, die familie verhält sich meistens nicht so, wie man es sollte und
vor allen dingen erwarten könnte. schon alleine die frauengeschichten der männer
lassen meinen kopf wackeln.
aber trotzdem bleibt bei mir das gefühl nur negatives wird verbreitet, alles andere,
bleibt im geheimen.
evtl. bin ich auch auf dem falschen dampfer, he he, wäre nicht das erste mal.
schönes wochenende euch.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

15.03.2013 um 19:59
Ob das wirklich wahr ist hmmmmm .......

Prince Jackson Plans On Testifying At Michael Jackson's Wrongful Death Lawsuit Trial

prince  oPt

He'll be there!

Prince Jackson WILL testify during the wrongful death lawsuit trial that will determine if the company AEG was responsible for Michael Jackson's untimely passing!

AEG, who promoted MJ's final concert, apparently were the ones who hired Dr. Conrad Murray - MJ's physician who was charged with involuntary manslaughter!

Here's what a source said:
“Prince absolutely plans on testifying. Prince very much wants to take the stand and plans to tell jurors about specific conversations he had with his father about AEG. Prince will also testify about the fateful day his father died, as he was an eyewitness to the efforts that were made to save his life. There are no plans for either Paris or Blanket to testify though.”
Prince is so brave to talk about his father's death in such a public setting!

No matter how this case turns out - we're proud of him for displaying such courage.

We know his father would be proud, too!

3x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

15.03.2013 um 20:05
Michael Jackson's son Prince, 16, set to testify in father's wrongful death lawsuit trial against concert prompter AEG Live

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Michael Jackson's son will testify at his wrongful death lawsuit trial.

Prince Jackson will take the stand in his grandmother Katherine Jackson's civil case against AEG Live - which accuses the company of being responsible for negligently hiring Dr. Conrad Murray to care for the late King of Pop.

The 16-year-old is expected to give evidence on conversations he had with his father about the concert promoter.

A source told 'Prince absolutely plans on testifying.

'Prince very much wants to take the stand and plans to tell jurors about specific conversations he had with his father about AEG. Prince will also testify about the fateful day his father died, as he was an eyewitness to the efforts that were made to save his life.'

Prince's siblings, Paris, 15, and Blanket, 11, aren't expected to testify, however.

article-2294059-18B196F9000005DC-229 306

In the lawsuit, Katherine, 82, contends that AEG Live - which was behind the late singer's 'This Is It' comeback concerts at The O2 arena in London - were responsible for Dr. Murray, who was found guilty of involuntary manslaughter following Michael's death, and failed to properly vet the physician before hiring him.

The Thriller hitmaker died in June 2009 after being administered a lethal dose of Propofol by Murray.

The trial is set to begin on April 2.

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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

16.03.2013 um 07:47
die Forderung von 40 Milliarden soll noch nicht alles sein ... KJ und die Kids sollen angeblich noch viel mehr fordern ... u. a. auch Schmerzensgeld ... das will TMZ erfahren haben ... :D :D
na ja, man kann es ja mal versuchen ... :D

Michael Jackson
Kids, Mom Want
Over $40 BIL!!!

3/15/2013 5:06 PM PDT

0315-katherin-kids-getty-3 zpsc2c9025f

Michael Jackson's 3 children and his mom Katherine want in excess of $40 BILLION from AEG Live for the death of the singer ... TMZ has learned.

We've obtained legal docs which now lay out what Prince, Paris, Blanket and Katherine want from the entertainment company for its alleged negligent hiring and supervision of Dr. Conrad Murray.

The kids want $10 billion for all of the future earnings they claim MJ would have scored had he lived.

They want an additional $50 million for various other damages.

