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Tales From The Unicorn Empire

18 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: RPG, MLP, DR ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail
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El_Gato Diskussionsleiter
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Tales From The Unicorn Empire

18.09.2015 um 19:38
"I'm tellin' ya, this sucks. This really fuckin' sucks" I groaned to my sister Violin String while we were on our way the our new school. A boarding school, to be exact.
"GANDA! Watch that filthy little tongue of yours!" she said and gave me a stern look.
"Oh come on, stop pestering me about my choice of words. Language, including foul language is my special talent after all, not yours" I replied and Vio groaned.
"Yes, but that doesn't mean that every third word of yours has to be the f-word. It's just plain annoying and if you talk like that all day, ponies will think we're some foals from the streets!"
"Fine. I'll try. But I can't promise shit. Oops. My bad" I said and gave my elder sister a sheepish grin.
She levitated some stupid magazine about music and smacked me with it.
"Ow! Cut it out!" I yelled and took her magazine with my magic and threw it back in her face.
"You DO realize that the teachers at the school are authorized to spank misbehaving fillies?" Violin asked me.
"And I don't think that they'll approve of your poor choice of words you use far too often. Mom and dad don't either, but they're far away in Manehattan now. So you need somepony else to watch over you and that's me" she lectured me and the longer she talked, the more I wanted to strangle her.
"Leave me alone with that... I don't need nopony to 'watch over me'. Especially not you nag" I shot back at her.
She continued to read the boring magazine again.
"Fine. But don't come to me crying like a newborn foal whining that some teacher disciplined you properly..."
I grunted annoyed and I was reminded of mom who did that far too often in my opinion. After a while, we reached our new school in the heart of Canterlot. We rang the bell at the fucking huge gate and a single pony came to greet us. Turned out, it was the headmistress. Funny eyebrows and glasses. I tried not to burst out into laughter because she looked so stupid.
"Good day, my little fillies. I'm Moon Dancer, your new headmistress" she introduced herself and we responded in kind.
"If you please, we don't really have much personnel at this school, so you have to carry your things to your room yourself" she continued and I was already annoyed. Why didn't they have some cheap featherbrain or mud pony servants? Not that it was a problem for unicorns to carry even heavy stuff without breaking a sweat, but saving magic was why the two lesser tribes even existed at all.


Tales From The Unicorn Empire

18.09.2015 um 20:36
As we walked through the gate I noticed the beige pony with the glasses. She introduced herself as the headmistress of the school, Moon Dancer. She seemed to be a kind and friendly pony and I was relieved that she was not like our old headmistress. We followed her into the inside of the school when I heard Propaganda giggling. She was probably amused about the look of the headmistress. Typical for Ganda. I coughed to get her attention and gave her my sternest view. As expected she just turned away from me and struted after Moon Dancer. I sighed and hurried to keep up with them.
“On your left are the classrooms for Languages and Mathmatic“, the headmistress explained, “and on your right you can see the schoolyard. The students are now in their classes of course but otherwise the schoolyard is filled with students of all grades. Some of them are playing while others enjoy the sun while learning for their exams“, she continued. I looked through the window and was suprised by the beautiful view. The yard was planted with roses and lillies and there were even some old and large weeping willows providing shadow. I never expected the new school to be so nice and wanted to turn around to Ganda to ask her how she liked the new school so far when I saw her running towards a room with the label “Library for High Graders“. Curious as we both were and probably also because of our love for books I also headed towards the library. I was going to enter it when Moon Dancer held us back with her magic. “I'm sorry but these books are for our highest classes only“, she said with a friendly yet strict tone in her voice. “But why would you keep students away from books? Isn't it the purpose of both a school and a library to provide knowledge? What you are doing is the exact opposite“, said Ganda. I was thinking the same but I left the talking and debating up to Ganda. It was her special talent after all. Well, I could also talk good enough for high level discussions about the more common topics but Propagandas ability to play with words was fascinating yet slightly scary. I was sure she could persuade most ponies as she wished and that made her very hazardous. But I knew deep down there she was no bad pony so I enjoyed other ponies struggling in a discussion with Ganda.
I snapped out of my thoughts as Moon Dancer replied. “You are not emotionally nor scholastic ready to read those spells. Not to mention to cast them. It's safer to keep them away from little and immature fillies who could use them without having the consequences in mind.“ I was enraged that new knowledge was locked away from me but I could understand her concerns. But Ganda didn't seem to understand the headmistress at all.

El_Gato Diskussionsleiter
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Tales From The Unicorn Empire

18.09.2015 um 21:16
There was no point in discussing this topic with Moon Dancer any further. No matter how much I tried to persuade her, she would never allow us in this section of the library. No matter. We'd just break in and the risk of receiving detention and a spanking was worth it. I wanted to learn the teleportation spell so badly! With that spell I would practically be as fast as the speed of light. We could go anywhere in the Empire.
"Well then, this is your room, my little ponies" Moon Dancer said and gave each of us a key to the room.
"And before I go, be careful what you say to your roommates. I forgot their names, but please, don't mess with the orange pony. She and her sisters are trouble" Moon Dancer said and soon she disappeared out of our sight.
"Trouble? I don't want any trouble!" Violin said anxiously and I rolled my eyes while opening the door. "Relax. If they do anything stupid, then I'll take care of them" I said and we entered the room, levitating our stuff behind us. The room was empty and Violin was relieved.
"Good. I hope they won't come back so soon..." she said and we started to make our beds and stuffing our things into our drawers.
About fifteen minutes later we heard voices and somepony stuck a key into the door.
"Hey, why is our door unlocked...?" a kinda intimidating voice said and that somepony opened the door. She noticed us newcomers immediately and her face darkened.
"What in the name of Platinums plothole are you two doing here!?" she yelled at us and as it turned out, there were three of them. The pissed one was orange and had a huge, curly mane. The other one, which also had a pissed expression, wore her dark violet mane in pigtails and the third one, she was mostly blue and had a ponytail, didn't seem to mind at all. In fact, she was eating a taco.
I wasn't scared of those bitches at all.
"Uhm, we live here?" I asked her and the orange filly came closer.
"Yes, I can see that. I didn't authorize this! What does that fucking Moony even think? Without asking me for permission! I'll make her pay! And I'll make YOU two pay!" the curly one yelled and I was close to smack her with the biggest textbook I had.
The pigtail pony laid a hoof on her shoulder.
"Calm down, Dagi. We can't do shit about this. And you know how much detention we already have..."
She grunted annoyed and went to her bed. "Fine. You two stay on your side and don't annoy us. Then we'll probably get along. Depends on whether I like you or not" she said and I rolled my eyes.
"Likewise" I replied.
"Uhm... May we introduce ourselves? This is my younger sister Propaganda and I'm Violin String..." Vio said and the blue one with the taco eyed us like we were some creatures from another world. Then she seemed to finally understand what Vio said.
"Oh hi! My name is Sonata and these two are my sisters Adagio and Aria! Nice to meet you!"
She forgot to mention who Adagio and Aria exactly were. Looked like she wasn't the brightest one of the lot.
"So, who is Adagio and Aria exactly?" Vio asked and that earned her a look almost able to kill from the one with the curly mane.
"I'm Adagio. Adagio Dazzle. And these two morons are Aria Blaze and Sonata Dusk" she said while pointing at them with a cane she carried with her magic. Which was a darker shade of violet, by the way.
"Hey! Sonata may be a moron and the worst, but I'm not!" Aria said.
"Whatever. Now shut up, I need to study" Adagio said and levitated a book out of her drawer and started reading it.


