hier nochmal der offizielle Ablauf laut Kate, Gerry und Jane laut einem BBC Interview vom
19.11.2007 : (Archiv-Version vom 07.11.2013)"KATE: And then it was just us, you know, and it wasn't late, you know, it was half eight we were there.
GERRY: One couple we played tennis with and we chatted to them, and then some of the friends started arriving and they left shortly after that. And I think at that point we might have been the only table. "
soweit so gut. Halb Neun wird nochmals als Ankunft an der Bar genannt.
Bilton ist einer der BBC Reporter.
"BILTON: Gerry McCann says he went at just after 9 to check on his children. He says that their bedroom door was more open than usual so he goes in. Gerry McCann has told Panorama he remembers looking down at Madeleine. He spent a moment thinking how beautiful she looked and how lucky he was. He says this was the last time he saw his daughter. He closes the bedroom door and leaves through these unlocked patio doors. A stair gate since removed is shut, this gate is on the latch not locked. Returning to the tapas bar he meets Jeremy Wilkins who he'd played tennis with that afternoon. He crosses the road to talk to him.
Speaking in August
I bumped into one guy I played tennis with in the street when I'd gone in to check, and that was the first time I think of any of the nights that I'd been going up and down that I saw anyone else really - five, six nights, and it was incredibly quiet.
BILTON: They spoke for a few minutes. At this time around 9.15 Jane Tanner thinks about checking on her children.
Ob der gute Gerry nun wirklich in dem Moment dachte, wie glücklich er ist sei dahin gestellt. Zumindest schildert es Gerry der Panorama Sendung ist. Hier sagt er definitiv er geht durch die Verandatür. Es gab auch Äusserungen mit Inhalt er ging durch die Haustür. An welcher Stelle vom Appartment im Hinblick auf das Verlassen durch die Verandatür mit der Treppe nach unten stösst er nun auf Jerry , wenn er wieder zur Bar möchte? Die Verandatreppe führt doch auch zum kleinen Parkplatz mit dem Mäuerchen vor dem Kinderzimmer, richtig ?
Wie führt der direkte Weg von dort wieder zu Tapas Bar ?
Friend of the McCanns
I think the starters were about to arrive so I thought oh, I'll go and do a check in sort of 20 minutes or so before last check. So I thought I'll go and do a check before the food arrives. So I just walked out of the restaurant, up the hill, I passed Gerry who was talking to one of his tennis friends at the time. And then after I'd past Gerry, at the top of the road I just saw somebody walking across the top of the road I just saw somebody walking across the top of the road so I was a reasonable distance away from them, and that person was carrying a child.
BILTON: You say "a person." Male or female?
JANE: Oh a male, a male.
Jane Tanner bestätigt die Rundgänge alle ca. 20 Minuten. Bedeutet einige Happen futtern , etwas trinken und dann wieder los ?
Kate beschreibt es als ein funktionierendes System, was aber die Tage zuvor so NICHT verwendet wurde.
"KATE: We all knew what we had to do, what we would do and.. you know, it worked as a system we had going and it just seemed totally right somehow. "
"JANE: He was about probably 5'8 tall, he was taller than me but not 6' and so between those two. He was wearing quite a lot of clothes and that's one thing in hindsight again I think was quite odd because tourists when they're abroad, Brits abroad would always have cropped trousers or shorts or something, and he had a sort of a big heavy jacket and trousers on, and hair.. the one thing that I remember a lot is the hair. He did seem to have quite a lot of dark, reasonably-long-to-the-neck hair.
BILTON: Describe exactly what he's carrying, what you can see.
JANE: Well I could see.. I could tell it was a child, and I could see the feet and... feet and the bottom of the pyjamas, and I just thought that child's not got any shoes on because you could see the feet, and it was quite a cold night in Portugal in May it's not actually that warm, and I'd got a big jumper on, and I can remember thinking oh that parent is not a particularly good parent, they've not wrapped them up.
BILTON: And could you tell if it was a boy or a girl?
JANE: Only because the pyjamas had a pinky aspect to them so you presume a girl. It was actually quite cold. "
Jane sieht die nackten Füßchen, einen rosa Pyjama..sie beschreibt es tatsächlich sehr detailliert.
BILTON: And I have to ask you this. Are you absolutely sure of what you saw? It was a long time ago and it was only for a brief period?
JANE: Brief period but at the time I knew what I'd seen. I gave that information to the police and because of the pyjamas I'm absolutely convinced that is what I saw.
Anmerkung von mir:
Wenn ich SY wäre und jemand meldet sich nun auf die Beschreibung, dann hätte ich durchaus dieser Person eine Dummy Puppe gegeben um zu sehen WIE ER DIESE PUPPE TRÄGT !!!!
Ausserdem hätte ich die Beschreibung der Art und Weise wie das Kind getragen wurde nicht genannt.
