Der Prozess Oscar Pistorius und der Tod von Reeva Steenkamp
15.08.2014 um 19:16Weiß jemand, was ist? Ich finde die Adresse / den Server nicht ( steht rechts unten in Tantchens Twitter -Nachricht).
= -------------------> Gesunder MenschenverstandKlaraFall schrieb:76% Murder with Intent (Dolus Directus)
16% Murder (Dolus Eventualis)
= -------------------> unter ferner liefenKlaraFall schrieb:5% Culpable Homicide
3% Acquittal
Ja! Auch von mir - und es wächst ständig die Überzeugung, dass OP wegen Mordes verurteiltMauberzaus schrieb:Dein Beitrag wurde wie immer sehr geschätzt und aufmerksam durchgelesen. ;-)
From the SA Netcare website……
Digital voice recording of all telephone lines ensures an accurate audit of events and allows for pro-active quality assurance and clinical governance.
…so where is the recording of Pistorius’ phone call?
In Uncle Arnie’s back pocket perhaps because it doesn't back up Pistorius' story?
Excellent work Jeremy - you've provided the CRUCIAL information that proves WHY Defence did not call Netcare- Nel left that to them and I think he KNEW that they wouldn't -which tells the Judge ,why didn't they ? Nel didn't have to call Netcare to the Stand, he let them damage their own case - a risk that paid off I think. The Judge will draw her own conclusions from this.,(and even Stander testified that OP had not asked him to call an ambulance)
Laurie A Claase @LaurieAClaase Aug 7
@sanscrit52 I like Nel's definition of premeditation - 'The deliberate weighing up of proposed criminal conduct.'
I don’t think I’ve ever heard a more concise, eloquent definition of premeditation than this one simple sentence. I love Gerrie Nel.