Tales From The Unicorn Empire

18.09.2015 um 22:18
I was unsure wheter to like our new room mates or not. The orange one seemed to be their leader. She was quiet like Ganda but I hoped she wouldn't swear as much as my sister. The taco eating one was a little bit of and didn't seem to be the kind of pony for long talks about philosiphical topics. But the third of them drew my attention. She seemed to be more introverted than her friends and yet stood next to – what was her name? - yes, Adagio and supported her in the situation.
Coincidentally I noticed that all three of them shared a similuar cutie mark. All of them shared a connection to music. Contentedly I went to my bed und grapped a case under the bed with my magic. The case was night black with silver closures. I opened it and admired my beautiful violin. It was the violin from our granny and back then she used to play on it before we went to bed. While Ganda liked the pieces Granny played I adored them. It was when I first held her violin that I knew it was what I supposed to do. So I played what came to my mind not paying attention to anyone besides the violin and after I opened my eyes again Ganda had the biggest eyes you could imagine. Even Granny looked suprised. She smiled and gave me her violin as a gift.
Carefully I took out the violin with my hooves and picked up the bow. Ganda always said I shouldn't hold the violin with my hovves like a mudpony but with my magic like a regal unicorn but everytime I could just smile at her attitude. You can only play an instrument if you hold it in your own hooves if you feel the strings and the weight of the bow. I laid down my head on the violin and begann to play with a smile on my face. If one of them was actually a singer they would have to sing to this piece. And so I begann to play the beginning of “Sentas Ballad“ from the Flying Dutchmen. And I saw a head turning around as she heard the dutchmen theme. I continued and stopped when I reached the singing part.
And she sang so beautiful. It was soft yet strong and… three? Yes three voices each one of them more beautiful than the other started to sing the beginning of this wonderful opera music.
I resumed to play and together we went through the whole play. And when I put down my violin and opened my eyes again (I play with closed eyes most of the time) no pony looked at me.
Except for Propaganda. She stared at me with her mouth wide open and an incredible expression on her face. I smiled and knew that our room mates wouldn't be all friendly with just one play. But I was sure that I was on the right way.
“What was that?!“, said Ganda after a short time. “What do you mean, Ganda?“, I said with a innocent voice. “The playing and the three of them singing and…..“ “Don't be silly, Ganda. There was no one singing except for me. You must be dreaming. It was a exhausting day after all. What about if you sleep for an hour or two?“ “I'm not a little filly anymore, bitch!“ “We are creative to day, aren't we little sister?“,I responded with an wide grin on my face.

El_Gato Diskussionsleiter
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Tales From The Unicorn Empire

18.09.2015 um 22:51
I got it pretty fast. All the three of our roommates sang as Violin played the opera from Rich Cart or whatever the dude was called. I liked him nevertheless because he hated mud ponies and featherbrains.
"Ach, dann sind wir wieder an diesem Punkt, du Bratsche? Ich kann hier alles zu dir sagen und du verstehst leider kein einziges Wort. Sehr lustig, du verehrst Rich Cart und doch verstehst du nicht, was er geschrieben hat... Erbärmlich" I teased her in Germane. A beautiful language, really. It was so good for ranting and hate speeches. Violin was about to respond, but Adagio was faster and she spoke Germane to me.
"Warte mal, DU sprichst Deutsch? Wo hast du das gelernt?" she asked me and looked a bit surprised.
"Nun, Sprachen sind mein besonderes Talent. Ich lerne sie sehr schnell und ohne viel dafür tun zu müssen..." I replied and the three other fillies, especially my sister got annoyed very fast.
"We don't understand, speak Equestrian!" Aria complained and Violin nodded.
"She's right. And it's very impolite!" Violin said while giving me a stern look in particular. Does that filly ever stop being a nag!?
"Well then" Adagio began. "I think you have more on you than meets the eye..."
"Oh, really? Why do you speak Germane anyway? It's not like this language is easy to learn, especially with your level of expertise. Almost free of accent and gramatically flawless..."
Adagio grinned and shrugged.
"Germane ancestry. Und ganz unter uns, nur ich spreche Deutsch. Die anderen Beiden sind zu blöde für diese wundervolle Sprache..." she said and I grinned.
"Dagi! Equestrian! And I know you insulted me!" Aria complained and got off her bed.
"I thought we were over this. I'm tired of your annoying attitude just because you're bilingual! Nata, back me up on this" Aria said.
Sonata didn't say anything helpful, she was reading a comic and eating potato chips. In her bed.
"Uh huh" was all she said and didn't look up.
"You're the worst of the worst! I hate you!" Aria said and then Violin jumped off her bed and backed up Aria.
"Please, it's very unsettling. Would you like it if we were speaking a language in your presence you don't understand?"
I grinned at Violin devilishly and I noticed that Adagio joined me with a really wicked grin.
"Well" I began. "Since we're bilinguals and you're not, we're superior to you and you cannot forbid us to speak in Germane whenever we want..."
"GANDA! I'll tell mom on you and I'll wish you a lot of fun when you have the next run-in with her cane! I'm sick of this!" Violin yelled and Aria started to giggle.


