Tussinelda schrieb:die Zeugin sprach davon, dass ab kurz vor 2am Streit zu hören war ungefähr 1 Std lang, bis geschossen wurde......ich gehe davon aus, dass die security, die ja stündlich Runde machen, dann davon etwas gehört haben müssten ;)
Eigentlich schon, aber ich denke nicht, dass sich ein Streit über 1 Stunde ohne gelegentliche Unterbrechungen hinzieht.
Auch wissen wir nicht, ob der Wachmann tatsächlich die Wahrheit sagt.
Dieser Aussage gegenüber muss man skeptisch bleiben, denn nicht nur eine Zeugenaussage spricht dagegen.
Die Timeline bleibt immer noch ein ungeklärtes Thema.
Ich bin hier noch einmal über eine aktuellere Version gestolpert.
Falls jemand etwas falsches entdeckt und das korrigieren kann, kann das insgesamt für einen besseren Überblick hilfreich sein.
An manche Sachen muss man sich eben langsdsam herantasten. ( Mit "Werwe" meint er van der Merwe ;.-) )
Timeline from phone calls - please add additional information if it is known:
2:00 a.m. - Werwe heard what sounded like a woman's voice on one side of an argument
2:20 a.m. - Security check at Oscar's house; everything was normal
3:00 - 3:15 a.m. -Shtipp was woken up by 3 "shots" and got up and went to balcony to see where it was coming from
3:00 - 3:17 a.m. - Stipp reports he heard a woman "screaming or yelling" 2 or 3 times
3:15 a.m. - Burger and Johnson awoke to the sounds of loud screams they identified as coming from a female
3:15- 3:16 a.m. - Burger and Johnson report they heard yelling "help, help, help"
3:17 a.m. - Stipp heard "2 or 3" additional "shots"
3:17 a.m. Burger and Johnson heard "3 or 4" sounds they believe to be gunshots
After 3:17 a.m. - Werwe heard "loud crying" that she initially thought was a woman, but her husband identified the voice as Oscar Pistorius
3:20 a.m. - Oscar calls Netcare and reports that they advised him to take Reeva to the hospital and not wait for the ambulance
3:21 a.m. - Oscar calls security - only crying is heard
3:27 a.m. - Stipp calls security for the second time and then hears Oscar screaming "help, help, help" (?? - IMO it's unclear if this was an intentional call and whether Stipp actually heard Oscar screaming after his 3:17 call to security -otherwise, this seems like an impossibility)
3:28 a.m. Both Stander and Stipp are at Oscar's house; Stander calls ambulance from Stipp's phone
Unknowns - please fill in the info if you know:
1. What time was the call to security when Oscar said "Security, everything is fine"
2. Did Werwe report hearing gunshots or "help, help, help" and if so did she give a time?