AEG Live claims the $40 billion is preposterous because Michael's career was in a downward spiral following the child molestation allegations, as well as self-imposed exile in the Middle East. They claim the damage claim is based on rank speculation.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

16.03.2013 um 08:17
Zitat von ghost7777ghost7777 schrieb:'Prince very much wants to take the stand and plans to tell jurors about specific conversations he had with his father about AEG. Prince will also testify about the fateful day his father died, as he was an eyewitness to the efforts that were made to save his life.'
na, ob Prince bzw. Michael Joseph wirklich aussagen muß bzw. wird, bleibt abzuwarten ... auch im Strafprozess wurden Prince, Paris und Blanket in der potenziellen Zeugenliste aufgeführt ... zur direkten Aussage vor Gericht kam es aber nicht ...
aber es ist natürlich wieder mal viele Schlagzeilen wert ... :D :D :D

auch Radaronline - - ist dabei und hat Exklusives zu berichten ... :D :D :D


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

16.03.2013 um 08:56
Zitat von SylvinaSylvina schrieb:na da sind wir doch mal sehr gespannt, ob es tatsächlich zu einer Verhandlung kommt oder ob sie sich vorher einigen, so hätten es ja die Jacksons gern, eine vorherige Einigung über einen Geldbetrag. Ha von mir würde keiner was bekommen, wenn ich zu Unrecht für irgendetwas beschuldigt würde.
Die müssen sich schon sehr sicher sein, daß AEG den Murray unter Vertrag hatte!
Wie ich es verstanden habe, entscheidet dann eine Jury, ob der Murray bei AEG unter Vertrag war oder nicht und danach wird dann die Schadensersatzforderung verhandelt.
Also sind jetzt alle auf die Aussage Murrays angewiesen??? Weil der doch so "ehrlich" ist.
ja, erst mal abwarten ... die Kläger haben ja auch noch entsprechende Beweis-Unterlagen
nachzureichen ... also bis jetzt hat die Verhandlung noch nicht angefangen .... Beginn soll ja
der 02. April 2013 sein und auch der kann noch "kippen" .... ich denke, es wird keine außergerichtliche Einigung geben ... nein, warum sollte AEG & Co. den Jacksons so viel Geld zahlen ... das AEG den Murray unter Vertrag hatte und dem dann auch noch die 150,000$ monatlich schuldet, ist m. M. n. doch nur ein Punkt ... hat AEG & Co. in den anderen Punkten tatsächlich versagt ....

s. dazu auch den Eintrag vom 14.03.2013 um 11:37h

ja, ich denke moralisch sollte sich AEG & Co. schuldig fühlen ... aber dafür kann man sie nicht vor Gericht verantwortlich machen ....


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

16.03.2013 um 09:01
na ja, die Familie verhält sich eigentlich ziemlich unauffällig, nur wenn sie in die Öffentlichkeit gehen kommt meistens irgendein Blödsinn zustande. Ob gewollt oder ungewollt kann ich nicht beurteilen. Die Frauengeschichten oder was weiß ich, was die da so betreiben, interessieren mich nicht, das kommt überall vor. Hahaha.
Leben und lebenlassen.
Aber wenn die denken, sie können die Öffentlichkeit verscheißern, schaut man dann doch mal bissel genauer hin. Mich interessiert einzig und allein Michael und was man ihm angetan hat und da ist leider diese Familie auch mit beteiligt.
Wenn er so eine tolle Familie hatte, warum hat er sich dann Ersatzfamilien gesucht, z.B. die Cascios, ja und auch die Chandlers? Warum hat er seine Familie viele Jahre gemieden? Ja, diese Fragen stelle ich mir und da fallen nun mal die Jacksons hinten runter.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

16.03.2013 um 09:02
Zitat von SylvinaSylvina schrieb:Na ob der Friseur von der Paris einfach so Bilder ins Net setzen darf?
Sind aber trotzdem nette Aufnahmen.
die wird bestimmt nicht der Nick Chavez eingestellt haben ... k. A. wer die Aufnahmen gemacht hat und dann der Öffentlichkeit preisgegeben hat ... :D :D
ja, es sind ganz schöne Aufnahmen ... :D :D


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

16.03.2013 um 09:10
Bin auch gespannt, ob Prince wirklich aussagt, man sollte 12-Jährige nicht unterschätzen. Sie bekommen alles mit, was so zu Hause vor sich geht. Allerdings bin ich mir hier auch sicher, daß er beeinflusst wurde, um AEG in die Knie zu zwingen, sie wollen auf jeden Fall Geld sehen.
Wenn es um Gerechtigkeit gehen würde, wäre die Kathrine nicht mit einem Angebot von AEG einverstanden, wenn ich Gerechtigkeit haben will, will ich, daß irgendwer bestraft wird und vorgeführt wird!!!
Natürlich soll sich AEG schuldig fühlen, zumindest die, die da bei Michael im Haus waren und ihn richtig zugesetzt haben. Michael hatte Stress, eindeutig!!!
Aber da müßten die Jacksons sich auch schuldig fühlen, die haben ja Michael auch unter Druck gesetzt mit diesem Konzert für diesen texanischen Konzertveranstalter und die haben ja auch dem Michael schon zu dessen Lebzeiten gedroht mit einer Riesenklage. Das ist wohl nichts?
Also ich finde es ausgewogen mit den Stress-Zusetzern!