Tales From The Unicorn Empire

19.09.2015 um 16:46
Ok THAT was it. This time she went to far. I didn't want to do that but she forced me to.
When I found out my talent for music I thought I was only good at playing the violin but fortunately I was good at all kinds of instruments. Even singing. And one day I discovered something interesting. Every pony except for music ponies have a note they can't stand. When they hear it they start to whimmer and are defenseless. Most ponies think music is useless in combat but the opposite is true. If you manage to find out this special note you'll be able to knock out your enemy with very simple spells.
And somehow Ganda always forgets that I have this ace up in my sleeve. I cleared my throat and began to sing a scale. First very softly then I became louder and louder.
It was when I reached the note below Ganda's special note she remembered this vicious trick. “Nonononono Vio please not again. Y-you don't want to bother our new room mates do you? You won't do arrrrghhhhhhh!“ She felt to the floor and tried to cover her ears with her hooves. “STOP IT!“, she screamed in pain but Ganda needed to learn her lesson. Her attitude being superior to everypony won't help her in the future. Of course Unicorns could do far more then the other tribes and we were way more powerful. But even thinking she is better than other unicorns was a new low even for Ganda.
I finally stopped my attack once Ganda stopped to complain and only whimmered. Slowly I walked to her and pulled her into a hug. Softly I whispered in her ear. “Learned your lesson?“ I felt her head nodding and I smiled. I was very relieved that she my be more likable around other unicorns. I would never force her to be all nice to non-Unicorns but beeing polite and friendly around Unicorns was something she just HAD to be. Otherwise she won't come very far. And that would be wasting her potential.
“You KNOW how to do THIS?!“I looked up and saw Adagios surprised face. She looked like somebody hit her in the face. “Of course I do“, I replied proudly. “After all music IS my special talent.“ “But-but this is advanced magic!“, she shouted. I stood up and stood next to Ganda, Adagio in front of us. “Calm down, Dagio“, a voice behind me said. I turned my head around and saw Aria walking towards her sister. “Did you really think we would be the only ones to know this mean trick? We are not the only ones with a special talent for music and singing. It's a common talent after all.“ Adagio looked at her in disbelieve. “Common?! You call the ability to knock down ponies lik THIS common?!?“, Ganda broke the silence. “No but a talent for music. And since Violin Strings is also a unicorn she has a high level amount of magic and her notes have more power then the notes of a mudpony or a silly featherbrain.“ “Thank you“, I replied friendly. And I even got a little smile from her in return. I was sure we four ähm five (almost forgot Sonata sitting on her bed) could become good friends.

El_Gato Diskussionsleiter
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Tales From The Unicorn Empire

20.09.2015 um 18:22
Well, that was embarrassing to say the least. I didn't forget this little trick of hers, but I would've never thought that she'd use it in front of other ponies. Turned out, she was a mean bitch and I would get back at her sooner or later. Revenge is like ice cream. It's sweet and best served cold. There's always a way to get under someponys skin and I'll find it.
Anyway, back to business. We couldn't talk much about magic and unicorn special talents because a teacher came for Violin and me.
Our three new "friends" all knew what was going on. We had to make some personality test, which would place everyone of us in one of sixteen categories. I forgot the name of the test, but it's not important anyway.
It took about an hour or so and with the results in our minds, we went back to our room.
Sonata was the frist one to speak up. She practically jumped in our faces in excitement.
"So, what type are you two? I'm an ESFP and you! Tell us!"
Aria facehoofed and Adagio pulled her back at her ear. With her magic, of course. That's how unicorns are supposed to handle things.
"OW! Why do you have to do this to me all the time, Dagi! I was just asking!"
Adagio released her and Sonata climbed her bed, clearly somepony was butthurt.
"Well then, what did you get?" she asked and smirked. Seems like she was certain of something, but I didn't know what.
"I'm an ENTJ and Violin is an INFP..." I answered.
"WHAT! Impossible!" Adagio yelled. "I'M the ENTJ!"
"Yeah, so? That doesn't mean you're the only one in the Empire, sweetheart..." I said and grinned.


Tales From The Unicorn Empire

22.09.2015 um 21:14
I rolled with my eyes. Those two were just ridiculous.
Aria walked over to me with a annoyed expression on her face: “I don't think they'll get along”, she whispered. I giggled and she continued. “So, you are an INFP?” “Yes, I was really impressed when I read all the things about this type. It was like reading in a book only about me. Oh I forgot to ask, I'm sorry. What is your type?” “I'm an INTJ and really happy that I'm not the only introvert in here.” I nodded. “I enjoy it to be all alone. It's not as exhausting as the interactions with other ponies”, I responded and Aria's eyes got bigger with every word I was saying. “Oh thank Platinum I found somepony who thinks so too. My sisters”, she pointed with her head towards Adagio and Sonata, “they always want attention. Sonata wants to play stupid games and Dagio always wants to be at the center of attention.” “I can relate to that. It's the same with Ganda. All the time her swearing and her speeches. Sometimes it's really hard to bear. But...”, I smiled and looked at Propaganda arguing with Adagios who is the better ENTJ, “she is still my sister and I don't want to be without here.” Aria sighed. “I know. But let's change the topic please. I really liked your play earlier. It was really good. Do you also play more modern stuff or do you stick more to the classics?” “Well, I really like Beat Hooven and other musicians and composers from the classic era. But I'm also a fan of modern plays. Oh and I adore the plays of Lindtail Stirling. Some of my all time favorites are from her. But most of her works are a Capella, unfortunately.” “Adagio always teases me for liking Lindtail She thinks that her music is terrible.” “Good that we have a better taste than she.” Aria and I laughed. “What are you listening to, Aria?” “I also really enjoy classical music and I'm also a really big fan of Eva Manescene....” “DID SOMEPONY SAY EVA MANESCENE?!?”, Sonata yelled. She ran to us and had a big grin on her face. “Can you play one of her songs, Vio?” “Y-yes”, I stammered, “I can play “My Immortal” and...” “You can play it?”, Adagio said next to me. I stumbeld one step sidewards because I didn't know she was standing next to me all the time. “Yes she plays it ALL the time”, Ganda said bored. “That is really good. We are practicing this song for a long time now but we were not able to get to the core of it. Maybe your violin play could help us.” “Well I suppose I could play it for you if you really...” “Wonderful”, Adagio said. “Could you play it right now?” I nodded and grapped my violin. Ganda sighed, walked to her bed and started to write. Probably one of her great stories.
I took a deep breath and put down my bow on the string.