"BILTON: According to the McCann timeline, at about 9.30 Matt Oldfield is the next to check on the children. Remember Gerry McCann says he had closed the bedroom door, but Matt Oldfield says he finds it open. He doesn't go in the room, he sees the twins but can't see Madeleine's bed. Because there's no noise he assumes everything is okay. At about 10 it's Kate McCann's turn to check on the children. The bedroom door is still open. As she closes it she feels a draft and knows something is wrong. A shutter on the side of the apartment they couldn't see from the tapas bar is open. Madeleine is missing. Kate McCann says she searches the flat three times before raising the alarm. Jane Tanner says that by this time she is already back in her apartment. "
Tja und unser Matt ? War er wirklich in dem Appartment und machte einen Check ? In welche Richtung geht die Zimmertür auf ? Wenn der Türknauf auf der linken Seite ist, hätte er durchaus Maddie sehen müssen, wenn der Türknauf rechts ist , dann nicht. Und wenn die Aussage stimmt, die Tür war offen, dann bin ich wieder bei dem kurzen Zeitfenster zwischen 21.15 und 21.30. Gerry hielt ja gegen 21.15 noch sein Schwätzchen , wo auch immer, mit Jerry.
Kate findet die offene Tür und möchte diese schliessen , da spürt sie einen starken Luftzug. Warum möchte sie die Kinderzimmertür schliessen ohne vorher reinzuschauen ? Interpretiere ich hier etwas falsch ??
"JANE: I went out to the front door of our apartment and then I saw Rachael came and said: "Oh Madeleine's gone!" So that was the first that I heard about it. And then I saw Kate and Fiona running around shouting 'Madeleine' and Kate said to me: "Jane, Madeleine's gone! Madeleine's gone!" and that was the first that I heard. "
Hier werden die berühmten Sätze "They've taken her" nicht genannt.
Der Anruf bei der Polizei regt auch zum Nachdenken an:
"BILTON: The McCanns say they asked Matt Oldfield to call the police at 10.15 from the Ocean Club front desk. When the police don't appear, they say someone from the group goes back to the front desk to see what's happening. The police say the first call they received was about 10.40. In the chaos it's clear there is some confusion about the exactly times. Remember Portugal and Britain are on the same time. "
Matt sollte um 22.15 die Polizei anrufen. Hier müssen wir nochmal einen Blick auf die selbst erstellte Timeline stellen. Der erste Anruf ging erst um 22.40 ein. Hier fehlt eine halbe Stunde.
Zu den Spuren, laut Gerry war niemand im Zimmer der Kinder:
Speaking in August
There had been quite a few people in the apartment but not into the bedroom, that was limited to myself, Kate, I think two of our friends, the two GNR officers and I think a translator. I was certainly saying to people: "Stay out of the room." There was no sealing off of the room and should we? "
Anmerkung: es wurden nur Spuren von Kate am Fenster gefunden.
The twins were still sleeping in their cots. So... you'd be trying to leave it as undisturbed as possible, and they slept very soundly until we moved them out of the cots into their own apartment which does make me wonder about whether there was any substances used to keep them asleep.
Die Zwillinge hatten einen sehr tiefen Schlaf , bei Lärm, Geschrei, viel Licht und kühler Luft durch das Fenster vorher.
BILTON: The police didn't follow this up with tests. Meanwhile late on May 3rd the McCanns begin calling home.
Kate McCann's mother
I think it would be about half eleven - and I'm guessing now, I might be wrong - there was a phone call and it was Gerry on the phone, and he said it's a disaster. It's a disaster. And he was quite hysterical.
Die Mutter ist sich dann auch nicht mehr wirklich sicher, wann der ersten Anruf aus Portugal kam. Anmerkung von mir, persönliche Meinung:
In dem ersten Durcheinander und dem großen Schreck etc würde ich nicht daran denken in dem Moment die Mutter von Kate anzurufen. Gerry wurde ja sehr hysterisch und wir erinnern uns an die Aussagen aus dem anderen Thread , wie er sich auf den Boden warf und sich arg verrenkte. Es wirkte wohl für einige sehr theatralisch. Das ist aber nur eine Interpretation. Zumindest hätte ich nicht in dem kurzen Zeitraum nach Entdeckung mit der Mutter telefoniert, sondern gesucht .
Dazu die Schwester von Gerry, mit der er auch sofort telefonierte:
Gerry McCann's sister
He's absolutely uncontrollable. He's howling and screaming down the phone: "They've taken her, she's gone."
Maddeleine wird nicht beim Namen genannt. Über das Verhalten von Kate zu dem Zeitpunkt konnte ich nicht viel finden. Sie wollte mit dem Pfarrer aus England sprechen.
BILTON: What was Kate like, what sort of state was she in?
SUSAN: She was distressed, obviously. She just asked me if I had the telephone number of Father Paul Seddon. Paul Seddon is a friend of theirs who is a Catholic priest who actually married Gerry and Kate and baptised Madeleine, and for some reason at that stage Kate needed to make contact with Paul. She needed I suppose the strength that comes from having faith.
Da ich nicht gläubig, steht mir hier auch eine Beurteilung nicht zu, ob der Kontakt zu dem Pfarrer in Moment üblich ist. Würde mich aber über stark Gläubige hier über ein Statement freuen.
Über folgende Geschichte sollten wir später auch noch diskutieren ;-)
BILTON: That question seemed extreme at the time, but there was more and more focus on Kate and Gerry McCann. But one film crew was welcome. The resulting footage wasn't offered to Panorama but the McCanns agreed to release it to us when word of its existence leaked out.
How do you know the McCanns?
JON CORNER Independent Film Producer I know them through my wife, Michelle, who was Kate's longest friend. I mean they met each other back in primary school and stayed lifelong mates.
Es wurde tatsächlich nach dem Umzug aus dem Appartment in eine VILLA ausserhalb von LUC eine Homestory gedreht....