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

16.03.2013 um 09:13
Ob das wirklich Paris ist auf dem Foto mit "Invincible"-Album?

1x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

16.03.2013 um 09:18
zu diesem TMZ-Artikel durchweg Kommentare unter der Gürtellinie!
Aber man kann z.T. auch lachen!
Ob einer von den Jacksons auch die Kommentare liest?
Obwohl, die Frage erübrigt sich, die scheinen überhaupt nichts zu lesen! :D


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

16.03.2013 um 09:19
Zitat von SylvinaSylvina schrieb:Ob das wirklich Paris ist auf dem Foto mit "Invincible"-Album?
ich weiß es auch nicht ... es könnte Paris sein, aber nur vielleicht ... habe diese Aufnahme ja bei LSA "entdeckt", es stand leider nichts "informatives" dabei ... :D :D :D


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

16.03.2013 um 11:22
Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ
New info : Motions to exclude certain topics at Katherine Jackson vs AEG Trial :
5:40 AM - 16 Mär 13 ·

aus Eintrag # 1 & 2 .. User: Ivy

Motions to exclude certain topics at Katherine Jackson vs AEG Trial
Anträge zum Ausschluss einiger Themen in der Klage Katherine Jackson gegen AEG

Both parties have filed their motions to exclude certain topics to be mentioned during trial. The judge will hear the arguments and decide on these motions on March 21 (or later). The following are the summaries of both parties’ motions.

AEG Live

AEG Live states that the jury will decide on 4 narrow issues

1- Whether AEG Live hired Murray
2- Whether Murray was unfit
3- Whether AEG Live had a reason to believe an undue risk of harm would exist due to Murray
4- Whether harm occurred.

Based on this AEG Live asks the judge to exclude the following:

Speculative Damages

The $40 billion damages are now becoming clearer. Each plaintiff (Katherine, Prince, Paris, Blanket) is asking for $50 Million in general damages and $10 Billion in special damages (it brings it to $200 M total in general damages and $40 billion in special damages). It turns out Katherine’s side is speculating Michael’s possible future income and AEG wants this to be excluded as California law says the damages should be “reasonable certain to result in the future” and “possibility or probability” is not enough. AEG says all of these based on casual conversations and wishful thinking and hypothetical scenarios and nothing was certain.

The possible future income sources are
- Possible future tours after TII
- Possible future albums
- Possible future increased on royalties from already released albums
- Possible future film career
- Possible future clothing line
- Possible future appearances
- Possible future purchase of Marvel comics
- Redacted but based on something Tom Barrack said

Jacksons claim Michael would have earned $500 Million a year for the rest of his life and would give 40% of his earnings to Katherine and his kids. AEG states if you do the math to reach to the $40 billion number it would have required Michael to live 200 more years. ( Math : 40% of $500 M a year = $200 Million a year. $200 Million a year times 200 years gives $40 billion).

AEG also mentions that these numbers aren’t realistically possible as Michael’s popularity was down due to child molestation allegations and he hasn’t performed for years. AEG also mentions how Katherine stated during her deposition that Michael did not want to tour anymore but now also claiming lost income from future tours. AEG also lists details of Michael’s past movie projects that never happened, clothing endorsements that ended in lawsuits and so on to demonstrate that there is no certainty that any of these future business projects would have actually happened or be successful. AEG also mention that Marvel was sold for $4.2 billion (meaning Michael could not have afforded to buy it at all).

AEG has no objection to any lost income from TII to be considered in determining damages.

Irrelevant interactions between AEG and Michael

AEG Live states given the 4 issues to be considered at the trial the following is irrelevant: AEG and Michael’s financial bargaining power during negotiations and preparation of the tour, cash advances made to Michael, number of concerts scheduled and AEG firing nanny Grace on Michael’s request.