El_Gato Diskussionsleiter
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Tales From The Unicorn Empire

24.09.2015 um 17:21
"I've been leading my dumb sisters ever since we were born!" Adagio said and I only grinned at her.
"Oh, is that so? How cute. I've been leading EVERY group ever since my mouth could form coherent sentences. It's not my fault you never tried to manipulate only ponies you know well..."
"WHAT! Why, you little...!" she said angrily and her horn lit up. Nice violet color, gotta say. But not to her, exactly.
"Ah ah ah...! You don't wanna start a fight, now do you?" I said amused and decided to test how far I could go with her.
"I've been thrown before the wolves. And after a while, I came back leading the pack! Can your orange ass claim that, Dagi?" I said and laughed in her very angry face. She didn't respond; instead, she decided to leave me be and went back to her sisters as well as mine.
Probably to discuss boring music stuff I didn't give shit about. After a few minutes I started to write new theories, Violin started again to play one of her stupid classical music pieces. I couldn't stand it at home, I couldn't stand it here. I levitated earplugs outta my saddlebag and stuck them into my ears. Much better! Well then, where was I...
I was so absorbed in my writing, that I didn't notice it was much later and I only noticed because somepony smacked me with a book. I yelped and turned around, Adagio still levitating said book. I also noticed that Vio, Sonata and Aria were gone. I was alone with Adagio.
"That's for your disrespectful behavior towards me earlier." I lit up my horn, jumped outta my bed and removed the earplugs; then I picked up my Equestrian - Germane dictionary and threw it at her. I missed. Damn, she was fast and agile. But that wouldn't help her.
"What disrespect? I just stated the truth and it's not my fault you cannot comprehend it!" I challenged her and she got even angrier. She tried to tackle me, but I dodged her attack as well and picked up a violin stick with my magic. Sorry Vio, but that's a weapon now. I hit Adagio with it in her face and she yelped and stumbled back from the shock. She recovered quickly and I was doing tricks with that stick like a Neighpanese sensei.
"What now? Come at me, bitch!" I provoked her and pointed the stick at her face.
"What did you just call me, you insolent little fool!?" she fumed and charged me. Much faster than I expected and probably with the help of some spell. She tackled me and we both hit the floor, hard. I lost my magical grip on that stick and Adagio tried to beat me with her bare hooves like a mud pony. She was physically much stronger than me and I began to really fear her wrath. I've never thought this would happen, but I instinctively lit up my horn and teleported away. Not far away, for that matter. I was still in the same room with her and she looked very surprised, but recovered fast from that surprise and charged me another time. Again, I wasn't fast enough and she hit me in the face with her hoof.
"I'm not done with you! I will rip out your heart and eat it while it's still beating!" she screamed and I barely managed to cover myself from her beating. But I didn't need to. As it turned out, we must've been very loud and suddenly a grown mare stood in our doorway. She was purple and had pretty much the same manecut as the headmistress. Behind her were Aria, Sonata and Violin.
"What, in the Name of Empress Platinum is the meaning of this?" she asked us with a very stern voice and Adagio looked at her, dumbfounded.
Then she let go of me and pointed a hoof at my face.
"She started it!"
"What! You were the one attacking me, you lunatic!" I yelled and stood up as well.
The purple mare, apparently a teacher, groaned and facehoofed.
"It doesn't matter! We do not tolerate violence at this school and such poor behavior must be punished! Especially you, Miss Propaganda! Your mother told me quite a bit about your antics and I will take care of this personally! And you, Miss Dazzle! How many times do I need to spank you until you start to obey the rules!?" she said and teleported from wherever the hell a belt.
"Now, if you please and go to the chair and bend over there...?" she aked and I looked terrifed.
Aria, Sonata and Violin still stood behind the purple unicorn in the hallway and laughed silently their plots off.


Tales From The Unicorn Empire

29.09.2015 um 19:54
I really tried not to laugh but this was just hilarious
At home we were often beaten or spanked. Well most of the time it was only Ganda. I understood really fast that I have to do what our parents say. But Ganda always had to have the last word in a discussion, often got really angry and loud and also loved to prank our parents. So she felt the belt very and I mean very often.
But before we could watch the two being punished the purple mare turned around and said with anger in her voice: “Get out of here! Or do you want to be punished too?” “N-no Miss”, we said together and were pushed outside the door by her magic. The door closed and we stood in the hallway.
From the inside we could hear the sound of the belt and the two groaning and howling. I felt bad for my sister. Even though she might deserve this punishment I still felt the pain with her. Every time.
“So, what should we do until they're finished?”, Sonata said happily. Aria and I looked at each other and sighed. “We could just sit here and wait? I mean I won't take that long after all”, I responded but Aria started to shake her head. “You don't know Twilight. She can be scary when she's angry. I got my punishment from her once and that was enough. I could barely sit for over a week and even sleeping was nasty. Ganda won't forget this experience.” “She is used to it. We both are. Our parents often punished us bodily.”
A scream let us startle and we looked anxiously at the closed door.
I really hoped Twilight wouldn't punish them to hard.
“Hey we should get some tacos!” Sonata's magic grabbed us and together we went to a big hall.
It was full of ponies of all colors but only unicorns. I giggled. Ganda would like it here.
The smell of crystal berries found its way into my muzzle and I heard my tummy rumble. “Is there somepony hungry?”, Sonata said. “Yes. Breakfast was long ago and oh! It's already dark.” I just saw outside the high windows and saw the ink blue sky with its stars.
We went to one of the tables with the food on it and levitated the food on our plates. Then we went to an empty table and sat down.
The crystal berries were fantastic and I stood up more than once to get more of them. We talked and laughed and forgot the time when I saw Ganda and Dagio entering the hall. They did not look good and because I was so worried about them I ran towards them.
“Propaganda! Adagio! How are you two?”

El_Gato Diskussionsleiter
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Tales From The Unicorn Empire

29.09.2015 um 21:22
First I thought that this purple bitch would let our roommates watch while we're spanked. Thankfully, this was not the case. She even threatened to punish them too. I was afraid because I didn't know how hard she would beat us. Turned out, she was far better at this than my mother and she knew what she was doing. This was the worst spanking I've ever gotten in my life. I promised myself that I won't get caught anymore in the future while doing mischief, but this was just fate or simply very bad luck. Adagio and I started to cry soon, both from embarrassment and pain. After that sadistic, purple cunt was finished with us, she also gave us detention for a week and a stern talking to.
"Well then" she began and teleported her belt away just as quick as she summoned it. "I trust that you'll behave from now on? If not, you'll get the double amount of spanking and detention next time. Am I understood?" she asked.
"Yes, Miss Sparkle" Adagio answered and I quickly followed suit.
"And you, Adagio... You should know better. You're the oldest one here and yet you're beating a filly who's not as strong as you are? How old are you actually? Eight?"
Adagio said nothing and just stared at the ground. She was still silently weeping and she looked really pathetic now. But then again, I probably didn't look any better.
"And as for you, Propaganda... The next time I will inform your parents if you misbehave again. I don't think you'll like that" she said and I also stared at the ground. She lifted my head up with her magic.
"Look at me when I'm talking to you! Did you understand what I just said?" she asked impatiently.
"Yes, Miss Sparkle" I replied and wanted to punch that bitch in her dumb face. But I seriously doubted that I'll survive what would come next.
"Good. Now apologize to each other and then you're talking this out. I do know that both of you are ENTJs, but that doesn't excuse violence. And we won't tolerate it at this school, but I think I made my point clear" she said and looked at us expectantly.
"I'm sorry, Propaganda" Adagio began and offered me her hoof. I bumped it and and my plot started to burn like hell.
"It's alright" I said and Miss Sparkle looked satisfied.
"Excellent. Now off with you to dinner" she ordered and we went to a really big cafeteria, where already Aria, Sonata and Violin waited for us.
Violin asked how we were and I gave her a look with pretty much venom in it.
"Fucking bad. What do we look like to you!?" I spat at her.


Tales From The Unicorn Empire

07.10.2015 um 20:48
“I beg your pardon?” “I think you understood me pretty well didn't you?”, Ganda said in a harsh tone and looked pretty annoyed. “Sister, is something wrong?”, I asked gingerly. “YES it is. I was punished for no good reason at all and you keep asking me stupid and unnecessary questions. You're getting on my nerves, you and your stupid questions. Not forgetting your fucking fiddling. It SUCKS!”, she yelled at me and walked to the table where Aria and Sonata were eating. Adagio threw a strange look at me but followed my sister quick.
I just stood there and could not believe how harsh Ganda was. For eternity I just stared at the floor and saw the tears landing on the wooden floor.
Sadly I ran through the entrance and headed towards the garden.
Crying I sat down under one of the weeping willows and looked into the beautiful night. The stars twinkled in the ink blue sky and I tried to find some constellations.
“Where's the Great Unicorn?”, I mumbled to myself while trying to hold back my tears.
“Right up there, silly!”
I was taken by surprise and looked next to me. Sonata sat two steps next to me and looked moony at the sky. “Isn't it lovely?”
I sighed. “It is indeed.”
We sat under the weeping willow for a long time before Sonata broke the silence again.
“Still sad about what your Sister said?”, she said with a calm voice. I nodded and looked at her. “I know how you're feeling. Aria is like that all the time. But...”, she stopped and closed her eyes. “But I know she loves me. Because we are sisters. And in case of emergency I can always count on her and Dagio.”
“Sonata?” “Hmm?” “Why are you so calm right now? Normally you're so upbeat and in high spirits but at the moment you're...” “Different?” I paused for a second before I answered. “Yes. Different.” Sonata giggled and said happily: “Well Adagio is always so serious and Aria is such a pessimist. One of us has to be more optimistic and cheerful.” “I guess that's true but you're always acting like you could explode into streamers and confetti any time.” “Well I'm quite a good actress, am I?”
I smiled. “Yes you are. I never expected you to be so mature and – well – wise.” “Thank you for that compliment, Violin.” We laughed together and I felt way better.
Sonata and I started to talk and we came up with some really nice topics.
We sat under the weeping willow for an hour or two and I started to like Sonata for her calm and kind personality. We had many things in common and understood each other perfectly.
But we didn't notice the little filly watching us through one of the large windows.

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Tales From The Unicorn Empire