It turns out Katherine planned to introduce AEG’s and Michael’s financial bargaining power to show AEG had control over Michael. AEG states as the first claim is now dismissed, these matters are irrelevant to the remaining 1 claim and should be excluded. AEG also states that any mention of “control claims” should be excluded. This also includes a request for the exclusion of AEG emails that mention “has to perform or a financial disaster awaits”, “he has no choice, he has to do it he signed a contract” etc.

AEG says if Katherine is allowed to mention these control claims, AEG in return will show that it was Michael’s advisors that approached them for a tour, 3 business managers of Michael looked over and approved tour expenses, it was Michael’s requests that increased the tour expenses and so on.

We learn that during summary judgment Katherine stated that AEG used cash advances to “reel him in”. We also learn that Katherine’s lawyers especially asked questions about a $200,000 cash advance that Phillips took to Michael in a brown paper bag. It seems like Katherine’s side wants to portray these as under the table advances. AEG argues that advances are no longer relevant to the remaining issues and AEG Live states regardless of how they have given Michael advances he has signed receipts for them and they are all properly documented and accounted for.

AEG says the number of shows Michael agreed to perform is irrelevant to the topic that whether AEG hired Murray or not. AEG also want to exclude testimony from Prince that might claim AEG was forcing Michael to do more shows than he want and AEG state that they have counter witnesses that would testify that Michael told them he was excited to perform “50 shows”.

AEG says Gongaware firing nanny Grace at Michael’s order is irrelevant to the matters at hand. They say AEG never employed or paid Grace and Gongaware was given an already prepared letter and just contacted Grace because Michael told him to.

Hypothetical scenarios of cancellation or postponement of TII

Given the remaining single claim AEG Live states that Katherine’s previous arguments of AEG could have saved Michael’s life if they postponed or cancelled the concerts are no longer relevant and should be excluded. AEG also states that according to the contract AEG could not have canceled the concerts on their own, any cancellation required Michael’s permission. AEG states they have evidence that Michael wanted the concerts to continue, he didn’t need time off and he didn’t want them delayed.

AEG also states that Jacksons try to mention these irrelevant matters to create a moral blame on AEG and even go to the media (CNN Alan Duke’s smoking gun story) to hurt their reputation rather than litigating the case.

Michael’s intoxication before O2 press conference

AEG says whether Michael was drunk before O2 press conference or whether AEG knew he was drunk is irrelevant as Michael did not die from alcohol but he died from anesthesia. AEG also states that this press conference happened at least a month before they heard about Murray and there’s no evidence that Murray was at UK that time or provided him medical care before press conference.

We also learn that Jacksons first want to exclude any possible “Michael Jackson is an alcoholic” claims but they later changed their minds.

Murray’s character as it relates to his personal life

AEG Live states given the 4 issues to be considered at the trial whether Murray frequented strip clubs and whether a small part of his debt was child support is irrelevant and should be excluded. (The argument here is that whether a doctor visits strip clubs on his personal time cannot be relevant to whether the doctor will compromise his oath.)

AEG Live and AEG Inc.’s financial condition

AEG Live states given the only claims are Murray’s hiring and there are no punitive damages in this trial to punish AEG, their financials are irrelevant and should be excluded.

Personal relationship between Gongaware and Segal

Gongaware meets Segal during Michael’s History tour. Segal was working for one of Michael’s tour promoters at that time. Later Gongaware and Segal have a romantic relationship. Segal never worked for AEG. In 2009 when Michael was looking for a tour manager, Gongaware recommended her to Michael and Michael who knew her from History tour hired her to be a part of MJJ Productions. AEG argues the personal relationship between Gongaware and Segal is irrelevant to the remaining negligent hiring of Muray claim. Note: Segal’s responsibilities were to arrange housing for Michael in London and arrange his travel.

Katherine Jackson

Katherine Jackson wants to exclude the following

Exclude the mention that Katherine and MJ’s kids did not sue Murray

Katherine’s lawyers state that they expect AEG to argue that Katherine could have sued Murray but choose not to because she was looking for a deep pocketed defendant and they want the judge to exclude such claims.