07.10.2015 um 22:30
"Was that really necessary?" Sonata asked me and I gave her a death glare. "Nevermind" she said and we sat down at a table far away from Violin. I just couldn't bear that little traitor now. She knew exactly what happened and then she had the nerve to ask me if everything was alright? What a stupid, little...! I ranted on and on in my mind about her until Sonata came back with dinner for all of us and levitated it down on our table.
Adagio was quiet and looked like she plotted to commit murder. We all sat silently and ate dinner, then Sonata left first. I didn't pay her any mind and a few minutes later, Aria left as well.
"Gotta catch up on some studying. Don't want to end up like you two for tardiness..." she said and walked away. That left only me and my worst enemy sitting at the table. First none of us said anything for a while and then I spoke up.
"Why did you keep your mouth shut?"
Adagio looked at me a bit confused. There was apparently a lot on her mind.
"About what?" she asked.
"That I can teleport. We both know that this is a restricted spell. Not to mention for adults only and you need an Imperial Permit from the Empress herself to teleport around." I explained.
"Oh. That. Because I'm not a snitch. Don't worry, I won't tell your or mine sisters either."
If she was honest with me, and I had a feel that she was, then she was a whole lot better then I thought. So I gave her the benefit of the doubt and decided to be honest with her too.
"You see, up until we tried to rip out our throats I had no fucking clue how teleportation works. I just... I was so scared of you that I did it instinctively and now I know for the rest of my life how that spell works."
"So... how does it work?" Adagio asked intrigued.
I laughed and that earned me an angry look from her.
"I can't explain. You just do it... At least, in my case. And I'm not a good teacher anyway."
"Dammit...!" she mumbled under her breath.
"I always wanted to teleport around, but the security of the restricted section of the library is tighter than a nun's pussy" she continued and for some reason, I found that metaphor hilarious as fuck. I laughed out loud and very hard. So hard that I fell from my chair and rolled on the floor. Other fillies started to get annoyed by me and whispered. Adagio didn't like this.
"What are you lookin' at!? Mind your own damn business!" she yelled at the crowd and they were afraid of her. I finally started to calm down slowly.
"Tighter... Nun's pussy... That... is the most fucking hilarious expression I have ever heard!" I said and my stomach hurt pretty bad from all the laughing.
"I'm glad you like it, but let's go. I don't wanna hang around here any longer" she said and offered me her hoof. I was surprised, but I took it anyway and once again I felt her physical strength, but in a much more pleasant way. Probably some recent mud pony ancestry. Maybe even one of her parents was one. We strolled a bit in the school around and found out that we had a lot of things in common. Like the same kind of morbid and cynical humor or the lack of compassion for the other two races. Unicorns were by far the most privileged race in the Empire. Well, the Empress Herself was a unicorn, so that shouldn't be much of a surprise. Adagio also thought that we were the master race.
I started to like her more and more, even though she tried to turn my face into a piece of modern art a few hours ago. Eventually we headed back to our room and found it deserted.
"Aria's probably in the library now" Adagio said and I went to the window for not reason in particular. Not far outside I saw Violin and Sonata sitting under a weeping willow.
"Looks like my sister made a new friend..." I said and watched them indifferently.


Tales From The Unicorn Empire

03.11.2015 um 19:13
“We should go back inside.”, Sonata said and I nodded. “You're right. I just hope Propaganda calmed down.” “She sure has, Vio. I mean even Dagi would be calm by now and Ganda can't be as bad as Dagi.” We both grinned and giggled a bit until we got up and returned to our room.
When we opened the door Aria was reading, Ganda and Adagio we're sitting on my sisters bed together and whispered. They both ceased as Sonata and I entered the room and looked silently at us. “Ehm hello?”, I said to them. Ganda gave me a sinister view but Dagi poked her in the side and gave her a really stern view. My sister moaned but gave me a nicer view. “Hello Sister”, she said with a monotoice voice and quickly looked away from me.
Slowly I walked towards her and tried to compose myself. “Ganda I….”. She turned around and said: “What?!” “I'm sorry if I said something wrong and upset you with it. Could you forgive me?” “Don't be such a goody-two-shoes Violin. What would I be for a sister if I could not forgive you something like that, hmm?!? Next time turn your head on before you start saying such nonsense.”
I took that as a yes.
Happily I set down next to Sonata on her bed and we continued to talk.
The hours went by and we all started to yawn. So all of us went to their own beds and we called it a night.
The next day I was woken by a very noisy bell. First I tried to hide under my blanket but unfortunately she was dragged away by Ganda's magic. “Get up already! Or do you want to be late on your first day?” Grumbling I got up, got myself ready and together with the sister-trio we went to our first class this morning. Even though Ganda was younger than me we attended the same class because I was ill for a long time and couldn't attend school so I had to repeat a grade.
As I entered the class room I immediately noticed how big this class room was. There was room for about 40 to 50 students and at the back of the lecture hall alike room were big closets with stuffed animals and skeletons of both animals and ponies in them. At the walls were medical posters of the blood system of ponies, a poster with different kinds of leafs and how to distinguish them, a big photo of “Charles Darwin” and a big frame with a lot of dead and lettered butterflies in it.
Most of the students already sat on their seats and made a rather bored impression. Some of them talked to each other, some looked at us rather curious and some were sleeping with their heads laying on their desks. The sisters separated and went to different places in the room. Sonata went to the back of the room and was greeted by the students there. Adagio took a seat in the middle of the room both seats to here were empty and the ponies around here looked rather scared. Aria went to a seat in the first row and already took out her school stuff.
While I was unsure where to sit Ganda went straight to Adagio and sat down on her left. Dagi looked up, smiled and started to talk with my sister. My looking let roam but I still couldn’t decide where to go. Aria looked up from a book she was reading, rolled her eyes and waved me to her. “Do you not know where to sit?” I shaken my head and she moaned. “Then just sit next to me, silly.” “Thank you, Aria.” “Yeah yeah just shut up already and sit down. Oh and don't disturb me during the lesson I hate that.” “I don't like that too. The lesson is for learning not for talking.” Aria gave me a pretty surprised look. “Wait, no lecture about me being a swot?” “Why that? It's perfectly normal to expect a seatmate to be quiet during the lesson.” “You're strange.” “Not stranger than you are”, I responded and she laughed. “You're right. So come on just take a seat and wait for the teacher. Shouldn't take long anymore it's almost the beginning of the lesson.”
She was right. Shortly after I sat down a blueish-white pony with a dark blue mare entered the room. Her yellow eyes wandered around the room and stayed a second longer at Ganda and me. The school bell rang and everypony went to their places. The teacher walked around her table and stopped in front of it. “Good morning everypony. I'm your biology teacher this year and my name is Moonlight Raven which would me Miss Raven for you.” While she was talking (and that in a very and I mean very monotonic voice) a piece of chalk wrote down her name on the blackboard. “This year we got two new students. Could you please come to the front and tell us something about you?” I hurried to get up and walked towards her while Ganda took her time to get there. “Go on please” the mare said and I nodded.
“Hello my name is Violin Strings but everypony calls me Violin or Vio. My Cutie Mark is a clef with a bow and a violin string and my special talent is music especially singing and playing the violin” “Thank you Violin. Now for you please”, she said and looked to my sister.