Exclude benefits Katherine and MJ’s kids receive from MJ Estate

Katherine’s lawyers state that they expect AEG to argue that Katherine and MJ’s kids are receiving money from MJ Estate and they will use this to reduce the any amount of damages the jury might award so they want the judge to exclude such claims.

Ps: this motion makes reference to medical insurance benefits in addition to what they get from the Estate.

Exclude marital discord between Katherine and Joe

Katherine’s lawyers state that they expect AEG to introduce evidence that Katherine and Joe have a turbulent or unhealthy marriage and will use this to make Katherine look bad in front of a jury. They want the judge to exclude these.

Exclude the argument that Michael’s siblings have financial problems

Katherine’s lawyers state that they expect AEG try to introduce evidence that Michael’s siblings suffer or have suffered from financial woes and says that this is irrelevant and it should be excluded.

Exclude molestation charges

Katherine’s lawyers state that AEG lawyers have asked during depositions to multiple people about the molestation charges and they expect AEG to mention those to make Michael bad and they want the judge to exclude those.

(Ivy’s note: Molestation charges is mentioned in AEG documents as a reason for lower income level expectations).

Exclude evidence of biological parents of minor kids

Katherine’s lawyers say AEG might try to introduce evidence to cast doubt on the biological parents (both father and mother) of the minor kids and it should be excluded as it is irrelevant.

Exclude that Katherine was kidnapped to Arizona

Katherine’s lawyers say that AEG may try to introduce evidence that Katherine was kidnapped to Arizona to cast the Jackson family in a bad light and it should be excluded as it is irrelevant.

Exclude that Michael Jackson Estate did not file a lawsuit against AEG or anyone else in regards to Michael’s death

Katherine’s lawyers say that they anticipate that AEG will argue that MJ Estate did not join Katherine’s lawsuit to demonstrate that Katherine’s lawsuit lacks merit or based on baseless allegations. They want it to be excluded.

Exclude testimony from David Fournier that Michael tried to deceive him during surgery

Fournier is a nurse anesthetist that provided medical treatment to Michael in 1990s and 2000s. Fournier believes on one or two occasions Michael deceived him by not telling him about a “narcan implant” Michael inserted in his body before surgical procedure Fournier was helping with. Fournier states he believes Michael did not intentionally tell him about the “narcan implant” because he knew Fournier wouldn’t have administered him anesthesia if he knew.

Katherine’s lawyers state they expect AEG to introduce this at trial to show that Michael is a liar and tried to deceive a health professional. They want it to be excluded as it is speculative and irrelevant.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

16.03.2013 um 16:49
aus dem Eintrag #130 . User: Ivy

March 16 update

Now we have the full possible witness list for both parties.
Jetzt haben wir die vollständige Liste der möglichen Zeugen für beide Parteien.

AEG Live full possible witness list

Dr. David Adams / Jeffrey Lee Adams / Marcel Avram / Irving Azoff / Tom Barrack / Michael Bearden / Daniel Beckerman / Martin Blount / John Branca / Ellen Brunn / Jeffrey Telle Cannon / Frank Cascio / Melissa Elias/ Dr. Alimorad Farshchian / Lou Ferrigno / Dr. Stuart Finkelstein / David Fournier / Kenneth Froelich / Paul Gongaware / Dr. Stephen Gordon / Dennis Hawk / Julie Hollander / Dorian Holley / Dr. Hosny Habashy / John “Bugz” Houghdahl / Janet Jackson / Jermaine Jackson / Joe Jackson / Katherine Jackson / Latoya Jackson/ Prince Jackson/ Paris Jackson / Randy Jackson / Rebbie Jackson / TJ Jackson / Tito Jackson/ Kathy Jorrie / Michael Kane/ Dr. Lawrence Koplin / Bruce Lang / Michael La Perruque / Cheryln Lee / Arlyne Lewiston / Joseph Marcus / John Meglen / Dr. Allan Metzger / Kim Moore-Mestas / Amy Morrison / Steven Lloyd Mortensen/ Roselyn Muhammad / Dr. Conrad Murray / Consuelo Ng / Sarah O’Leary Sinnorai / Kenny Ortega / Bob Parks / Travis Payne / Randy Phillips / Jeffre Phillips / Dr. Christine Quinn / Dr. Neil Ratner / Debbie Rowe / Dr. Gordon Sasaki / Dr. Scott David Saunders / Madeline Schilder / Richard Sherman / Barry Siegel / Dr. David Slavit / Janice Leigh Smith / Dr. Mark Tadrissi / Evvy Tavasci / Dr. Tohme Tohme / Shawn Trell / Anthony Urquidez / Dr. William Van Valin II / Dr. Carl Virgil / Stacy Walker / Frederick Webking / Bill Whitfield / Alan Whitman / Timm Woolley / Taunya Zilkie