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Tales From The Unicorn Empire

07.12.2015 um 20:30
I hated to introduce myself. Especially in front of a class with a few dozen students. Let's get this over with.
"Well, my name is Propaganda and my CM are quotation marks. That means that language and speech is my special talent. Oh, and what little Vio here failed to mention is that we're siblings. Anypony who messes with her will have to collect their teeth from the floor...!"
"Thank you Miss Ganda, that was quite enough!" the teacher said and we went back to our seats. I noticed from the corner of my eye that Violin was blushing. She always did that when I warned everypony about messing with my sister. Very unhealthy and painful.
Adagio gave me a smirk and I smirked right back at her. NOPONY messes with our sisters!
The rest of the lesson went by uneventfully and so did the rest of them until lunch. Adagio looked for a table with enough free spots, but there wasn't one. So she picked out one with little foals, maybe eight years or so old and shooed them away with a death glare. Apparently Adagio had quite the reputation here, the foals complied immediately and Adagio hat a self-satisfied smirk on her face. I tried not to laugh out loud.
"That wasn't very nice" my sister said and Adagio shrugged her shoulders. Aria and Sonata didn't look like they gave a damn either. They did this probably every day.
"Well, you can go and sit down with the little foals over there" Adagio said and levitated her lunch on the table.
"I'm staying here" she added and I nodded.
"I'm with Dagi. Who cares about some foals who had to look for a new table? Big deal" I said and placed my lunch on the table as well and so did the rest of us. Sonata and Aria didn't waste time with talking and started to eat.
"Well, they were here first and I don't feel comfortable with it!" Vio said
I groaned in annoyance.
"Yeah yeah, whatever. I'm gonna eat now and so should you. Wanna have cold lunch?"
"Oh, I think I just wait a little longer. I don't wanna miss out on the lecture that's about to be given to Adagio..." Vio said and grinned.
"Whaddaya mean?" Adagio asked with her mouth half full. Vio pointed with her fork at a grown mare behind Dagi and me.
I looked behind me and spotted a mare with a light purple coat and a rather dark purple mane.
She looked at Adagio with disapproval and Dagi swallowed nervously.
"Hi, Miss Glimmer! What's the matter?" she asked her sheepishly.
"You're about to find out" she said and lit her horn up in order to drag Adagio and me along with her. At our ears. That HURT!
"Hey! I didn't do anything!" I protested, but had no choice but to come along with this Glimmer mare or whatever her name was. I saw one of the fillies Adagio scared away from the table grin in satisfaction.
Oh you just wait, you little brat...! I thought and a minute later, Adagio and I found ourselves in her office.
"Sit" she commanded and pointed at two chairs in front of her desk.
We complied and watched the mare sit down at her desk as well. For a few minutes neither of us said anything until Miss Glimmer put down her pen.
"This again, Miss Dazzle?" she asked and clearly wasn't impressed.
"And you, Miss...? I didn't catch your name..." she asked me.
"Propaganda" I answered her.
"Ah yes... Miss Sparkle already told me about you and your sister... But you in particular. I don't know you yet but I can't say I'm surprised that you and Miss Dazzle here get along so well already."
"So what? Is that a crime now?" I asked her defiantly.
"No, of course not. But what you make of this new... friendship might be. You see, it's against the rules to scare away first-graders because you two find it inconvenient to sit apart. This cannot go unpunished. A week detention more for both of you.
I wanted to protest, but that would mean to blame all on Adagio. I couldn't do that. Even if I didn't to anything.
Adagio gritted her teeth and didn't say anything.
"Miss Glimmer, we already have so much detention and homework! We can't do that all at once!"
Miss Glimmer laughed.
"Oh, don't you worry about that. You'll be doing all your detention at the weekends with me. Isn't that nice?" she asked with a voice as sweet as honey.
Adagio fumed but didn't say anything. But she looked like she was about to release an epic flood of profanity.
"You may go now" she said and we stood up.
"And I wouldn't recommend slamming my door again, Miss Dazzle. Is that clear?"