Retained experts : William Ackerman / Eric Briggs / Arnold Dicke / Dr. Paul Earley / William Flynn/ Dr. Gary Green / Marty Hom / Dr. John R. Iacovino / Dr.Norman Elliott Lepor/ Dr. Petros Levounis / Mark Allen Roesler / Dr. Christine Nai-Mei Sang / Dr. Karl Williams / Rhoma Young

Katherine’s retained experts : Dr. Frederic Askin/ Richard Barnet / David Berman / Dr. Emery Brown/ Dr. Charles Czeisler / Arthur Erk/ Peter Formuzis/ Dr. Hendrikus Lemmens / Dr. Gordon Matheson / Barry Nadell/ Howard Rile/ Dr. Sidney Schnoll / Jean Seawright / Dr. Myer Shimelman/ Dr. Alon Steinberg / Dr. Barry Swerdlow / Dr. Daniel Wallace / Dr. Daniel Wohlgelernter

Katherine Jackson full possible Witness list

Katherine Jackson / Prince Jackson / Paris Jackson / Paul Gongaware / Randy Phillips / Jeffrey Adams / Dr. David Adams / Daniel Anderson/ Phillip Anschutz / Dr. Frederic Askin / Ramone Baines / Richard Barnet / Tom Barrack / Dan Beckerman / David Berman / John Branca / Dr. Emery Neal Brown / Ellen Brunn / Kai Chase / Patrick Cousins / Dr. Charles Czeisler / Jenna Daddario EMT / Kelly DiStefano / Melissa Elias / Arthur Erk/ Joyce Essex / Karen Faye / Dr. Stuart Finkelstein / Peter Formuzis / Maritza Glassman / Paramedic Mark Goodwin / Dr. Stephen Gordon / Hosny Habashy / Dennis Hawk / Reynold Henry EMT / Julie Hollander / Alejandra Jackson / Jackie Jackson/ Janet Jackson/ Jermaine Jackson / Marlon Jackson / Rebbie Jackson / Randy Jackson / Taj Jackson / Tarryl Jackson/ TJ Jackson / Tito Jackson / Trent Jackson / Quincy Jones / Kathy Jorrie / Michael Kane / Michael Laperruque / Cherilyn Lee / Spike Lee / Tim Leiweke / Hendrikus Lemmens / Carlos Letelier DDS / Arlyne Lewiston / Detective Orlando Martinez / Dr. Gordon Matheson/ Cindy Medina / John Meglen / Dr. Allan Metzger / Tom Miserendo / Amy Morrison / Roselyn Muhammad / Dr. Conrad Murray / Barry Nadell/ Prince Rogers Nelson / Kenny Ortega / Ray Parker Jr / Travis Payne / Lisa Marie Presley / Howard Rile / Dr. Christopher Rogers / Diana Ross / Debbie Rowe / Alif Sankey / Madeline Schilder / Dr. Sidney Schnoll / Jean Seawright / Paramedic Richard Seneff / Dr. Myer Shimelman / Barry Siegel / Dr. Alon Steinberg / Dr. Barry Swerdlow / Mark Tadrisi DDS / Evvy Tavasci / Shawn Trell / Anthony Urquidez / Carl Virgil / Daniel Wallace / Frederick Webking / Bill Whitfield / Debra Willis / Dr. Daniel Wohgelernter / Timm Woolley