Tales From The Unicorn Empire

09.12.2015 um 17:44
Adagio's face was pure sugar.
"Hi, Miss Glimmer! What's the matter?" "You're about to find out" she said and up her horn.
I thought she was only going to drag Adagio with her, but unfortunately Ganda was forced to come along with them. "Hey! I didn't do anything!", I heard my sister yelling as this Ms. Glimmer, Dagio and Ganda went through the door of the cafeteria and around a corner.
Nervously I looked at the two remaining sisters. “Who was that?” “Wis was stahight hlimmer OUCH!”, Sonata screamed as Aria gave her an electric spark with her horn. “Aria, this hurts!” “Don't you have any manners at all?! It's rude to speak with a full mouth. Anyway”, she said as she turned her head to me, “Starlight Glimmer. Or Ms. Glimmer as we have to call her. She teaches magic…” “But I thought this purple mare how was her name again...Ms. Sparkle? I thought she is teaching magic?”. Aria had a mean look on her face and gave me on of those electric sparks. “Don't interrupt me again, got that?!” “I'm sorry”, I muttered while rubbing shoulder. “As I was going to say before I was interrupted: Starlight is teaching magic but only advanced magic. Her lessons are non-obligatory in contrast to Twilight Sparkles lessons. But in order to get into her class you must be able to cast at least one powerful spell.” “And those are?” “That really depends on the unicorn”, Sonata threw into the conversation. Totally forgot she was here but while eating tacos she was always quiet and happy. “Some unicorns were allowed to attend her class because they were able to cast an ordinarily spell with extreme power, others were able to cast rare spells like the teleportation spell.” “Do you three attend her classes?”, I asked the two. “HELLO-OH? Of course we do duh”, Sonata rejoiced. “So uhm which spell did you perform?” “Well not a spell in particular but rather our ability to perform a lot of different attacks with our chanting”, Aria responded and looked at me thoughtfully. “Hmmmm….” “What is it, Aria?” “Well I just thought that you should be able to perform those attack forms too, With your violin or with your singing.” “You're right Aria!”, Sonata said cheerfully. “I know”, her sister said lofty. “Hey Vio if you show Starlight what you are capable of I'm sure she will let you attend her classes too!” “You think so?” “Of course silly!”. I started to smile and a few minutes later we started looking for Adagio and Ganda. They've been gone for quiet a long time and I started to worry if something happened to my little sister.
We walked to the library when we saw the two. They were just going out of a room and looked both pretty pissed of as Ganda would say it.
“May I ask what happened this time, Sis?”, I asked her in a calm as possibly voice. She groaned and started to rant. “This stupid bitch gave us even more detention. How dare she?! I wish I could just smash my thickest book into her stupid face and….”. As she walked and continued to ramble some sparks were sent out by her horn.
And then it happen.
She teleported.
I couldn't believe what I just saw. When did she learn that?!?
I wanted to ask her why she didn't told me she was able to teleport but just as I took my breath in order to say something I was interrupted by a loud voice.
My sister turned around and paled. “Y-yes Ms.Glimmer?” “In my office. IMMEDIATELY!”
Starlight walked back to her office and my sister followed her insecurely.
“Wait Ganda!”, I called out for her. She looked back and looked at me quizzically. “Yes?” “I will accompany you”. She sighed and said: “That's very nice but I don't need your help, Vio. Just go back to our room okay?” “No not this time. Remembere what you said to our biology class earlier this day? That you will protect me? Well that counts for me to. You have done nothing wrong and I will defend you ago her!”
Without waiting for a reply I walked towards Starlight's office and Ganda hurried to keep up with me.
I opened the door without knocking on it first and saw a surprised look on Ms.Glimmers face. “You are?” “Violin String, My.Glimmer. And Propagandas Sister” “Well Miss String I only asked for your sister so if you please leave my room” “No I will stay. My sister has done nothing wrong and I won't accept any undeserved punishment she might get.”
Starlight looked at me with a strange look as if she was thinking about something. “Hmm maybe it is not to bad if you listen to what I have to say as well. You may have a seat. Both of you.”
With a confident smile I sat down next to Ganda and waited for Starlight to begin. But she was looking through some files until she finally spoke up.
“To calm you down, Miss String, this is not about punishing your sister. I am just curious about the spell she performed a few moments ago.”
“You mean the teleportation spell?”, Ganda asked.
“That is why I am curious, Miss Ganda. Because what you just performed was not a simple teleportation spell. It was a very special and rare one. To be exact it was the teleportation spell I discovered when I was about your age.”

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Tales From The Unicorn Empire

10.12.2015 um 22:27
I was totally aghast at this. Sure, I knew it was weird that I could perform a teleportation spell since my special talent wasn't magic, but now this obviously magic adept user called Starlight Glimmer just told me that it was special and rare.
"I uh... what do you mean with special?" I asked her.
"Well, do you feel exhausted right now?" Starlight asked me. Huh. I refer to her with her first name. I liked this teacher, even though she gave me more detention while I did nothing wrong.
"No, Ms. Glimmer" I answered.
"See? Normally only very skilled magic users with a lot of raw magical power can perform this spell. I can cast it too, of course, and it took me quite a while of practicing to get it just right. You will need to practice too. Or otherwise it could be very dangerous if you start to teleport around when you get startled or angry... When did you cast it the first time?"
"I was fighting with Adagio and when she wanted to attack me, I instinctively teleported away. I just thought about getting away from her..."
Starlight nodded silently.
"Ah, yes. You see, when I discovered the spell, I was afraid that I'd lose a very dear friend of mine forever, so I teleported without even realizing to cast it until the spell was finished. This teleportation spell is different because the ponies who cast it usually don't decide on their own to do so. Anyway... you will attend to my class for advanced magic" Starlight said matter-of-factly.
She scribbled down something on a piece of paper and teleported it away.
"Don't worry, it just says that you can't be expelled because of this particular spell. The headmistress will understand, trust me" she added because the mere mention of being expelled made me almost pissing myself. My mother would skin me alive!
And apparently Starlight noticed that.
"Okay then... It's just that I don't wanna get expelled. My mother would kill me!" I said and that caused Starlight to shake her head.
"Like I said, you don't need to worry, little one" she said with a warm voice.
"You may go now, Ms. Ganda. I have some things to prepare for your first class."


Tales From The Unicorn Empire

11.12.2015 um 23:04
As we walked back towards our room Ganda was quiet all the time.
And I was not used to this. Normally my sis was talking all the time and I got used to hear her voice all the time. By now it even calmed me down when I heard her ranting and philosophizing as a steady background noise.
This silence made me feel so incredibly insecure and tense that I just needed to hear her voice again.
“Ganda? Are…...are you alright?” She ignored me and kept walking silently. “Ganda?”, I asked again. Still no reaction.
That was quiet enough. I lit up my horn, gripped her with my magic and stood in front of her.
“Propaganda I am talking to you and I demand an answer!” Startled she looked at me and it seemed like she just snapped out of her thoughts. “Vio? What is it?” “Seriously?! You're asking ME what it is? You were quiet all the time since we left Ms.Glimmers office although you usually talk all the time and you are asking ME?” She had a puzzled look on her face until she started to break out in laughter. “Vio you look so insane right now y'know that?”
I niveled and gave her my sternest view possible. “No silly! I am worrying about you!”
She stopped to laugh forthwith and got a guilty expression on her face. “Sorry Violin, I just had to think about what Starlight told me. I still don't know how it is possible that I performed this spell two times by now and that I am still attending this school. After all I have done by the short time we are here I was sure I would get expelled.”
My expression went from stern to gracious and I smiled at her. “It's quiet alright. Just….tell me when you need time to think. I am used to your perpetual talking about everything.” “Okay”, she said-also with a smile on her face-and we continued to walk back to our room.
Just before Ganda was about to open the door I sighed.
She turned around to me. “Vio? Is something wrong?” I shaked my head. “No it's just that *sigh* all of you are allowed to attend Ms.Glimmers special lessons for advanced magic and I'll be sitting alone in Ms.Sparkles.”


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