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

16.03.2013 um 23:52
Perfectlyimperfect™ ‏@nuggss_
Shopping today with my baby @ParisJackson 😊 #familytwimmee
Retweetet von Paris Jacksoη
9:08 PM - 16 Mär 13
Paris Jacksoη ‏@ParisJackson
breakfast for the beautiful @nuggss_ <3
BFgMbo0CIAADngz zps2bf6f293
8:48 PM - 16 Mär 13

bei LSA steht, dass @nuggss_ Cayla Jackson, die Tochter von Trent sein soll ... :D


Bilder von LSA > die sollen von der "fashion week" sein ...

parisfn zpsb841120f

Paris und Michaela
paris2k zps0a503042

neues Bild von Paris, Stevanna & Donte [von Dontes Instagram]

b445efba8dc611e2a73f22000a9e28ad 7 zpse0


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

17.03.2013 um 01:00
auf der Liste der möglichen Zeugen ist a. a. auch Prince Rogers Nelson aufgeführt ...

Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ
It's priceless that while I'm diligently reporting all updates in AEG trial, "justice fighters" gossiping about me. Interesting priorities.
11:13 PM - 16 Mär 13
Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ
AEG lawsuit updates: Motions to exclude certain topics- … and Full initial possible witness list
17:43 - 16. Mär. 2013
Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ
I know some won't believe Branca is listed as a witness for KJ too so here's a screencap & an email from KJ's lawyer-
745495404 zpsea7c5b13
15:49 - 16. Mär. 2013
Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ
Yes Prince Rogers Nelson is on Katherine's possible witness list -
745491003 zpsa6ccbb8b
Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ
Katherine's witness list includes interesting names such as Quincy Jones,Diana Ross, Lisa Marie Presley,Spike Lee, even Prince Rogers Nelson
15:35 - 16. Mär. 2013
Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ
Prince and Paris, a lot of Jacksons, John Branca, Barry Siegel, Condrad Murray and Debbie Rowe are included in both sides witness lists.
15:34 - 16. Mär. 2013


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

17.03.2013 um 09:27
Das sind ja Riesen-Zeugenlisten(oder doch eher Säbelrasseln?)
Also Joe Jackson vermisse ich auf beiden Seiten, sehr merkwürdig.
Und wer wirklich wichtig wäre, diese Grace R. (Nanny) sie weiß als Einzige, was wirklich mit Michael los war. Alles andere ist für mich nur Spekulation. Die Grace weiß Bescheid. Wieso wird die ausgelassen?
Das ist für mich total unverständlich und deshalb für mich nur Show.
Prince, also der Prince - Sänger, was hat der mit dem Zivilprozess zu tun? Sollten sich die beiden doch besser gekannt haben, als wir vermuten?
Nein, ich glaube, am Ende wird überhaupt niemand als Zeuge gebraucht, es geht doch nur um den Punkt: Ist der Murray von AEG eingestellt worden und haben die Bosse von AEG den Murray gedrängt, Michael fit zu machen, egal wie.

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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

17.03.2013 um 09:48

Conrad Murray
To Take the 5th
In Katherine Jackson Suit

3/17/2013 1:00 AM PDT

0221conrad-murray-1A zps20af53ab

Sounds a little weird, but Conrad Murray -- who has already been convicted and serving time for killing Michael Jackson -- will exercise his 5th Amendment right against self-incrimination in Katherine Jackson's lawsuit against AEG.

Michael's mom is suing AEG, claiming the company negligently hired and supervised Murray, which resulted in her son's death. Katherine has subpoenaed Murray to explain his arrangement with AEG.

Sources connected with the case tell TMZ ... Murray's lawyer, Valerie Wass, will file legal docs ... arguing she is appealing Murray's conviction, and if it's overturned it's likely he'd be re-tried. If that happens, what he says could still be used against him, so Wass wants Murray to keep his trap shut.

It's pretty crazy, since Murray has already served almost a year-and-a-half. By the time his case is appealed, he'll probably be out.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

17.03.2013 um 09:53
HAHA, das wollte ich gerade einstellen! .... und fragen was die 5. ist???
Heißt es aber irgendwie, daß er von seinem Recht, die Aussage zu verweigern, Gebrauch macht?

D.h. dann, daß alle spekulieren können, ob der Murray von AEG genötigt wurde und sie Prince befragen werden, was er so mitbekommen hat, weil ja Michael sich angeblich mit ihm über die Geschäftsgebaren von AEG unterhalten hat, wohlgemerkt mit einem 12-jährigen!!!

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